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GAO Reports by subject "Evaluation"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date June 27, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-132 Title

DOD Tempest Protection: Better Evaluations Needed To Determine Required Countermeasures

.GAO June 1986 ~- __ _ ___ ___--______ United S@$p!scqeral -- Accounting ------_ .-- Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture, Conumittee on Government Operations House of Representatives DOD TEMPEST PROTECTION Better Evaluations Neededto Determine Required Countermeasures GAOJ/NSIAD-86-132 s35yr7 . -r , --_ - ---------- c 1”. * GAO United States G...
Date June 15, 1984 Report No. PART-84-1 Title

Performance Evaluation: Energy Information Administration

Report To The President And The Congress Performance Evaluation Of The Energy Information Administration Department of Energy PART-84-1 JUNE 15, 1984 PROFBSSIONAL AUDIT REVIEW TEACI'S REPORT To THE PRMIDENT MD TBE CONGRBSS PERFORUANCB EVALUATION OF TEE BNERGY IUFORUATION ADMINISTRATION DEPARTNBNT OF BIIYERL;Y The Energy Information Administration (EIA) is the focal point for developing and maintai...
Date Jan. 1, 1980 Report No. PAD-81-03 Title

Government Operations: A Technical Guide To Assessing and Preparing Economic Impact Analysis of Regulatory Legislation

A Technical Guide to Assessing and Preparing Economic Impact Analysis Regulatory Legislation of U.S. GENERAL PAD-81-03 1980 ACCOUNTING OFFICE FOREWORD This document is intended to assist in implementing Senate Rule 27.6, which,'requires that each,Senate committee include a regulatory impact evaluationwith each public bill Specifically, or joint resolution reported by the committee. the rule requir...
Date Nov. 28, 1979 Report No. EMD-80-29 Title

Financial Management: Evaluation of the Department of Energy's Office of Inspector General

B-160759 November 28, 1979 The Honorable Lawton Chiles on Federal Chairman, Subcommittee Spending Practices and Open Government Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: Evaluation of the Department of I L nergy's Office of Inspector General (EMDT80-29)~ 7 On October 9, 1979, you requested that we review the process and procedures in the Department of Energy's Inspe...
Date Oct. 15, 1979 Report No. 094329 Title

Special Publications: Evaluation and the Research Process

Date Oct. 9, 1979 Report No. 110530 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Issues and Needed Improvements in State Regulation of the Insurance Business

Date Sept. 17, 1979 Report No. FGMSD-79-62 Title

Financial Management: Accounting System Design for the Department of Interior

COMFTROLLER GENERAL W~~HINGTW. OF THE UNITED STATES D.C. toBIB B-159613 RELEASED The Honorable Cecil D. Andrus The Secretary of the Interior Dear Mr. Secretary: I' It is my pleasure to approve the Laccounting system design for the ,& #fMrti + '? / /!&,'or-/ Office of the Secretary, including a revised accounting principles and standards statement, as requested in a letter of SeptemSer 4, 1979, fro...
Date May 8, 1979 Report No. 109354 Title

Employment: Merit Systems Protection Board and Office of Special Counsel

Date April 16, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-67 Title

Government Operations: Major Deficiencies Disclosed in Testing of the Army's XM-1 Tank Warrant Slower Production

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 PROCURLUENT ACOUlSlTlON AND SYSTEMS DIVISION B-163058 APRIL 16, 1979 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Room 3A336 ASD (Comptroller) Reports Dear Mr. Secretary: We have been reviewing the status of the Army's XM-1 tank. Although our review is not yet complete, we have several concerns we ...
Date Jan. 1, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-17 Title

Government Operations: Guidelines for Model Evaluation

COUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 JANUARY 1979 LZ XICIN3ddY P sz PZ EZ zz oz ZK IT 6 S P P NOI;LVn?h7A3 uoyqenTea3 TapoH sdals 6ur~aeow au 'IBaOW aNFI SS33011d 3NI?3aOW 3HtL abed StLN3LN03 T Z *pasn aq PTnoqs Tapour aq2 MOM (z) pue ilasn 'ieq~ iiq sloqenTeAa ayq 03 paqylssap asodlnd aqq 103 TapoN ayq asn PTnoYs lasn Tr?r2uaAod ayq suo~~~puo~ rieq~ lapun PUP ljou 10 6~0~2~) 30 JuaussassP Juapu...
Date Aug. 28, 1978 Report No. LCD-77-443 Title

