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GAO Reports by subject "Financial statement audits"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 22, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-50 Title

Financial Audit: House Recording Studio Revolving Fund for 1986 and 1985

United States G&era1 Accounting Office Report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives 1 September 1987 FINANCIAL AUDIT House Recording Studio Revolving Fund for 1986 and 1985 oJ4ccd5 GAO/AFMD-87-60 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B- 114842 September 22, 1987 The Honorable Donnald K. Anderson Clerk of the House of Repr...
Date Aug. 31, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-61 Title

Financial Audit: Export-Import Bank's 1986 and 1985 Financial Statements

United States General Accounting Office p&8)2 ii I GAO August 198’ 7 Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Export-Import Bank’ s 1986 and 1985 Financial Statements 133812 03q6*Fj GAO/AFMD-87-6 1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States August 3 1, 198T To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representati...
Date Aug. 27, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-46 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1986 and 1985

United States General Accounting Office ) 337q ! Report to the Architect of the Capitol -. August 1987 FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1986 and 1985 ciylAG3 GAO,‘ Al?MD-87-46 United States General Accounting Office Washington, IX. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14871 August 27. 1987 To the Honorable George M. White Architect of the Capitol D...
Date Aug. 21, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-57 Title

Financial Audit: Office of the Attending Physician Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1986 and 1985

United States General Accounting Office GAO August 1987 Report to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives . FINANCIAL AUDIT Office of the Attending Physician Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1986 and 1985 GAO United States &neral Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20518 C:omptroUer Geueral of the United States To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the...
Date Aug. 12, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-58 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's 1986 and 1985 Financial Statements

I, . 1 United States General Accounting O ffice GAO August 1987 33667 4. Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Depos it Insurance Corporation’ 1986 s and 1985 Financ ial Statements GAO/AFMD-87-58 I , . 1 I ,!i .: i: ~ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14831 August 12,1987 To the President of the Senate and the ...
Date July 29, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-38 Title

Financial Audit: Veterans Administration's Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 1986

. United Stabs General Accounting Office I33566 GAO July 1987 ‘ Report to the Congress ‘ L FINANCIAL AUDIT Veterans Administration’ s Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 1986 133566 GAO/AF’ MD-87-38 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-226801 July 29, 1987 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House o...
Date July 20, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-40 Title

Financial Audit: House Beauty Shop Revolving Fund Financial Statements for 1986 and 1985

GAO July 1987 Report to the Chairman, Commitiee on ’ House Adminis~tration, House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT House Beauty Shop Revolving, Fund Financial Statements for 1986 and 1985 I 111I Ill~IUIII 133485 * United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 2Q548 Comptroller General of the United States B-202896 July 20, 1987 The Honorable Frank Annunzio Chairman, Committee on Hou...
Date July 13, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-39 Title

Financial Audit: Statement of Accountability of the House Finance Office for Fiscal Year 1986

. b ’ Unit&d States General Accounting GAO ’ Representatives Office 1 >. Report to the Clerk of the House of July 1987 F INANCIAL AUDIT Statement of Accountability of the House F inance Office for F iscal Year 1986 GAO/AFMD-87-39 03w ll . , ” 1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14864 July 13, 1987 The Honorable Don...
Date June 23, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-27 Title

Financial Audit: House Office Equipment Service Schedules for Fiscal Year 1986

United States General Accounting Office 65 GAO June 1987 Report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT House Office Equipment Service Schedulesfor F’ iscal Yeax 1986 ! O3%s45 GAfI/AFMD-87-27 . --- . Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14866 June 23, 1987 The Honorable Donnald K. Anderson Clerk of the House of Representatives Dear Mr. Anderson: Pursuant to an April ...
Date June 22, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-43 Title

Financial Audit: Commodity Credit Corporation's Financial Statements for 1986 and 1985

United States General Accounting Office 1 Report to the Congress June 1987 FINANCIAL AUDIT Commodity Credit Corporation’ s Financial Statements for 1986 md 1985 ‘ IllIll 1111111 II 133266 ______-._ -. * -I-- GAO General Accounting Office Washixqjton, DC. 20548 Comptroller General of the United State8 BU)24Bo united states June 22, 1987 To the President of the Senateand the Speaker of the House...
Date June 12, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-36 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation's Financial Statements for 1986 and 1985

l Unite d S ta tes G e n e r a l A c c o u n tin g O ffice / GAO June 1987 R e p o rt to th e C o n g ress F I N A N C I A L A U D IT F e d e ral C r o p In s u r a n c e C o r p o r a tio n ’s F in m cia l S ta te m e n ts fo r 1 9 8 6 a n d 1 9 8 5 n lu lu llllll II 133193 039 \L A G h O /A F M D - 8 7 - 3 6 ,1’,. I’ ,,’ .i GAO united States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 205...
Date June 10, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-4 Title

