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GAO Reports by subject "Modifications"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Jan. 26, 1983 Report No. C-MASAD-83-6 Title

National Defense: Navy Needs To Increase S-3A Readiness To Ensure Effective Use of Planned Weapon System Improvements

This is an unclassified digest furnished in lieu of a report containing classified security inforznation. UNCLASSIFIED REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY NEEDS TO INCREASE S-3A READINESS TO ENSURE EFFECTIVE USE OF PLANNED WEAPON SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS DIGEST -----The S-3A is a carrier-based aircraft designed to protect U.S. surface ships from submarine threats. Offensive and ...
Date Dec. 27, 1982 Report No. GGD-83-1 Title

Information Management: The Bureau of Economic Analysis Should Lead Efforts To Improve GNP Estimates

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES The Bureau Of Economic Should Lead Efforts To Improve GNP Estimates Analyses of revisions to the gross national product (GNP) estimates over the past 30 years show an overall commendable record. The size of revisions, although small, was larger during periods of economic instability, which was troublesome to users. The GNP compon...
Date Oct. 15, 1982 Report No. PLRD-83-3 Title

National Defense: Improving the Air Force Modification Process Will Benefit Management of Spare Parts in the Air Force and Defense Logistics Agency

BY THEU.S.GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Defense Improving The Air Force Modification Process Will Benefit Managem’ent Of Spare Parts In The Air Force And Defense Logistics Agency Air Force and Defense Logistics Agency managers are spending millions of dollars buying and repairing unneeded items and are failing to control critical items in the in entory because of poor coord...
Date Oct. 8, 1982 Report No. OGC-83-1 Title

Budget and Spending: The President's Eighteenth Special Message for Fiscal Year 1982

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINOT0N~D.C. OF THE UNITED 20646 STATES October 8, 1982 B-205053 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives On September 23, 1982, the President's eighteenth special message for fiscal year 1982 was transmitted to Congress pursuant to the Impoundment Control Act of 1974. This special message proposed one new deferral of budget authority to...
Date Sept. 3, 1982 Report No. EMD-82-113 Title

The Department of Energy's Procurement Information System: Expectations Have Not Been Realized

RtrrRlt$TEb - Not to be hslesse~d outside the Acuountijng 0~ffico excnopt on the bo~lo of rpeciH8 by the Qtfice of Congressional Relations. CIenoral approval [I RELEASED ‘ li“@ l ’ ” .. i$’ THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL f&port To The Chairman; Committee On Energy And Commerce l-)ouse Of Representatives OF THE UNITEDSTATES The Department Of Energy’s FjVocurement Information System: Expectatio...
Date Aug. 23, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-117 Title

Government Operations: Alterations and Improvements to Presidential Appointees' Offices Since January 1981

[pp%f %&$Qsy j 1431/F UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT. AND READINESS LOGISTICS. DIVISION RELEASED August 23, 1982 ,, B-208404 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Patrick Senate Leahy: J. Leahy 119547 Alterations and Improvements to Presidential Appointees' Offices Since January 1981 (GAO/PLRD-82-117) In your January 29, 1982, letter, you ask...
Date Aug. 12, 1982 Report No. MASAD-82-44 Title

National Defense: Procurement, Modification, and Use of the OH-58 Helicopter

l * I v. P UNITEDSTATES GENEFWLACCOUNT~NG OFFICE WASHINGTON, qk 3 D.C. 20548 LMI 19256 MISSION SYSTEMS ANAtYSiS ACQUlSlTlQN AND D~wS~QN RELEASED llllllllllllllIIIllrllllllllllllll The Honorable Mario Biaggi House of Representatives Dear Mr. Biaggi: Procurement, Modification, and Use of the OH-58 Helicopter (GAO/MASAD-82-44) Subject: On April 9, 1982, you requested us to assess the Army's benefits ...
Date Aug. 11, 1982 Report No. ID-82-11 Title