National Defense: An Evaluation of the U.S. Air Force's Capability To Support Its Most Demanding Pacific Theater Contingency

D3CUMlEIT BESUME 07080 - [82691762] (Secret) An Evaluation of the U.S. air Force's Capability To Support Its Most Demanding Pacific Theater Contingency. LCD-77-443; B-146858. August 28, 1978. Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Fred J. Shafer, Directcr, Lcgistics and Comsunications Div. lnclassiwied Digest Not Available. Issue Area: Military Preparedness Plans: military Forces Readiness...
Date July 31, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-42 Title

IRS Seizure of Taxpayer Property: Effective, but Not Uniformly Applied

DOCUMENT RESCUE 06829 - (B21471861 (Restricted) IRS Seizure of Taxpayer Property: Effective, but Not Uniformly Applied. GGD-78-42; B-137762. July 31, 1978. 84 pp. + 3 appendices (12 pp.). Report to Sen. Russell B. Long, Chairman, Joint Committee on Taxation; Rep. Al Ullman, vice Chairsat; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Tax Administration (2700); Tax Policy (1500). Contact: Ge...
Date July 25, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-131 Title

Government Operations: Operational Testing of Foreign Built Weapons Systems

DOCUM -N 06650 B2087C99] Testing of Foreign RESt;E f[Uerationtl uilt eapcns Systems]. (1 pp.). PSAfD-78-13; aB-163058. July 25, 1978. 2 pp. + enclosure feport to Secretary, Department of Stolarow, Director, Procurement and Issue Area: efeise; by JercIE H. ystems Acquisition tiv. and Services: ederal Procurement of Gccds Definition of Performance Requirements in Relaticn tc Need of the Procuring Ag...
Date July 5, 1978 Report No. FPCD-78-53 Title

Government Operations: The Affirmative Action Programs in Three Bureaus of the Department of Justice Should Be Improved

DOCUMENT RESUME 06553 B18869111 ureaus f the EPCD-78-5.3; -178929. F. + 5 appendices (23 The Aftirmative Action Programs in hree Department of Justice Should de Imfcved. July 5, 1978. Released July 12, 1978. 40 PP.) . Report to Rep. Don Edwards, Chairman, House Committee on the Judiciary: Civil and Constitutionai ights Subcmmittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Personnel Man...
Date June 6, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-119 Title

Government Operations: Close Air Support Test Objectives Should Be Reexamined

DOCUMENT RESUME 06358 - [B1586618] rclose Air Support Test Objectives Should Ee Reexamined]. PSAD-78-119; B-163058. Jne 6, 1978. 3 pp. Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Richard . Gutmann, Director, Prccurement and Systems Acquisition Div. Issue Area: Federal ProcureLent of Goods and Services: Definition of Performance Requirements in Relaticn tc Need of the Procuring Aqency (1902). Co...
Date May 15, 1978 Report No. 106195 Title

Social Services: Social Research and Experimentation

DOCUMENT RESUdE 06195 - [B13E6411] Social Raesearch and Experimentation. ay 15, 197e. 8 pp. Testimony before the Hcuse Ccomittee on Science and Technologry: Domestic and Internaticnal Sientific Planning, Analysis and Cooperation Subcommittee; by Henry Eschlege, Director, Community and Economic Development Div. Contact: Community and Economic Development Div. Organization Concarned: Departnt of Hou...
Date April 27, 1978 Report No. EMD-78-29 Title

Nuclear Powerplant Licensing: Need for Additional Improvements

DCCUMENT RESUME 05656 - [B1246204] Nuclear Powerplant Licensing: Need for Additional Improvements. EnD-78-29; B-127945. April 27, 197d. 43 pp. + 3 appendices (33 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptrcller General. Issue Area: Energy: Making Nuclear Fission a Sukstantial Energy Source (1608). Contact: Energy and Minerals Div. Budget Function: Natural Resources, Environment, and E...
Date April 13, 1978 Report No. 105643 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Federal Statistical Activity Control Act, H.R. 11253

DCCUMENT BESUOE 05643 B1086035 ] Federal Statistical Activity Control Act, H.R. 1978. 12 pp. + enclosure (8 pp.). 1253. -April 13, Testimony before the House Committee n Post Office and Civil Service: Census and Population Subcommittee; by Victcr L. Lowe, Director, General Government Div. Contact: General Government Div. Congressional Relevance: House Committee on Post 3ffice and Civil Service: Ce...
Date April 7, 1978 Report No. EMD-78-56 Title