Financial Audit: Panama Canal Commission's Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984

, -- ,L....- -~ -- United Stateli General Accounting Office GAO S”JM? 1987 /33m3 Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Panma Canal Commission’s Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984 111111 llllll ll 133243 mFw3 GAO/&MD-87-4 ‘,“-Gro ,Junrt 10. 1987 This report tr;msmit s 0t1r yualifiitd opinion on the Panama Canal Commission’s finilr~ciill st iitC’ltl(‘~1t.S for t,hctyears ended Sop...
Date June 9, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-42 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Home Loan Bank Board's 1986 and 1985 Financial Statements

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Congress (3316 I June 1987 FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Home Loan Ba;nk Board’ 1986 s and 1985 Financial Statements Y 03q \30 GAO,4FMD-87-42 I GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States R-114393 June 9, 1987 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representativ...
Date May 27, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-41 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation's 1986 and 1985 Financial Statements

United Statee’ General Accounting Office 1 c qfu -- Report to the Congress L May 1987 FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation’ 1986 s and 1985 Financial Statements , llllll II 1111111 133052 03wFn GAQ/Al?MD47-41 --- -- Comptroller General of the United States B114SfM May 27,1987 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report pr...
Date April 23, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-26 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Barber Shops Revolving Fund for the Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985

. United States General Accounting Office ---_-1 L GAO Report to the Sergeant at Arms, U.S. Senate A&l 1987 FINANCIAL AUDIT SenateBarber Shops Revolving Fund for the ‘YearsEnded December31, 198,6 and.1985 132755 GA(D/AFMD-87~28 Ob8G\ * United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-l@9627 April 23,1987 The Honorable Henry K Giugni Sergea...
Date Dec. 30, 1986 Report No. AFMD-87-12 Title

Financial Audit: House Office of the Sergeant at Arms--Periods Ended 6-30-86 and 12-31-85

. ’ . ____- - ._..... -___~-.-- ---. United States General Accounting Office .GAO l”-“.--_... Report to the Speaker and the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives De
Date Dec. 30, 1986 Report No. AFMD-87-2 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Recording and Photographic Studios Revolving Fund--FY 1986 and 1985

t I -... -“~-----.- --.-.. United States General Aqcounfipg Office lq20 GAo Report to the Sergeant at Arms ‘- U . S . Senate .--.-.--_.-“- ----.--_- -..---- - December 1986 FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Recording and Photographic Studios Revolving Fund FY 1986 and 1985 illllll 11111 131920 -- GA ~_--. ~31’1.S -.-_-...-.--_ _-_ - , .h, . , . GAO General Accounting Of’fice Washington, D.C. 20548 ...
Date Dec. 22, 1986 Report No. AFMD-87-13 Title

Financial Audit: House Stationery Revolving Fund Statements--June 30, 1986 and 1985

. .. , . ’ _ _. -. .-...-----_--- United States General -.- Accountin g3 Office I637 ’ GAO December 1986 Report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives I FINANCIAL AUDIT,, House Stationery Revolving Fund Statements-June 1986 and 1985 30, IIII II INIll 131837 I .-__ --.--_---ii- bO/AFMDW13 ~--~ 037(05a . ‘GAO - United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20548 Comptroller Gen...
Date Dec. 15, 1986 Report No. AFMD-87-6 Title

Financial Audit: Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund's Financial Statements for 1985

, United ’ GAO States General Accounting Office /31767 Report to the Congress 4 December 1986 FINANCIAL AUDIT Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund’s Financial Statements for 1985 * 131787 0313~4 i&I/AFMD-87-6 . I ’ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B2os6as December 15, 1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker...
Date Nov. 26, 1986 Report No. AFMD-87-11 Title

Financial Audit: Gorgas Memorial Institute's Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984

