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GAO Reports by subject "Underpayments"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Aug. 15, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-70 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Additional IRS Actions Needed To Make Sure That Individuals Pay the Correct Social Security Tax

4d5d DOCUMENT RISUBE 06819 - CB2287368] (Restricted) i_ d 2a - s - 7? X Additional IRS Actions Needed To Hake Sure That Indivi-:als Pay the Correct Social Security Tax. GGD-78-70; B-137762. August 15, 1978. 33 pp. + 3 appendices (18 pp.). Report to Sen. Taxation; Rep. Russell B. Long, Chairman, Joint Ccasittee on Al Ullman, Vice Chairman, Jcint Committee on Taxation; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptrclle...
Date May 23, 1978 Report No. HRD-77-126 Title

Supplemental Security Income Quality Assurance System: An Assessment of Its Problems and Potential for Reducing Erroneous Payments

s managcmt3nt of tire Suf~f~iemental Stctirity Income pt-cgr,irn ~vould be iin ~risur nlountat,‘~ task wrtllout al effectrve cfualrty assura-ice system for rcbiewing .til proyarn asfwts and a firm coniniitnwt by the Social Sccurrty Atlnrrnrstratror. to USC’ that system to its fullest potcntidi. GAO’s rt’view of this sy!:!em was done at :!w request of Senator Birch Bayh. Wtlrle m;lny posrtr...
Date April 13, 1978 Report No. FGMSD-78-29 Title

Financial Management: Administrative Examination of Military Pay Matters

DCCUMEUT RESUR! 05677 - [ 81045985] f Administrative Examination of Hilitar} Pay Matters]. FMlSD-78-29; 8-125037. ?pril 13, 1978. 8 pF. Report to Capt. William H. Mayer, Assistabt Comptroller, Navy Financial Nanagement Systems, Department Gf the Navy; by D. L. Scantlebury, Director, Financial and General management Studies Div. Issue Area: Accounting and. Financial reporting (2800). Contact: Finan...
Date Dec. 5, 1977 Report No. FPCD-78-8 Title

Government Operations: Mid-Atlantic Area Exchange Pay Conversion

DCCUMENT RESURE 04315 - [B3414657] [Mid-Atlantic Area Exchange Pay Conversion]. 'PCD-78-8; B-164515. December 5, 1977. 5 pp. + enclosur? (3 pp ). Report to Sen. Harrison A. Ilillians, Jr.; by H. L. Krieger, Director, Federal Personnel and Compenoation Div. Issue Area: Personnel Manageman: ard Ccmpensation (300). Contact: Federal Personnel and ComFentstion Div. Budget Function: National Defense: Ee...
Date Aug. 29, 1977 Report No. 103450 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Officer's Account, Heidelburg Community Commander

Date Aug. 5, 1977 Report No. 090189 Title

National Defense: Foreign Military Sales Customer Assistance Team Costs

UNIT ED STATES GENERAL ACCQLINTING OFFICE REGIONAL 8112 FEDERAL FIFTH AND OFFICE M41N OFFICE BUILDING STREETS P CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 MaJor General Harold F. Harden, Jr. Commander, U.S. Army Tank-Automotxve MaterLel Readiness Command Warren, Mxhigan 48090 x-6wp3 Dear General Harden= On July U-19, 1977, Ms. Jennxfer Jones of my staff visfted command on our Revxew of Foreqn Mxlxtary Sales (FHS) Cus...
Date July 14, 1977 Report No. 102867 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act

DOCUMENT RESUME 02867 - [A2.093203] (Restricted) [Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act]. 20144. Jujy 14, 1977. 8 pp. Report to Commanding Officer, western Div., Departaent of the Navy: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Western Div., San Bruno, CA; by William N. Contardy, Regional Manager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (San Francisco). Issue Area: Consus3r and Worker Prote...
Date July 8, 1977 Report No. 088999 Title

Government Operations: Report on Examination of Disbursing Transactions

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL hi PATRICK V McNAMARA 477 MICHIGAN FLOOR FEDERAL AVENUE ElUILDlNG OFFICE DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 Commanding U.S. Naval Sigonella, Dear Sir: Officer Air Faclllty Sicily As part of our continuing review of the Navy's financial management system, we have examined travel and leave transactions in the accounts of the Naval Air Faclllty to test the qualit...
Date July 8, 1977 Report No. 088998 Title