Energy: Use of Job Shoppers at Fast Flux Test Facility

DVCUSXNT BISUNU 05912- [11025979) ] e.eS Cb :6; Dit'sctor, Energy OUse of Job Shoppers at Fast Flux Test racilitl)]. ID-T7. B-164105. April 7, 1e88. Released Apzil 10, 1978. 4 pp. Beport to Rep. Bike McCoraack; by Enerqy and qinerals Div. oante Camfield, Jr., Issue Area: "nergy: Making Muclear Fission a Suba:statia.l source (1608). Contact: Energy and minerals Div. Budqet Function: Natural Rosourc...
Date March 29, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-77 Title

Navy Operational Test and Evaluation: A Valuable Tool Not Fully Utilized (Unclassified Digest of a Classified Report)

DOCUUIIT 05l14 - [ 000554#1J MlSUNU fully mavy Opalatioal Test sad Ivaluatioti a Valuable Tool Not of a Cliasified Ieport), Utiltzed (Unoulasitli4 Digest PvSAU-i-77. Rarch 29, 1978. ainserl. epsILt to the Congressi by Ilmr B. tlastm, comptroller (t900)l Issue Area: federal Procureen*t of Goods and ServitCe aa4 Setviceesl ngitneerilg Federal Procuremeat of Goods Development Before producing (1903)....
Date March 27, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-26 Title

Government Operations: Status of the High-Speed Antiradiation Missile System

DOCUMENT RESUME 07568 - [B2647691] (Secret) Status of the High-Speed AntiraO tion Missile System. PSAD-78-26; B-163058. March 27 1978. Report to the Congress; by Elmor B. Staats, Cosptroller General. Unclassified Digest Not Available, Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Engineering Development before Producing (1903); Science and Tecbnolcgy (2000). Contact: Procurement and Syste...
Date March 23, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-32 Title

Government Operations: Status of the EF-111A Tactical Jamming System

DOCOIENT REBBSU 07067 - [B2647690] (Secret) Status of the BF-111A Tactical Jamming System. PSAD-78-32; B-163058. March 23, 1978. Unclassified Digest Not Available. Report to the Congress; by Bluer B. Staats, Ccmptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procuresent of GoOds and Services: Notifying the Congress of Status of Important Procurement Programs i1905); Science and Technology (2000). Contact: P...
Date March 16, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-302 Title

International Affairs: Status of U.S. Efforts To Settle Claims for Property Returned to the Federal Republic of Germany

DOCUOENT RESUME 07152 - ([2647679] (Confideayitial) Status of U.S. Efforts To : ..le Claims for Property Returned to the Federal Republic of Germany. LCD-78-302; B-156489. March 16, 1978. Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; Secretary, Department of State; by Fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics and Ccmounications Div. Unclassified Digest Not Available. Issue Area: Facilities and Material Ma...
Date March 15, 1978 Report No. CED-78-64 Title

Housing: Review of the Small Business Administration's Management Assistance Program

DOCUIRET RESQOB 05337 8'0765684] Review of the Sall Business Administration's anagemtnt Assistance Program. CD-78-64; B-114835. larch 15, 1978. 6 pp. + 2 enclosures (2 pp.). Report to A. Vernon weaver, dministrator, Smanell Business Administration; by Henry !achwege Director, Cosmunity and Economic Development Div. Issue rea: Domestic Housing and Community Develcpaent Programs: Focus and Grants to...
Date March 15, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-28 Title

Government Operations: Status of the FFG-7 Guided Missile Frigate Shipbuilding Program

DOCUBIFT B. SU 07062 - [ B2647686 (Secret) Status of the FpG-7 Guided misih Frigate Shipbuilding P-roras. PSAD-78-28; B-16305d. larch 15, $98. aReport to the Congress; by BIl.* B, Staats, Cc¢ptrolltr General. Unclassifisd Digest lot Available. Issue Are.: Federal Prcureaent of Goods and Services (1900); Federal Procurement of Goods and services: Notifying the Contact: Pzccurement and Systems Acqu...
Date March 7, 1978 Report No. EMD-78-44 Title

Energy: Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Role in Federal Efforts To Select Nuclear Fission Technologies for Future Development

