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GAO Reports by subject "Accounting errors"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Dec. 5, 1985 Report No. AFMD-86-20 Title

CPA Audit Quality: Inspectors General Find Significant Problems

Committee on Government Operations December 1985 .CPAAUDIT QUALITY Inspectors Gened Find Significant Problems GAO/AFMD-W-20 03woa -GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Financial Management Division B219969 December 5, 198.5 The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Legislation and National Security Subcommittee Committee on Government Operations House of Repr...
Date Sept. 19, 1985 Report No. AFMD-85-66 Title

Financial Management: Internal Control Improvements Needed in Agriculture's Miscellaneous Payments System

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTJNGOFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 ACCOUNTIN MANAGEMENT’ AND FINANCIAL OIVI8ION SEPTEMBER 19.1985 R-21 8842 The Honorable The Secretary John R. Block of Agriculture 127935 I Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: Internal Control Improvements Needed In Agriculture's Miscellaneous Payments System (GAO,'AFMD-85-66) We have reviewed the internal controls over the Department of Aqri...
Date Sept. 18, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-85-155 Title

National Defense: Observations on the Air Force Acquisition of Certain F-16 Support Equipment From General Dynamics

isQ4L RESTRICTED -Not to be released outside the General Accountiw Offke except on fh~ bZ71s sf specr-irs ciSr,u+, by the Office of Congressional aeiations. .BYTHE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTlNi; OtkE Report To The Chairman, Subcommittee On Oversight And Investigations Committee On Energy And Commerce House Of Representatives Observations On The Air Force Acquisition Of Certain F-16 Support Equipment From...
Date May 28, 1985 Report No. GGD-85-21 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: IRS and SSA Can Improve the Verification and Recording of Data Provided by Self-Employed Taxpayers

1 7 +G * -* i BY THEU.S.GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Commissioner Of Intern&l 1 .Revenue And The Commissioner Of Social Security ! IRS And SSA Can Improve The Verification And Recording Of Data Provided By Self-Employed Taxpayers Self-employed workers are required to report Social Security self-employment earnings to the Internal Revenue Service and pay any taxes that are due. IRS forwar...
Date Aug. 8, 1984 Report No. AFMD-84-57 Title

Audits of Federal Programs: Reasons for Disparities Between Costs Questioned by Auditors and Amounts Agencies Disallow

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Chairman, Legislation And National Security Subcommittee, Committee On Government Operations House Of Representatives Ot Tt It- UNITEDSTATES Audits Of Federal Programs: Reasons For The Disparity Between Costs Questioned By Auditors And Amounts Agencies Disallow A large dlsparlty exists between the hundreds of mllllons of dollars In federal contract and gran...
Date Aug. 8, 1984 Report No. 124885 Title

Budget and Spending: Reasons for the Disparity Between Costs Questioned by Auditors and Amounts Agencies Disallow

Date May 2, 1984 Report No. AFMD-84-10 Title

Financial Management: Control Improvements Needed in Accounting for Treasury Securities at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

. . 8 .’ 2 REPORT THEUS. BY #k/n Control Improvements Needed ,, ‘I Accountingf’br Treasury Securities Af Jfhe Federal Reserve Bank $8 New York The Federal Reserve Bank of New York acts as theTreasury Department’s fiscal agent In selling and redeemtng Treasury securltles. This report discusses the need to improve various internal comrols in the systems used by the bank to account for the se...
Date Feb. 14, 1983 Report No. AFMD-83-32 Title

Financial Management: Review of the Reliability and Accuracy of the Government Printing Office's Monthly Financial Statements

. . - . COIUP?ROU GENBRALOPTHEUNlTBDSTA=IZS WHINGTDN*D.C. 2ab48 . B-210151 Pabrurry 14, 1983 The Honorable Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. Chairman, Joint Committee on Printing Congress of the United States Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: Review of the Reliability and Accuracy of the ' Government Printing Office's Monthly Financial =a+-ents (GAO/W83-32) 120574 This report is in response to your July 1, 1982...
Date Oct. 14, 1982 Report No. GGD-83-8 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: IRS Can Do More To Identify Tax Return Processing Problems and Reduce Processing Costs