Government Operations: Report on Examination of Disbursing Transactions

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 8’rn PATRICK V McNAMARA 477 MICHIGAN FLOOR FEDERAL AVENUE BUILDING OFi-lCE DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 Captain Dene B. Stratton Commanding Officer Navy Finance Center A. J. Celebrezze Federal Cleveland, Ohlo 44199 Dear Captain Stratton: Building Enclosed 1s a copy of the report on our review of the accounts of the Naval Air Facility, Slgonella, S~ily....
Date July 8, 1977 Report No. 089000 Title

Examination of Disbursing Transactions: U.S. Naval Air Facility

UNITEDSTATES GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 8~14 FLOOR PATRICK V McNAMARA A77 MICHIGAN FEDERAL AVENUE BUILDING OFF ICE DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 Captain R. F Dunbar Commanding Officer Fleet Accounting and Dlsburslng Center U.S. Atlantz Fleet Norfolk, Vlrglnla 23511 Dear Captain Dunbar: Enclosed 1s a copy of the report on our review of the accounts of the Naval Air Facility, Slgonella, Sicily. In ...
Date June 14, 1977 Report No. 102540 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act

DOCUmN"T RESUME 02540 - [A1812853] (Restricted) tAdministration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act). June 14, 1977. 6 pp. Report to Officer in Charge of Construction, DepArtment of the Navy: Naval Facilities Engineering Comnand, Western Div., Sen Bruno, CA; by William N. Conrardy, Regional Manager, Field operations Div.. Regional Office (San Franciso). :andu: 'aLaws,m ti~on:z 'Stand'a, .erk::-RIPo...
Date June 7, 1977 Report No. 102539 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Administration and Enforcement of the Davis-Bacon Requirements in Federal or Federally Assisted Construction Projects

DOCUMENT RESUNE 02539 - (A1792794] (Restricted) [Administration and Enforcement of the Davis-Bacon Reqviretvnts 'n Federal -r Federally Assisted Construction Projects]. June 7, 1977. 9 pp. Report to Peter Clute, Acting Regional Administrator, Department of Housing and Urban Develcpment: San Francisco Area Office, CA; by William N. Conrardy, Regional manager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office ...
Date May 26, 1977 Report No. 102537 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act in Projects in North Carolina

,OCUMSNT RESUME 02537 - [A1792797] (Restricted) [Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act in Projects in North Carolina]. May 26, 1977. 4 pp. Report to Hugh B. Campbell, Assistant Regional Administrator, Department of Labor: Wage and Hour Div., Atlanta, GA; by Kyle E. Haem (for Marvin Colbs, Regional Manager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (Atlanta)). Issue Area: Consumer and WorE...
Date May 26, 1977 Report No. 102538 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act in Projects in Waycross, Georgia

DOCUHEWT FESU"] 025?B - [A1792798] (Restricted) [Administration and Inforciment of Davis-Bacon Act in Projects in Waycross, Georgia]. May 26, 1977. 5 pp. of Report to William A. a.rtsan, Jr., Area Director, Department Atlanta Area Office, GA; by Kyle Housing and Urban Development: E. Hams (for Marvin Colbs, Regional manager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (Atlanta)). aid Issue Area: Consum...
Date May 26, 1977 Report No. 102536 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Administration and Enforcement of the Davis-Bacon Act in Two Navy-Funded Projects

DOCURENT IRSoRE 02536 - [A1792799] (Restricted) [Administration and knforcement of the Davis-Bacon Act in Two Navy-Funded Projects]. May 26, 1977. 8 pp. Report to Capt. w. H. Bannister, Comranding Officer, Southern Div., Department of the Wavy: Yaval facilities Tagineeting Cossmmand, Charleston, SC; by Kyle 3. Hans (for rarvin Colbs, Regional Hanager, Field Operations Div.: Regiotal Office (Atlant...
Date April 20, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-51 Title

Income Security: Procedures for Determining Welfare Recipients' Eligibility and Payment in the District of Columbia

DCCUMENT 02120 - EISUME A 1192182] (Procedures for Determining Welfare Recipients' Eligibility and Payment in the District of Columbia]. GGD-77-51; B-118638. April 20, 1971. 6 pp. Report to Walter E. ashington, aycr, District of Columbia; by Victcr L. Lowe, Director, General Government Div. Issue Area: ncome Security Programs: Eligibility Determination (1301). Contact: General Government Div. Budg...
Date April 18, 1977 Report No. 089028 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts of the U.S.S. Bausell