DOCWBINt R1Z1S 05070 - ([0735651J [ iulear Regulatory Colmslsiones sole in Fede:a.L Xfforts To Select luclear FAision Tchnologies for ruturfo ovelopmat. BRD-78-44; B-641105. Oarch 7. 1978. 7 pp. Report to Sen. ,'oy d sentsen, Vice ChairEaL, J'oint economic Committee; by .1%erS. Staatd, ComptroUler Gmaral. Contact: Energy aant Minerals Div. Commission. IsLse Area: tAe:q§F (1600). Budget punction: ...
Date Feb. 28, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-215 Title

Information Management: DOD's Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System

lllllllllllllllllRslullllllllllllllll LMl05227 The Honorable Manuel Lu janr House of Representatives Dear Kr . Lujan: Jr. i In your December 5, 1977, letter, you asked us to look into the procedures for rating household goods carriers under the Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System (CERS). You were concerned that high performing carriers were bainsr * lassiffe...
Date Feb. 21, 1978 Report No. ID-78-13 Title

International Affairs: Impact on Trade of Changes in Taxation of U.S. Citizens Employed Overseas

DOCUEENT BESUME 05135 - [B05454691 Impact on Trade of Changes in Taxaticn of U.S. Citizens Employed Overseas. ID-78-13; B-137762. February 21, 1978. 98 pp. + 5 appehdices (22 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: International Economic and Military Programs: U.S. Balance of Trade (602); Tax Admini.stration (1503);Tax Policy: Tax Provisions Impact on Eco...
Date Feb. 3, 1978 Report No. 105110 Title

Health: Survey of NIMH's Mental Health Research Activities

0o'10 - [ B05254331 (Survey of IIEHe3 Rental Health tesearch 3, 1978. 8 pp. Activities]. Febcrry iAdsinstrtor, Alcohol. Drng Abuse, Report to Gerald L. Klerma&, Health Aduinistration: Ntional Inst. of enteal and RenUal umans ar*o0ly, associ:ts atimctor, Health; by Stephen J. Resources Daiv Contact: Human 3esources Div. Organization 'oncerned: Department of nealth, education, and Me Ifa r.. A surve...
Date Jan. 4, 1978 Report No. FGMSD-78-7 Title

The Securities and Exchange Commission's Regulation of Public Utility Holding Companies: An Evaluation of Commission Comments on a Critical Report

DOCUMENT RESUHE 04533 - [0064952] The Securities and Exchange Ccamission's Regulation of Public Utility Holding Companies: n Evaluation of Commission Comments on a Critical Report. GHSD-78-7; B-124898. January 4, 1978. 3 pp. + 2 appendices (43 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer . Staats, Couptroller General. Contact: Financial and General Management Studies Div. Budget Function: General Govern...
Date Dec. 22, 1977 Report No. EMD-78-2 Title

Energy: Evaluation of the Plan to Conserve Energy in Federal Buildings through Retrofit Programs

DOCUOIET RESURE 04548 - ([3614864] Evaluation of the Plan to Conserve Energy in through Retrofit Progrsas. EED-78-2; B-178205.Federal Bnildings December 22, 1977. 14 pp. Roport to Secretary, Department of Baergy; by Monte Canfield, Jr., Director ZEnsrgy and Ninerale Div. Issue Ara:. Energy: Effect of Federal Efforts on Conservation (1607); Facilities and Saterial Energy Management: operation and M...
Date Nov. 11, 1977 Report No. LCD-78-205 Title

National Defense: Operational Testing of the Army's Amphibian Vehicle Known as the LACV-30

DOCL0UMET RESUhE 03994 B3194420) OCperatioral Tsting of the Army's Ahibian Vehicle Known as the LACV-301. LCD-78-205; B-15§407. November 11, 1977. 5 pp. i*-port to Secretary, Department of the Army; by Rcbert G. ,otnwell (ioL Fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics and communications iv.). Issu Area: Facilities Iransportation and Material aragement: Federal ot Things (704); Military Preparedness Plan...
Date Nov. 7, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-438 Title

Government Operations: Improving Logistical Support at Kwajalein Missile Range

DCCUMENT 03997 [b31343791 EUME SUE (Restricted) Improvinq Loqistical Support at Kwajalein Miseile Range. LCD-7.'-.38; B-152538. November 7, 1977. 43 pp. + appendices (2 pp.) Report to 5se., William Proxmire; by icbert F. Keller, Acting Ccmptroller Gen ral. Issu;; Area: Facilities and Material Management -700). Contact: Logistics and Communications Liv. Budget Function: National Defense: Department...
Date Aug. 3, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-125 Title

