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GAO Reports by subject "Motor pools"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date May 25, 2004 Report No. GAO-04-664 Title

Federal Acquisition: Increased Attention to Vehicle Fleets Could Result in Savings

United States General Accounting Office GAO May 2004 Report to Congressional Requesters FEDERAL ACQUISITION Increased Attention to Vehicle Fleets Could Result in Savings GAO-04-664 a May 2004 FEDERAL ACQUISITION Increased Attention to Vehicle Fleets Could Result in Savings Highlights of GAO-04-664, a report to congressional requesters Federal agencies spend about $1.7 billion annually to operate a...
Date Dec. 29, 1994 Report No. GGD-95-18 Title

Federal Motor Vehicles: Private and State Practices Can Improve Fleet Management

United States General Accounting Office GAO December 1994 Report to Congressional Requesters FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLES PRIVATE AND STATE PRACTICES CAN IMPROVE FLEET MANAGEMENT GAO/GGD-95-18 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-258136 December 29, 1994 The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate T...
Date May 24, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-132 Title

Motor Vehicles: Better Management of the Military Services' Vehicles Could Save Millions

-, -..-_-.-1 *I __^-__ ._.. --.-.-.. _..-- . ..__ G AO _ ._ --l l .-~ ---._ ------_--~--~-“~-.--~ --- 1 Iv I;ry I!)!) 1 M O T O R V E H IC L E S B e tte r M a n a g e m e n t o f th e M i l i ta ry S e rv i c e s ’ Ve h i c l e s C o u l d Sa v e M illio n s -- __ ... mII 144028 --.1 -- -- ~ ;A o ~ N S IA I~ -!~ I-l :~ ~ Nati o nal Securi t y and Internati o nal Affai r s Di v i s i o n B-2426...
Date Sept. 17, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-120 Title

National Defense: Controls Over Tools and Parts for Commercial-Type Vehicles at Fort Eustis, VA

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 rnaclJRLucNT. #4D HEADINESS LooIlmlcs. DIVISION SEP 17 1982 B-209029 Co.mmander U.S. Army Training and Doctrine 23651 Fort Monroe, Virginia ;:Attention: Dear Sir: Subject: ' Controls Vehicles ATRM-IR Command , Over Tools and Parts for at Fort Eustis, Virginia Commercial-type (GAO/PLRD-82-120) We recently completed a survey of controls ...
Date Oct. 5, 1981 Report No. B-204776 Title

Government Operations: [Comments of Proposed Federal Acquisition Regulation]

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL October 5, 1981 B-204776 Mr. William J. Maraist Assistant Administrator for Regulations Office of Federal Procurement Policy Office of Management and Budget Dear Mr. Maraist: By memorandum dated August 27, 1981, with enclosures, you forwarded for our review and comment a segment of the draft Federal Acquisitio...
Date May 13, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-18 Title

Government Operations: Federal Home Loan Bank Board's Management of Its Procurement Activities Should Be Improved

6’1 THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Ranking Minority Member, Committee On Appropriations United States Senate RELEASED Federal Ho Management Of Its Procurement Activities Should Be improved GAO reviewed certain areas of concern relating to the Board’s acquisition and management of its new headquarters building and its controls over personnel awards, travel, and vehicles. The Board: --Has...
Date Sept. 19, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-100 Title

Government Operations: Federal Guidelines for Acquisition of Administrative Vehicles

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES B-200337 The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives The Honorable Abraham Ribicoff Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate --w---ederal Guidelines Subjectt of Administrative September 19, 1980 lllllllllIIll Ill 113550 for AC During the normal course of our wo...
Date March 23, 1979 Report No. LCD-78-246 Title

Transportation: Operation of Interagency Motor Pools by GSA

UNIED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ybR 2 3 1979 Mr. Allan W. Beres Commissioner Transportation and Public Utilities Service General Services Administration Dear Mr. Beres: -l!Mw/t-Dl 108992 peration of interWe have completed a study of agency motor pools by the General (GSAj. Our objectives were to (1) evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the motor pools in provi...
Date Sept. 28, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-339 Title

Employment: Inquiry into Federal Employee Parking Policy

DOCUF!NT RESUME 07450 - [C27879111 Inqguiry into Federal BEployee Parking Policy. B-192e97. Septeaber 28, 1978. 12 pp. Report to Sen. James Logistics and Communications Div. LCD-78-339; Director, bourezk; by Richard . Gutmann, Issue Area: Are Agencies aintaining Government Facilities Cost-Effectively? (713). Contact: Logistics and Coaunicatiots Div. Budget Function: Gene;al Governmant: General Pro...
Date Sept. 5, 1978 Report No. 107344 Title

