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GAO Reports by subject "National defense operations"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Oct. 22, 1980 Report No. FPCD-81-16 Title

Government Operations: Adequacy of Safety Procedures at Fort A. P. Hill and National Guard Training Facilities

, . UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 CEDERAL PERSONNEL AND COMPENSATION DIVISION OCTOBER 22,198O B-200949 The Honorable Mario House of Representatives Dear Mr. Biaggi: Biaggi IIIIIIIIIH llill 113624 of Safety Procedures A.P. Hill and National Guard Training Facilities (FPCD-81-16) 3 In your letter of June 3, 1980, you requested that we More specifinquire into National...
Date Oct. 15, 1980 Report No. LCD-81-8 Title

National Defense: Small Arms Ranges at Reserve and Guard Facilities

. United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 * * . Logistics and Communications Division B-200539 OCTOBER 15,198O . Harold Brown of Defense The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Secretary: .Subject: LSmall Arms at Reserve and Guard In recent years Reserve components have claimed they needed additional funds to enlarge their training centers and armories or to construct new ones. B...
Date Oct. 15, 1980 Report No. LCD-81-3 Title

Information Management: Systematic Review for Declassification of National Security Information--Do Benefits Exceed Costs?

BY THECOMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress CjF THEUNITEDSTATES --T------- Systematic Review For Declassification CffNational Security InformationKyoBenefits Exceed Costs? tive Order 12065 specifies that Federal ties review all classified records considpermanently valuable as they become 20 old to determine if they can be declasHowever, most of the declassified recprobably will not be requeste...
Date Oct. 10, 1980 Report No. PSAD-81-8 Title

National Defense: DOD Should Resolve Certain Issues Concerning the C-X Aircraft

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 PROt3JRKhlCNT ACQUISITION AND SYSTEMS DIVI@IDN October 10, 1980 B-200766 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Reports Illllllllllll ll 113556 Should Resolve the C-X Aircraft3 Proposals From Industry Engineering Development Secretary: Subject: Before Requesting for Its Full-Scale (P...
Date Oct. 8, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-116 Title

National Defense: Opportunity To Improve the Army's Stock Distribution Practices

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 m@ LO01BTICS AND COilMUNlCATlONS DIVISION OCT 8 I980 General John R. Guthrie Commanding General Army Materiel Development Readiness Command Dear General Subject; Guthrie: Opportunity rDistribution and Ill II 113590 to Improve he Army's Stock This letter is to advise you of the results of our survey of shipments from Army supply depots ...
Date Oct. 6, 1980 Report No. LCD-81-6 Title

National Defense: DOD's Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System

United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 Logistics and Communications Division B$200212 OCTOBER 6,198O The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Harrison Senate Schmitt: LDOD’s Schmitt 113661 System d 7 Carrier Evaluation (LCD-81-6) and Reporting Your October 17, 1979, letter tie impact of the Department of Etpaluation and Reporting System sttorage industry in New Mex...
Date Oct. 6, 1980 Report No. HRD-81-13 Title

Health: Sharing of Federal Medical Resources in North Chicago/Great Lakes, Illinois, Area

(bA0 Washington, DC 20548 United States General Accounting Off ice Human Resources Division B-200476 October 6 , 1980 The Honorable Charles H. Percy Ranking Minority Member Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Senator Percy: Subject: hharing of Federal Medical Resources in North Chicago/Great Lakes , Illinois Areg(HRD-81-13) Pureuant to your August 15, 1980, request, we perf...
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. ID-80-21 Title

Energy: Formulation of U.S. International Energy Policies

* i% THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Formulation Of U.S.International Energy Policies The Department of Energy is not the focal point for establishing major U. S. international energy policies, That central role is exercised by the Executive Office of the President, especially the National Security Council. As a result, in examining the adequacy of such policies, fo...
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-110 Title

National Defense: If Excess Chartered Sealift Capacity Is Needed for Contingencies, It Should Be Put to Maximum Peacetime Use

BY THE U.S.GENERALACCOUNTiNG OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Defense . If Excess Chartered Seatift Capacity Is Needed For Contingencies, It Shokl Be Put To Maximum Peacetime Use The Navy’s Military Sealift Command charters ships to carry military cargo. These ships USLJally sail more than half empty. At the same time, the Navy is buying space on regularly scheduled commercial ships. The Navy j...
Date Sept. 16, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-102 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Service Contract Act Should Not Apply to Service Employees of ADP and High-Technology Companies

