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GAO Reports by subject "Marine mineral resources"

Full-text search of 52,072 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date May 8, 1989 Report No. RCED-89-108 Title

Mineral Revenues: Implementation of the Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act of 1987

‘. United States General Accounting Office &A0 May 1989 Report to Congressional Requesters MINERAL’ REVENUES Implementation of the Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Refom Act of 1987 GAO/RCED-89-108 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-228947 May 8, 1989 The Honorable Nick J. Rahall, II Chairman, Subcommittee on Mining and Natural Resources Committee on Interior and Insu...
Date May 3, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-124 Title

Offshore Oil and Gas: Reorganization of Interior's Minerals Management Service Regional Office

l’ J J I,, 3’ -United States General Accounting Office GAO May @88 I Report tothe Chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives ’ I* OFFSHOREOIL AND GAS Reorganization of Interior’ Minerals s Management Service Regional Office llllllll nl~l II 135773 ,. :- ‘ : --- GAO United Statee General Accounting Office...
Date Feb. 3, 1982 Report No. EMD-82-31 Title

Natural Resources: Impediments to U.S. Involvement in Deep Ocean Mining Can Be Overcome

GENERAL i% THECOl’i’lPTROLLER Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITED STATES Impediments To U.S.involvement In Deep Ocean Mining Can Be Overcome The abundant resources on the deep seabed could help relieve the Nation’s almost total reliance on foreign sources for certain critical minerals. The 1980 Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources Act was passed to facilitate U.S. involvement in developing the ...
Date Nov. 19, 1981 Report No. EMD-82-17 Title

Energy: Annual Report on Outer Continental Shelf Shut-In or Flaring Wells Is No Longer Needed

E , BY THECOlVlP~R~LLERGENER The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES . Annual Report On Outer Continental Shelf Shut-InOr Flarin ells Is No Longer Needed The Outer ContInental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1978 require (1) the Secretary of the Interior to submit annually a report on shut-in (not producing) or flaring (burning off) natural gas OCS wells, and (2) the Comp troller General to annually examine...
Date Nov. 21, 1979 Report No. EMD-80-3 Title

Energy: Interior Lacks Adequate Oversight of Shut-In or Flaring Natural Gas Wells on the Outer Continental Shelf

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Interior Lacks Adequate Oversight Of -. Shut-In Or Flaring Natural Gas Wells On The Outer Continental Shelf The Department of the Interior’s methods allowing Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas wells to be shut-in (not producing) or to flare (burn off gas) are based primarily on operators’ reports. GAO reviewed and evaluated the...
Date May 24, 1979 Report No. B-174316 Title

Government Operations: [Comments on H.R. 2759]

-@ '4 COMPTROLLER? GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20.548 B-174316 May 24, 1979 The Honorable John M. Murphy Chairman, Committee on Merchant 0 Marine and Fisheries House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: 1D0 This letter responds to your March 14, 1979 request for GAO 1 omments on H.R. 27593 96th Congress, which, ifenacted, wou 6be cited as the "Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources ...
Date June 28, 1978 Report No. PSAD-77-127 Title

Deep Ocean Mining: Actions Needed To Make It Happen

DOCUMENT BESUME 06235 - r B1806841] Deep Ocean Mining: Actions Needed To dake It PSAD-77-127; B--174316. June 28, 1978. 49 pp. pp.). Report to the Conq:ess; by Robert P. Keller, General. Happen. * fr appendices (22 Acting Comptclller Issue Area: Science and Technology: lcbilizing Besources for a jor Commercial Ventures (2001); Materials: international Policies and Practice. (Including Seabed Resou...
Date June 8, 1978 Report No. EMD-78-48 Title

Lower Cook Inlet: Another Example of More Data Needed for Appraising Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Resources

DOCUMENT RESUME 06231 - (B1606648] Lower Cook Inlet: Another xalmple of nore Data Needed for Appraisinq Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Resources. EMD-78-48; B-118678. June 8, 1978. 34 pp, + 5 appendices (11 pp. ) . Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: -nergy: Role of Fossil Fuels in (1609). Meeting Future Needs Contact: Enerqy and Minerals Div. Budget F...
Date Jan. 23, 1978 Report No. 104791 Title

Natural Resources: H.R. 3350, the Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources Act

' 04791 - [ B0405293] DOCUBNUT R1SU1B H.R. 3350, the Deep '&.,bed 23, 1978. 11 pp. Hard Mineral Resources Act]. January Committee on International telations: Testimony before the' IWlUa Inte):national Econosrc Policy and Trade Sukcollittes; the House Committee on International Relations: InternationB i Operations 2irector, Energy .ad SubcoemJttee; by 5ont:.tjanfiold, Jr,, Minerals Div. Cont&,t: EB...
Date June 3, 1977 Report No. ID-77-37 Title

Natural Resources: Results of the Third Law of the Sea Conference 1974 to 1976

DOCURENT RESUME 02465 - [A1612601] Results of the Third Law of the Sea Conference 1974 to 1976. ID-77-37; B-145099. June 3, 1977. 33 pp. + appendix (1 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: materials: International Policies and Practices (Including Seabed Resources) (1803); Envircnuental Protection Programs: Bnergy/Environmental Protection Conflicts (220...
Date March 19, 1975 Report No. RED-75-343 Title

Energy: Outlook for Federal Goals To Accelerate Leasing of Oil and Gas Resources on the Outer Continental Shelf

Outlook e Department Federal of the Ititerior Adm inistration Energy elf COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF THE D.C. UNITED STATES ZfX48 B-118678 ,’ Ir ,.l To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives leasing Shelf. ing Act Our report of oil concerns the outlook for accelerating Federal and gas resources on the Outer Continental and Accountand Auditing , ,, We m...
Date March 9, 1975 Report No. ID-75-46 Title

International Affairs: Information on United States Ocean Interests Together With Positions and Results of Law of the Sea Conference at Caracas

,,.‘ P I . . B-145099 (/“I I ‘i’o the Speaker President of the of the House of Senate and Representatives the with at This positions Caracas. ocean interests together is our report on U.S. and results of the Law of the Sea Conference pursuant and the Our review was made Act, 1921 (31 U.S.C. 53), of 1950 (31 U.S.C. 67). to the Budgot and Accounting Accounting and Auditing Act Copies of the ...
Date Sept. 28, 1974 Report No. 094570 Title

Natural Resources: National Ocean Policy Study