BY THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Commissioner Internal Revenue Of IRS Can Do More To Identify Return Processing Problems Reduce Processing Costs IRS detected about 33 million errors on the 94 million individual income tax returns processed in fiscal year 1981. The errors were made by taxpayers when they prepared their returns and by IRS employees when they processed those returns...
Date May 17, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-72 Title

Financial Management: Continuing Financial Management Problems at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Report TO The Chairman, Committee Ori Labor And Human Resources Uniited States Senate OF THE‘UNITEDSTATES Cohtinuing Financial Management Problems At The Equal Employment Opportunify CoInmission he Equal Employment Opportussion has experienced severe negement problems that advers ability to properly control and r funds. The result has been inancial information from which nt decisions are made an...
Date May 13, 1982 Report No. ID-82-35 Title

International Affairs: Misleading Projections for Country Loan Repayment

UNITEDSTAR GENERAL Acc0u~tPG OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 m MAY 13, INTERNATIONAL DIVISION B-207150 * III I 118351 t982 The Bonorable The Secretary Subject: Dear Mr. Donald T. Regan of the Treasury Misleading Repayment Projections For Country (GAO/ID-82-35) Loan Secretary: Debt service projections for loans administered by the Defense Security Assistance Agency (DSAA), the Agency for InterBank (E...
Date April 13, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-4 Title

Financial Management: Improper Accounting for Costs of Architect of the Capitol Projects

liqJQ REP@RT THE BY Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Improper Accounting For Costs Of Architect Of The Capitol Projects GAO reviewed the validity of charges to the Architect of the Capitol’s appropriations for modifying and enlarging the Capitol Power Plant. The analysis confirmed that someof the funds appropriated for the power plant project were used to help finance the installation of ...
Date Dec. 23, 1980 Report No. FPCD-81-22 Title

Government Operations: Information on Personnel and Travel at the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation

REPORTBY THE OF THE UNITEDSTATES I , Comptroller General Information On Personnel And Travel At The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation GAO did not identify any unusual trends or problems in its review of the Federal Crop insurance Corporation’s travel costs, type and number of personnel, personnel actions, and grade structure. GAO concluded that the Department of Agriculture’s Office of Inspec...
Date Nov. 24, 1980 Report No. PSAD-81-1 Title

Government Operations: Details Regarding Naval Air Systems Command Contracts With Patty Precision Products Company

REtEASED The Honorable Thomas J. Downey House of Representatives ,Dear Mr. Downeyr Subject: z;; etaila Regarding Naval Air Systems Command With Patty Precision Products I am responding to your request for more detail in ~ matters covered in our prior report to you on the above subject (PSAD-80-57, June 26, 1980). The following are answers to your specific questions. CUESTION What was the name of t...
Date Aug. 21, 1980 Report No. 114190 Title

Financial Management: Financial Statements of the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCWNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 IN REPLY COMMUNITY DNELOPMUYF AND ECONOMlC DIVISION REPERTO: Mr. Raymond Fontaine Assistant Administrator for Plans, Programs and Financial Management General Services Administration Dear Mr. Fontaine: &.. dL.+ 1 ,,,,I1 s n," ET. ("""k, j- /I /* ,,.,m 1 On July 1, 1980, we issued a report to the Congress year 1979pnancial expressing our...
Date March 13, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-49 Title

Health: Unreliability of the American Health Planning Association's Savings Estimate for the Health Planning Program

5-137533 MARCH 13, ‘I980 The Honorable "he Secretary 77 t‘elfare Dear Yrs. Subject: Patricia Zoberts Harris 0: :ealt$, Educaticn, and 25 0 cisg;-,b fiG? "_, ,"I Unreliability cf the American ,Yealth i 5Jlanning Associaticn's Savings Estimate the Eealth Planning Progran ~(EXF-30-49j ___". :;c _-,ri e. i-iarris: for Di&YP/'f iiealth Planning Association, Tq. earlv -. 1979 the American areawide a...
Date Jan. 9, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-10 Title

