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GAO Reports by subject "Drugs"

Full-text search of 52,072 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date June 13, 1989 Report No. IMTEC-89-58 Title

ADP Planning: FDA's Plans to Improve Processing of Medical Device and Drug Applications

United States General Accounting Office GAO June 1989 I Report to Congressional Requesters ADPPLANNING FDA’s Plans to Improve Processing of Medical Device and Drug Applications GAO/IMTEC-89-58 -- GAO General Accounting Office Waahington, D.C. 20648 Information Management and Technology Division united states B-223076 June 13,1989 The Honorable Quentin N. Burdick Chairman, Subcommittee on Agricul...
Date Sept. 12, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-124FS Title

Border Control: Drug Interdiction and Related Activities Along the Southwestern U.S. Border

United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1988 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives BORDER CONTROL Drug Interdiction and Related Activities Along the Southwestern U.S.Border 1 RESTRIC?IED--Notto be relead outsidethe thnend Accounting OfTiceexcept on the bmia of the spe...
Date Jan. 28, 1988 Report No. HRD-88-36BR Title

Product Liability: Extent of 'Litigation Explosion' in Federal Courts Questioned

United States General Accounting Office GAO January4988 Briefing Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and Competitiveness, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives PRODUCT LIABILITY Went of “Litigation Explosion” in Federal Courts Questioned GAO/HRD-8th36RR ~__.._______ GAO . ..’ General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resourc...
Date Nov. 4, 1987 Report No. HRD-88-8 Title

Food and Drug Administration: HHS Inspector General Should Be Involved in Criminal Investigations

United States Genekl Accounting Office w SC Report to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, H&se of Representatives Novehber 1987 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION HHS Inspector General Should Be Involved in Criminal Investigations 134332 040448 GAO/HRD88-8 --____- --I -- -- GA0 General ::::z:: Accounting OPPice C 9 .a 20548 Division Human Resources R-22914...
Date Aug. 5, 1987 Report No. T-NSIAD-87-42 Title

International Affairs: U.S.-Mexico Opium Poppy and Marijuana Aerial Eradication Program

8 United States General Accounting Oface / GAQ For Release on Delivery 9:30 a.m. EST Wednesday August 5, 1987 TfMirrmQPn;y U.S. - HJZXICO OPIUM POPPY AND MARIJUANA AERIAL ERADICATION PROGRAM Statement of Associate Director, Joseph E. Kelley, National Security and International Division U.S. General Accounting Office Before the Select Committee on Narcotics Control House of Representatives Affairs ...
Date July 16, 1987 Report No. PEMD-87-20 Title

Medicare: Prescription Drug Issues

eL United States General Accounting Office Report to the Chairman, Special Com m ittee on Aging, U.S. Senate July 1987 M E D ICARE Prescription Drug Issues 1, IIIllllll Ill1 III 133702 GAO/PEMD-87-20 1 . ,$ ,. . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Program Evaluation and Methodology Division B-227664 July 16, 1987 The Honorable John Melcher Chairman, Special Committee...
Date June 2, 1987 Report No. T-HRD-87-15 Title

Health: Issues Related to Possible Coverage of Outpatient Prescription Drugs Under Medicare

United States General Accounting Office I33oW GAO Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at lo:30 a.m. EDT Tuesday, June 2, 1987 Issues Related of Outpatient Under Medicare to Possible Prescription Coverage Drugs Statement of Michael Zimmerman, Senior Associate Director Human Resources Division Before the Subcommittee on Health Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives ~llllll Illll...
Date Jan. 9, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-38 Title

Medical Readiness: DOD Can Improve Management of Dated Drug Items Held as War Reserves

. - _ United States General Accounting Office - Report to the Secretary of Defense ____ _.-......-__... .-_ ---. -. .._ .._-_--.. - -----.. -- -- January 1987 MEDICAL READINESS DOD Can Improve Management of Dated Drug Items Held as War Reserves 131924 ~7w-$ GAO/NSIAD-87-38 GAO unitedstates General Accounting Office Wmhington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B224oa J...
Date Sept. 5, 1986 Report No. IMTEC-86-32 Title