Energy: The Changing Structure of the International Oil Market

STUDY BY THE STAFF OF THE U.S. General Accounting Office The Changing Structure Of The International Oil Market During the past 10 years, the international oil market has experienced periods of acute shortages and surpluses; producers have taken title to oil produced in their countries and the role of the major oil companies is now limited primarily to marketing, distribution, and refining operati...
Date Aug. 4, 1982 Report No. 119115 Title

Budget and Spending: Proposed Legislation To Revise and Reinstate the Renegotiation Act of 1951

Date July 28, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-105 Title

Government Operations: DCAA Audits of Contractor Compliance With Cost Accounting Standards

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 l PRC,IUCl.w?nCNT. ANC RL&DINfSS L00lfTlcs. DIVISION July 28, 1982 b- 198620 Charles 0. Starrett, Jr. Defense Contract Director, Audit Agency Cameron Station 22314 Alexandria, VA. Dear Mr. Starrett: IlllNlllll 119781 Subject: .-DCAA Audits of Contractor Compliance With Cost Accounting Standard.s' (GAO/PLRD-82-105) This report summarize...
Date June 11, 1982 Report No. EMD-82-93 Title

Energy: The OMB Influence in Redesigning the Interior Department's Offshore Leasing and Development Program

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 H-204406 The Honorable Toby Moffett on Chairman, Subcommittee Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives . Nlllllllll 118831 Pear Mr. Chairman: Subject: ‘The Office of Management and Budget’s Influence in Redesigning the Interior Department’s Offshore Leasing and Develop...
Date May 14, 1982 Report No. MASAD-82-35 Title

Natural Resources: Improved Planning and Management of the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project Is Needed

BYTHEUS GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of The Army improved Planning And Management Of The Central And Southern Florida Flood Control Project Is Needed The Corps’ plan contains proposed work that will require major modification or may never be done. Priorities and a valid schedule have not been established for the remaining project work to ensure orderly, efficient, and effecti...
Date April 22, 1982 Report No. 118145 Title

Government Operations: OCS Leasing Program

FOR RELEASEON DELIVERY Expected at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, April 22, 1982 United States General Accounting Washington, D.C. 20548 Office Statement of Douglas L. McCullough Deputy Director, Energy and Minerals Division Before the Subcommittee on the Panama Canal and the Outer Continental Shelf House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries SUMMARY Interior has done a more thorough job documenting it...
Date April 9, 1982 Report No. MASAD-82-30 Title

National Defense: Opportunities To Reduce the Cost of Some B-52 Modifications

UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 MISSION ANALYSIS IIIYWLMS ACOUllllflON AND DIVI5ION E-207025 APRlL9,1982 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Caspar W . Weinberger of Defense Director, G A O Affairs Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: Opportunities Modifications to Reduce the Cost of Some B-52 (MASAD-82-30) Following Presidential approval of the B-1B program, the Air Force r...
Date March 22, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-38 Title

C-5A Wing Modification: A Case Study Illustrating Problems in the Defense Weapons Acquisition Process

Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES CXA Wing Modification : A Case Study Illustrating Problems In The Defense Weapons Acquisition Process The Air Force had data in 1967 indicating airframe weight problems in the C5A aircraft’s original design. These problems eventually led Lockheed, the C5A manufacturer, to deviate from contract specifications by reducing wing material thicknesses. Not until...
Date Feb. 26, 1982 Report No. 117658 Title

Natural Resources: Further Efforts Needed To Ensure Best Use of Research Findings

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 COP.3 MUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC DlVlSlON February Mr. R. Max Peterson U.S. Forest Service Chief, U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C. 20250 Dear Mr. Peterson: SUBJECT: Further Efforts Needed to Ensure Best Use of Research Findings 26, 1982 117658 II We have made a limited review of the results of actions taken by the F...
Date Sept. 17, 1981 Report No. B-203348.2 Title

Government Operations: Comments on Federal Acquisition Regulation

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL B-203348.2 September 17, 1981 Do not Date available to public reading., Mr. William J. Maraist Assistant Administrator for Regulations Office of Federal Procurement Policy Office of Management and Budget Executive Office of the President Dear Mr. Maraist: You requested our comments on a draft segment of the Fe...
Date Sept. 11, 1981 Report No. B-202568 Title

