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GAO Reports by subject "Accounting procedures"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 2, 1989 Report No. AFMD-89-45 Title

CPA Audit Quality: Failures of CPA Audits to Identify and Report Significant Savings and Loan Problems

GAO February 1989 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs House of Representatives CPAAUDITQUALITY Failures of CPAAudits to Identify and Report Significant Savings and Loan Problems GAO/AF’MD-89-45 N ; About Our New Cover... The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO'S efforts to improve the presentation of our reports. GAO United States ...
Date Jan. 12, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-34 Title

Supply Security: Air Force Controls Need to Be Strengthened

Air Force Controls Need to Be Strengthened United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International AfYairs Division I B-230606 January 12,1989 The Honorable Pete Wilson United States Senate The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate As you requested, we examined controls over materials during the receiving pr...
Date Jan. 11, 1989 Report No. AFMD-89-12 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Recording and Photographic Studios Revolving Fund for 1988 and 1987

Senate Recording and Photographic Studios Revolving Fund for 1988and1987 __-.-__- __-_-.--..----..----- (;AO>‘AFMI)-W-l% GAO General Accoundng Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States united State6 B-199746 January 11,1989 The Honorable Henry K. Giugni Sergeant at Arms United States Senate Dear Mr. Giugni: As requested in your letter of March 10,1988, we have examin...
Date Jan. 1, 1989 Report No. 137663 Title

Financial Management: GAO's Financial Management Training Plan

Preface The hallmark of a professional auditor is a commitment to continued self-development. As new and challenging problems and issues confront us, we must respond by sharpening and expanding our technical expertise, analytical abilities, and managerial capabilities. That commitment is both an organizational and an individual responsibility as well as a public expectation of us. Advanced techno...
Date Dec. 30, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-28 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Home Loan Banks' 1987 Financial Statements

1GAO Report to the Congress December 1988 FINANCIAL AUDIT’ Federal Home Loan Banks 1987 Financial Statements GAQ/AFMD-89-28 About Our New Cover... The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO’s efforts to improve the presentation of our reports. -- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 ----Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14893 D...
Date Dec. 30, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-27 Title

Patronage Refunds: Rural Telephone Bank's and Other Cooperatives' Methods to Refund Earnings

United States Geueral Accounting Office 'GAO Deem ber 1988 * Report to the Honorable Bill Grant House of Representatives 9 PATRONAGE REFUNDS Rural Telephone Bank’s and Other Cooperatives’ Methods to Refund Earnings GAO/AFMD-89-27 I GAO Unbd States General Accountiug Offlce Wmhiugton, D.C. 20548 Accouuting and Financial Mamgexnent Division B-169292 December 30, 1988 The Honorable Bill Grant Hou...
Date Dec. 29, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-16 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Asset Disposition Association's 1987 Financial Statements

United States General Accounting Office GAQ 1 December 1988 Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Asset Disposition Association’s 1987 Financial Statements GAO/AFMD-89-16 R About, Our New Cover... The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO’s efforts to improve the presentation of our reports. United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comp...
Date Dec. 23, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-11 Title

Financial Audit: Attending Physician Revolving Fund for the 16-Month Period Ended 1-31-88

United States General Accounting Office . GAO December 1988 Report to the President of the Senate and ~the Speaker of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT Attending Physician Revolving Fund for the 16-Month Period Ended l-31-88 About Our New Cover. .. The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO’s efforts to improve the presentation of our ~~:orF3 GAO United State...
Date Dec. 23, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-21 Title

Financial Audit: Rural Electrification Administration's Financial Statements for 1987

c United States General Accounting Office GAQ December 1988 Report to the Secretary of Agriculture FINANCIAL AUDIT Rural Electrification Administration’s Financial Statements for 1987 GAO/AFMD-89-21 About Our New Cover. . . The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO’s efforts to improve the presentation of our reports. . GAO United States General Accounting Office Was...
Date Dec. 21, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-13 Title

Financial Audit: National Credit Union Administration's FY 1987 and 1986 Financial Statements

United Bk!o p = States General Accounting Office -_- ._. >* :3 Report to the Congress f ‘. -. ., IBl’tWSTlm 1988 FINANCIAL AUDIT National Credit Union Administration’s F’Y 1987andl986 Financial Statements GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-202052 December 2 1, 1988 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of t...
Date Dec. 20, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-20 Title

Financial Audit: Farmers Home Administration's Losses Have Increased Significantly

GAO - Llnited States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting Management and Financial Division P-226849 I)ec~entbcr20, 1988 The Honorable Richard E. Lyng The Secretary of Agricult,ure Dear Mr. Secretary: This report presents the results of our examination of the Farmers Home Administration’s (FrnElA) financial statements for the year ended September 30, 1987. and our reports...
Date Dec. 19, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-6 Title

CPA Audit Quality: Arthur Young and Company's Work at Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.