I United States General Accounting Office -GAO November 1986 Report to the Congress + I3472 , FINANCIAL AUDIT Gorgas Memorial Institute’s Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984 ,” 0374403 GAO,‘A.FMD-87-11 . GAO - United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-197020 November 26,1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of t...
Date Nov. 25, 1986 Report No. AFMD-87-7 Title

Financial Audit: Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank's Financial Statements for 1981 Through 1985

, United States General Accounting Office 131671 /’ GAO November 1986 Report to the Congress : . FINANCIAL AUDIT Solar Energy and Energy Conservation .__a Bank’s Financial Statements for 1981 Through 1985 c>3w&JGAO/AF’MD-87-7 . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-224610 November 25,1986 To the President of the Senate a...
Date Nov. 10, 1986 Report No. AFMD-87-9 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Building Beauty Shop's Financial Statements for 1986 and 1985

. -5 . United GiO November 1986 :. Report to the Pr’esident of the Senate and the’ Speaker of the House of Representatives Stat& General Accounting Office 3 wiY, FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Building Beauty Shop’s Financial Statements for 1986 and 1985 GAO,‘AFMD-87-9 037 wa, “W: r:. . i. I l GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United St...
Date Sept. 30, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-57 Title

Financial Audit: Commodity Credit Corporation's Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984

131184 03em t?AO/A3?hiWS7 -GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States 5202690 September 30, 1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents our opinion on the financial statements of the Commodity Credit Corporation for the years ended September 30, 1985 and 1984, and our repor...
Date Sept. 30, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-70 Title

Financial Audit: House Restaurant Revolving Fund's Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984

, ’ ’ United States General Accounting Office I342 GAO September 1986 Report to the Architect of the Capitol ’ FINANCIAL AUDIT ’ House Restaurant Revolving Fund’s Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984 llllllllll \\\\\I 131342 03%%3 GAO/AFMD-86-70 United States General AcccnuMng Office Washin@on, D.C. 20548 Cbmptroller General of the United States B-114891 September 30,1986 The Honorable...
Date Sept. 24, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-72 Title

Financial Audit: United States Postal Service's Financial Statements for 1985

l . United States General Accounting Office ‘GAO September 1986 13107% : Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT United States Postal Service’s Financial Statements for 1985 131078 . I GAO General Accounting Office Wmhingtmn, D.C. 20848 ComptrolIer General of the UPlJted States B22witM united states September 24, 1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representative...
Date Sept. 19, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-58 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation's Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984

.~ United _-“_- States Ghnerai ---- Accountln ’ g Office l l~\OQ --_I Report to the Congress September 1986 FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Crop Insurance Corporation’s Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984 131042 --_--_ -- 03kn35 GAO/AFMD-864% . 4 _ *__ ---_“-------_----- - -- -- - --“__-__~ I~-- United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 ------Comptroller General of the Un...
Date Aug. 15, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-59 Title

Financial Audit: Environmental and Energy Study Conference Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984

’ I United S&&a ‘kmeral Accounting Office ) 30 8 I GAO Auguet 1986 Report to the Co-Chairman, Environmental and Energy Study Confere:nce Congressof the United States FINANCIAL AUDIT Emiironmental and Energy Study Conference Financial Statements for l&35 and 1984 I 130841 GAO/AFMDSS-69 , o&m\8 . I Y L I Y GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 --Comptroller General o...
Date Aug. 7, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-56 Title

Financial Audit: House Beauty Shop Revolving Fund Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984

.-. . I -GA!0 August 1986 United States General Accounting Office /,T Report to the Chairman, Committee on House Adminktration House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT House Beauty Shop Revolving Fund Financial-Statements for 1985 and 1984 130657 l I . . GAO General Accounting Office Waddngton, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States E!40!2896 united states August 7, 1986 The Honorable...
Date July 30, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-67 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984

United States General Accounting Office 1% GAO July 1986 - Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984 130568 . CBA!1 GAO/AFMD-86-67 I r GAO United States General Ackounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States El14831 *July 30, 1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the Ho...
Date July 30, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-66 Title

Financial Audit: Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation's 1985 Financial Statements

I United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1986 I3wt6 Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Pennsylvania Avenue Develox>ment Corporhion’s 1985 Financial Statements I II( 1 111 /III 130546 GAO/AFMD-W-66 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States BlWO96 July 30, 1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of...
Date July 22, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-47 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1985 and 1984