Financial Management: Defense's Accounting for Its Contracts Has Too Many Errors--Standardized Accounting Procedures Are Needed

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Defense’s Accounting For Its Contracts Has Too Many Errors--Standardized Accounting Procedures Are Needed For 9 years, the military services and Defense Contract Administration Services regions failed to implement effective and efficient standard procedures in contract -accounting systems, Consequently, errors totaling millions of...
Date Aug. 21, 1979 Report No. ID-79-49 Title

Financial Management: Inter-American Foundation Needs To Expand Internal Audit Scope and Improve Internal Acounting Controls

*, --I cr 1 . .‘_ UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 LM110157 lllllsllllllllllllllllllllllll AUGUST 21, 1979 B-135075 Mr. William M. Dyal, Jr. President Inter-American Foundation Dear Mr. Dyal: pl,cookP : During our recently completed audit of the Inter-American Foundation's fiscal year 1978 and 1977 financial statements, we found several ways the Foundation could imp...
Date March 16, 1979 Report No. FGMSD-79-21 Title

Financial Management: The Defense Department's Systems of Accounting for the Value of Foreign Military Sales Need Improvement

GAO identified $1 .l billjon of inconsistencies and errors in accountmg for fiscal 1977 arms sales, Had the correct sales figure been known, the President’s fiscal 1978 arms sales ceiling, based on fiscal ,1977 sales, might have been set $420 mrlhon lower. GAO also identified $540 million in differences in sales information on the two systems Defense uses to account for the value of. forsales. F...
Date Jan. 31, 1979 Report No. B-115398.01 Title

Special Publications: Design and Operation of Accounting Systems and Legal Conformance

Date Nov. 15, 1978 Report No. FGMSD-79-2 Title

Financial Management: Correct Balance of Navy's Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund Unknown

DOCUMENT RBSUME 07684 rC324e -01 /t (K //, - Correct Balance of Navy's Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund Unknown. FGmSD-79-2; B-132900. Novester 15, 1978. Released November 15, 1978. 8 pp. Report to Rep. George H. Mahon, Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area; Accounting and Financial Reporting: Overobligations and Overexpenditures (2804). ...
Date Oct. 20, 1978 Report No. FGMSD-78-61 Title

Financial Management: The Government Needs To Do a Better Job of Collecting Amounts Owed by the Public

DOCUMENT RESUME 07395 C2968052] The Goveznmpnt Needs To Do a Better Job of Collecting Amounts Owed by -he Public. FGMSD-78-61; B-159687. October 20, 1978. 41 pp. + 6 appendices (12 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Accounting and Financial Reporting (2800). Contact: Financial and Gneral Management Studies Div. Budget Function: eneral Government: Exe...
Date Oct. 6, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-137 Title

Government Operations: Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company's Claims Against the Department of the Navy

kI m4TUD -- 8Neet hee ' fe.-d oabide lmeo General We ;: 'a z bAeUnE Office N excett e K: theI e CUtalibA of specific approvai i _ B175834 OCTOBER 6S. g' The Honorable Henry M. Jackson 75 Cha;.ran, Permanent Subcommittee on Investiagtions Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: RlA RELEASED On January 13, 1978, you asked us to examine the factual support and the co...
Date April 27, 1978 Report No. FGMSD-78-28 Title

Government Operations: Army Efforts To Restore Integrity to Its Financial Management Systems

DOCUMENT RESUME 05682 - [B12261781 (Mg'trzete+~ 'r (S ~ Army Efforts To Restore Integrity to Its Financial Management Systems. FGMSD-78-28; B-132900. April 27, 1978. 25 p-. * 5 appendices (10 pp.). Report to Rep. George h. Mahon, Chairian, House Committee .Fpropriations; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptrcller General. on Issue Area: Accounting and Financial Reporting: Overcblig.tions and Overexpenditures...
Date April 12, 1978 Report No. FGMSD-78-30 Title