Drug Regulation: FDA's Computer Systems Need To Be Better Managed

. , 1 * ? United States General Accounting Office “GAO September 1986 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations and Human Resources, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives I DRUG REGULATION, FDA’s Computer Systems Need ,fb Be I Better Managed nl~llllln~~ 131277 p#STPUIC~D-- Not, $0 be rdsnseb Ofikk? Of o-3 icxiad~m. tho CfaXd Accounting approval b...
Date March 6, 1986 Report No. HRD-86-66 Title

VA Health Care: Opportunities Still Exist for Reducing Fee-Basis Pharmacy Costs

\ J . ..A 1 I. \ I_ United States C&m&i Ackounting Office L deport to the Chief Medical Director, Veterans Administration . ..--A., Mardi 1986 ” VA HEALTH CARE : Opportunities Still’ Exist for Reducing Fee-BasisPharmacy costs, .-l-l_ ill llll~l~lll~~ 129259 UnIted States General Accounting Off‘ice Waehington, D.C. 20548 Human Resourcea Divisfon B-207920 March 6, 1986 Dr. John W. Ditzler Chie...
Date May 25, 1984 Report No. GGD-84-77 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Law Enforcement Efforts To Control Domestically Grown Marijuana

c - B\/ THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE’- - * Report To The Subcommittee On Government Information, Justice, And Agriculture, Committee On Government Operations House Of Representatives Law Enforcement Efforts To Control Domestically Grown Marijuana The amount of marijuana grown In the Umted States IS Increasing It accounted for an estimated 15 percent of the total amount of marijuana availabl...
Date Sept. 27, 1983 Report No. HRD-83-83 Title

Health: Opportunities To Reduce Fee-Basis Pharmacy Costs

. . UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTIN&FFICE c WASHINGTON, D C. 20548 HUMAN RESOURW DlVlSION SeotemDer 27, 1983 B-207930 The Honorable Administrator Harry N. Walters of Veterans Affairs Dear Xr. Walters: Sublect: Opportunltles to Xeduce Fee-Basis Pharmacy Costs (GAO/HRD-83-83) We have completed a review of the Veterans Adminxtratlon's (VA's1 efforts to reduce the number and cost of prescriptions fille...
Date April 26, 1982 Report No. HRD-82-41 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: FDA's Approach to Reviewing Over-the-Counter Drugs Is Reasonable, but Progress Is Slow

I. 1 L ,jej+$-f/ //g/q6 ’ BY THECOMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES FDA’s Approach To Reviewing Over-The-Counter Drugs Is Reasonable, But Progress Is Slow F’ederal law requires the Food and Drug Administration to ensure that drugs sold csver the counter are safe and effective. FDA has designed a reasonable approach to regulating this large market, where retail sales...
Date March 8, 1982 Report No. HRD-82-37 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: FDA Can Further Improve Its Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting System

Report To The Secretary Of Health And Human Services - FDA Can Further improve Its Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting System The Food and Drug Administration has improved the use of its adverse drug reaction reporting system ,since GAO reported on it in 1974. Medical officers are more familiar with ‘the system and are using it more. However, improvements can still be made. Many adverse reaction rep...
Date Dec. 15, 1981 Report No. 116887 Title

Government Operations: Progress and Problems in FDA's Drug Approval Process

. * t ' Address Presented to 25th. Annual Educational Conference bY The Food and Drug Law I n s t i t u t e in Washington, D.C. on December 15-1 6 , 1981 Murray Grant, M.D., D.P.H. "PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS IN FDA'S DRUG APPROVAL PROCESS" PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS IN FDA'S DRUG APPROVAL PROCESS In My of l a s t year the GAO issued a report on the FDA's drug approval a process that followed almost 3 years...
Date Nov. 23, 1981 Report No. HRD-82-16 Title

