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GAO Reports by subject "Current services estimates"

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Date Report No. Title
Date July 29, 2011 Report No. GAO-11-711 Title

Private Health Insurance: Early Experiences Implementing New Medical Loss Ratio Requirements

United States Government Accountability Office GAO July 2011 Report to Congressional Requesters PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE Early Experiences Implementing New Medical Loss Ratio Requirements GAO-11-711 July 2011 PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE Early Experiences Implementing New Medical Loss Ratio Requirements Highlights of GAO-11-711, a report to congressional requesters Why GAO Did This Study To help ensur...
Date Sept. 30, 2010 Report No. GAO-10-1037R Title

Government Operations: Office of the Federal Detention Trustee's (OFDT) Cost Estimation Methods Reflect Features of Best Practices, but Processes Could be Enhanced

United States Government Accountability Office Washington, DC 20548 September 30, 2010 The Honorable Barbara Mikulski Chairwoman The Honorable Richard Shelby Ranking Member Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations U.S. Senate The Honorable Alan Mollohan Chairman The Honorable Frank R. Wolf Ranking Member Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science...
Date Nov. 10, 2009 Report No. GAO-10-94 Title

Bureau of Prisons: Methods for Cost Estimation Largely Reflect Best Practices, but Quantifying Risks Would Enhance Decision Making

United States Government Accountability Office GAO November 2009 Report to Congressional Committees BUREAU OF PRISONS Methods for Cost Estimation Largely Reflect Best Practices, but Quantifying Risks Would Enhance Decision Making GAO-10-94 November 2009 BUREAU OF PRISONS Highlights Highlights of GAO-10-94, a report to congressional committees Accountability Integrity Reliability Methods for Cost E...
Date June 30, 2009 Report No. GAO-09-653 Title

Defense Infrastructure: Planning Challenges Could Increase Risks for DOD in Providing Utility Services When Needed to Support the Military Buildup on Guam

United States Government Accountability Office GAO June 2009 Report to Congressional Requesters DEFENSE INFRASTRUCTURE Planning Challenges Could Increase Risks for DOD in Providing Utility Services When Needed to Support the Military Buildup on Guam GAO-09-653 June 2009 DEFENSE INFRASTRUCTURE Highlights Highlights of GAO-09-653, a report to congressional requesters Accountability Integrity Reliabi...
Date April 11, 2003 Report No. GAO-03-619T Title

Paperwork Reduction Act: Record Increase in Agencies' Burden Estimates

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 10 a.m. EDT Friday, April 11, 2003 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Energy, Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT Record Increase in Agencies’ Burden Estimates Statement of Victor S. Rezendes, Managing Director Strategic ...
Date Feb. 1, 2000 Report No. T-OCG-00-1 Title

Fiscal Year 2001 Budget Request: U.S. General Accounting Office

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Release on Delivery 1:30 p.m. EST February 1, 2000 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Legislative, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives FISCAL YEAR 2001 BUDGET REQUEST U.S. General Accounting Office Statement of David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States GAO/T-OCG-00-1 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: I a...
Date Dec. 2, 1986 Report No. AFMD-87-10 Title

Budget Issues: The President's Current Services Budget

United Siates General Accounting Office I%4 8 . GAO December 1986 Report to the Chairman, Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States BUDGET ISSUES The President’s Current Services Budget 131898 R~~1:~1~‘11:;3--__I:c;. ;: 1.1: ;.(-y,“:-,Lzj yi; Accounting Offfco cxcepl; an the basio of specific WRrOVti by the Office of Congressional Relations. , GAC+~MD-87-19 c’-&, “Y
Date Nov. 22, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-86-8 Title

Support Services: Actions To Gain Management Control Over DOD's Contract Support Services

Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on yi Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives November 1985 SUPPORTSERVICES Actions ,,, Gain to I,,I,y ,,,,, ~,m~*m~“‘,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,m U,,,,,,,,,Y”““““““’ ManagementControl Over DOD’s Contract Support Services 128470 . GAO/NSIAD-86-8 About Our New Look . This GAO report was produced using a new design and printing...
Date April 1, 1983 Report No. 088873 Title

An Evaluative Approach to the Examination of Program Operations and Service Delivery: PODSE

AN EVALUATIVE APPROACH TO THE EXAMINATION OF PROGRAM OPERATIONS AND SERVICE DELIVERY: PODSE FOREWORD This paper describes an evaluative approach that is currently being developed at the U . S . General Accounting O f f i c e and that we call the Pro ran Operations T Delivery - Services and of Examination (PODSE Designed to provide timely, descriptive information about public programs, the approac...
Date May 13, 1982 Report No. ID-82-35 Title

International Affairs: Misleading Projections for Country Loan Repayment

UNITEDSTAR GENERAL Acc0u~tPG OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 m MAY 13, INTERNATIONAL DIVISION B-207150 * III I 118351 t982 The Bonorable The Secretary Subject: Dear Mr. Donald T. Regan of the Treasury Misleading Repayment Projections For Country (GAO/ID-82-35) Loan Secretary: Debt service projections for loans administered by the Defense Security Assistance Agency (DSAA), the Agency for InterBank (E...
Date Oct. 15, 1979 Report No. HRD-80-3 Title