Government Operations: Efficiency and Effectiveness of General Services Administration Motor Pools

DOCUSENT RESdJE 07344 - [B2567581] (ERstri-ted) Efficiency ani Effectiveness of General Services Ac-inistration Rotor Pools. S.ioteaber 5, 1978. 5 pp. Report to Bichari Casad, Adainistrator, General Services Administration: Auburn Regional Office, iA; kty John P. Carroll, Regional Hanager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (Seattle). Contact: Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (Seattle). ...
Date Aug. 10, 1978 Report No. 106935 Title

Financial Management: Amending the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 To Permit Recovery of Estimated Replacement Cost of Vehicles

DOCUMENT 06935 B2261319] IESTUE Amending the Federal Property and Ad. nistLative Services Act of 1949 To Permit Recovery of Estimated Replacement Cost of Vehicles. August 0, 1978. 2 pp. Testimony before the House Committee on tovernmaat perations: Government Activ-ties ad Transportaticn Subcommittee; by Richard . Gutmann, Director, Logistics and Communicaticns Div. Contact: Logistics and Communica...
Date July 26, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-238 Title

Transportation: Merits of Using Privately Owned Vehicles Instead of Leased Vehicles

DCCUMENT 06653 - fB21271321 r Merits {Restricted) BESUME of Using Privately Owned Vehicles instead of Leased Vehicles]. LCD-78-238; B-158712. July 26, 1978. 4 pp. Report to Rep. Larry Pressler; by Donald J. Horan (fcr fichard W. Gutmann, Director, Logistics and Communicaticns Div.). issue Area: Facilities and Material Hamagement (7CM). Contact: Logistics and Communications Div. sudqeu Function: Co...
Date June 30, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-228 Title

National Defense: Improved Vehicle Management Needed at Military Installations in Korea

DOCUMENT REEU}BE 06225 [B1846869 Improved Vehicle management Needed at military Installations in Korea. LCD-78-228; B-132990. J*un 30, 1978. 5 pp. * appendix (13 pp.). Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Bobert G, Rothwell (for Fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics and communications Div.). Issue Area: Facilities and Material sanagesent (700). Contact: Logistics and Communications Div. Bu...
Date May 25, 1978 Report No. 106100 Title

Transportation: Need To Improve Management of Vehicles in Foreign Posts

DOCU!INT RESaBE 06100 - [B1526544] (Need Io Improve 25, 1978. 10 pp. lanagement of Vehicles in Poreign Posts]. Bay Report to John H. Thomas, Department of State: Assistant Secretary for adninistrat,.on; by Frark C. Comaban, Associate Directcr, International Div. Contact: International Div. A study was conducted of the sanageeant of motor pool operations in Bangladesh and Korea. The Foreign Affairs...
Date April 18, 1978 Report No. 105791 Title

Government Operations: Observations concerning the Interagency Motor Pool in Honolulu, Hawaii

DOCUMENT RELUEE 05791 - [B1166120] [Observations concerning the Interagency Motor Pool in Hawaiij. April 18, 1978. 4 pp. Honclulu, Report to T. E. Hannon, Regional Administrator, General Services Administratioa: San Francisco Regional Office, CA; by . S. Mosher (for . H. Sheley, Jr., Director, International Div.: Far East Branch (Honoluluj. Contact: International Div.: Far East Branch (Honolulu). ...
Date Feb. 28, 1978 Report No. LCD-77-215 Title

Transportation: Opportunities To Reduce the Cost of Government Vehicle Operations

DOCOJFBEI 05220 - RSU"R g a B0665570 1 oDportunities To Reduce the Cost of Gow ,bament Vehicle Operations. LCD-77-215; B-158712. Petruiry 28, 1978. 23 pp. · appendic^- 29 pp.). Report to Joel . Soloon, Administratcr, General Sarvices Administration; by Fred J. Safer, Director, Logistics and Coamunications Div. 7 Issue Area: Facilities and aterial anagement (700); Facilities and aterial anagement:...
Date Aug. 31, 1977 Report No. 103248 Title

Government Operations: Maintenance of Vehicles by the Army Corps of Engineers in St. Louis, Missouri, and Tulsa, Oklahoma

Date Aug. 31, 1977 Report No. 088992 Title

National Defense: Over Maintenance of Vehicles--Corps of Engineers

Date Aug. 31, 1977 Report No. 103247 Title

Government Operations: Problems Experienced by the General Services Administration in Establishing Interagency Motor Pools and Purchasing Vehicles