Government Operations: [Opinion Concerning the SBA Disaster Loan Program]

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 B-202568 September 11, 1981 The Honorable David Pryor United States Senate Dear Senator Pryor: This is in response to your request for our opinion as to "the legality and propriety" of certain actions taken by the Small Business Administration (SBA) in connection with its disaster loan program, including "the total cut-off" of funding ...
Date Aug. 21, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-62 Title

Government Operations: Observations of GAO on the Proposed Revision to Executive Order 12072 on the Policy of Meeting Federal Space Needs in Urban Areas

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20540 PROCUREMENT. AN0 READINESS LOQISTICS. DIVISION B-204377 AUGUST 21,lQSl The Honorable David A. Stockman Director, Office of Management and Budget Dear Mr. Stockman: IlllllllIlllI 116184 q- m 7GAO's&bservations,,on the Proposed Revision to Subject: Executive Order 12072 on the Polic of Meeting federal Space Needs in Urban Areas (PLRD-81-62) I D...
Date Aug. 13, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-39 Title

National Defense: Adoption of Preplanned Product Improvement Techniques Can Reduce Cost of Improving Effectiveness of Systems During Their Lifetime

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 /i+L/+ AUGUST : . 2 /” MISSION ANALYSIS AND SVSTEMS ACQUlSlTlON DtvISION 13.1981 : ” E-204236 The Honorable The Secretary Attention% Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Assistant for Audit Reports Ill Ill 116127 Dear Mr. Secretary: Subjects Product Improvement r-Adoption of Preplanned Techniques Can Reduce Cost of Improving Effectivene...
Date July 27, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-56 Title

Government Operations: GSA Planned Program To Evaluate Completed Construction Projects Can Benefit Future Construction

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACC~~NTI~\~G OFflCS WASHINGTON. 3.C. l?.O5%3 PROCUREMENT, AND READINESS LOGISTICS. DIVISION JULY27,1981 B-204065 The Honorable John G. Fary Chairman, Subcommittee on Public Buildings and Grounds Committee on Public Works and Transportation House of Representatives /'GSA% Planned Program '""'Construction Projects Construction?(PLRD-81-56) .", ,,J Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: To...
Date July 10, 1981 Report No. PAD-81-82 Title

Budget and Spending: Proposed Changes to the Payment in Lieu of Taxes Program Can Save Millions

Report To The Honorable Jim -Weaver United States House Of Representatives OF THEUNITEDSTATES Proposed Changes To The Payment In Lieu Of Taxes Program Can Save Millions GAO analyzed four proposed changes to the Payment In Lieu of Taxes Program to determine the impact both Government-wide and on certain States. Although actual budget impact could not be quantified, the estimated savings, depending ...
Date May 21, 1981 Report No. B-202459 Title

Government Operations: [Comments on Proposed Legislation Referred to as Public Buildings Act Amendments of 1981]

COMPTR0'-LER GCANERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON D.C. 2OU48 PLRD/FAM-6 B-202459 May 21, 1981 The Honorable James J. Howard Chairman, Committee on Public Works Iand Transportation House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: -In response to youx-February 20, 1981, request, we lare providing the enclosed Lcomments on t4ies proposed legislation (,H-.R-ti193-8-)' referred to as t4h-e Public Buildi...
Date April 20, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-21 Title

National Defense: Update of the Issues Concerning the Proposed Reactivation of the Iowa Class Battleships and the Aircraft Carrier Oriskany

,,>g@, I/z I: yy -e,. . ‘:’ :z-x ':\$\, :, ,j;:j ,‘; UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 PROCURE!JIENT. AND READINESS LOGISTICS. DIVISION B-202728 The Honorable Joseph P. Addabbo Subcommittee on Defense Chairman, Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Subject: pdate of the Issues Concerning the Proposed Reactivation of the Iowa Class Battleships and t...
Date April 1, 1981 Report No. 090874 Title