RKSTRlCTEb - blot to be released Accountirtg Qffice except owtsfde the General. on the baC5 05 specific approval . BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL ReportTolheChairman CommitteeOn Government Operations House Of Representatives OFTHE UNITEDSTATES Service Contract Act Should Not Apply To Service Emplow WWfWnd High-Technology Companies On June 5, 1979, the Department of Labor ruled that all Federal contrac...
Date Sept. 12, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-96 Title

Government Operations: Protection and Prompt Disposal Can Prevent Destruction of Excess Facilities in Alaska

1 BY Tl--lE~ &NERAL U,i,’ p\\sLsg AC~(--JJNT!i‘\iG (I-WCE .j..+&J , Report To The Secretaries Of Defense, The Interior, And Transportation Protection And Prompt Disposal Can Prevent Destruction Of Excess Facilities In Alaska Federal agencies may withdraw land from the public domain and use it for their program requirements. When an agency no longer needs the property, it notifies the Departmen...
Date Sept. 11, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-104 Title

National Defense: Changes in DOD's Base Structure from 1957 to 1978

B-198715 I' The Honorable Gary W. Hart Chairman, Subcommittee on Military Construction and Stockpiles 5Tl;/g, ,vj j '+ Cam.mittee on Armed Services United States Senate Dear ;vlr. Chairman: ,#,81 hanges Subject: rom 1957 SEPTEMBER 17. l98C1 f' Lc~, in DOD's to 197 ase Structure (LCD-80-164) Your Plarch lI 1979, letter asked us to Trovide you w.i,th broad statistics and trends on the military base ...
Date Aug. 27, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-71 Title

National Defense: Evaluation of EF-111A Extended Development and Full-Scale Production Decision

RESTRICTED Amunting Office except On the basis of specific by the office of Congressional Relationsm COMPTRO~R - Not to be rsleased gUtsIde the General approvai G&NE-L op THE “N,TED sT*TEs W~HINO’ID,,, D-C. - B-196765 RELEASED AUGUST 27,198O .&he Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Government House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: valuation Full-Scale Operations of EF-11...
Date Aug. 22, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-105 Title

National Defense: Millions of Dollars Can Be Saved by Storing Air Force Inventories Nearer the User and Improving Distribution Practices

UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTINC OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 LOCUSTICS AN0 COHMUNlCATlON~ OlVlJIClN B-200044 AUGUST 22,198O General Bryce Poe, II Commander, Air Force Logistics Command Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Dear General Subject: Poe: lllllllllllllll 113119 Millions of Dollars Can Be Saved By Storing c ir Force Inventories Nearer the User and (LCD-80-105) Improving Distribution Practices 3 We ...
Date Aug. 18, 1980 Report No. FPCD-80-80 Title

Government Operations: Recruiting Management in the Military Enlistment Processing Command

UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNT~NG OFFICE . WASHLNGTON, DC. 20548 August FEDERAL PERSONNEL AND COMPENSATION DIVISION 18, 1980 &Al99870 .t Rear Admiral T.. F. Rrown III i3niistment Gqnmander, Military Processing ConTand 60037 Fort Sheridan, Illinois Dear Admiral Subject: 11 114178 Management in the Military Processing Commanq(FPCD-80-80) w We recently reviewed recruiting management in the Command (ME;...
Date Aug. 15, 1980 Report No. FPCD-80-78 Title

Government Operations: Recruiting Management in the Armed Services

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 2b548 FEDERAL PWWONNLL AN0 COMCENSATlON DlVllllON B-199870 The Honorable Sam Nunn Chairman, Subcommittee on Manpower and 'Personnel Committee on Armed Services United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: Management c Recruiting TFPCD-80-78) in the Armed Services Subject: J -_ This is a report on a portion of our work which we have completed for ...
Date Aug. 12, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-97 Title

National Defense: Need for DOD Focal Point for the Studies and Analyses Program

UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-198916 AUGUST 12,198O The Honorable The Secretary Harold Brown of Defense 112998 Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: beed for a DOD Focal Point for the Studies and Analyses Program (LCD-80-97) (DOD's) We have reviewed the Department of -&Se's De progress in improving its overall management of the studies and analyses program and in strengthe...
Date Aug. 11, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-94 Title