UNITEDSTATES GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE REGIONAL ~TH FLOOR PATRICK V McNAMARA 477 MICHIGAN FEDERAL AVENUE BUILDING OFFICE DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 ( Commanding Officer U.S.S Bausell (DD-845) FPO San Francisco 96601 Dear Sir 68" c < As part of our contlnulng review of the Navy's flnanclal management system, we have reviewed selected travel vouchers In the accounts of the U S S. Bausell to test the qual...
Date April 15, 1977 Report No. 102234 Title

Housing: The Need for HUD to More Fairly Treat Homeowner Claims for Defects in Existing Insured Homes

DOCUMENT RESUME 02234 - [A14/2483] The Need for HUD to More Fairly Treat Homeowner Claims for Defects in Existing Insured Homes. April 15, 1977. 12 pp. Testimony before the House Committee on Government Operations: Manpower and Housing Subcommittee; by Wilbur D. Campbell, Associate Director, Community and Economic Development Div. Issue Area: Domestic Housing and Community Development: Minimizing ...
Date March 25, 1977 Report No. 100684 Title

Government Operations: Examination of Travel and Leave Transactions in the Accounts of the U.S.S. San Jose

DOCUIBET RESUBE 00,84 - [A10518021 (Restricted) (Ezatlnation of Travel and Leave Transactions in the Acconts of the tI.S.S. San Jose , FPO San Francisco, CA]. larch 25, 1977. 2 PP. Report to Commandin, Officer, Department of the Navy: U.S.S. San Jose; by Valter C. lierraann, Jr., Regional Manager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (Detroit). Issue Area: Personnel Management Q: Com-Iensation (...
Date Feb. 25, 1977 Report No. 089068 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Review of Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL FEDERAL 280 BUILDING SOUTH DEAR8ORN OFFICE 16~14 FLOOR STREET WEST CHICAGO, ILLJNOJS 60604 I Mr. George R Holland, Acting RegIonal Director Department of Health, Educatzon, and Welfare Regron V 300 South Wackex Drive Ghlcago, Illlnols 60606 Dear Mr. Holland: 7z 2 The General Accountrng Offxe 1s making a review of the Department of Labor's (DOL) and F...
Date Sept. 23, 1976 Report No. 089042 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts at Kadena Air Base, Japan

Date May 5, 1976 Report No. 094287 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts at the USATC and Fort Jackson, South Carolina

Date May 5, 1976 Report No. 094289 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts at V Corps, USAREUR

Date March 9, 1976 Report No. 094297 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts at the Third Infantry Division

Date Nov. 18, 1975 Report No. 089388 Title

National Defense: Review of Leave Resulting From Delay Enroute Incident to Permanent Change of Station

Date Oct. 7, 1975 Report No. 089114 Title

National Defense: Review of Accounting for Leave Resulting From Delay Enroute Incident to Permanent Change of Station

Date June 30, 1975 Report No. 089579 Title

National Defense: Review of Accounting for Leave Resulting From Delay Enroute Incident to Permanent Change of Duty Station

Date June 30, 1975 Report No. 089580 Title

Financial Management: Review of Norfolk's Accounting for Leave Resulting From Delay Enroute Incident to Permanent Change of Duty Station

Date June 12, 1975 Report No. 089586 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions at U.S. Navy Regional Finance Center, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OF& REGIONAL BUIl-E 500. WASHINGTON 234 STATE OFFICE BOULEVARD BTREET BUlLDlNC DE~ROLT, MICHLGAN 48226 Commanding Officer Navy Regional Finance Pearl Harbor, Hawaii . Dear Sir: Center P, w -&l As part of our continuing review of the Navy's financial management system, we examined selected transactions from the Pearl Harbor Navy Regional Finance Center's accounts fo...
Date June 9, 1975 Report No. 089057 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts at Lowry Air Force Base, Colorado

Date June 4, 1975 Report No. 089091 Title

Information Management: Review of Accuracy of Accounting for Leave Resulting From Delays Enroute Incident to Permanent Change of Duty Station, Camp Pendleton, California

Date May 28, 1975 Report No. 089094 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts at Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, Washington, D.C.