Speeding Up the Drug Review Process: Results Encouraging but Progress Slow

Comptroller General CiF THE UNITEDSTATES Speeding Up The Drug Review Ffrocess:Results Encouraging -E&t Progress Slow G ’0 is recommending actions that the Secreta of Health and Human Services could take to 4Yurther reduce drug review time. 117126 tj RD.8246 NOVEMBEdr 23,1981 Raquast for copies of GAO reports should be sent to: U.S. General Accounting Office Document Handling and Information Serv...
Date Nov. 6, 1981 Report No. GGD-82-6 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Stronger Crackdown Needed on Clandestine Laboratories Manufacturing Dangerous Drugs

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL ’ Rqcmrt To The Congress OF THEUNITED STATES Stronger Crackdown Needed On Clandestine Laboratories Manufacturing Dangerous Drugs The Drug Enforcement Administration needs to step up its efforts against clandestine laboratories which manufacture nonnarcotic dangerous drugs. Although DEA has desi nated traffrckmg In dangerous drugs its secon ! highest priorrty it devotes m...
Date Oct. 28, 1981 Report No. HRD-82-11 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: FDA Should Reduce Expensive Antibiotic Testing and Charge Fees Which More Closely Reflect Cost of Certification

BYTHE U.S.GENERALACCOUN%G Report To The Secretary Of Health And Human Services- &ICE FDA Should Reduce Expensive Antibiotic Jesting And Charge Fees Which More qlosely Reflect Cost Of Certification he Food and Drug Administration (FDA) c rtifies batches of antibiotics, insulin, and c lor additives. Certification is the testing of atch samples for compliance with established s andards and the issuin...
Date Sept. 16, 1981 Report No. 116350 Title

Health: Efforts To Speed Up the Drug Review Process

Date July 17, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-125 Title

Health: Federal Drug Development Programs

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION B-202161 The Honorable Henry A. Waxman Subcommittee on Health Chairman, and the Environment Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. 115882 Chairman: -P----" "1) (HRD-81-125) Subject: Federal Drug Development Programs L J This is in response to your request that we develop information o...
Date May 19, 1981 Report No. CED-81-104 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Coast Guard Drug Interdiction on the Texas Coast

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE ~ COMMUNITY AN0 DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC DIVISION ‘!‘kJ _,__, .,,.,^,. *._. -. “’ 1 B-203255 MAY 19,1981 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Lloyd Bentsen Senate Bentsen: % Coast Guard Drug Interdiction on the Texas z Coast (CED-81-104) .J7 you,Kequested information In your April 3, 1981, letter on the capability of t...
Date April 20, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-61 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Adrenal Cortical Extract Taken Off Drug Market

/--- I. .A/ cllj ( .,r- .--..‘I-\_I; :‘-r[:_ s’A\T’s I, . I it. M. Goldwater, Jr. entatives al Cortical Extract Off Drug Market In .,lanuary 1978, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent regulatory letters to drug firms involved !:I the marketing of adrenal cortical extract praducts advising them that it considered these products to be unapproved new drugs and in violation of the Feder...
Date Dec. 31, 1980 Report No. HRD-81-36 Title

Health: Programs To Control Prescription Drug Costs Under Medicaid and Medicare Could Be Strengthened

Comptroller General OF THE UNITED STATES Programs To Control Prescription Drug Costs Under Medicaid~ And Medicare Could Be Strengthened In August 1976 the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) put into effect two programs to control the costs of prescription drugs under Medicaid and Medicare. One program--Maximum Allowable Cost (or MAC)--was designed to take advantage of competition in t-h...
Date Sept. 17, 1980 Report No. 113333 Title

Health: Controls Over Drugs in Veterans Administration Medical Centers

Date Aug. 14, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-91 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: FDA's Regulation of Gentian Violet Appears Reasonable

Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES FDA’sRegulation Of Gentian Violet Appears Reasonable The FSood and Drug Administration has not approved the use of pntian violet as a food additive! or as an animal drug. GAO found no indication that FDA’s position was unreasonable or that regulatory actions taken by FDA were improper. In 9 of 10 cases where FDA regulatory actions were challenged in cour...
Date June 30, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-59 Title

Government Operations: Federal Government Still Striving To Establish Single Drug Procurement System