National Defense: The Army Should Increase Its Efforts To Provide Government-Furnished Material to Contractors

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington. DC 20548 Logistics and Communications Division B-198712 AUGUST 11,199O The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Clifford L. Alexander, of the Army Jr. Ill lllllllllllll 112986 Secretary: r- The Army Should Increase Its Efforts To Provide Government-Furnished Material To Contractors (LCD-80-94) -7 Four of the five Army inventory control points are...
Date Aug. 7, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-67 Title

Financial Management: Weaknesses in Accounting for Government-Furnished Materials at Defense Contractors' Plants Lead to Excesses

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Gong OF THEUNITEDSTATES Weaknesses In Accounting For Government-Furnished Materials At Defense Contract&s’ Plants Lead To Excesses The Defense policy to rely almost solely on contractors for accounting controls over the estimated billions of dollars in materials furnished to them is not effective. GAO’s review of four production contractors showed that lac...
Date Aug. 6, 1980 Report No. 112952 Title

International Affairs: Administration of Foreign Agent Registration

United States denera Accounting Washington, D.C. 20548 Office FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY Expected at 1O:OO a.m. Wednesday, August 6, 1980 Statement of Fasick Division . J. Director, Kenneth International before the Ill1111 112952 Subcommittee Representing Investigating the Interests Committee the Activities of Foreign of Individuals Governments Senate on the Judiciary Administration of Foreign Agent ...
Date Aug. 1, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-95 Title

National Defense: Management of Cold Storage Facilities Needs Improvement

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 LOGISTTICS AND COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION AUGUSTl,t980 B-199558 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Harold Brown of Defense - Secretary: jjkayement Sublect: Impravement s f Cold Storage (LCD-80-95) Facilities Xeeds Our study of the management of Defense-controlled cdld storage facilities showed that improvements are needed if efficient a...
Date July 18, 1980 Report No. FPCD-80-50 Title

Military Exchange Systems: How They Can Provide More Benefits for Military Personnel

Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Military Exchange Systems: How They Can Provide More Benefits For Military Personnel Consolidating and centralizing the military services’ exchange systems could reduce costs and increase their economic benefits to service personnel. If the Department of Defense did not require exchange systems to help fund other morale, welfare, and recreation activitie...
Date July 2, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-63 Title

National Defense: Performance of Wilshal Corporation's Sonar System for Detecting Waterborne Intruders Does Not Meet DOD Requirements

- RELCXED RESTRICTLO Accounting Office by the Office of rYd ba-bh:, rdmiscd outsid~e specific the except on the hasis of 16ongpwssiorml negations. General approval UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OmCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 MOCURLMCNT ACQUI8ItlON AND SYSTEMa OIVI8lON IR930 B-194888 JULY 2,198O The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: William Senate Proxmire: Proxmire llllllllllllllll #I 1...
Date July 1, 1980 Report No. ID-80-47 Title

International Affairs: Equitable Cost Sharing Questioned on NATO's Airborne Early Warning and Control Program

W”“’ Yli * a ‘. I(, 1 /ajy BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Equitable Cost Sharing Questioned On NATO’sAirborne Early Warning And Control Program The willingness of the United States to cost concessions, --make extraordinary --accept caveats to a Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding which could result in either program reductions or additional program...
Date June 30, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-74 Title

National Defense: Eliminating Marine Corps Logistics Overlap Saves Millions; Further Savings Possible

GAO followed up on its 1975 report recommending the Marine Corps reduce the scope of , its logistics activities. While GAO found the corps has eliminated some overlap in its logistics functions, further reductions are possible through greater reliance on other Defense integrated logistics managers. Costs should be reduced Marine Corps’mission. without impairing the LCD-W74 JUNE 30,198B Single co...
Date June 30, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-79 Title

National Defense: Late Fire Control System Deliveries for Army's M60A3 Tanks Jeopardize Combat Readiness Improvements