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFIC REGIONAL SUiTE WO-D, OFFICE AVENUE 2420 W. 26TH DENVER, COLORADO 80211 May 28, 1975 ’ ’ Commander Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center 6500 Brooks Lane Washington, D. C. 20315 Dear Sir: Our audit of travel vouchers paid by the accounting and finance officer at your installatibn for the period December 1 through 31, 1974, disclosed one error for $14 i...
Date May 19, 1975 Report No. 090212 Title

Government Operations: Postal Service's Fourth Class Mail Activities

Richard F, Gould, Assistant Postmas%er Genesral Finance Depalctment u as. Postal. Service MK iu Illlollnllnollllllllllllllll~ollolln~ LM090212 The Gene~aS Accounting Office has examined Postal Service pr~~cedu~~es and practices for assessing and collecting fourthc3iass mail revenues in the Bostonp SPITingfield I and White River The Junction Districts of the Service's Northeast Region. firndings di...
Date April 9, 1975 Report No. 089372 Title

National Defense: Review of Leave Resulting From Delay Enroute to Permanent Change of Duty Station, Camp Pendleton, California

Date March 4, 1975 Report No. 088715 Title

Housing: Review of the Accuracy of Rents Charged Personnel Occupying Inadequate Government Quarters

Date Feb. 28, 1975 Report No. 088718 Title

Housing: Review of the Accuracy of Rents Charged Personnel Occupying Inadequate Government Quarters

Date Feb. 28, 1975 Report No. 088716 Title

Housing: Review of the Accuracy of Rents Charged Personnel Occupying Inadequate Government Quarters

Date Nov. 21, 1974 Report No. 093082 Title

Financial Management: Blytheville Air Force Base, Arkansas, Audit of Accounts for the Period May 1 Through 31, 1974

Date Nov. 4, 1974 Report No. 093091 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the Financial Statements of the Federal Prison Industries, Inc. McNeil Island, Washington

UNXED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL ROOM 201.415 FIRST OFFICE AVENUE NORTH SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98109 NOV 4 1974 Mr. Paul Ward, Superintendent Federal Prison Industries, Inc. Department of Justice P. 0. Box 500 Steilacoom, Washington 98388 Dear Mr. Ward: llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ..__ LM093091 We have completed our examination of the financial statements of the Federa...
Date May 22, 1974 Report No. 093138 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts for the Period October 1 Through 31, 1973

7014 FEDERAL DROVER, BUILDING, COLORADO 1961STou~ STREET 30202 May 22, 1974 Comiiander Department of the Air APO New York 09677 Dear Sir: llllllllllllll llllllllllllllllll Ill lllllllllllllll Force LM093138 Our audit of travel and temporary lodging allowance (TLA) vouchers paid by the accounting and finance officer (AFO) at Goose ALr Base for the period October 2 through 31, 1973, disclosed the fo...
Date March 21, 1974 Report No. 093542 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions, U.S.S. Brewton

Date Feb. 25, 1974 Report No. 093551 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions, U.S.S. Barbey

Date Dec. 21, 1973 Report No. 093573 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions, Naval Station Adak, Alaska

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE REGIONAL 2006 WASHINGTON 234 STATE OFFICE BUILDING STREET BOULEVARD DETRO~T,MICHICAN 48226 093523 ‘BEC 2 a 1973 iBllllllillllllllllllllll# LMO93573 “. ,,..-7 “._. . * ., : ‘,, ‘I . I c-
Date Dec. 18, 1973 Report No. 093574 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions, U.S.S. Bristol County

Date Nov. 19, 1973 Report No. 093471 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions, U.S.S. Donald B. Beary

UNITED STATESGENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 2006 WASHINGTON 234 STATE OFFICE BUlLDlNG STREET I BOULEVARD DETROIT,MICHIGAN 48226 P Commanding Officer Donald B. Beary ‘I U.S.S. FPO New York, N, Y. Dear Sir (DE-1045) ~ II l;liq \I, ,- p$j ;,“-r‘ 6 iJ.2 As part of our contlnulng review of the Navy’s flnanczal we examined selected transactlons In your management system, dlsburslng officerâ€...
Date Nov. 12, 1973 Report No. 093475 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions, U.S.S. Shasta

Date Oct. 18, 1973 Report No. 093593 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Officer's Account, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood

Date Sept. 14, 1973 Report No. 089506 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts for Iraklion Air Station

Date Sept. 12, 1973 Report No. 089518 Title

National Defense: Review of Accuracy of Military Pay and Allowances Paid to Army Members

Date Aug. 21, 1973 Report No. 088981 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE 2006 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BUILDING 234 STATE STREET DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 LM088981 Commanding Officer U. S. Naval Facility Grand Turk, T.W.I. Dear Sir: As part of our continuing review of the Navy's financial management system, we examined selected transactions in your disbursing officer's accounts for the 6 months ended December 31, 1972. ...