Income Security: Claims of Excessive Welfare Payments in Wisconsin

DOCUEINT RESUM 03367 - rA21732831 Restricted) rClaims of Excessive Welfare Payments in Wisconsin]. HPD-77-125; B-164031(3). August 3, 1977. 6 p. + 6 enclosures (7 pp.). Report to Rep. Robert Comptroller General. . asten, Jr.; by Elmer B. Staats, Issue Area: Income Security Programs: Eligibility Determination (1301). Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Income Security: Public Assistance ...
Date June 28, 1977 Report No. EMD-77-51 Title

Outer Continental Shelf Sale 40: Inadequate Data Used to Select and Evaluate Lands to Lease

DOCUMENT 02779 A1993056] RESUME Outer Continental Shelf Sale 40: Inadequate Data Used to Select and Evaluate Lands to Lease. EMD-77-51; B-118678. June 28. 1977, 42 pp. + 7 appendices (11 pp.). Report to te Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller eneral. Issue Area: Energy: Role of Fossil Fuels in Meeting Future Needs (1609); Energy: Executive Branch Organization and Processes for Dealing with En...
Date June 24, 1977 Report No. ID-77-36 Title

International Affairs: U.S. Participation in International Organizations

DkiCUMENT RESUME 02528 A1872906] U.S. Participation in International Organizaticns. ID-77-36; appendices (12 pp.). B-168767. June 24, 1977. 25 pp. Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: International Economic and Military Programs (610); International Economic and Military Programs: U.S. Participation in ctivities of International Organization, (609). Contact:...
Date June 20, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-115 Title

Information Management: The Department of Agriculture's Allegation Concerning the General Services Administration's Mandatory Requirements Contract for ITEL Disk Drives

The Honorable Jack Brooks, Chairman --L -Comml ft-giy,an--Governmen t Op15td t iOi?S Souse of Rcpcesentatives Dear your Mr. - --- - ----- _ Cha icman: is our to an infcrmal request from in resolvin! a dispute among the Department of the General Services Administration (GSA) and the ITEL Data Products Cocpocation. The disDute concerned an allegation by the Department that disk drives (Model 7338) a...
Date May 16, 1977 Report No. ID-77-12 Title

International Affairs: Need for U.S. Objectives in the International Labor Organization

DOCUMENT 02248 A1452436] ESUME Need for U.S. Objectires in the International Labor Organization. ID-77-12; B-168767. ay 16, 1977. 54 pp. Repo.t to Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, Chairman, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: International Economic and Military Programs: U.S. Participation in Activities of International Organizations (609). Contact:...
Date May 16, 1977 Report No. ID-77-13 Title

International Affairs: The United States Should Play a Greater Role in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

DOCUMENT RESUME 02132 A14524431 The United States Should Play a Greater Role in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. ID-77-13; B-159652. Mav 16, 1977. 66 pp. Report to Sen. Abraham ibicoff, Chairman, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: International conomic and Military Programs: U.S. Participation in Activities of ...
Date May 11, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-57 Title

Government Operations: Updated Review of the Quality of Mail Service in Louisiana

cp OLNCNAL OOVCRNYCNT OIVUION MAY 11 m 0 -__ I D-114874 _ -. .-- .- _.-..-. -.--. - --_ --_- I(. _-.__.__ -. - The Ronorable United States Dear J. Benmtt. Senate Johnston: Johnston . Senator requested an update of Your P;ebruary 4, 1977, letter of mail service our Octobet 29, 1976, report on the quality in Louisiaha. In that report we pointed out a number of actiorik the Postal Service had taken c...
Date April 11, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-91 Title

Government Operations: Pricing of Noncompetitive Contracts Subject to the Truth-in-Negotiations Act

nOCSNBUT BESs! 0t142 - [At521. 3 ' 97. o the oncnopetitwe Contracts Subje¢t Pricing i Trunt .-- n-3giotiations Act PD-77-91; B-39995. r.1 l ., if, fit. Re:ort to the C,ress; General. .3Xsue tlr:ea' by Rotsrt Z. eller, Actia Comptroller aUeral Procursment o Goods and Services: Reasonableness of rices Under eqotiated Contracts and u· tucontracts (19041). and Systems cquisition Div. Con-act: .rocur...
Date April 7, 1977 Report No. GGD-76-104 Title

Government Operations: Better Evaluations Needed to Weed Out Useless Federal Advisory Committees