RV Tb-ECOM P-KOLLERGENEI?HL Report To The Chairman, Subcommittee On Defense, Committee On Appropriations House Of Representatives f-Y rLate Fire Control System Deliveries For Army’s M-60A3 Tanks Jeopardize Combat Readiness Improvements Delayed deliveriesof firecontrolsystemsforthe Army’s M-tiOA3 tank production and conversion program are causing deployment and program slippages. Future deliver...
Date June 30, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-22A Title

Information Management: The World Wide Military Command and Control System--Evaluation of Vendor and Department of Defense Comments

Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES The World Wide Military Command And Control SystemEvaluation Of Vendor And Department Of Defense Comments On December 14, 1979, GAO issued a report to the Congress entitled “The World Wide Military Command and Control System--Major Changes Needed In Its Automated Data Processing Management and Direction ” (LCD-80-22). Comments from the Department of Def...
Date June 18, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-73 Title

National Defense: Status of the Navy's and Air Force's Implementation of the Guam Land Use Plan

United States General Accounting Wshin@on, DC 20543 Office /I./” ‘., > Logistics and Communications Division B-198779 The Honorable Antonio House of Representatives Dear Mr. Won Pat: B. Won Pat JUNE18,1980 ululuu1lu II 117763 tatus of the Navy's and Air Force's mplementation of the Guam Land Use Plan ,7 (mz2m!mz.7~ "._' In response t~yc&?ctober 5, 1979, request, we reviewed the Navy's and Air ...
Date June 16, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-56 Title

National Defense: Air Force Justification for Storing Its Advanced Medium Short Takeoff and Landing Prototype Aircraft

--.v UNITED STATES G~NERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHiNGTON, D.C. 20548 ---- --- PROCUREMENT ACQUISITION AND SYSTEMS DIVISION B-199037 JUNE t6,t980 -- ._-.-.~~ L' The Honorable Robert 3. Lagomarsino House of Representatives Dear Mr. Lagomarsino: I I 112609 Subject: r Force Justification for Storing Its t Takeoff and Landing vanced Medium S PSAD-80-56) Prototype Aircraf 3;, 1980, letter, we have In resp...
Date June 10, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-71 Title

National Defense: Transportation Vehicles Available in Europe for Medical Evacuations

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20948 LOCl#“TIC$ ANO CC)MMUNIUTIONS DIVISION B-199835 JUNE 10.1980 the Honorable The Secretary Dear Nr. Harold Brown of Defense II 113191 Secretary: r ,Tran~sportation Vehicles Available in Europe for Medical Evacuation&' (LCD-80-71) - I,n, 3 This report summarizes the results of our review of Army and Air Force medical transportation vehic...
Date June 1, 1980 Report No. CED-80-97 Title

Agriculture and Food: Food Bibliography

11111111IIIIII I I111IllliI111I111 I 113047 eberences Issued by t orts and Other Documents . General Accounting Office CED-80- 97 .. BIBLIOGRAPHY References to Reports and Other .Documents Issued bv the U.S. General Accounting Office JANUARY 1977-DECEMBER 1979 U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASH I NGTON, D.C. 20548 June 1980 CED-80-97 1 US. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE ELMER B. STAATS, COMPTROLLER GEN...
Date May 9, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-59 Title

National Defense: Does DOD Need a Dedicated System of High Altitude Satellites To Meet Its Strategic Communications Requirements for the Next Decade?

RmTRICTmD Accounthg - Ma to by by the Ot Office except a of ceqpesknal COM~ROLLER WASHINGTON. rekrw!d the”ba‘;rio OF D.C. et:t??de the General OF fcpecifk Robtlonr. THE UNITED 20518 approval GENERAL S-t-Al-ES B-198663 RELEASED #lAY 9,198O The Honorable Joseph P. Addabbo Subcommittee on Defense Chairman, Committee on Appropriations "0.304 House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: of Defense N...
Date May 9, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-37 Title

National Defense: 'SARs'--Defense Department Reports That Should Provide More Information to the Congress

BY THECOMPTROLLER GENERAL * -’ Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES “SARs”-- Defense Department Reports That Should Provide More Information ToThe Congress Important information which would be useful to the Congress and to top-level Defense Department managers is being omitted from DOD’s selected acquisition reports. These reports tell where a major weapons program stands in relation ...
Date April 17, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-52 Title