Date March 16, 1977 Report No. 089035 Title

Government Operations: Acquisition of Metropolitan Police Department Sedans

UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D C 20548 OFFICE GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION BAR 16 1977 Mr. Julian R. Dugas City Administrator District of Columbia Government Washington, D.C. 20004 Dear Mr. Dugas* 'Y We have been studying the Dlstrict's management of Its motor vehicle fleet to determine how effectively and economically city-owned vehicles are acquired and maintained. We noted that Met...
Date Sept. 1, 1976 Report No. 090131 Title

Transportation: Review of Motor Fleet Management, Department of Human Resources, District of Columbia

GErlr;RAL GOVERNMLNDIVISION b Mr Jukan R Dugas City Admnlstrator Dlstrlct of Columbxa Government Washmgton, D i ZOO04 Dear rvlr Dugas L We '3ave been studylng the Dls?;rict+s motor Jehlcle management actlvltles to determlne how effectively and economrcally the city During our study, which is not acquires and malntalns Its ve'?lcles -4 yet complete, we noted that the Department of Hurran ResoLirces...
Date July 9, 1976 Report No. 093978 Title

Transportation: District of Columbia's Motor Fleet Management Program

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE \ WASHINGTON, D C 20548 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION Mr Herbert L Tucker Acting Dlrector Department of Environmental Services Dlstrlct of Columbia Government Washington, D C 20004 Dear Mr Tucker CJq We have been studying the District's motor fleet management program/to determlne (1) If benefits woul.d accrue from a centrally manage&operation and (2) how effec...
Date Dec. 23, 1975 Report No. 096878 Title

Energy: Energy Conservation Measures at Hanscom Air Force Base

UNITED STATEH~ERALWCCOUMTING CWFKE REGIONAL ROOM 1903 JOHN F. KENNEDY GOVERNMENT OFFICE FEDERAL CENTER BUILDING BOSTON, MASSACHUSEITS 02203 Lieutenant General Wilbur L. Creech, USAF Commander, Electronic Systems Division Laurence G. Hanscom Air Force Base Bedford, Massachusetts 01730 Dear General Creech: .! Illllllllllllllllllllllll LM096878 ,P--- -\ F7e have completed a review of energy use at Ha...
Date Sept. 26, 1975 Report No. 089654 Title

Energy: Review of Energy Conservation Measures at the General Services Administration's Denver Regional Office

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE SUITE 300-D, 2420 W. 26TH AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80211 Mr. Michael J. Norton Regional Administrator for , General Services Administration Region 8 Denver Federal Center, Building Denver, Colorado 80225 Dear Mr. Norton: 41 We have completed our review of the effectiveness of the Government’s energy reduction program at the General Services ...
Date Sept. 26, 1975 Report No. 089653 Title

Energy: Review of Energy Conservation Measures of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Albuquerque Area

UNITED STAT@ GENERALA~C~UNTINGOFFICE REGIONAL SUITE 300-D, OFFICE AVENUE 2420 W. 23l’H DENVER, COLORADO 80211 :,;;p 8 b Mr. Frank Pence Acting Area Director Bureau of Indian Affairs P.O. Box 8327 Albuquerque, New Mexi co Dear Mr. Pence: i’ ““. r- # 87103 ’ -. - As part of a nationwide review of energy conservation measures at selected departments and agencies, we reviewed the- ener,v red...
Date July 8, 1975 Report No. 089137 Title

Energy: Energy Conservation Measures at the Department of Agriculture Headquarters

UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE ..WASHINGTON FIFTH 803 WEST REGIONAL FLOOR STREET VIRGINIA BROAD OFFICE FALLS CHURCH, 22046 Mr. John L, Galuardi Regional Administrator, Region General Services Administration 7th and D Streets, SW. Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Galuardi: JUL 8 I975 3 This is the second in a series of letters we are sending you addressing energy conservation in each of five instal...
Date June 20, 1975 Report No. 089583 Title

Energy: Review of Energy Consumption Measures at GSA Central Office

.P ir UNITED STATESGENERAL’ACCOUNTING OFHCE WASHINGTON REGIONAL FIFTHFLOOR ' 803 WEST BROAD STREET OFFICE 22046 .FALLS CHURCH,VIRGINIA . JUN 2 3 1975 Mr. John L. Galuardi Regional Administrator, =.Region 3 General Services Administration “, 7th and D Streets, SW. --“20407 Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Galuardi: c i The U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) is conducting a nationwide review of ene...
Date May 30, 1975 Report No. 089093 Title

Energy: Review of Energy Conservation Measures at Government Field Installations

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 9226 FEDERAL BUILDING, SIXTH OFFICE AND ARCH STREETS osq”93 PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19106 May 30, 1975 Pear Admiral J.E. McKenna Commanding Officer Ships Parts Control Center Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania Dear Admiral McKenna: ; ,* *.,' 17055 The General Accounting Office is conducting a nationwide review at Government field installations for the...
Date May 28, 1975 Report No. 089096 Title

