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GAO Reports by subject "Noise pollution"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 15, 2008 Report No. GAO-08-384 Title

Aviation and the Environment: FAA's and NASA's Research and Development Plans for Noise Reduction Are Aligned but the Prospects of Achieving Noise Reduction Goals Are Uncertain

United States Government Accountability Office GAO February 2008 Report to Congressional Committees AVIATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT FAA’s and NASA’s Research and Development Plans for Noise Reduction Are Aligned but the Prospects of Achieving Noise Reduction Goals Are Uncertain GAO-08-384 February 2008 AVIATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT Highlights Highlights of GAO-08-384, a report to congressional com...
Date April 2, 2003 Report No. GAO-03-621T Title

Military Training: DOD Approach to Managing Encroachment on Training Ranges Still Evolving

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Wednesday, April 2, 2003 Testimony Before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate MILITARY TRAINING DOD Approach to Managing Encroachment on Training Ranges Still Evolving Statement of Barry W. Holman, Director Defense Infrastructure Issues GAO-03-621T April 2, 2003 MILITARY TRAINING Hi...
Date June 11, 2002 Report No. GAO-02-614 Title

Military Training: DOD Lacks a Comprehensive Plan to Manage Encroachment on Training Ranges

United States General Accounting Office GAO June 2002 Report to Congressional Requesters MILITARY TRAINING DOD Lacks a Comprehensive Plan to Manage Encroachment on Training Ranges GAO-02-614 a Contents Letter Results in Brief Background Encroachment Has Diminished Service Training Range Capabilities Impact of Encroachment on Readiness and Training Costs Is Not Well Reflected in DOD's Reported Data...
Date May 16, 2002 Report No. GAO-02-727T Title

Military Training: DOD Needs a Comprehensive Plan to Manage Encroachment on Training Ranges

United States General Accounting Office GAO Testimony Before the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m., EDT Thursday May 16, 2002 MILITARY TRAINING DOD Needs a Comprehensive Plan to Manage Encroachment on Training Ranges Statement of Barry W. Holman, Director, Defense Capabilities and Management GAO-02-727T Mr. Chairman and Members ...
Date Dec. 28, 1998 Report No. RCED-99-41 Title

Airport Improvement Program: FAA Complying With Requirement for Local Involvement in Noise Mitigation Projects

United States General Accounting Office GAO December 1998 Report to the Honorable Adam Smith, House of Representatives AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FAA Complying With Requirement for Local Involvement in Noise Mitigation Projects GAO/RCED-99-41 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-280708 December 28, 1998 The Ho...
Date May 5, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-137 Title

Air Force Procurement: Current Plans May Provide More Ground-Attack Capability Than Needed

----__- AIR FORCE PROCUREMENT Current Plans May Provide More Ground-Attack Capability Than Needed #I Ill1 lllllll ll 146648 ____.“_ _._.._--_.. _.__--_. _ -_- .._.. -...___....._ ” _....__ _ ---_~ ---__.--.-. .._-._.. - _.....-....... - ._..--. -_ ---- .-- - .---~-- ~-.-- GAO/NSIAI)-!)%- 13’ 7 ._ ^_ ^. _ I ._.. ._.. _ - “,_-. .__.._ - .._., -___. - ....^_.__II_ - ._-_- I - GAO United State...
Date Sept. 27, 1990 Report No. T-RCED-90-111 Title

Transportation: Issues That Need to Be Considered in Formulating Strategies to Reduce Aviation Noise

United States General Accountinfl Ofllce /q 2 32 b c 1’ ‘ - GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at I:30 p.m. EDT Thursday September 27, Testimony 142326 Issues That In Formulating Reduce 1990 Aviation Need to Be Considered Strategies to Noise Statement by Kenneth M. Mead Transportation Director, Resources, Community, Development Division and Issues Economic Before the Subcommittee on Transpor...
Date Aug. 5, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-143 Title