National Defense: Emergency Plan of MARAD

Unikd States General Accounting Office Wasn:ngcon,DC20548 Logisticsand Communications Division B-197546 APRIL 17,198O The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Philip M. Klutznick of Commerce III R lllllllll 112085 Secretary: Emergency Plan of MARAD LCD-80-52) L L"~yzv 3 In the event of a major conventional war, the Maritime Administration (MARAD) is responsible for insuring that sufficient merchant sh...
Date April 3, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-30 Title

Government Operations: Purchase Price of Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil Fair but Payment Timing Is Costly

. !I/W? BY THE COMPTROLLEi GiNERAL OF THE UNITEDSTATES F Report ToThe Congress a Purchase Price Of Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil Fair But Payment Timing Is Costly The Defense Fuel Supply Center does a good job of negotiating competitive market prices for Strategic Petroleum Reserve crude oil purchases. However, new Treasury policies, which preclude paying bills before they are due and taking pro...
Date March 18, 1980 Report No. 111852 Title

National Defense: Opportunity for Improving Military Courier Operations

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHlNGTON, D.C. 20548 /rr8s2 MAR18 Colonel T. C. Shaylor Director Armed Forces Courier Dear Colonel Subject: Shaylor: ",. . 7 '7 1980 Service --!aL for c:q$ ‘1'/ 111852 Improving Military Courier We have completed Gur survey of Armed Forces Courier Service (ARFCOS) operations in Japan, the Philippines, We have identified opportunities for improvand Hawaii...
Date Nov. 26, 1979 Report No. LCD-80-1 Title

National Defense: Centralized Ammunition Management--A Goal Not Yet Achieved

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES 1(O ct9~ Report To The Congress Centralized Ammunition Management--A Goal Not Yet Achieved In 1973 GAO recommended that conventional ammunition management be centralized. The Department of Defense agreed and in 1975 designated the Secretary of the Army as single manager. This report discusses deficiencies in the current system, identifies managerial ...
Date Oct. 26, 1979 Report No. LCD-80-16 Title

National Defense: Continuing Problems in DOD's Classification of National Security Information

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Congress OF THE UNITED STATES Continuing Problems In DOD's Classification Of National Security Information Some individuals at DOD did not comply with the provisions of the 1978 Executive order and DOD's regulation on the classification of national security information. As a result, there was improper use of classification authority, improper classification...
Date March 13, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-61 Title

National Defense: Suspension of Mobile MX Defense Efforts

UNITEDSTATES GENERKACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D C 20548 OFFICE PROCUREMENT ACQUISITION AND SYSTEMS DlVlSiON MAR 13 1979 nSIJ c?b B-163058 The Honorable The Secretary Harold Brown of Defense we reported to the the maJor issues allistlc M-rsslle Defense l/ In that report, we recommended that you suspend efforts for the dFfense of the Mobile MX Ballistic Mlsslle until a need for its defense has been esta...
Date March 9, 1979 Report No. LCD-78-125 Title

Information Management: Improved Executive Branch Oversight Needed for the Government's National Security Information Classification Program

14~7gr BY THE COM?TROLLER GENERAL 1 Report ToThe Congress OF THE UNITED STATES Improved Executive Branch Oversight Needed For The Government’s National Security Information Classification Program Oversight of the Government’s classification program has been ineffective because the National Security Council and the Interagency Classification Review Committee did not require agencies to comply w...
Date Aug. 14, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-126 Title

Strategic Mobility Requirements and Programs: Are They Justified?

DOCUEZIT RBSUD 06790 B2287353 (Secret) Str&tegic obility Requirements and rograms: re Justified? PSAD-?8-126; B-163058. August 14, 1978. They Report to the Congress; by lser B. Staats, Ccptrcller General. Unclasoified nigest Not Available. Issue Area: Assuring That Only Those Quantities of Goods re Procured That Are eeded to ccoalish Agencies, issions. (1912). contact: Procurement and Systems cqui...
Date Aug. 9, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-402 Title

National Defense: Planning Host Nation Support for U.S. Forces in Europe

DOCUEIT 06789 B22673261 (Secret) ESUE Planninq Host Nation Support for U.S. Forces in Europe. LCD-78-402; B-146896. ugust 9, 1978. Report to the Congress; b Eluer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Unclassified Digest ot Available. Issue Area: ilitary Preparedness Plans: Military Forces Readiness (805). ir. Contact: Logistics and Cosmunications Budget Function: National Defense: DeFartment of Defense...
Date Aug. 7, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-222 Title

National Defense: Progress Made and Improvements Needed in Developing a Containerized Ammunition Distribution System

DOCUEB!T BESUME 06780 - t B2267321] (Secret) Proqress Made and Improvements Needez n Devel.oping a Containerized Amunition Distribution System. LCD-78-222; B-176139. August 7, 197e8. Report by Richard . Gutmann, Directcr, Logistics and communications Div. See 06785 for unclassified digest. ilitary Preparedness Plans: Traneportation in Issue Area: Emergency Situations (804). Contact: 'ogistics and ...
Date Aug. 4, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-114 Title

Government Operations: Reconnaissance/Intelligence Assets of the Department of Defense

DOCUMENT RESUME 06786 - [B2267322] (Secret) Reconnaissance/Intelligence Assets of the Departzent of PSAD-78-114; B-163058. August 4, 1978. efenLe. Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Couptrcller General. Unclassified Digest Not Available. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900); Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Defiziticn of Performance Requirements in Relati...
Date July 7, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-124 Title

Government Operations: Alleged Contractor Deficiencies in Modifying Minuteman Missile System

DOCUMENT RESCtE 0664b B19269531 IAlleqgd Contractor Deficiencies in Codifying Minuteman iassile Systeml. PSAD-78-12'4; e-146876. July 7, 1578. Beleased July 14, 1978. 5 pp. * enclosure (12 pp.). Report to Rep. Ge;ieral. Ron Marlenee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Nctifving the Congress of Status of Iepcrtant Frccurement krograms ( '05). Cont...
Date April 21, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-111 Title

National Defense: Computers and U.S. Army Readiness in the Pacific

DOCOUENT RBSUOE 07073 - [B2647681] (Confidential) Computers and U.S. Army Readiness 5 B-146896. April 21, 1978. che Pacific. LCV-78-111; Report to Secretary, Department of tie Army; by Prod J. Shafere Director, Lcgistics and CosRunications Div. Unclassified Digest Not Available. Issue Ar*a: military Preparedness Plans: Military communications and Information Prccessing Needs (803); Automatic Data ...
Date March 21, 1978 Report No. LCD-77-109 Title

Navigation Planning: Need for a New Direction

DOCUMNBWT RESUSE 05622 - (B08257531 Navigation Planning: Need for a New Direct.' 'n. LCD-77-109; B-180715. march 21, 1978. 41 pp. * 10 appeLiices (65 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Contact: Logistics and Communications Div. Budget Function: General Science, Space, and Technology: Telecommunications and Radio Frequency Spectrum Use (258). Organization Concern...
Date Jan. 24, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-46 Title

National Defense: Summaries of Conclusions and Recommendations on Department of Defense Operations

DOCUEENT 04773 - [ B0265139] RESU.E Summaries of Conclusions and Recommendations on Department of Defense Operations. PSAD-78-46; B-106190. January 24, 1978. 106 .... . Report to Rep. Georqt H. Mahon, Chaiirman, House Committee on Appropriations; San. John L. McClellan, Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccmptroller General. Contact: Procurement and Systems Acquisiti...
Date Dec. 21, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-442 Title

National Defense: Military Readiness Reporting Improvements

DOCUMENT 42L48 - RESUME [b 35S4806] (Military Feadiress Reporting Imprcvements]. LCD-77-442; B-146896. December 21, 1977. 3 pp. + 2 enclosures (15 pp.). to Secretary, Department of Defense; Repor Director, Logistics and Communications Div. Tssue by Fr=d J. Shafer, Area: Military Preparedness Plans: Military Communications and Information Processing Needs (803) cortact: Logistics and Communications...
Date Nov. 18, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-105 Title

U.S. Chemical Warfare Defense: Readiness and Costs

DOCUMENT RESUMi 07061 - [B2647685] (Secret) U.S. Chemical Warfare Defense; Readiness and Cc.ts. PS0D-77-105; BD-166842. November 18, 19'i. Report to the congress; by Elner B. Staats, Ccmptreller General. Unclassifi.d Digest Not Availabla. Issue Area: Science and Technology: Management and Oversight of Prcgrams (2004); International Econcric and Military Programs: U.S. International Security and Ar...