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GAO Reports by subject "Accounts payable"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date July 28, 2011 Report No. GAO-11-577R Title

American Battle Monuments Commission: Improvements Needed in Internal Controls and Accounting Procedures - Fiscal Year 2010

United States Government Accountability Office Washington, DC 20548 July 28, 2011 The Honorable Max Cleland, Secretary American Battle Monuments Commission Courthouse Plaza II, Suite 500 2300 Clarendon Boulevard Arlington, VA 22201 Subject: American Battle Monuments Commission: Improvements Needed in Internal Controls and Accounting Procedures – Fiscal Year 2010 Dear Mr. Secretary: On March 1, 2...
Date May 20, 2008 Report No. GAO-08-711R Title

Financial Management: Governmentwide Accounts Payable

United States Government Accountability Office Washington, DC 20548 May 20, 2008 Mr. Gregory Spencer Chairman, Financial Statement Audit Network Subject: Governmentwide Accounts Payable Dear Mr. Spencer: The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is required by the Government Management Reform Act of 1994 to audit the Consolidated Financial Statements of the U.S. Government (CFS).1 Certain materia...
Date Aug. 29, 1997 Report No. AIMD-97-89 Title

Financial Audit: Examination of IRS' Fiscal Year 1996 Administrative Financial Statements

United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1997 Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Examination of IRS’ Fiscal Year 1996 Administrative Financial Statements GAO/AIMD-97-89 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-276920 July 31, 1997 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives In acco...
Date June 16, 1997 Report No. AIMD-97-108R Title

Financial Management: Comments on DFAS' Draft Federal Accounting Standards and Requirements

GAO United States General Accounting Office WasJxington, D.C. 20548 Acc&ting and Information Management Division B-277096 June 16, 1997 The Honorable John J. Hamre The Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Subject: FktanciaI Management: Comments on DFAS’ Draft Federal Accounting Standards and Reauirements Dear Dr. Hamre: This letter is in response to your April 9, 1997, request for comments o...
Date Sept. 18, 1996 Report No. AIMD-96-138R Title

Government Operations: White House Travel Office

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Information Management Division B-274434 September 18, 1996 The Honorable William F. Clinger, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: In May 1994 and January 1996, we reported to the Congress on issues related to the White House Travel Office.’ We ident...
Date June 5, 1995 Report No. AIMD-95-137ML Title

Financial Institutions: FDIC Management Letter

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Information Management Division B-261436 June 5, 1995 The Honorable Ricki Helfer Board of Directors Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Dear Madam Chairman: In March 1995, we issued our opinions on the calendar year 1994 financial statements of the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF), Savings Association Insurance ...
Date April 30, 1990 Report No. AFMD-90-66 Title

Cash Management: Diners Club Business Travel Management Program Needs Improvement

April 1990 CASH MANAGEMENT Diners Club Business Travel Management Program Needs Improvement GAO/AFMD-90-66 ..” ,. .., ., ,.., . --“..... Accounting and Financial Management Division B-238532 April 30, 1990 The Honorable Edward R. Roybal Chairman, Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: In House Rep...
Date June 26, 1989 Report No. AFMD-89-53BR Title

Accounting Systems: Efforts to Improve Crow Tribe's Accounting System

United States General Accounting Office GAO June 1989 Briefing Report to the Chairman, Select v Committee on Indian Affairs, U.S. Senate , ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS Efforts to Improve Crow Tribe’s Accounting System _-. -_ _- - _ __-- - b -- -.--I GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-207047 June26,1989 The Honorable Daniel K. I...
Date March 17, 1988 Report No. T-AFMD-88-8 Title

Financial Management: Federal Agencies' Bill Payment Performance and Comments on Proposals To Amend the Prompt Payment Act

; For Release on Delivery Expected at 10 a.m. EST Thursday March 17, 1988 (“dFederal Agencies ' Bill Act Payment Performance Amen4 the and Comments on Propoeals'
Date July 29, 1986 Report No. 130531 Title

Financial Management: Federal Agencies' Bill Paying Performance

Date Oct. 31, 1983 Report No. AFMD-84-16 Title

Financial Management: The Bureau of Public Debt Should Better Control Savings Bond Sales and Redemptions

Report To The Secretary Of The Treasury The Bureau Of Public Debt Should Better &ntrol Savings Bond Sales And Redemptions GAO’ review of the Bureau of Public Debt’ s s Internal controls over savings bond sales, redemptions, and blank stock has identified major system weaknesses that result in losses to the Treasury and poor control over large supplies of blank savings bond stock. GAO recommend...
Date Feb. 16, 1983 Report No. GGD-83-21 Title

Financial Management: Accounts Which Will Never Be Paid Are Included in District's Accounts Receivable

, . . i I - -- BY THE U.S.GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Mayor Of The District Of Columbia Accounts Which W ill Never Be Paid Are Included In District’ Accounts Receivable s Some District accounts receivable, primarily for medical services, are unnecessarily high because they include amounts which District officials knew from the outset were not collectable. Accounts receivable are infla...
Date April 13, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-69 Title