Report To The Chairman, Committee On The Judiciary United States Senate OF THE UNITEDSTATES Federal Government Still Striving To Establish Single Drug Procurement System For nearly two decades the Federal Government has tried to establish a single system for procuring and supplying drugs and medical devices to eliminate unnecessary duplication and reduce costs. Only recently have the Office of Fed...
Date June 25, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-56 Title

Health: Problems Remain in Reviews of Medicaid-Financed Drug Therapy in Nursing Homes

B’r’ THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITEDSTATES m--w.’ Report ToThe Congress Problems Remain In Reviews Of Medicaid-Financed Drug Therapy In Nursing Homes The Department of Health and Human Services requires that medications financed by Medicaid for nursing home patients be reviewed monthly by a pharmacist or registered nurse. Monitoring of drug therapy for elderly people is particularly im...
Date June 25, 1980 Report No. 112630 Title

Health: Reviews of Medicaid-Financed Drug Therapy in Nursing Homes

UNITED mm -N, GlZNBGL ACCOL~ILVT OFFICE D.C. 20548 FURRELEASEOND-Y Expected at 13:OO a.m. m Wednesday, June 25, 1980 DR. .MURBAY GRANJ!,M.D., CHIT MEDICAL luxrrsOR HUMANRiES3m DIVISION EEI.EoREm SELECT ON AGIL\x; UNITED SIATES HXJSE OF REPRESE?JTATTVES ON .e-+ OF MfZDIC%ID-FI.-i.-i RUCTHEXPf INhVRSI~~XWS ~Nr.Chai.rmanand Members oftheCannittee, wearepleasedtobe here today to discuss our report on ...
Date June 24, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-86 Title

Reassessment of Veterans Administration's Controls Over Drugs: Million-Dollar Problem Still Exists

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Subcommittee On Special Investigations, House Committee On Veterans’ Affairs OF THE UNITED STATES Reassessment Of Veterans Administration’s Controls Over Drugs: Million-Dollar Problem Still Exists Although GAO first reported on shortcomings in VA’s pharmacy systems in 1975, VA’s efforts to date to strengthen drug controls are largely ineffective. Fe...
Date June 6, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-55 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Answers to Questions on Selected FDA Bureau of Biologics' Regulation Activities

Comptroller General FDA Bureau Of Biologics’ Regulation Activities The Food and Drug Administration’s Bureau of Biologics regulates certain drugs, including those used to diagnose and treat allergies and to vaccinate people against a number of communicable diseases. This report answers questions by several Senators concerning --allergenic product regulation; safety, --biological tests to ensur...
Date May 28, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-64 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: FDA Drug Approval--A Lengthy Process That Delays the Availability of Important New Drugs

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report To The Subcommittee On Science, a Research, And Technology, House Committee On Science And Technology OF THEUNITEDSTATES FDA Drug Approval--A Lengthy Process That Delays The Availability Of Important New Drugs The average time required by the Food and Drug Administration to approve drugs--some of which could provide increased therapeutic benefits--is 20 months, incl...
Date Jan. 21, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-42 Title

Health: Comments on a Study on the Effects of a Restrictive Drug Formulary

UNITEDSTATES GENER/IL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DE. 20548 :N REPLY REFER TO, . PROGFIAM A~~ALYSIS OlVtSlON Lb t’ L ;: / 1 9 ,‘_ : 1. ‘I “7 B-197492 The Honorable Mickey Leland U.S. House of Representatives Dear Congressman Leland: llllllllll III 113387 0 L, C,,3” - Office On December 11, 1979, the U.S. General Accounting testified before the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Subc...
Date Sept. 24, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-85A Title

Health: A Review of Research Literature and Federal Involvement Relating to Selected Obstetric Practices

STUDY THESTAFFOFTHE BY US, /io%37 l General Accounting Office “A Review Of Research Literature And Federal Involvement Relating To Selected Obstetric Practices Research literature does not resolve the controversy over U S obstetric practices The literature IS generally mconcluslve about the benefits versus risks for five selected obstetric practices elective induction of labor, medication to rel...
Date Sept. 6, 1979 Report No. 094342 Title

Health: GAO's Role in the Search for Solutions to Our Health Care Problems

Date April 1, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-58A Title

Government Operations: Opportunities for Improving Hospital Purchasing, Inventory Management and Supply Distribution. Part I