DOCUMENT RESUME 00437 - (A1051972] Better Evaluations Needed to eed Out Useless Federal Advisory Committees. GGD-76-104; B-127685. April 7, 1977. 38 pp. + appendices (37 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Contact: General Government Div. Budget Function: General Government: Other General Government (8606). Orga.nization Concerned: Office of Management and Budget...
Date March 28, 1977 Report No. 100226 Title

Government Operations: Sunset Act of 1977, S. 2

DOCUMENT RESUME 00226 - [A10518441 Sunset act of 1977, S. 2. March 26, 1977. 12 pp1 Testimcny before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs: Intergovernmental Relations Subcoamittee; by Elrer B. Staa t s, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Program Evaluation Systemss: New Techniques and Standaris (2602); Program Evaluation Systems: Infcrmaticn for Corgress and the Public (2603). contact: o0i4i...
Date March 25, 1977 Report No. 089033 Title

National Defense: Review of Coast Guard's Military Pay and Allowance System

UNITED STATES GFNERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 IN REPLY REFER TO8 COMMUNITY DRlELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC DIVISION & 1-b MAR 2 5 1977 Admiral Owen W Slier Commandant U S Coast Guard Department of Transportation Dear Admiral Slier ': G We have completed our examination at Coast Guard Headquarters, pay records for January 1 through June 30, Washington, D C , of military Our examlnatlon did...
Date March 24, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-66 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Federal Agencies' Contracting for Research and Development in the Private, Profitmaking Sector

LOCU0NET RESUME 01734 - [A10517953 Federal Agencies' Contracting for Research' and Development in the Private, Profitmaking Sector. PSAD-77-66; B-164912. March 24, 1977. Released April 8, 1977. 1 pp. + appendices (18 pp.). Report to Sen. Charles H. Percy, Ranking Minority Renter, Committee on Governmental Affairs; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Senate Issue Area: Science and Technology: ...
Date Dec. 9, 1976 Report No. 089084 Title

Veterans Affairs: Evaluation of Fire Protection at the Minneapolis Veterans Administration Hospital

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL FEDERAL 230 OFFICE 16TH BUlLDiNG SOUTH FLOOR STREET WEST DEARBORN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60604 t+ DEC 1976 Mr. Daniel Cooney, Hospltal Dlrector Veterans Adrmnlstratlon Hospital I 54th Street and 48th Avenue South tinneapolis, Minnesota 55417 Dear Mr. Cooney ' The General Accountzng Office recently evaluated the operation of the tinneapolls Veterans Adrmn...
Date Nov. 17, 1976 Report No. FPCD-76-93 Title

Government Operations: Need for Improved Headquarters Personnel Accounting, Navy Pacific Fleet

Need For Improved Headquarters Personnel AccountingNavy Pacific Fleet Department of the Navy Psring the last 4 years, the Department of Defense has been under a congress’?nai mandate to develop a system that accurately accounts for personnel performing management headquarten functions. GAO recently surveyed the implementation of Defense policy for accounting for management headquarters in certai...
Date Nov. 10, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-443 Title

National Defense: Management Action Needed in the Department of Defense To Realize Benefits From a New System of Aircraft Maintenance

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Management Action Needed In The Department Of Defense To Realize Benefits From A New System Of Aircraft Maintenance A new maintenbnce concept has been used successfully by major commercial airlines, greatly reducing aircraft maintenance costs and improving aircraft availability for operations. Many of these same results can be ...
Date Oct. 5, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-243 Title

National Defense: Air Force Serviceable Assets Incorrectly Reclassified as Unserviceable

um %A= Gamw. Accmmme OFF!CE wA8HiNGTcN* DC bs46 LM100077 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIll k 0 0 0 1 R-133361 ba’ The Secretary 51976 The Honorable of Defense Dear Mr. Secretary: While reviewing the management of recoverable material the San Antonio Air Logistics Center, we observed that items had been reclassified to an unserviceable condition simply because they did not zeet the stringen...
Date Sept. 30, 1976 Report No. 089045 Title

Economic Development: Survey of the Activities of the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCCWNT~NGOFFKE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 IN REPLY RWERTLh COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMlC DIVISION SEP301976 Mr. Thomas P. Dunne Administrator Federal Disaster Assistance Admlnlstrator Dear Mr. Dunne. -zo GAO has surveyed the admlnlstratlon and coordlnatlon of Federal disaster assistance programs authorized under the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5121n). Assistance u...