Financial Management: Statement of Financial Position of United States Railway Association as of September 30, 1981

*. UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DE. 2OS48 April B-207054 To the United Board States of Directors Railway Association 13, 1982 The accompanying statement of financial position of United States Railway Association (Association) as of September 30, 1981, and the related statements of operations and changes in financial position for the year then ended have been compiled by us. A...
Date Dec. 22, 1981 Report No. AFMD-82-31 Title

Financial Management: Weaknesses in Internal Financial and Accounting Controls at National Park Service Accounting Stations

‘ ,,, 1, UNITED Sl"A~~i!ii GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINC~TON, D.C. 20548 A-L3)L\r451 w )&g.f l/?/23 221987 ACCOWNTINO MANAOI;NENT AND CINANCIAL DlVlIION OECf%d6ER B-205828 The Honorable The Secretary Dear !‘ fK. James G. Watt of the Interior Secretary: Financial Park Service and Accounting Accounting SUBJECT:” Weaknesses in Internal Controls et National Stations ,‘ (AFMD-82-31) This re...
Date Oct. 30, 1981 Report No. AFMD-82-17 Title

Financial Management: Financial Management Problems at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Chairman, Committee On labor And Human Resources OF THE UNITED STATES llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM116921 At The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Although the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has agreed to correct past deficiencies in its accounting operation, many serious deficiencies still exist that are adversely affec...
Date May 20, 1981 Report No. 115400 Title

Budget and Spending: Proposed Authorization for District of Columbia To Sell General Obligation Bonds To Pay Certain Liabilities

Date Oct. 8, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-81-6 Title

Financial Management: Internal Controls at State Department Accounting Stations in Latin America and the Caribbean

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-199914 Mr. Thomas M. Tracy Assistant Secretary Department of State Dear Mr. Tracy: Subject: OCTOBER 8,198O for Administration 113493 at State Department Accountfinternal Controls ing Stations in Latin America and the Caribbean (FGMSD-81-6) 3 This report contains the results of our survey of accounting controls over revenue and expend...
Date Aug. 21, 1980 Report No. 114190 Title

Financial Management: Financial Statements of the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCWNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 IN REPLY COMMUNITY DNELOPMUYF AND ECONOMlC DIVISION REPERTO: Mr. Raymond Fontaine Assistant Administrator for Plans, Programs and Financial Management General Services Administration Dear Mr. Fontaine: &.. dL.+ 1 ,,,,I1 s n," ET. ("""k, j- /I /* ,,.,m 1 On July 1, 1980, we issued a report to the Congress year 1979pnancial expressing our...
Date Oct. 12, 1979 Report No. GGD-80-15 Title

Financial Management: Questionable Census Bureau Indirect Cost Charges and Management Practices for Reimbursable Work

UNITED STATESGENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. u)!M8 B-78395 DCfOBER 12, 1979 Mr. Vincent P. Barabba Director, Bureau of the Census Department of Commerce Dear Mr. Barabba: r-- l;i uestionable Census Bureau Indirect Cost ,,1, /JQ iI,, ~ " ) ~ #I '/I Charges and Manag ment Practices for I;,,, " ",,,I,, I '1 Reimbursable Work (GGD-80-15) 4 'f 11~ ~ The House Subcommittee on Census and Popul...
Date Aug. 22, 1979 Report No. FGMSD-79-32 Title

Financial Management: Survey of Internal Controls Over Cash Receipts and Expenditure Transactions Within the Health Services Administration

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C. 20548 DIVEION GENERAL OF I-INANClAL MANAGEMENT AN0 STUDIES ~-183363 AUGUST 22,1979 Dr. George I. Lythcott, Admlnlstrator Health Services Admlnrstratlon Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dear Dr. Lythcott: II/I II 110193 This report contains the results of our&%rvey of Internal controls over cash receipts and expenditure transactio...
Date July 13, 1977 Report No. 102872 Title

Government Operations: Audit of Temporary Lodging Allowance Vouchers and Leave and Earnings Statements

Date March 9, 1977 Report No. 089073 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the Bureau of Reclamation Project Financial Statements

LIN~TEDSTA-%SGENERAL Accoulvrr~~ REGIONAL OFFICE ROOM SJZA-I-RE, 201 415 FJRSTAVWUH WAsnlNGroN NoRTn OFFICE 40 98 109 Hr. Rodney 3. V~ssxa Bureau of Reclamaklon Department of the Interzor Box 43, 550 West Fort Street Bozse, Idaho 83702 Dear Mr. Vlssza: 7 3 We have completed our review of the Bureau of Reclamation proJect financial statements for the fiscal year ended hne 30, 1976. The-pcrrpose of ...
Date March 9, 1977 Report No. 089074 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the Corps of Engineers Project Financial Statements

UNITEDSTATESGENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE REGIONAL ROOM SEAmLIZ, 201 415 FIRSWASHlNGTON OFFICE AVENUE NORTH 98 i 09 General Wesley E Peel Dxvlslon Engxneer, North Pacxflc Dlvxsion U S Army Corps of Engineers 210 customs House Portland, Oregon 97209 X~JOZ- Dear General Peel We have completed our review of the Corps of Engineers (Corps) proJect financxal statements for the fiscal year ended June, 30, 1976...
Date June 24, 1976 Report No. 089544 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Temporary Lodging Allowances Vouchers and Leave and Earnings Statements

Date May 12, 1976 Report No. 094285 Title

Financial Management: Review of Accounts at Rhein Main Air Base

Date Oct. 6, 1975 Report No. 089649 Title

Financial Management: Review of Payments of Temporary Lodging and Other Allowances in the Accounts of the Accounting and Finance Officer at Albrook Air Force Base

Date Oct. 1, 1975 Report No. 088729 Title

Special Publications: Audits of Accounts of the Finance and Accounting Officer at the IX U.S. Army Corps, Japan

Date June 12, 1975 Report No. 089586 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions at U.S. Navy Regional Finance Center, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OF& REGIONAL BUIl-E 500. WASHINGTON 234 STATE OFFICE BOULEVARD BTREET BUlLDlNC DE~ROLT, MICHLGAN 48226 Commanding Officer Navy Regional Finance Pearl Harbor, Hawaii . Dear Sir: Center P, w -&l As part of our continuing review of the Navy's financial management system, we examined selected transactions from the Pearl Harbor Navy Regional Finance Center's accounts fo...
Date April 3, 1975 Report No. 089375 Title

Financial Management: Audits of Travel and Temporary Lodging Allowance Vouchers Paid by the Accounting and Finance Officer at Kincheloe Air Force Base, Michigan

Date March 31, 1975 Report No. 089376 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Travel and Temporary Lodging Allowance Vouchers Paid by the Accounting and Finance Officer at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL SUITE 300-D, 2420 W. OFFICE 2Cl-H AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80211 March 31, 1975 Commander 1 Nellis Air Force Base J Nevada 89191 Dear Sir: 31' We are pleased to repkt that our audit of travel and temporary lodging allowance (TLA) vouchers paid by the accounting and finance officer at your installation for the period September 1 through 30, 1974, disc...
Date March 7, 1975 Report No. 089110 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Travel and Temporary Lodging Allowance Vouchers Paid by the Accounting and Finance Officer at Castle Air Force Base, California

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOIJNTING OFFICE REGIONAL SUITE MO-D, * OFFICE AVENUE 2420 W. 26TH DENVER, COLORADO 80211 March 7, 1975 , \ / Commander Castle Air Force Base California 95342 Dear Sir: 4 We are pleased to report that our audit of travel and temporary lodgi allowance (TLA) vouchers paid by the accounting and finance offor the period August 1 through 31, ficer 7 AFO) at your installation 197...
Date Feb. 28, 1975 Report No. 090217 Title

Financial Management: Review of Financial Statements of the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation

< UNUED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE FIFTH FLOOR 803 WEST BROAD STREET FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA 22046 ,- . FEB 281975 Mr. John M. Woodbridge, Executive Director Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation 425 13th Street, NW., Suite 1148 Washington, D.C. 20004 Dear Hr. Foodbridge : This letter has been prepared to summarize for your consideration our suggestions for im...
Date May 6, 1974 Report No. 093520 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Financial Statements of the Government Services, Inc., Calendar Year 1973

UNITED ST&~ GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE 22046 WASHINGTON FIFTH FLOOR 803 WEST BROAD STREET FALLS CHURCH,~IRGINIA csj3no MAY 6 1974 Mr. M. T. Allen, President Government Servlces, Inc. 1135 21st Street, NW. Washlngton, D.C. 20036 Dear Mr. Allen saw clal last able your In the course of our recently completed audit of the Corporation, we at first hand the progress that has been made m L...
Date Aug. 8, 1972 Report No. B-154459 Title

Education: Finances and Operations of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

\mwswww- s-e+..- ,.“$” “.- - mme by Ph dribwtion be released 0 cept ail PRe has a Seetioq PublUHfOM REPORT T COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS UNITED STATES SENATE RELEASED Finances And Operations Of The John F. Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts B-154459 Ro~@b5q SmIthsonIan lnstltutlon BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES CQMFTROLLER GENERAL WASHIPIGTOPI OF QC THE UNITED STATES 2Oti4...
Date April 7, 1972 Report No. 089403 Title

Information Management: Communication and Control of Accrued Expenditure Data at the Naval Supply Center

APR 7 1972 illlllllll11lllllllllllllllllllllllll LM089403 _ _ :’ _ _ _ . c I . ,,_ .:. ,. 1 ,, ‘. : ,’ . ‘. I .‘. ; ,. :, I i. ‘_ : ‘,_,1 ,-