United States General Accounting Office yq I @ . Report t&he Architect of the Cap!:tol July 1986 FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1985 and 1984 ’ I ’ ’ ‘II’ II 130471 GAO/AFMD-86-47 03GO93 . --- ------~. -. . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B114871 July 22, 1986 To the Honorable ...
Date July 15, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-64 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Home Loan Bank Board's Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984

, * . United StateslGeneral Accounting Office GAO July 1986 13OYD3’ Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Home Loan Bank Board’s Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984 II ‘111 /Ill ! !I! I 130403 . GAO/AFMD-86-64 03Lio3ti . . l GAO General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States E206880 united states July 15, 1986 To the President of the Sen...
Date July 10, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-52 Title

Financial Audit: House Recording Studio Revolving Fund for 1985 and 1984

United State@ Genmal Accounting Office 130373 $8 Report to the Clerk of the Houtseof Representatives July 1986 FINANCIAL AUDIT House Recording Studio Revolving Fund for 1985 and 1984 035sw GAO/AFMD-86-52 . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States El14842 July 10, 1986 The Honorable Benjamin J. Guthrie Clerk of the House of Represen...
Date July 3, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-49 Title

Financial Audit: Statement of Accountability House Finance Office for Fiscal Year 1985

United States Gewral Accounting Office GAO July 1986 Report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT Statement of Accountability House fiance Office for Fiscal Year 1985 130286 I
Date July 2, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-65 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation's 1985 and 1984 Financial Statements

Utiited States Gene@ - _--- AccountingOffice .13oa_8.‘7 -’ Report td the’ Congress _ ._ _ ___ __-_--_-- --- --- -___--~-. - FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation’s 1985 and 1984 Financial Statements llIIII IillIllI 13Oi87 GAOjAFMD-86-65 __ d=?07> - ___.-_ --_---- . , .* . . s l GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General o...
Date June 25, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-60 Title

Financial Audit: Export-Import Bank's Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984

United States tieneial Accounting Office GAO---June 1986 t30208 _ Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Export-Import Bank’s Financial Statements for 1985 and 1984 I -.L---- cxYsw+ GAO/AFMD-86-60 . . I . GAO - United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States El97710 *June2Fjq1986 To the President of the Senateand the Speaker of the Houseof ...
Date June 16, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-45 Title

Government Operations: National Credit Union Administration's Financial Statements - FY 1984 and FY 1983

. 1 . - * United States General &counting Off’ice ROE38 *. .. Report to the Congress June 1986 FINANCIAL AUDIT National Credit Union Administration’s Finmcial Statements FY 1984 and FY 1983 II Ill 130158 035738 (btAO/AFMD-8&46 . 5 . GAO General Accounting office Washington, DC. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B216401 united states June 16, 1986 To the President of the Senateand ...
Date June 11, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-55 Title

Government Operations: Examination of GSA's Fiscal Year 1985 Financial Statements

. A” GAO 1986 ’ United States General Accounting Office Report to the Congress June FINbXAL AUDIT Examination of GSA’s Fiscal Year 1985 Financial Statements 0357 ‘;AO,‘AFMDS&SS A0 3 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 .-Comptroller General of the United States B222974 June 11, 1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives T...
Date June 10, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-23 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Home Loan Banks' Financial Statements for 1984

II r GAO ,_ I,““*L”-““m,--I---t-.--, v ‘r . United -- State; Genksal Accounting Office p!ilxYR Report to the Congress Federal Home Loan Banks’ Finmcial Statements for 1984 i I III Ill To the?President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents the results of our reviews of independent certified public accountants audits of the calendar year 198...
Date May 29, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-40 Title

Government Operations: Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Financial Statements for FY 1985

Wat;es ...__l...l”--.-Accountin~Office *,_“I _.... .-.._ -.--~.-*l_.~l --~-_” . IJnitd“,. .._ --_--._ ‘Generd ..-.-.- lag9 a _I--cI.” ----be GAO Report to the Congress _.-“_-_ . . . _-. -. . .-.-. -..--...-.__._. -.-...__ .____... _I -..-.... -._...-. *.--“. ._-... FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Financial Statements for FY 1985 129980 __..-, GAO/AFMI)-86-40 (“1a...
Date May 22, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-36 Title