National Defense: Military Personnel Law Manual, Revision 2

4 .. I ~lll11lllflflflilillfllllllllll l 090874 April 1981 U.S. General Accounting Office O f f i c e of t h e G e n e r a l C o u n s e l - -_ A t t a c h e d i s t h e s e c o n d r e v i s i o n (Change 2) t o t h e M i l i t a r y P e r s o n n e l Law Manual i s s u e d b y t h i s O f f i c e i n 1 9 7 8 . I t i n c l u d e s p e r t i n e n t Comptroller G e n e r a l d e c i s i o n s i s ...
Date March 20, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-11 Title

Knoxville Expo '82: Why Changes Are Needed in Law on Reuse of U.S. Pavilions at International Expositions

Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Knoxville Expo ‘82: Why Changes Are Needed In Law.On Reuse Of U.S.Pavilions At international Expositions The Department of Commerce is building a permanent, rather than a temporary, pavilion for the Knoxville Expo ‘82, even though there are no firm plans for its use after the exposition. Construction of the more costly permanent building is not justified...
Date March 16, 1981 Report No. A-65768 Title

Government Operations: Final Regulation To Amend Federal Claims Collection Act Standards

3 ~GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 Office of General Counsel In Reply Referto: A-65768 March 16, 1981 Mr. Larry L. Simms Acting Assistant Attorney General @ Office of Legal Counsel Dear Mr. Simms: to .A 3fls1fl.-i S On January 7 1981, we forwarded to the Attorney General for his consideration a rfinal regulation to amend tSre Federal Claims Collection Act Standards...
Date March 16, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-5 Title

National Defense: Improved Management of Air Force Modification Programs Can Save Millions

BY THE U,S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Defense Improved Management Of Air Force Modification Programs Can Save Millions The Air Force can save millions of dollars by (1) making greater use of the Department of Defense supply system to obtain parts needed for the aircraft modification programs and (2) following more realistic practices in contracting for other parts needed ...
Date March 13, 1981 Report No. B-202175 Title

Government Operations: [Views on H.R. 1243]

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES \o ~(ji WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 - B-202175 - AR i3 1984 The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: By letter of February 2, 1981, you requeted ourLyiews on H.R. 124 J 97th Congress, 1st Session--"A bill to amend title 5 of the n~ited States Code to increase the efficiency of Government-wi...
Date March 13, 1981 Report No. B-202109 Title

Government Operations: [Views on H.R. 749]

Ax COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 B-202109 :AR S The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: By letter of January 21, 1981, you requested our iews on H.R. 7497, 97th Congress, 1st Session--"A Dill to amend title 5 of the Cnited States Code to increase the efficiency of Government-wide efforts to ...
Date March 3, 1981 Report No. PAD-81-36 Title

Budget and Spending: Federal Budget Concepts and Procedures Can Be Further Strengthened

. 4. BY THECOlVli’TROLLEnGENERAL *-’jry&J v Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Federal Budget Concepts And Procedures Can Be Further Strengthened Several recent developments have placed strains on the capacity of existing Federal budget concepts and procedures to serve the budget information and control needs of the Congress, the executive branch, and the public. These include “off-bu...
Date July 7, 1980 Report No. B-198847 Title

Government Operations: [Views and Comments on H.R. 7086]

PLrnTCOMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 . . B-198847 July 7, 1980 The Honorable James M. Hanley Chairman, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Your letter of May 1, 1980, requested ourL iews and comments on H.R. 708w This bill would.amend section 5305(c) of title 5, United States Code, to orovide that (1) the authority ...
Date June 5, 1980 Report No. 091119 Title

Government Operations: Financial Implications of a Proposed Water Service Repayment Change Under the Federal Reclamation Act

Date July 17, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-310 Title

Government Operations: The General Services Administration Should Improve the Management of Its Alterations and Major Repairs Program

neral Services A ministration Improve The Manag Of Its Alterations And The General Services Administration spends $250 million a year to alter or repair 3,300 Federal buildings. Its system to manage the program has several deficiencies. Consequently, management does not have reliable information to control expenditures, monitor results, or support congressional budget requests. Many problems have ...
Date March 21, 1979 Report No. LCD-78-335 Title

