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GAO Reports by subject "National defense operations"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 4, 1992 Report No. IMTEC-92-26 Title

Patriot Missile Defense: Software Problem Led to System Failure at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

--.- /Initcd Stdcs General Accounting Offiw Ikport to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House of Rcprcsentativcs PATRIOT MISSILE DEFENSE Software Problem Led to System Failure at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia GA!!0 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Information Management and Technology Division B-247094 Feb...
Date Jan. 15, 1992 Report No. OP-92-1A Title

Status of Open Recommendations: Improving National Security and International Affairs Programs

United States General Accounting Office GAO January 1992 Annual Report to the Chairmen, House and Senate Committees on Appropriations I45777 i STATUS OF OPEN RECOMMENDATIONS Part A: Improving National Security and International Affairs Programs : : GAO/OP-92-1A . f r . , GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-205879 January 15,...
Date Jan. 14, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-72 Title

National Security: The Use of Presidential Directives to Make and Implement U.S. Policy

tInit.c:ti C;ctncraI Awonnting Office? Report to the Chairman, Legislation and Naii.onal Security Subcommittee, Committee on Gcwernment Opera tions, House of Representatives NATIONAL SECURITY The Use of Presidential Directives to Make and Implement U.S. Policy United Steter GAL) Accounting OfYice Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-246726 General J...
Date Jan. 1, 1992 Report No. 148814 Title

Special Publications: Comptroller General's Annual Report 1992

COMPTROLLER GENERALIS ~~~'~ANNuAL REPORT UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING @mCE /g$iijis GAO’ MISSION s We seek to achieve honest, eflcient management and full accountability throughout government. We serve the public interest by providing members of Congress and others whu make policy with accurate information, unbiased analysis, and objective recommendations on how best to use public resources ...
Date Dec. 30, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-92-70 Title

Army Reserve Components: Accurate and Complete Data Are Needed to Monitor Full-Time Support Program

I GAO December 1991 . Uqited &at& GeneraI AccoamthgOf&x+ Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on mm personnel and Compensation, Committee on Armed !3etices, House of Representatives ARMY RESERVE COMPONENTS Accurate md Complete Data Is Neededto Monitor l?ull-Time support Program GAO/NN.A.D-92-70 .,.._ . “ ,. .:: : I ..‘_ _-’ ,. -, .A.. . United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C...
Date Nov. 27, 1991 Report No. RCED-92-58BR Title

Trans-Alaska Pipeline: Ensuring the Pipeline's Security

TRANS-ALASKA PIPELINE Ensuring the Pipeline’s Security ----~ GAO United States GeneraI Accounting Ofike Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Economic Community, Development and Division B-246125 November27,1991 The Honorable George Miller Chairman, Subcommittee on Water, Power, and Offshore Energy Resources Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This b...
Date Sept. 27, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-290 Title

Operation Desert Shield: Problems Encountered by Activated Reservists

_(~ O P E R A T IO N D E S E R T S H IE L D P ro b l e m s E n c o u n te re d b y A c ti v a te d R e s e rv i s ts 144916 GAO Uni t ed States General Accounti n g Offi c e Washi n gton, D.C. 20648 Nati o nal Internati o nal Securi t y Affai r s and Di v i s i o n B-246121 September 27,l Q Ql Affai r s The Honorabl e Stephen M. Duncan ’ Assi s tant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Dear Mr. Secr...
Date Sept. 24, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-263 Title

National Guard: Peacetime Training Did Not Adequately Prepare Combat Brigades for Gulf War

.-.~ Scq)t~c”IllIwr --.-.“%“----I 99 1 NATIONAL GUARD Peacetime Training Did Not Adequately Prepare Combat Brigades for Gulf War .- 1111111 II 144875 i L GA!0 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Ntrtionsl Security and International Affairs Division B-244872 September 24,lQQl The Honorable Michael P. W. Stone The Secretary of the Army Dear Mr. Secretary: This report...
Date Aug. 30, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-239 Title

Army Reserve Forces: Applying Features of Other Countries' Reserves Could Provide Benefits

ARMY RESERVE FORCES Applying Features of Other Countries’ Reserves Could Provide Benefits 1llllII 144721 , I - National Security and International Affairs Division B-244161 August 30,199l The Honorable Beverly B. Byron Chairman, Subcommittee on Military Personnel and Compensation Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives Dear Madam Chairman: This report responds to your request that w...
Date July 9, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-219 Title

Army Reserve Components: Better Training Could Improve General Support Maintenance Capability

/ \ c. _-“* -_--1- ;*--I _.- ..__ _.... ,._..... .._. . ..._- _ ___. 1..^___.I .. ..^-. . -- _. .-__--.-.-_ --_------. _-.- unitedstates GA!!!! General Accounting Office Washfugton, DC. 201548 Nationall Security and International Affairs Division B-226368 JulyQ, 1991 The Honorable Earl Hutto Chairman, Subcommittee on Readiness Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairma...
Date March 25, 1991 Report No. RCED-91-83 Title

Nuclear Nonproliferation: DOE Needs Better Controls to Identify Contractors Having Foreign Interests

----.” ._“l.*“-“- _. “..- . _ . . . . _ GAO ---“-.------- 1kport, to the Chairman, Committee on Gowrnmentall Affairs, T J .S.Senate March I!)91 NUCLEAR N O N PROLIFER&TION D O E Needs Better Controls to Identify Contrac tors Hav ing Foreign Interes ts - lll~l\l Ill\\ Ill 143691 - unitedstates l&so-, Community, and Economic Development Division H-221179.10 March 25,199l The Honorable Jo...
Date Feb. 26, 1991 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-8 Title

International Affairs: National Security Reviews of Foreign Investment

United States General Accounting Office Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 1O:OO a.m. EST Tuesday February 26, 1991 National Security Reviews of Foreign Investment Statement of Allan I. Yendelowitz Director, International Finance Issues Trade, Energy, and Before the Subcorrunittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and Competitiveness House Cukttee on Energy and Commerce House of Represen...
Date Jan. 1, 1991 Report No. 145731 Title

Special Publications: Comptroller General's Annual Report 1991

GAO’S M&ion Weseekto achievehouest,ejj%ient manlrgement and full accountability tbroughoutgovernmen t. Weservethe public interest slyproviding wmbevs of Conpess and others who maks policy with accuwte information, unbiased analysis, and objectiverecommend&ions on how besttn usepublic resourcesitt support of tbe security und well-bein. of the American people. - On tbeCuvem 1 -i /! 3 I ! Ii I I I...
Date Nov. 21, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-40BR Title

Defense Reorganization: DOD's Efforts to Streamline the Space Command

GAO .____-.r_-_XI_ - I3rief‘ing Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Investigations, @ommitt,eeon Armed Services, House of Representatives I( 1 I I, I Now1111wr 1!)!N DEFENSE REORGANIZATION DOD’s Efforts to Streamline the Space Command 142843 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-240714 November21,199O The H...
Date Sept. 13, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-279FS Title

Panama: Cost of the U.S. Invasion of Panama

United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1990 Fact Sheet for the Honorable Andrew Jacobs, Jr., House of Representatives PANAMA Cost of the U.S. Invasion of Panama GAO/NSIAD-90-279FS -. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-240794 September 13,199O The Honorable Andrew Jacobs, Jr. House of Representativ...
Date July 25, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-57 Title

Department of Defense: Improving Management to Meet the Challenges of the 1990s

‘ 1 United States General Accounting Of!Rce / f/g b 7 ’ * GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday July 25, 1990 Testimony ‘ 141863 Department of Defense: Improving Meet the Challenges of the 1990s Management to Statement of Charles A. Bowsher, Comptroller General of the United States Before the Committee on Armed Services United States House of Representatives GAO/T-NSIAD...
Date July 1, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-179 Title

Energy: Bibliography of GAO Documents January 1986-December 1989

GAO ---------.---- Energy: Bibliography of GAO Documents January 1986 December 1989 141877 __.. __ ~;Ao/~I~~‘I~:I)!~o~I7!~ --- Foreword Growing dependence on imported oil, the need to develop new technologies to use energy cleanly and efficiently, and the tremendous problems at the Nation’s nuclear weapons complex have all served to thrust the Department of Energy, and its programs, once again...
Date June 12, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-169 Title

Export Controls: Commerce Department Has Improved Its Foreign Policy Reports to Congress

.. .JII Ilf’ I !)!10 .._..-.-...- l___.__l_-_ll__l ..-_-..-..-- EXPORT CONTROLS Commerce Department Has Improved Its Foreign Policy Reports to Congress .- 4 IIlllllll II11 s 141559 -_.. ll_.-“.- . . --.- .-..I-.. .-.-.” -.._ (;A(), NSIAI)-!Wlti!b “--...._..._-- -__- .___._._____..-.._____._.._.______ -__.-.--_ _._ United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller G...
Date May 24, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-185FS Title

Export Controls: U.S. Policies and Procedures Regarding the Soviet Union

May I!J!)O EXPORT CONTROLS U.S. Policies and Procedures Regarding the Soviet Union 141545 _--__--~ (;A( ,/‘NSIAI)-90- 1r(T,I”S GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-239423 May 24,199O The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen Chairman, Committee on Finance United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: As requested, this fact sheet...
Date May 10, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-143 Title

Military Capability: An Assessment of Changes of Measures Between Fiscal Years 1980 and 1989

..,~ 11--I -I...... -----._l_l.--f Ma . I !)!I0 v MILITARY CAPABILITY - An Assessment of Changes of Measures Between Fiscal Years 1980andl989 _., . B d 141400 * 1GAO united states B-217229 May lo,1990 General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division The Honorable Sam Nunn Chairman, Committee on Armed Services United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairm...
Date March 21, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-17 Title

Defense Industrial Security: Special Security Agreements Permit Foreign-owned U.S. Firms to Perform Classified Defense Contracts

United States General Accounting Office GAO Testimony DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL For Release On Delivery Expected on Wednesday March 21, 1990 SECURITY Permit Contracts Special Security 4greements Foreign-owned U.S. Firms to Perform Classified Defense Statement for the National Security qffairs Division For the Committee House of Record and International on Armed Services Representatives GAO/T-NSIAD-90-17 ...
Date March 19, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-21 Title

Government Operations: The President's Decision to Order a Chinese Company's Divestiture of a Recently Acquired U.S. Aircraft Parts Manufacturer

-United States General .4ccounting Office Testimony For Reiease on Delivery Expected at 9:3C a.m. EST Monday March 19, 199C The Presiden: 's Lecision To 3rder a Chinese Company's Divestiture of a Recently Acquired U.S. Aircraft Parts Manufacturer Statement Allan I. Director, Finance of Mendelcwitz International Issues Trade, Energy, and Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, ConslJmer Frotecticn and...
Date Oct. 17, 1989 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-3 Title

DOD Counter-Drug Activities: GAO Review of DOD's Compliance With FY 1989 DOD Authorization Act

United States General Accounting Office Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 1:00 p.m. EDT Tuesday, October 17, 1989 DOD Counter-Drug Activities: With GAO Review of DOD's Compliance FY 1989 DOD Authorization Act Statement of Frank C. Conahan Assistant Comptroller General for National Security and International Affairs Before the Subcommittees on Legislation and National and Government Inf...
Date Aug. 8, 1989 Report No. IMTEC-89-56 Title

Military Space Operations: Operational Problems Continue With the Satellite Control Computer System

United States General Accounting Office GAO August 1989 Report to the Honorable John P. Murtha, Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives MILITARY SPACE OPERATIONS Operational Problems Continue With the Satellite Control Computer System : ’ z GAO,‘IMTEG89-66 c ‘1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 IRformation Tech...
Date July 19, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-182 Title

U.S. Trust Territory: Issues Associated With Palau's Transition to Self-Government

.l.-__l__._ _.I- _.--._.- --_ .- ~ .___. _. “._“., .“.l_ __ll_i_LI--,.. ..l.l...ll-l -- July I!)%!1 U.S. TRUST TERRITORY - Issues Associated. With Palau’s Transition to Self-Government National Security and International Maim Division B-230633 July 19, 1989 The Honorable Morris K. Udall Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs House of Representatives The Honorable George Miller...
Date July 19, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-182S Title

U.S. Trust Territory: Issues Associated With Palau's Transition to Self-Government

United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1989 Supplement to the Report to Congressional Requesters U.S. TRUST TERRITORY Issues Associated With Palau’s Transition to Self-Government . - GAO,‘NSIAD-89-182s GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-230533 July 19, 1989 The Honorable Morris K. Udall Chairman, C...
Date June 30, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-140 Title

Army Training: Management Initiatives Needed to Enhance Reservists' Training

United States General Accounting Office TT . Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Military Personnel and Compensation, Comxnittee on Armed Services “. ; 3m.m 1989 ARMY TRAINING Mmagement Initiatives Needed to Enhanee Reservists’ Training National Security and International Affairs Division B-222994 June 30, 1989 The Honorable Beverly B. Byron Chairman, Subcommittee on Military Personnel and...
Date June 8, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-145 Title

Information Security: Controls Over Unofficial Access to Classified Information

, ...” i. I* . F .I ” d 3. CD != ‘n’ n* c ‘GAO Gleneral Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and Intemational Affairs Division united states B-234031 June 8,1989 The Honorable David Pryor Chairman, Subcommittee on Federal Services,Post Office, and Civil Service Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: As you requested, we reviewed ag...
Date June 6, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-155 Title

Export Controls: Extent of DOD Influence on Licensing Decisions

United States General Accounting Office GAO June 1989 Report to the Honorable Les AuCoin, House of Representatives EXPORT CONTROLS Extent of DOD Influence on Licensing Uecisions . l n National Security and International Affairs Division B-201919 June 6, 1989 The Honorable L+es AuCoin House of Representatives Dear Mr. AuCoin: As requested in your letter of February 9, 1988, we reviewed the export l...
Date May 4, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-133 Title

Special Access Programs: DOD Is Strengthening Compliance With Oversight Requirements

United States General Accounting Office t Unclassified Summary to the Honorable Barbara Boxer, House of Representatives May 1989 SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAMS DOD Is Strengthening Compliance With Oversight Requirements GAO,‘NSLAD-89-133 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-230522 May 4,1989 The Honorable Barbara Boxer...
Date May 4, 1989 Report No. T-IMTEC-89-7 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Security Agency's Memorandum of Understanding on Implementing the Computer Security Act of 1987

____- -.~ lfuited States General Accounting Office GAO . Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EDT Thursday May 4, 1989 National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Security Agency's Memorandum of Understanding on Implementing the Computer Security Act of 1987 Statement of Milton J. Socolar, Special Comptroller General Assistant to the Before the Subcommittee ...
Date Feb. 23, 1989 Report No. T-NSIAD-89-6 Title

International Affairs: U.S. Military Aircraft Coproduction With Japan

1’ GAO United States General Accounting OftPce / 3 8’ 0 0 5 Testimony 1111111 138000 For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Thursday February 23, 1989 U.S. With Military Japan Aircraft Coproduction Statement of Joseph E. Kelley, Director Security and International Relations National Security and International Division Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer and Competitiveness...
Date Jan. 1, 1989 Report No. 140959 Title

Special Publications: Comptroller General's Annual Report 1989

c Lt: SNOLLVtl3d(l OK) 5%: SJu3,LSAS NOLLWW iLNBMNlEtAO3O,L?J3CIM-) 3NI3NM8 rY3,LSAS3HV3 HJ.W3H 3NlXUW,J WO 3SN3d3a S‘ NOLLVN3I-U UCN 3NINNV’ Id Cl U3LSVSIa NVOT (IN-VS3NIAVS 3HJi 90 3XVM 3HiL U T1 9 JA3a 3HL JO 3X&J 3H& C: WlI3N33 kI3TIOlLM403 3HJ, INOW 3%“%‘ V 3~ stLN3LLNo3 3w-v~ 80 *paizlos %u!aq Lpeaqe s! uIalqoJd aql leql a~a!laq 01 uoynlap ah4 ‘ op 01 qnq ‘ 0s syy~ lyyap E s! 11 ...
Date Dec. 28, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-89-31 Title

National Security: The Use of Presidential Directives To Make and Implement U.S. Policy

United States General Accounting Office GAO December 1988 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives NATIONAL SECURITY The Use of Presidential Directives to Make and Implement U. S. Policy GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-232815 December 28. 1988 The Honorable Jack Bro...
Date Sept. 27, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-227 Title

Army Budget: Potential Reductions to Aircraft Procurement Budgets

United States General Accounting Office GA6 September 1988 Report to Congressional Requesters ARMY BUDGET Potential Reductions to Aircraft Procurement Budgets 136899 n. United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-223087 September 27, 1988 The Honorable John C. Stennis Chairman, Committee on Appropriations United States Senat...
Date Sept. 21, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-222 Title

Nuclear Science: Issues Associated With Completing WNP-1 as a Defense Materials Production Reactor

United States General Accounting Office GAO ; September 1988 Report to the Honorable Brock Adams, U.S. Senate NUCLEARSCIENCE Issues Associated With Completing WNP-1 as a Defense Materials Production Reactor GAO/RCED-88-222 . 1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-231142 September 21,1988 The Honorable Brock Ada...
Date Sept. 21, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-221 Title

Nuclear Science: Questions Associated With Completing WNP-1 as a Defense Materials Production Reactor

United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1988 Report to the Honorable Sid Morrison, House of Representatives ‘. NUCLEAR SCIENCE Questions Associated With Completing WNP-1 as a Defense Materials Production Reactor 1 GAO/RCED-M-221 1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-231142 September 2 1,1988 Th...
Date Aug. 25, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-151 Title

Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1: Examination of DOE's Report on Divestiture

United States General Accounting Office GAO August 1988 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and.Power, Committee on Energy % and Commerce, House of Representatives NAVAL PETROLEUM RESERVE NO. 1 Examination of DOE’s Report on Divestiture Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-215489 August 25, 1988 The Honorable Philip R. Sharp Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Po...
Date Aug. 3, 1988 Report No. T-NSIAD-88-42 Title

Government Operations: The Use of Presidential Directives to Make and Implement U.S. Policy

United States General Accmmting Office /,?~(&/?c , GAO Testimony - For Release on Delivery Expected at IO:00 a.m. Wednesday August 3, 1988 The Use Of Presidential To Make and Implement Directives U.S. Policy Statement of Frank 'C. Conahan, Assistant Comptroller General National Security and International Affairs Division Before the Committee on Government House of Representatives Operations I GAO/...
Date July 28, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-198 Title

Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1: Efforts to Sell the Reserve

United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1988 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives NAVAL PETROLEUM RESERVE NO. 1 Efforts to Sell the Reserve RESTRICTED-Not to be re?ensed outside the &nerd -4 Accounting Offke exe@ XI tEc !mis of the specific qprovd by the Office of CongressionalRelationa. o+a+=d~~4fl GAO/RCED-88-198 .. -a . United States General Acc...
Date July 13, 1988 Report No. T-RCED-88-53 Title

National Defense: Dealing With Major Problem Areas in the Nuclear Defense Complex Expected to Cost Over $100 Billion

United StatesGeneral Accounting Ofllce Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EDT 'Wednesday July 13, 1988 Dealing With Major Problem Areas in the Nuclear Defense Complex Expected to Cost Over $100 Billion Statement of J. Pexter Peach Assistant Comptroller General Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division Before the Committee on Governmental United States Senate -!, ...
Date July 6, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-197BR Title

Nuclear Health and Safety: Dealing With Problems in the Nuclear Defense Complex Expected to Cost Over $100 Billion

GAO July 1988 Briefing Report to the Chairman, committee on Goverhmental Afhirs, United States Senate NUCLEAR HEALTH AND SAFETY Dealing With Problems in the Nuclear Defense Ccimplex Expected to ~(hst Over $100Billion 1 _: .. ‘-1% r: , (yxoB+ GAO/BCED-W-197BR . ,. United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-222195 July 6...
Date June 30, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-198 Title

Weapon Systems: Acquisition of the Army's Line-of-Sight Forward Heavy Air Defense System

h,,.. . )‘&x;Jy. I ‘ United States General Accounting Office 3 A0 Report to Congressional Requesters I. Cune 1988 WEAPON SYSTEMS Acquisition of the Army’s Line-of-Sight Forward Heavy Air Defense System I ~nl~ll1llll Illl 136239 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-223712 June 30, 1988 The Honorable Denny Smi...
Date June 22, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-201 Title

Strategic Minerals: Extent of U.S. Reliance on South Africa

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C.20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-226687 June 22,1988 The Honorable The Honorable United States Edward M. Kennedy Lowell P. Weicker, Senate Jr. that we examine trade On October 28, 1987, you requested with South Africa and changes in that trade over the past 5 years; public and private credit available and chan...
Date June 9, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-180FS Title

Strategic Defense Initiative Program: National Test Bed Acquisition Has Not Proceeded as Planned

United States Gemral GAO June 1988 * Chairman, Fact Sheet for the Accounting Office Subcommittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE PROGRAM+ National Test Bed Acquisition Has Not Proceeded As Planned GAO/NSIAD-8%180FS octa384 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 National Security and International Affairs Divis...
Date May 24, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-152 Title

Special Access Programs: DOD Criteria and Procedures for Creating Them Need Improvement

. United States General Accounting Office GAO May 1988 Unclassified Summary to Congressional Cornmittees SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAMS DOD Criteria and Procedures for Creating Them Need Improvement cw--=J-I GAO/NSIAD-W162 ..- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-230522 May 24,1988 The Honorable Les Aspin Chairman, Committee on Arme...
Date April 29, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-156 Title

Drug Control: Issues Surrounding Increased Use of the Military in Drug Interdiction

April 1988 DRUG CONTROL Issues Surrounding Increase&Use of the .._.. I_~ .-- ,‘j li.. ,j .,, National Security and International Affairs Division B-230748 April 29, 1988 Congressional Requesters The Kational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 requires us to review the capabilities of the federal government to control drug smuggling into the United States. This is the first ...
Date April 8, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-63FS Title

Federal Productivity: DOD Functions With Savings Potential From Private Sector Cost Comparisons

United States General Accounting Office GAO April 1988 Fact Sheet for the Honorable David Dreier, House of Representatives FEDERAL PRODUCTIVITY DOD Functions With Savings Potential From Private Sector Cost Comparisons GAO/GGD-88-63FS \8\\ GAO llnitd States GeneralAccountingOffke Washington, D.C.2OXH Grnc~ral Governmen Division B-223693 April8, 1988 The Honorable David Dreier House of Representativ...
Date April 1, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-146 Title

Military Officers: Assessment of the 1988 Defense Officer Requirements Study

__United States General Accounting Office Report to CongressionalRequesters --iiq lN38 , I I- MILITARY OFFICERS Assessment of the 1988 Defense Officer Requirements Study Ill II II llllll 135642 I . q. I ---1/ I GAO United States General Accounting OfYice Washington, D.C. 20548 Natioual Security and International Affairs Division B-226463 April 1, 1988 The Honorable Sam Nunn Chairman, Committee on ...
Date March 10, 1988 Report No. T-NSIAD-88-15 Title

National Defense: Skill Qualifications of National Guard and Reserve Members

United States General Accounting Office I 1 Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 2:00 p.m. EST Thursday March 10, 1988 Skill Qualifications of National Guard and Reserve Members Statement of Richard A. Davis, National Security Affairs Division Senior Associate and International Director Before the Subcommittee on Military Personnel Compensation Committee on Armed Services House of Represe...