Financial Management: Arms Sales Ceiling Based on Inconsistent and Erroneous Data

DOCUMENT RESUME 05676 - [ B108605 ] Ares Sales Ceiling Based on Inconsistent and ErLoneous ata. FGMSD-78-30; B-174901. April 12, 1976. Released April 19, 1978. 2 pp. + 2 appendices (8 pp.). Report to Rep. Lee H. Hamilton; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Ai:ea: Accounting and Financial Reporting: Government Operations and Useful Information 2811); Internaticnal Economic and Military ...
Date Feb. 3, 1978 Report No. FGMSD-77-66 Title

Financial Management: Department of the Interior System of Recording, Billing, and Collecting Accounts Receivable

Date Oct. 21, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-77-89 Title

Financial Management: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's System of Accounting for Accounts Receivable

DCCUMENT FESU.E 0372'; B2994245] fThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration's System of Accounting for Accounts Receivable]. FGHSD-77-89; B-159687. October 21, 1977. 4 pp. Report to Robert A. rosch, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; by D. L. Scantlebury, Director, Financial and General Management Studies Div. Issue Area: Accounting and Financial Reporting (2800)...
Date Sept. 22, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-77-51 Title

Financial Management: Need To Apply Adequate Control Over the Centralized Payroll System

DCCUMENT RESUME 03460 - [A26S3867J Need to Apply Adegsate Control over the Centralized Payroll System. FGSrt-77-.1; E-164031. September 22, 1977. 2 pp. + appendix (17 FF-)Report to Secretaiy, Department of ealth, Education, and Welfare; by r. T.. Scaz .lebury, Director, Financial and General Management Studies Div. Issue Area: Accounting ani Financial eporting (2800). Contact: Financial and Genera...
Date Sept. 15, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-77-41 Title

Financial Management: Review of Civil Service Commission's Accounts Receivable

DOCUMENT RESUME 03458 - [A25S3737] [Review of Civil Service Commission's Accounts Receivable]. GGMSD-77-41; B-15c687. September 15, 1977. 4 pp. Report to Alan K. Campbell, Civil Service Commission; by D. T. Scantlebury, Director, Financial and General Management Studies Div. Issue Area- Accounting and Financial Reporting (2800). Contact: Financial and General Management Studies Dtv. BuAget Functio...
Date Aug. 29, 1977 Report No. 090186 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Officer's Account

Date Aug. 29, 1977 Report No. 103450 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Officer's Account, Heidelburg Community Commander

Date Aug. 22, 1977 Report No. 103449 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Officer's Account, Sierra Army Depot, Herlong, CA

Date July 29, 1977 Report No. 091299 Title

Government Operations: GPO Activities, Fiscal Year 1976

July 29, 1977 Mr. Walter C, DeVaughn AssIstant Public Pranter Management and Admlnlstratlon U.S, Government Prlntlng Office Washington, D C. 20401 Dear Mr. DeVaughn We recently completed our examlnatlon of the GPO flnanclal statements As In previous years, we would like to discuss some observations that will not be included 1n our annual report to the Congress but ~filc'tl warrant your attention. ...
Date July 13, 1977 Report No. 102872 Title

Government Operations: Audit of Temporary Lodging Allowance Vouchers and Leave and Earnings Statements

Date May 26, 1977 Report No. 093968 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the Alaska Power Administration Financial Statements for FY 1975 and 1976

Date April 19, 1977 Report No. 089027 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Military Disbursing Officer's Account

Date April 18, 1977 Report No. 102184 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions, U.S.S. Bausell