Health: Administration of Contract Between HEW and Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound

UNKED STATES GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 HUMAN REBOCJRC%S DIVISION B-154031 Mr. Jay B. Constantine Chief, Health Professional Subcommittee on Health Committee on Finance United States Senate Dear Mr. Constantine: Subject: i/ Staff ~l~l~llllll ll i 10855 HEW's Contract With Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound Covering Medical Care Provided to Medicare --Noncompliance With Ben...
Date Sept. 20, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-118 Title

Information Management: Social Security Administration Needs To Continue Comprehensive Long-Range Planning

UNITED STATES GENEZAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C. 20548 //L&q I , HUMAN RESOURCE5 DIVISION B-164031(4) SEPTEMBER 20. 1979 The Honorable The Secretary and Welfare L?ear Mrs. Patrlcla Roberts Harris of Health, Education, /&!@-- Harris: The,$oclal Security Admlnlstratlon Needs To Continue Comprehensrve Long-Range Planning (HRD-79-118) J /-5&zoDDzd; In January 1979, former Secretary CalzfafYdla...
Date April 25, 1979 Report No. 094376 Title

Agriculture and Food: GAO Reviews of USDA Activities

.. . ’ II q oey m 3 Office FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Wednesday, April 25, 1979 United States General Accounting 20548 Washington, D.C. 0943% Statement of Elmer B. Staats Comptroller General of the United States before the Development, Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural and Related Agencies Senate Committee on Appropriations on + Accounting Office reviews of I General Depa...
Date April 11, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-216 Title

Government Operations: Air Force Proposal To Increase Staffing of Military Airlift Command Aerial Ports

RESTRlCTED Offiat Rot b except b OR ruica~ed *he m~sof tilde *pe cifio *e approval genera’ B-13302~~~eun~ng by the Office ot Congressional Relations APRIL 11, 1979 RELEASED The Honorable Jamie L. Whitten Chairman, Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: In response to forme letter of September 19, 1978, we have Force> plans to increase staffing at the Military Air...
Date Feb. 28, 1979 Report No. 108687 Title

Budget and Spending: Budget Estimates for Fiscal Year 1980 and Supplemental Appropriation Request for Fiscal Year 1979

I / &!,'Iq:TE>Jm f)P ZLMER B. STAATS, COMPTRoLLER GENERAL OF ?JE UMI'?"?:D STA'T‘ES SEFORE THE LEGISLATIVE SUBCOMMITTER APPROPRIATIONS COMMI'"TEE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ON ,EUOGET ESTIMATES FOR FISCAL YEAR I-. JfiqyYcy~~3tfi w /f$fwxfktiMr. Chairman We are out fiscal the and Members presenting of today of the the the Subcommittee: financial General Accounting Offi...
Date Feb. 22, 1979 Report No. 108661 Title

Budget and Spending: GAO Budget Estimates for Fiscal Year 1980 and Supplemental Appropriation Request for Fiscal Year 1979

S”ATE!7F?‘T OF -zA lMr. 0 COYPTROLLE?? GVJERN, SmATFS BEFORE THE LEGISLATIVE SUBCOM~~ITTEF APPROP9IATIO~JS COWIT"EF UNITED S?ATES SEMATF @&+!fX FlJDGE? ELMER B. STAA?S, OF‘WE[lNImEF Chairman We appear and Yembers here today staff increased of the Subcommittee: your General which support for urgentlv ($&?I c?mM/ Accounting Offic.2 to has occurred over the in both seeking for the needed meet p...
Date Feb. 15, 1979 Report No. 094395 Title

Budget and Spending: Budget Estimates for FY 1980

Mr. Chairman We appear and Members here today of the Subcommittee: your General which support for urgentlv office over to the in seekinq for the needed meet past additional a sharply two staff increased Accounting has occurred workload the years. for As you know, fiscal year GAO received For fiscal Committees no i.ncrease year 1979, both its the budget 1978. House and Senate level of Appropriation...
Date Aug. 7, 1978 Report No. CED-78-127 Title

An Overview of Benefit-Cost Analysis for Water Resources Projects: Improvements Still Needed

DCCUKENT BESUIE 06796 - [B22072481 An Overview of Bsnefir-Cost Analysis for Water Resources Projects: Improvements Still Needed. CED-78-127; B-167941. Auqust 7, 1978. 33 pp. + 4 appendices (9 PFp.) Report to the Congress; by Elser B. Scaats, Comptroller General. issue Area: Water and Water Related £rograms: Federal Agencies' benefit-cost analyses (2506). Contact: Community and Economic DeveloFmen...
Date July 27, 1971 Report No. B-78395 Title

Financial Management: Bureau of the Census Cost Estimates for Mid-Decade Census Proposals

HE SUBCOMMITTEE ND STATISTICS ON POST OFFICE ERVICE EPRESENTATIVES 8.78395 Department of Commerce OLLER GENERAL COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 2QS48 STATES B-78395 Dear Mr. Chairman: In your letter of March 26, 1971, you advised us of your Subcommittee's recent investigation of the 1970 decennial census conducted by the "? 4-Bureau of the Census and stated that during the inves...