Government Operations: Repairs and Alterations of Public Buildings by General Services Administration--Better Congressional Oversight and Control Is Possible

* 3 REPORT B’Y’ +-?E f Comptroller General OF THE UNITED STATES g Repairs And Alterations Of Public Buildings By General Services AdministrationBetter Congressional Oversight And Control Is Possible The General Services Administration manages a program of major repairs and alterations to public buildings. The Public Buildings Act requires General Services to obtain approval of the Senate and H...
Date Dec. 29, 1978 Report No. PSAD-79-21 Title

National Defense: Review of the Navy's Ship Acquisition Process

UNITEDSTATESGENERALACCOUNTING OmcE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20518 B-163058 The Honorable The Secretary Attentfonr Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Room 3A336 ASD (Comptroller) I WC: 29 1978 -- Reports Dear Mr. Secretary: process We are currently reviewing the Navy's ship acquisition for selected programs, including FFG-7 class frigates. Although our review is not yet completed, we are bringing ...
Date June 8, 1978 Report No. PAD-78-73 Title

Government Operations: Congressional Oversight Reform Proposals

REPORT BY THE COXPTROLLER OF THE UNITED STATES GENERAL CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGBT REFORM PROPOSALS The Chairman, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration asked the Comptroller General to develop suggestions for improving the process by which Congress oversees programs and decides whether -programs should be continued, modified or terminated, in recognition of the general objectives and features o...
Date June 2, 1978 Report No. FPCD-78-45 Title

Government Operations: Observations on the Method of Annually Adjusting Military Pay

DOCUOBNT RESOgB 06025 B1566591] (Observations on the ethod of nnually djusting ilitary Pay]. FPCD-78-45; B-16370. June 2, 1978. 2 pp. + enclosure (20 pp.). Report to Rep. elvin Price, Chairman, House Committee on Armed Services; S. John Stennis, Chairman, Senate Committee on armed Services; by lser B. Staats, Costroller Geaeral. Issue Area: Personnel anagement and Compensation (300); Personnel ana...
Date May 17, 1978 Report No. 106026 Title

Income Security: Legislation To Amend the Comptroller General's Retirement System

DOCUIENT BESUbE 06026 B1386426] [Legislation To Amend the Comptroller General's Retirament Systemj. ay 17, 1978. 4 pp. + enclosure (7 pp.). Testimcny before the Hocuse Committee on Government Operations: Legislation and National Security ubcosaittee; by Elmer . Staats, Comptroller General. Contact: Office of the Comptroller General. congressional Relevance: House Committee on Governmert Operations...
Date May 15, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-71 Title

Health: The New Orleans Naval Hospital Should Be Closed and Alternative Uses Evaluated

DOCUIENT RESOUE 05986 - [B1386412] The New Orleans Naval Hospital Should Be Closed and Alternative Uses Evaluated. HRD-78-71; B-133044. ay 15c 1978. 19 pp + 3 appendices (4 pp.). Report to the Congrew.s; by Robert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Issue Area: Health Programs (1200); Health Programs: Diagnosis and Disease Ccntrol (1201). Contact: Human Resources Div. Early Budget Function: Nat...
Date July 20, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-77-53 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Statement of Accounting Principles and Standards for the Operations of the Civil Aeronautics Board

DOCUMENT RESUME 03437 - [A2633756] (Approval of the Statement of Accounting Principles and Standards for the Operations of the Civil Aeronautics Board]. FGMSD-77-53. Jujy 20, 1977. 1 pp. Report to Alfred E. Kahn, Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General.. Issue Area: Accounting and Finan'ial Reporting (2800). Contact: Financial and General Management Studies Div. ...
Date July 20, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-77-54 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Statement of Accounting Principles and Standards for the Southeastern Power Administration