United States General Accounting Office GAO December 1988 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives ,’ CPA AUDIT QUALITY Arthur Young and Company’s Work at Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. GAO/AFMD-89-6 GAO General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division united State...
Date Dec. 14, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-10 Title

Financial Audit: House Stationery Revolving Fund Statements--June 30, 1988 and 1987

United States General Accounting Office GAO December 1988 Report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT House Stationery Revolving Fund Statements June 30, 1988 and 1987 GAO, AJ?MD-89-10 -a, j -- -- i GAO united states General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States El 14862 December 14, 1988 The Honorable Don&d K. Anderson Clerk of t...
Date Nov. 30, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-23 Title

Financial Audit: Veterans Administration's Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 1987 and 1986

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Congress November 1988 FINANCIAL AUDIT Veterans Administration’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 1987 and 1986 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-226801 November 30. 1988 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report p...
Date Nov. 29, 1988 Report No. HRD-89-19 Title

Medicare: Incentives Needed to Assure Private Insurers Pay Before Medicare

.--- ,,,- ., ..-.,,., _._I. --- -- -..-.__ ----, .-_- ,-_-._... ,.-.. ,.,,. ,, _,, __ ,. ,11w.,m-.- _,.. -,, -.----‘-‘M . -Gb-0 4 4 United StatesGenera AccountingOffice Report to Congressional Committees November 1988 MEDICARE Incentives Needed to Assure Private Insurers Pay Before Medicare : -1 j GAO/HRD-89-19 .. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human R...
Date Nov. 21, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-17 Title

Financial Audit: Examination of GSA's Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 1987 and 1986

p-h l&& B a &&I IlnrQ4 h @iL ‘1 Report to the Congress ---- November 1988 FINANCIAL AUDIT Examination of GSA’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 1987 and 1986 137358 GAO,‘AFMD-89-17 About. Our New Cover. .. The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO’s efforts to improve the presentation of our reports. United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 2...
Date Nov. 17, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-9 Title

Financial Audit: House Office of the Sergeant at Arms--Periods Ended 6-30-88 and 12-31-87

United States General --- im~rtrm Office GAO November 1988 Report to the Speaker and the Sergeant V Arms of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUD 1- House Office of tht Sergeant at Amxw Periods Ended 6-3 iESb and 12-31-87 _,., ,,.,,, - .,.,_- About Our New Cover. .. The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO’s efforts to improve the presentation of our reports. GAO...
Date Nov. 15, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-32 Title

Deficit Reductions for Fiscal Year 1989: Compliance With the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985

United States General Accounting Office Report to the President and the Congress November 1989 DEFICIT REDUCTIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989 Compliance With the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-221498 November 15,1988 The President The President of the Senate The Speaker...
Date Nov. 14, 1988 Report No. HRD-89-8 Title

Internal Controls: Need to Strengthen Controls Over Payments by Medicare Intermediaries

United States General Accounting Ofbee m-,-,4. . -- .,-. - _,_- - --.. . ,I , . . ^- _. . . I Human Resources Division B-216946 November 14, 1988 The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen Chairman, Committee on Finance United States Senate The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Repr...
Date Nov. 1, 1988 Report No. OCG-89-7TR Title

Transition Series: Financial Management Issues

$ i J r November 1988 Financial , Management Issues GAO,‘OCG-89-7TR GAO united states General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-158195 November 1988 The President of the Senate The Speaker of the House of Representatives The Secretary-designate of the Treasury The Director-designate, Office of Management and Budget Over the past several years, GA...
Date Oct. 26, 1988 Report No. RCED-89-32BR Title