Aircraft Noise: Implementation of FAA's Expanded East Coast Plan

United States General Accounting Office GAO August 1988 Report to Congressional Requesters AIRCRAFT NOISE Implementation of FAA’s Expanded East coast Plan GAO/WED-88-143 I 'I'tw Ilonorablc .Jilnlcs A. Cot~rtcr 'I'hc 1Ionoral)lc.Janws .I. Flol'io 'I'hc 1lono1.ablcD c w 1 A. Gallo l'hc. Ilonorablc Matthew .J. liinaldo l'hc Ilonorablc l'ctcl* W. Iioclillo I'hc IIonorable Margc Iioukcmr 'I'hc IIonor...
Date April 15, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-117 Title

Airport Noise: FAA's Enforcement of Noise Rules at National Airport

-- United States General Accounting Office _ GAO Report’ the Honorable to Paul S, Sarbanes,US. Senate AIRPORT NOISE s FAA’ Enforcement of s Noise Rules at N;ationd AirpOrt 135708 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division E3-230734 April 16, 1988 The Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes United States Senate Dear Senator Sarb...
Date Dec. 30, 1980 Report No. CED-81-38 Title

Environmental Protection: Environmental Protection Issues in the 1980's

STUDYBY THE STAFF THE U.S. OF General Accounting Office Environmental Protection Issues In The 1980s In recent years the need to protect human health and the environment from pollution has become clearly evident. The Federal Government has responded to this need by enacting far-reaching legislation which could cost an estimated half a trillion dollars over the next decade. Questions have been rais...
Date June 1, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-67 Title

Government Operations: To Provide Proper Compensation for Hearing Impairments, the Labor Department Should Change Its Criteria

DOCU ENT RESUSE 05992 - [1566578] To Provide Proper Compensation for Hearing Ifaizments, the Labor Department Should Change Its Criteria. BHD-78-67; 3 appendices (11 pp.). B-157593. June 1, 1978. 26 pp. .eport to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccaptroller General. Issue Area: Personnel anagement and Compensation (300); Federally Sponsored or Assisted Income Security Programs: Eligibility Deters...
Date April 4, 1978 Report No. 105373 Title

Government Operations: Implementation of the Noise Control Act of 1972

DOCUBNT RIF3OUE 05373 - [B0965907] Implamentation of the 11 pp. oise Control Act of 1972. April 4, 1978. TestLaecn before the Senate Coamittee on Bnvironlet and ublic Works: Resource Protection Subcosmittee; by enry Eschwege, Director, Community and Economic Development Div. Contact: Coununity arid Economic Development Div. organization Concerned: nvironmental Protection Agency. Congressional Rele...
Date Jan. 31, 1978 Report No. CED-78-52 Title

Environmental Protection: Concorde Monitoring and Noise Regulation

, .J ~.~ ;'r\ COMPTRO: ER GENERAL OF THE UNIT-D STATES WASHIN'.TOD. D.C. 7204 B-1 6506- JAN 3 The Honorable Leo J. Ryan Chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee Committee on Government Operations house of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: 1 i. As requested in your October 12, 1977, letter we have analyzed the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) final monitoring report...
Date Sept. 15, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-308 Title

Hearing Protection: Problems in the Department of Defense

DOCUMENT RESUME 03495 - [A2593735] Hearing Protection: Problems in the Department of Defense. LED-77-308: B-163375. September 15, 1977. 13 pp. + 2 appendices (8 pa-.) Report to the Congress; by Blmer B. Saats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Consumer and Worker Protection: Standards, Laws, a, Regulations Enforcement (903); Environmental Protection Programs: Environmental Protection Standards (220...
Date Sept. 15, 1977 Report No. CED-77-131 Title