DCCUJEWT RESUME 02181 - [A1452438] (Restricted) (Examination of Disbursing Transactions, U.S.S,, Bausell (DD-845)]. April 18, 1977. 3 pp. Report to co,,anding Officer, Department of the Wavy: U.S.S Bausell; by Walter C. Herrman, Jr., Regional manager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (Detroit). Issue Area: Accounting and Financial Reporting (2800). Contact: Field Operations Div.: Regional Of...
Date March 25, 1977 Report No. 100663 Title

Government Operations: Review of Coast Guard's Military Pay and Allowance System

DOCUMENT RESUME 00663 - [A1051804] (Review of Coast Guard's Military Pay and Allowance System]. March 25, 1977. 2 pp. + appendix (2 pp.). Report to Ads. Oven M. Siler, Commandant, Ccast Guard; by Hugh J. Wessinger, Associate Directcr. Community and Economic Development Div. Issue Area: Personnel Management and Compensation (300). Contact: Community and Economic Development Div. Budget Function: Ge...
Date Feb. 15, 1977 Report No. 089070 Title

Financial Management: Review of the Travel Vouchers in the U.S.S. San Diego Accounts

Date Jan. 28, 1977 Report No. 102478 Title

Financial Management: Accounting and Reimbursement for Foreign Military Sales

DOCUMENT FESUME 02478 -[A1712713] (Restricted) [Accounting and Reimburseaent for Foreign Military Sales]. January 28, 1977. 3 pp. + enclosure ,1 pp.). Report to Col. Emil J. Klingenfrs, Deputy Commander, Department of the Army: International Logistics Command, New Cumberland, PA; by Allen R. Voss, Regional Manager, Field Cperdtions Div.: --R-ei-o-n-a-l Office -(Philadolphi-a)-..--.-- - Issue Area:...
Date Dec. 20, 1976 Report No. 089037 Title

Financial Management: Review of the Navy's Financial Management System

iww~ UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 8r1.1 FLOOR PATRICK V MeNAMARA 477 MICHIGAN FEDERAL AVENUE BUILDING 7 OFFICE DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 Vice Admiral Robert E. Adamson, Commander, Naval Surface Force U. S. Atlantic Fleet Norfolk, Vzmgmla 23511 Dear Admiral Adamson: Jr. As part of our contlnulng review of the Navy's financial management system, we have examined the disbursing acco...
Date Aug. 27, 1976 Report No. EMD-76-7 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Amount of Tax Paid by Electric Utilities From the Data Supplied to the Federal Power Commission

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B 28 AUG Ar£Cst' is The Honorable Lee Metcalf, Chairman Subcommittee on Reports, Accounting, and Management Committee on Government Operations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: t v Sc", o'i9a 27 1976 Your October 3, 1975, letter asked us to determine the amount of Federal income taxes paid by class A and B electric utilities, u...
Date Aug. 24, 1976 Report No. FGMSD-76-68 Title

Government Operations: HEW's Centralized Payroll System

; -. - !;:.4)i ~ UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Vs WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 0IVISION OP PINA=CAL AND C4EN.AL M MA.AG. &MIr aTUwas B-164031 The Honorable The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Dear Mr. Secretary: mU 1976 24 This report is the first of a series on our review of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare's iEW-4Wcentralized payroll system We dre reporting our fi...
Date July 22, 1976 Report No. 089540 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Temporary Lodging Allowance Vouchers and Leave and Earnings Statements

Date June 24, 1976 Report No. 089544 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Temporary Lodging Allowances Vouchers and Leave and Earnings Statements

Date May 5, 1976 Report No. 089605 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts at Lajes Field

Date April 6, 1976 Report No. 089566 Title

National Defense: Review of Accounting for Leave at Marine Corps Beaufort Air Station

Date April 2, 1976 Report No. 089567 Title

National Defense: Review of Accounting for Leave at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina

Date Feb. 19, 1976 Report No. 089363 Title

Government Operations: Review of Accounting for Leave

Date Jan. 8, 1976 Report No. 089576 Title

Financial Management: Review of the Navy's Financial Management System