Boating and Fishing: Administration of the Wallop-Breaux Trust Fund

United States Genera1 Accounting Office GAO October 1988 Briefing Report to Congressional Requesters BOATING AND FISHING Administration of the Wallop-Breaux Trust Fund GAO/RCED-89-32BR cw3(nucq I /37/S GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-231292 October26,1988 The Honorable Walter B. Jones, Chairman The Honorab...
Date Sept. 28, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-72 Title

Interagency Agreements: Fiscal Year 1988 Agreements at Selected Agencies Were Proper

. United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1988 RepQrt to coogressional Requesters INTERAGENCY AGREEMENTS Fiscal Year 1988 Agreements at Selected Agencies Were Proper ) I IllIll Ill llllll 137174 , GAO/AFMD-88-72 n GAO united states AccountingandFinanti Management Jlivision B-228826 General AccounU Offbe Washixigton, D.C. 20548 September 28, 1988 The Honorable John C. Stennis Chairman...
Date Sept. 22, 1988 Report No. T-AFMD-88-18 Title

Financial Management: Federal Financial Management Reform

United States General Accounting Office Testimony ?or Release on Delivery Expected at IO:00 a.m. EDT Thursday September 22, 1988 Federal Financial Management Reform Statement of Charles A. Bowsher, cf the United States Comptroller General Before the Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security Committee on Government Operations Flouse of Representatives 1; IIlllllII IllI II 136887 , . . .. __...
Date Sept. 15, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-75 Title

Foreign Military Sales: Redirection of Accounting Improvement Efforts Is Appropriate

United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1988 Report to the Chairman, Legislation and National Security Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives . FOREIGN MILITARY SALES Redirection of Accounting Improvement Efforts Is Appropriate GAO,‘AFMD-88-75 -. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 and Financial Accounting Managemen...
Date Sept. 7, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-59 Title

Financial Audit: House Beauty Shop Revolving Fund Financial Statements for 1987 and 1986

United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1988 Report to the Chairman, Committee on House Administration, House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT House Beauty Shop ‘Revolving Fund Financial Statements for 1987 and 1986 !1 GAO/AFMD-W-59 WA& . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-202896 September 7, 1988 The Hono...
Date Aug. 15, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-178 Title

Internal Controls: State Department Needs to Improve Management of Travel Advances

United States General Accounting Off’ice . ‘GAO August 1988 Report to the Chairman, Legislation and National Security Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives INTERNAL CONTROLS State Department Needs to Improve Management of Travel Advances 1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National !3ecurity and International Affairs Divisio...
Date Aug. 8, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-108 Title

U.S. Government Printing Office: Materials Management Service's Charges for Handling Paper and Materials

I .’ United States Gknerh Accounting Office Report to the Chairman, Joint Committee ’ on Printing, Congressof the United States August 1988 U.S. GOVERNMENT .PRINTING OFFICE Materials Management Service’s Charges for Handling Paper ana Materials c O~/l3ww GAO/GGD-88-108 . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-205592 August 8,1988 The ...
Date Aug. 2, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-61 Title

Financial Audit: Financing Corporation's 1987 Financial Statements

United States General Accounting Office Rem& to the Congress , August 1988 FINANCIAL Financing AUDIT Corporation’s 1987 Financial Statements c. .’ I, t GAO United States General Acuunting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-229386 August 2, 1988 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents the results o...
Date July 28, 1988 Report No. HRD-88-110 Title

The Fair Labor Standards Act: Back Wage Case Management

d United States General Accounting Office c GAO July 1988 Report to the Chairman, Subcommitteeon ’ Labor Standards, Committee on Education and Labor, Houseof Representatives THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT Back Wage Case Management c . . 4 Accounting Office exce$ on the basi;sof the Specifice by the office of Congressiod Rehtim . GAO/Hl?BM-110 s-W/r3(&? I I -. f GAO united states Office General Acc...
Date July 21, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-74 Title

Customs Service: Penalty Assessment and Collection Process Is Improving

United States Generri Accounting Office “i 0 ,! GAO July 1988 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives CUSTOMSSERVICE :t Penalty Assessment and Collection Process Is hproving 1 RE~~~Nottobemledadsidbtbr,dsllQlrf + Accwnting Office except on the basis of the spec& appm& by the o&e of congressioaa...
Date July 14, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-179 Title