The Concorde: Results of a Supersonic Aircraft's Entry into the United States

DOCUMENT RESUME 03670 - [A2653832)] 4jestricte . _ The Concorde: Results of a Supersonic Aircraft's Entry into the United States. CED-77-131; B-166506. September 15, 1977. 35 pp. + 2 appendices (2 pp.). Report to Rep. Leo J. Ryan, Chairman, Rouse Committee on Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Sutcomittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Envircnt...
Date Sept. 7, 1977 Report No. 103671 Title

Transportation: The Concorde Supersonic Aircraft Trial Entry into Dulles International Airport

DOCUMENT RESUME 03671 - [A2573706) The Concorde Supersonic Aircraft Trial Entry into Dulles International Airport. September 7, 1977. 9 pp. Testimony before the House Committee on Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcomittee by Henry Eschwege, Director, Community and Economic Development Div. Issue Area: Transportation Systems and Policies (2400). Contact: Comiunit...
Date July 8, 1977 Report No. CED-77-92 Title

Environmental Protection: Environmental Protection Issues Facing the Nation

DOCUMENT RESUME 02795 - [A1993044] Bnvironmental Protection Issues Facing the Nation. CED-77-92. Jujy 8, i977. 54 pp. + 4 appendices (6 pp.). Staff study by Henry Eschwege, Director, Community and Economic Development Div. Issue Area: Environmental Protection Programs (2200). Contact: Community and Economic Development Div. Budget Function: Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy: Pollution Con...
Date May 27, 1977 Report No. CED-77-73 Title

Eppley Airfield, Nebraska: Problems Caused in Council Bluffs, Iowa

RELEASED COiWTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES LM102424 IlllillilIll~llllilllllllillllllllll Eppley Airfield, Nebraska: Problems Caused In Council Bluffs, Iowa Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Review of Council Bluffs’ problems cerning the Airfield showed that con- --the system used to measure the effects of noise was the one advocated by the Federal Aviation Admin...
Date April 19, 1977 Report No. 101916 Title

Government Operations: The Slow Implementation of the Noise Control Act of 1972

DOCUNENT 01916 - [11112131] IBSUSE The Slow I p:lementation of the Noise Control Act of 1972. 19, 1977. 15 pp. April Testirony before the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce: Transportation and CoumeLce Sb:committee; by Henry Eschwege, Director, Coosunity and Economic Development Div. Issue Area: Environmental Protecticn Prograas: Environmental Protection Standards (220Q). contact: ...
Date April 4, 1977 Report No. 100241 Title

Government Operations: The Implementation of the Noise Control Act of 1972

DOCUMENT RESUME 00241 - [A1051911] The Iplementation of the Noise Control Act of 1972. 1977. 18 pp. .pril 4, Testimony before the House Committee Onh Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Recurces Subcommittee; by Wilbur D. Campbell, Assciate Director, Community and Economic DeveloFgent Div. Issue Area: Environmental Protection Programs (2200). Contact Consunity and Economic Deve...
Date March 7, 1977 Report No. CED-77-42 Title

Noise Pollution: Federal Program to Control It Has Been Slow and Ineffective

DOCUMENT RESUaE 00237 a0891553] It Has Been Slow and Noise ollution: Federal Program to Control 1977. 4 pp. + Ineffective. CED-77-42; B-166506. arch 7, appendices (22 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Robert General. . Keller, Acting Comptroller Environmental Issue Area: Environmental Protection Programs: Protection Standards (2201). Contact: Community and Bconomic Development Div. and Energy: Budg...
Date June 19, 1975 Report No. RED-75-384 Title

Environmental Protection: Control of Aircraft Noise and Air Pollution; Meetings Between FAA and the Public

8-75409 ,,I The Honorable Josepls. P, Adtiabbo ,I House of Representatives P Pursuant to your request of November 20, 1974, we cornpiLed information on actions by the FedenraE Aviation *L.b 7r:i,,, Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency 11% to abate aircraft noise and air pollution. 9;n accordance with your request, we also summarized public comlments on the Federal Rviation Admin...