C o n t e n t s -------& Paqe i FOREWORD ENDORSEMENT LETTER FROM THE AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION CHAPTER 1 2 INTRODUCTION ii 1 OPPORTUNITIES TO CONTROL COSTS THROUGH CENTRAL PURCHASING Planning and scheduling Competition Value analysis and standardization Group purchasing Accountability and control weaknesses Conclusions and suggestions OPPORTUNITIES TO CONTROL COSTS THROUGH CENTRALIZED INVENTO...
Date May 9, 1978 Report No. 106020 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Federal Efforts To Stem the Flow of Drugs Across the U.S.-Mexican Border

DOCUIBENT BESUHE 06020 B1366375 Federal Efforts To Stem the Flow of Drugs across the U.S.-Mexican Border. lay 9, 1978. 5 pp. Testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations: International Operations Subcommittee; by illiam J. Anderson, Deputy Director, General Government Div. Contact: General Government Div. Organization Concerned: Drug Enforcement Administration; Immigration and latura...
Date April 19, 1978 Report No. 105730 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Federal Efforts To Stem the Flow of Drugs Across the U.S. Mexican Border

DCCUNMENT RESUSL 05730 - [ B1226188 Federal Efforts To Stem the Flow of Drug, Mexican Border. April 19, 1978. 12 pp. Across the U.S. Testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary: Juvenile Delinquency Subcommittee: by william J. Anderson, Deputy Director, General Government Div. Contact: 3eneral GovernL,>-t Div. Orqanization Concerned: Drug Enforcsveet Administration; Immiqration and Natu...
Date March 29, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-45 Title

Drug Control in South America Having Limited Success: Some Progress but Problems Are Formidable

DOCUMENT RESUME 05436 - [B0945855] Drug Control in South America Hai ag Progress But Problems Are Formidable. Limited Success: Some GGD-78-45; B-175425. March 29, 1978. 33 ?p. + 3 appendices (4 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Stiaas, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention (500). Contact: General Government Div. Budget Function: Law Enforcement and Justice: ...
Date Dec. 29, 1977 Report No. GGD-78-31 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the Office of the Attending Physician Revolving Fund, Fiscal Year 1977

DCCU6SANT EESOUE 04569 - [B0044938] Audit of the Office of the Attending Physician Revolving Fund, Fiscal Year 1977. GGD-78-31; B-181604. December 29, 1977. 3 pp. + 3 enclosures (3 pp,). Report to the Congrees; General. by Rotket F. Keller, Acting Comptroller issue Area: Accounting and Financial Reporting ~2800). Contact: General Govertcent Div. Budget Function: General Government.: Legislative Fu...
Date Dec. 2, 1977 Report No. GGD-78-17 Title

Illegal Entry at United States-Mexico Border: Multiagency Enforcement Efforts Have Not Been Effective in Stemming the Flow of Drugs and People

Date Oct. 17, 1977 Report No. 103759 Title

Veterans Affairs: Findings and Recommendations Contained in Prior GAO Reports on Areas Similar to Those Covered in the National Academy of Sciences' June 1977 Report on Health Care for Veterans

Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM103759 Is, w7-r _I ~.~~I?-164105 _-. . _.._ -- .-";. ~_. __ _ .-._.- _-I ------ --- - __,-_ __-_____ ._.__ . ..~ .^ -_._ _-._ __ _ - __._--_--. _._..- -_ -- by any enactment of Congress" for certairi lobby2ng activities without express authorization. 31 U.S.C. § 628.proh%b&ts-the use Xappropriated funds for other than their iutendedTpurpose.-mA...
Date Sept. 19, 1977 Report No. 103386 Title

Agriculture and Food: Food and Drug Administration's Regulation of Antibiotics Used in Animal Feeds

DOCUMENT RESUM 03386 - [A2653862] Food and Drug Administration's Regulation of Antibiotics Used in Animal Feeds. September 19, 1977. 1( pp. Testimony before the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Ccmmerce: Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Consumer and Worker Protection (900). Contact: Human Resources Div. Pudget Funct...
Date Aug. 5, 1977 Report No. 090191 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Survey of the Bureau of Prisons Health Care Delivery System