Inventory Management: Receipt Confirmation Problems

United States General Accounting Office GAO July Report to Congressional Requesters 1988 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Receipt Confirmation Problems RESTRICTED--Not to be released at&side the Genel%d Accounting Office except on the basis of the specific applWa1 by the Offke of Congressional Relations. gyt3? \z GAO/NSIAD-88-179 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Secu...
Date July 13, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-125 Title

Water Resources: Costs of the Fountain Valley Authority Pipeline

United States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Requesters , July 1988 WATER RESOURCES Costs of the Fountain Valley Authority Pipeline 136316 c2YGxPcII \I GAO,‘RCED-88425 GAO United States General Accounting Office / Denver Regional Office B-227258 July 13, 1988 The Honorable William Armstrong United States Senate The Honorable Timothy Wirth United States Senate Suite 300-D 2420 ...
Date July 7, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-47 Title

Financial Audit: Commodity Credit Corporation's Financial Statements for 1987 and 1986

I36298 . United Stnte?s Gemlesal Acccmnting report ta Office GAO July 1988 the Congress Jj’I-f+JjJJJ(-‘JIAL~ AJJDIT’ I II llllll 136298 GAO/AFMD-8847 J I . GAO United States General Accauntig office Waskington, D.C. 20548 ColmplcMlllller General of the QJmited8tates July 7, 1988 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents our opinion on...
Date July 5, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-58 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation's 1987 and 1986 Financial Statements

United States General Accounting Office 1~3bZ’bCS, _ uII f Report to the Congress July 1988 FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation’s 1987 and 1986 Financial Statements / l~lll~l ‘1I II11 i 136250 GAO/AF’MD-88-58 /36== GAO’ United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-114893 July 5, 1988 To the President ...
Date June 29, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-182 Title

Foreign Aid: Improving the Impact and Control of Economic Support Funds

: ’ United States General Accounting Office lywy , * ‘GAO June 1988 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives FOREIGN AID Improving the Impact and Control of Economic Support Funds II II Ill 136209 GAO,‘NSLAD-W-182 ! National Security and International Affairs Division B-225870 June 29,1988 The Honorable Lee H. ...
Date June 23, 1988 Report No. T-GGD-88-41 Title

Asset Forfeiture Programs: Progress and Problems

United States General Accounting Of&e Test&my For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Thursday June 23, 1988 Asset. Forfeiture Progress Programs: and Problems Statement of Gene L. Dodaro, Associate Director General Government Division Before the Subcommittee on Federal Spending, Budget and Accounting, U.S. Senate U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND CUSTOMS SERVICE FORFEITURE PROGRAMS Summary ...
Date June 15, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-142 Title

National Defense Stockpile: Relocation of Stockpile Materials

.. , . /*I4 United States General Accounting Office / _ *GAO June 1988 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on . . Seapower and Strategic and Critical Materials, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives NATIONAL DEFENSE STOCKPILE Relocation of Stockpile Materials I’I I II, I 136147 GAO,‘NSIAD-88-142 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Securi...
Date June 2, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-91 Title

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights: Compliance With Appropriation Provisions as of March 31, 1988

I ” 136/b/ ,q ‘, United States General Accounting Office d”‘~ GAO June 1988 Report to the Chairman, Commitke’“on Appropriations, U.S. Senate, and the Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS Compliance With Appropriation Provisions as of March 31, 1988 / ’I ; lllllllllI iIllll 136101 , I GAQ&GD438-91 , .- +’ I . GAO United Stat...
Date May 27, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-41 Title

Financial Audit: Statement of Accountability of the House Finance Office for Fiscal Year 1987

United States General Accounting Office ~~SYYLj ,, GAO May 1988 Report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT Statement of Accountability of the House Finance Office for Fiscal Year 1987 1’35944 GAO/AFMD-88-41 -2 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14864 May 27,1988 The Honorable Donnald K. Anderson...
Date May 20, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-57 Title

Government Operations: Issues Involving FHLBB Accountability and Control Policies

** : a_: /3w13 -‘GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C.20548 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-114893 lYay 20, 1988 The Honorable M. Danny Wall Chairman Federal Home Loan Bank Board 1700 G Street,, NW Washington, DC 20552 Dear Mr. Wall: Ill I lllllllll 135913 As you are aware, we have completed our audit of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FS...
Date May 19, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-48 Title