Financial Audit: Office of the Attending Physician Revolving Fund for FY 1985 and 1984

United States G&era1 Accounting Office mqsu * GAO play 1986 Report to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT Office of the Attending Physician Revolving Fund for FY 1985 and FY 1984 I ’ 035* GAO/AFMD-?3&36 . - GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States 5200277 May 22,1986 To the ...
Date May 12, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-37 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Barber Shops Revolving Fund--Years Ended December 31, 1985 and 1984

--_ United States General Accounting Office - ; Report to the Sergeant at Arms United States Senate ----..--- - May 1986 FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Barber Shops Revolving Fund-Years Ended December 31, 1985 and 1984 I , 129860 GA&AFMD-86-37 0353w -- i . . I 4 . I / United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States 5199627 May 12, 1986 The Honorable ...
Date May 7, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-19 Title

DOE Uranium Enrichment Activity Financial Statements: September 30, 1984

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,m ,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,I, ,, I.. United _-,“--_lf-.“*l--- -_.---_-_------.. . .._. _-___. ___“,-.l.“.,“_ _,“,., States General Accounting Offwe . GAO I,, “, I . ““” .-.. ..-_..........__... _,.___. I”,__~~.I..~... lass74 a Report to the Secretary of Energy ~ _,_ -,_-. _I-__~ ---““---- May 1SSf3 FINANCIAL AUDIT DOE Uranium Enrichment Activity Fina...
Date April 8, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-15 Title

Financial Management: Panama Canal Commission's Financial Statements FY 1984 and 1983

I” G%! Uhited 8tatee General Accounting Office pw3~ A Report to the Congress April 1986 FINANCIAL AUDIT Panama Canal Commission’s Financial Statements FY 1984 and 1983 * 129553 . , I ’ GAO General Accounting Office WaMngton, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States El14889 united states April 8, 1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives , ...
Date April 2, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-12 Title

Government Operations: Civil Service Retirement System's Financial Statements for 1984

. United . States General Accounting Office Report to the Congress 4pril1986 FINANCIAL AUDIT Civil Service Retirement System’s Financial Statements for 1984 ‘IllIll1 11111 Ill1 129487 GAO/AFMD-86-12 034w3 GAO General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division B220966 united states April 2, 1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the Hous...
Date March 28, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-25 Title

Government Operations: David R. Ramage, Inc., Financial Statements--August 31, 1984 and 1983

th6 Speakerof the Houseof Representatives David R. Ramage,Inc., Financial Statements+ August 31,1984 and 1983’ ’ ,: United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20848 &nptroller General of the United States El64163 March 28, 1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives Pursuant to section 45 1 of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 (40 ...
Date March 28, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-26 Title

Government Operations: Thomas J. Lankford, Inc., Financial Statements--September 30, 1984 and 1983

’ p--- 1 Un&ed States Gen’eral AcEunting Office 114 435 &%$J=~ ” GAO , Report to the President of the Senatemd * the Speakerof the Houseof Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT Thomas J. Lankford, ~c-)rpora-&d, Financial StatementsSeptember30,1984 md 1983 GAO, L GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B164168 March 28, 1986 To the...
Date March 20, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-18 Title

Financial Audit: House Office Equipment Service Schedules for Fiscal Year 1985

” I United St;ateB Gene&l A ..:: ,, I ‘. * Chieral Accounting Office W@hington, DC, 20648 Official Business Pe+lty for Private Use $300 Utited States ‘,$. :,y ,
Date March 13, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-27 Title

Financial Audit: House Stationery Revolving Fund Statements--June 30, 1985 and 1984

.- United States Gmerai$ccounting Office ll?2?,QqL GAO - Report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives iii&h 1988 FYINANCIALAUDIT House Stationery Revolving Fund Statements - June 30, 1985 and 1984 GAO/AFMD-S6-2’7 (s34u ‘,. ‘L . United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States El14882 March 13, 1986 The Honorable Benjamin J. Guthri...
Date Jan. 15, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-5 Title

Financial Audit: Saint Lawrence Seaway Financial Statements for 1984 and 1983

United States &e&l Accounting Office ld88Y5 v Report to the Congress January 1986 FllNANCIALAUDIT Saint Lawrence Seaway Financial Statements for 1984& 1983 !HIIll1 ll~lll ll 128845 I 1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division B126007 January 15,1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives ...