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GAO Reports by subject "IRS Taxpayer Delinquency Investigations Program"

Full-text search of 52,072 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date March 13, 1991 Report No. GGD-91-36 Title

Tax Administration: IRS Does Not Investigate Most High-Income Nonfilers

j’ “‘“I I,&’ -.- ‘ 1 - _/ ” * .,“’ c U-J. :L. -.., . _.., -:p ,, ,/_ ,,,, -1, L ,.‘ _. .‘ 1,~ “,, LI :,.,’ .*r ..*l,qI, ^, _ %4s:r4 ‘ .Z.i” 1_,“, Uniged States General Accounting Office I GAO March 1991 ’ Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives TAX ADM INISTRATIO...
Date April 19, 1985 Report No. GGD-85-11 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Administrative Changes Could Strengthen IRS' Claims for Rewards Program

Report To The Commissioner Internal Revenue Of Administrative Changes Could Strengthen IRS’ Claims For Rewards Program According to the internal Revenue Service, billions of dollars in taxes are lost each year due to unreported and underreported legal and illegal income. IRS has various programs for detecting such noncompliance with the tax laws, and its Claims for Rewards Program has proven to ...
Date Feb. 11, 1980 Report No. GGD-80-34 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: IRS Efforts To Detect and Pursue Corporate Nonfilers

UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTCN, D.C. 20548 GENERAL GOVERNMENT OIVISICN B-197350 FEBRUARY 17, f980 The Honorable Jerome Kurtz Commissioner of Internal Reveau-eelJ Department of the Treasury Dear M r. Kurtz: To Cetect and Pursue Corporate ?RS Efforts ‘ -onfilers (GGD-80-34) 7 .".d.. ^~ 7 - .__ - ._._. .~..7 Our review of the Internal Rewnue Service's (IRS') efforts to deal with c...
Date July 11, 1979 Report No. GGD-79-69 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Who's Not Filing Income Tax Returns? IRS Needs Better Ways To Find Them and Collect Their Taxes

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Who’ Not Filing Income Tax Returns? s IRS Needs Better Ways To Find Them 6 And Collect Their Taxes I& cpq GAO estimates that about 5 million people owing some $2 billion in income taxes did not file returns in 1972~-the most current year for which reasonably complete data was available. This “delinquency gap” poses tax admini...