Financial Audit: Export-Import Bank's 1987 and 1986 Financial Statements

GAO May 1988 Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT 1987 and 1986 Financial Statements . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-197710 May 19: 1988 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents our adverse opinion on the financial statements of the Export-Import Bank of the ...
Date May 12, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-133 Title

Inventory Management: Air Force Inventory Accuracy Problems

_I--- United States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Rkquksters * May 1988 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Air Force Inventory Accuracy Problems RELEASED RESrlZICTEb--N6t to he &ased outside the &nd Accounting Office except on the basis of the specificappd by the OfEkeof Congressiod &latiow GAO/NSIAD-W433 National Security and International Affairs Division B-222859 May 12, 1988 The Honorabl...
Date May 12, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-40 Title

Financial Audit: Panama Canal Commission's Financial Statements for 1987 and 1986

United States ---- General Accounting Office Report to the Congress ---- FINANCIAL AUDIT Panma Canal Commission’ s Finmeial Statements for 1987 and 1986 135775 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14839 May 12,1988 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report transmits our qua...
Date May 5, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-80FS Title

DC Government: The Federal Payment to the DC Government Under Alternative Payment Methods

. United States General Accounting Office I35975 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Subcommittee on the District of Columbia, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate GA6 . , May 1988 DC GOVERNMENT The Federal Payment , to the DC Government Under Alternative Payment Methods 135975 GAO Linked States General Accounting Offtice Washington, IX. 205413 General Government Division B-201788 my 5, 1988 The Hono...
Date April 27, 1988 Report No. T-NSIAD-88-21 Title

Financial Management: State Department's Management of Its Travel Advance Funds

United States General Accounting Office / 3565q Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday April 27, 1988 State Its Department’ s TraveL Advance Management Funds of Statement Frank C. National of Conahan, Security Assistant Comptroller General and International Affairs National Security Subcommittee on Government Operations Before the LegisLation and House Committee 135659...
Date April 26, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-79 Title

DOD Inflation: Budgeting and Monitoring Inflation Funding in the Department of Defense

1. Izwll United States General Accounting Office ‘I I,, \ GAO April 1988 Report to the Chairman, Com m ittee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate - DOD INFLATION Budgeting and Monitoring Inflation Funding in the Department of Defense I’ II II 135911 National Security and International Affairs Division B-229031 April 26, 1988 The Honorable John C. Stennis Chairman, Committee on Appropriations United ...
Date April 22, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-43 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's 1987 and 1986 Financial Statements

~ I \,,,p 1 United States General Accounting Office I Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’ 1987 s and 1986 Financiz$l Statements ~ Y - GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DE. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States 1 B-l 14831 April 22, 1988 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This repo...
Date April 20, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-122 Title

Public Housing: Problems Continue To Plague the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority

United I States General Accounting Office GAO \ April 1988 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on . Housing and Community Development, Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, House of Representative@ and Congresswoman Mary Rose Oakar PUBLIC HOUSING Problems Continue to Plague the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority ~1~~1 II II11 1111 136054 GAO,‘RCED-88-122 i) * i’ / i. United St...
Date April 14, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-19 Title

Financial Reporting: Defense Agencies' Reports on Financial Position Need To Be Improved

United States General Accounting Office Repoti to- the Secretary of Defense April 1988 FINANCIAL REPORTING Defense Agencies’ Reports on Financial Position Need To Be Improved United States General Accounting Office Washiugton, DC 20548 Accounting and Financial Management Division H-228764 April 14, 1088 The Ilonorable Frank (‘ (:;trlucci . The Secretary of Ikti~nsc Dear Mr. Secretary: This rep...
Date March 31, 1988 Report No. T-AFMD-88-9 Title

National Defense: Status of DOD Efforts To Improve Accounting for Foreign Military Sales

United States General Accounting Office Testirnmy For Release on Delivery Expected at 1O:OO a.m. EST Thursday I March 31, 1988 Status Accounting of DOD Efforts for Foreign To Improve Sales Military Statement Frederick Accounting of D. Wolf, Director and Financial Management Security Operations .' Division Subcommittee Before the Legislation and National Committee on Government House of Representat...