Energy: Review of Energy Conservation Measures at the Naval Air Development Center, Pennsylvania

UNITED 9226 STATES FEDERAL GENERAL REGIONAL BUILDING, SIXTH ACCOUNTING OFFICE AND ARCH OFFICE STREETS PHILADELPHIA,PENNSYLVANIA 19106 r May 28, 1975 Captain Grover Yowell, Naval Air Development Warminster, Pennsylvania Dear Captain Yowell: Commander Center ,8y74 & -, :.- We have completed a review of the energy conservation efforts undertaken at the Naval Air Development Center (Center), Warminste...
Date May 28, 1975 Report No. 089098 Title

Energy: Review of Energy Conservation Measures at the Washington State Headquarters, Selective Service System

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Date March 27, 1975 Report No. 089378 Title

Energy: Review of Energy Conservation Measures Implemented at the Arlington Heights Post Office, Illinois

UNITED STATES GENERAL &KXXMING REGIONAL ROOM 403. U.S. CUSTOMHOUSE. OFFKE STREET OFFiCE 610 SOUTH CANAL CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60607 MAR2 7 1975 'I Mr. Donald Ste7anson, Postmaster United States Post Office 939 FJ. Euclid Avenue Arlington Heights, 1LJinoi.s 60004 Dear Nr. Swanson: ' -'.' We have completed a review of the energy conservation efforts undertaken at the United States Post Office located in...
Date March 27, 1975 Report No. 089379 Title

Energy: Review of Energy Conservation Measures Implemented at the Railroad Retirement Board

ROOM 403, U.S. CUSTONtHQU5E. 610 SOUTH CANAL S7’REEI’t- CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60607 MAR27 1975 Mr, James L, Ccwren, Chairman ?J. S, Rai1rc.M Retiremen-t Board f&L+ North A9u~h Street Ghicago, Illinois 60611 '. IV@have completed a review of the energy conservation effo-rts undertaken at the FELLroad Retirement Board, Our objectives were to determine how effectively energy conservation measures were...
Date March 27, 1975 Report No. 089624 Title

Energy: Review of Energy Conservation Measures Implemented at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Downey, Illinois

MXTED STaTiEsGENERALACCOUNTIMG OFFICE REGfONAL ROOM 403. U.S. CUSTOMMOUSE, OFFiCE 610 SOUTH CANAL STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60607 Mr. Paul K. Kennedy, Director Veterans Administration I-Iospital Downey, Illinois 60064 Dear Pk. Kennedy: ,. s We have completed a review of energy conservation efforts undertaken at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Downey, Illinois. Our objectives were to determine...
Date March 25, 1975 Report No. 088707 Title

Energy: Survey of Energy Conservation Program at the Defense Electronic Supply Center

Date March 24, 1975 Report No. 088708 Title

Energy: Survey of Energy Conservation Program at the National Environmental Research Center's Facilities in the Cincinnati Area

Date Feb. 4, 1972 Report No. 092433 Title

International Affairs: Overseas Motor Vehicle Fleets of the Department of State

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE INTERNATIONAL DIVISION FAR EAST BRANCH 1833 KALAKAUA AVENUE HONOLULU, HAWAIi 96815 FEB 4 Dear Mr. Ambassador: P / The General Accounting Office has recently completed a survey of vehicle operations and maintenance activities of several United States agencies in the Philippines. We found that overall these activities were generally well-managed. However, we d...
Date Jan. 28, 1969 Report No. 092730 Title

National Defense: Utilization of Government-Owned Passenger Motor Vehicles Assigned to the U.S. Army

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE iNTERNATIONAL FAR EAST 1333 KALAKAUA DIVISION BRANCH AVENUE HONOLULU, HAWAII 96815 JAN 28 1369 Commander in Chief United States Army, Pacific Fort Shafter, Hawaii 96558 Attention: Pear Sir: The General Accounting Office has made limited inquiries into the utilization of Government-owned passenger motor vehicles =$-&&a assigned to the United States Army, Ryuk...
Date Sept. 19, 1968 Report No. B-164534 Title

Transportation: Need for Additional Criteria for Evaluating Motor Vehicle Use and Estimating Vehicle Needs

"i REPORT TO THE CONGRESS FILE Need For Additional Criteria For Evaluating Motor Vehicle Use And Estimating Vehicle Needs .164,,,,,3 Corps of Engineers (Civil Functions) Department of the Army BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES SEPT. 19.1 -. COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WAIHINGTON. OC 20!S1 B- 164534 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representa...