`"ENT RESPME 03436 - [A2633758] [Approval of the Stetement of Accounti Principles and Standards for the Southeastern Power A 'nistration]. FGMSD-77-54; B-125032. Jujy 20, 1977. 1 pp. Report to SecLetary, Department of the Iinterior; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Accounting and Financial Reporting (2800). Contact: Financial and General Management Studies Div. Budget Functiol,...
Date July 7, 1977 Report No. CED-77-86 Title

Housing: Changes Proposed for the Funding of Public Works Projects Would Expedite Economic Development and Job Opportunities

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES LM102865 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Changes Proposed For The Funding Of Public Works Projects Would Expedite Economic Development And Job Opportunities Department of Commerce Between fiscal years 1966 and 1975, the Economic Development Administration approved grants of $1.4 billion to construct 2,800 public works pro...
Date May 4, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-435 Title

National Defense: Improvements Needed in Managing the Army's Field Level Equipment Modification Program

Improvements Needed In Managing The Army’s Field teve! ECplipme~t odifieatisn Program Departmnts of Defense and the Army The Army has had reccrring problems in mana$ng its program&-for making, changes ic;le;dlfications] in its taccrcai and comoat vehtThere have been long delays in app!ying modifications, ineffective controls over material, and unreliable reporting on the program’s status. Thes...
Date Aug. 18, 1975 Report No. 089619 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Review of the Small Business Administration's Management, Organization and Review Functions

Dear Xr. r7i.s Tsch2cke: is ;o notify you that we have completed our work on the r Review dsinistration’s management, organization and review I wish to take this opportunity to express my sistance and cooperation extended Messrs. h’eely an< &s::?)- .~f ~1’ s:a;‘f. T-3 O-T? WCLL.. - z ozC:ions on suggested modifications to SBA’s Standards of coy$:c: Pwp& ;,;e int eri*iewed several members...
Date April 11, 1975 Report No. 089623 Title

Transportation: Federal Aviation Administration's Regulation and Surveillance of Alterations to Light Aircraft

8 RES~URCESANDECONOMIC B~EL~~MENTOIVISION -UNITED STATES GENERAL A~JNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE I 4Pufd3 The Honorable James E. Dow Acting Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration Department of Transportation Dear Mr. Dow: c..: APR 11 197’5 We have surveyed the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) regulation of and surveillance over alterations to light aircraft. We made our s...
Date March 28, 1975 Report No. 089108 Title

Information Management: Need for Computer Program Modifications To Show a Correct Organizational History of Employees' Earnings in the Civilian Payroll System of the U.S. Army Military District of Washington

1. .I ii2aP+ UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE6 y q ( Ud WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE 22046,s r FIFTHFLOOR 803WESTBROADsTREET FALLS CHURCM,VIRGINIA . \ / Colonel Edward 13. Finch, Jr. Comptroller U.S. Army %litary District of Washington Department of the Army Building 48 Fort Leslie J. McNair Washington, D.C. 20319 Dear Colonel Finch: i.. D. 2P/ v This letter supplements our report of February...
Date Oct. 1, 1974 Report No. B-157373 Title

National Defense: Management of Aircraft Modification Programs in the Army, Navy, and Air Force

8-157373 Department of Defense To the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate This is our report on the management of aircraft modification programs in the Army, Navy, and Air Force. We made our review pursuant to the Budget and Accounting Act Act; 1921 (31 U.S.C. 53), and the Accounting ancl Auditing of I,950 (31 U,S;C. 67). We are sending copies of thi...
Date Sept. 25, 1973 Report No. B-178570 Title

National Defense: Advanced Airborne Command Post Program

. l :f The Honorable Les Aspin House of Representatives Dear Mr. Aspin: The enclosed response to your L-Advanced Airborne unclassified information is in further Ap’ril 13, 1973, letter, concerning the Command Post (AABNCP) program. . AABNCP was reported for the first time on the Department of Defense Selected Acquisition Report as of &larch 31, 1973, and we have added AABNCP to the systems cover...
Date Aug. 31, 1973 Report No. B-178979 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Issues Resulting From Supreme Court Ruling