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GAO Reports by subject "Shoe industry"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Jan. 3, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-85-35 Title

International Affairs: The U.S. Footwear Industries' Ability To Meet Military Mobilization Needs

Chairmen House And Senate Footwear Caucuses The U.S. Footwear industries’ Ability To Meet Military Mobilization Needs In the event of a major military mobilization, Defense may have problems in meeting its military footwear needs. Its prepositioned war reserve stocks of footwear, which are used during the initial stages of a conflict, are below requirements. Defense reports show that, once these...
Date Feb. 25, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-3 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Slow Productivity Growth in the U.S. Footwear Industry--Can the Federal Government Help?

. , /rr&,l BY THECOlVlPTROLLEi GENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES 3 37 . Report ToThe Congress ’ d il Slow Productivity Growth In The U.S.Footwear lndustry-Can The Federal Government Help? U.S. footwear manufacturers have experienced a steady economic decline since the late 1960s. The industry’s productivity growth rate has been among the lowest of our Nation, primarily reflecting insufficient capital...
Date April 23, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-55 Title

National Defense: Opportunities and Problems in Meeting the Military's Clothing and Textile Needs With Commercially Available Items

REPORTB'Y' THE U.S. General Accounting Office Opportunities And Problems In Meeting The Military’s Clothing And Textile Needs With Commercially Available Items The Office of Federal Procurement Policy issued a new policy requiring Federal agencies to buy and distribute commercial products through commercial sources. GAO assessed the Defense Department’s progress in implementing this policy for...
Date Dec. 21, 1978 Report No. ID-78-53 Title

International Affairs: Adjustment Assistance to Firms Under the Trade Act of 1974--Income Maintenance or Successful Adjustment?

IBYTHE COMP:TROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress 0F THE UNITED STATES Adjustment Assistance To Firms Under The Trade Act Of 1974-Income Maintenance Or Successful Adjustment? Many firms have been hurt by import competition, but so far fewer than 125 have been helped under the Trade Act program which the Congress designed for adjustment assistance. And most of those helped have not adjusted to beco...
Date March 4, 1977 Report No. CED-77-51 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Assistance to Nonrubber Shoe Firms

DOCUMENT RESUME C S A 00594 - A08916191 arch Assistance to Nonrubber Shoe Firms. CED-77-51; B-179342. 4, 1977. Released March 7, 1977. 49 pp. Report to Rep. James A. Burke; by Robert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Issue Area: Education, Training, and Employment Programs: Programs for Specific Target Groups (1108); Domestic Housing and Community Development (2100). Contact: Community and Ec...