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFKE WASHINGTON, DC 20548 GENERAL GOVERNMENT OWLSION August 5, 1977 Drrector ltIr . Norman A Carlson, federal Bureau of Prisons Department of JustLce Rear Mr. Carlson The General Accountrng Office recently made a llmlted survey of health care dellvery rn Bureau of Prisons faclllties and 1s presently conducting a srmrlar survey in State After we complete the latest ...
Date July 5, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-72 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Food and Drug Administration's Program for Regulating Imported Products Needs Improving

r lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM102757 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Food And or Department Department Adm inistr Import eds Improving of Health,’ Education, and Welfare /q.&@@b of the Treasury &x@~~ Lack of information on products entering the United States limits the effectiveness of the Food and Drug Administration’s efforts to regulate imported products before the...
Date June 27, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-81 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Need To Establish Safety and Effectiveness of Antibiotics Used in Animal Feeds

DOCUMENT RESURE 5 02513 - [A185287 / 2. (lie- tre4- Antibiotics Used Need to Establish Safety and Effectiveness of 27, 1977. 47 pp. + June in Animal Feeds. HRD-77-81; B-164031(2). 2 appendices (5 pp.). on Report to Rep. John E. Ross, Chairman, House Committee Oversight and Investigations Interstate and Foreign Commerce: General. Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller Identifying Needs Issue...
Date May 31, 1977 Report No. GGD-76-105 Title

Drugs, Firearms, Currency, and Other Property Seized by Law Enforcement Agencies: Too Much Held Too Long

DOCUMENT RESUME 02548 - [A1712702] Drugs, Firearms, Currency, and Other Property Seized by Law Enforcement Agencies: Too Much Held Too Long. GGD-76-105; B-175425. May 31, 1977. 41 pp. + 4 appendices (16 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention: Police Efforts, Capabilities and Images (501). Contact: General Government D...
Date March 9, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-29 Title

Audit of the Office of the Attending Physician Revolving Fund: August 1, 1975, through September 30, 1976

DOCUMEWT RESUME 00288 A0891 6 4 7 ] Physician Revolving Fund: Audit of the Office of the ttending GGD-77-29; B-181h04. August 1, 1975, through September 30, 1976. (3 pp.). 3 enclosures arch 9, 1977. 4 pp. Congress; by Report to Freeman H. Cary, Attending Physician, Robert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Contact: General Government Div. Legislative FunctIons Budget Function: General Govrnmen...
Date March 12, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-67 Title

Health: Recalls of Large Volume Parenterals (Liquid Drugs Administered Intravenously or by Other Non-Oral Means)

Food and Drug Administration Center for Disease Control epartment of Health, Education, Between July 1, 1965, and November 10, 1975, there were recalls of 608 chemical large volume parenteral products involving over 43 million individual containers which had been distributed. Between January 1, 1970, and November 10, 1975, there were 17 recalls of biological large volume parenteral products. Most ...
Date Feb. 25, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-85 Title

Use of Cancer-Causing Drugs in Food-Producing Animals May Pose Public Health Hazard: The Case of Nitrofurans

. I111111111111111 llllllllllllllllllll llllll1! LM098284 it Food and Drug Administration Education, Department and Welfare of Health, Residues of nitrofurans--a class of animal drugs shown to cause cancer--may be present in food taken from treated animals. Some nitrofuran metabolites may also cause cancer, but the Food and Drug Administration has not obtained data on the extent of metabolite resi...
Date Dec. 5, 1975 Report No. MWD-76-46 Title

Veterans Affairs: Data on Outpatient Prescription Costs in the Veterans Administration

u COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE D.C. UNITED STATES 20548 B-133044 ” The Honorable Bill Chappell House of Representatives Mr. Chappell: DEC5 1975 &, Dear Your May 7, 1975, letter requested that we obtain data on qutpatient prescription costs in the Veterans Administration (VA). You wanted us to emphasize not only drug costs but -also certain overhead and administrative costs associated w...