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GAO Reports by subject "Conservation"

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Date Report No. Title
Date June 30, 1995 Report No. T-RCED-95-239 Title

Superfund: Status of Natural Resource Damage Claims

United States General Accounting 0ffice GAO Heating Held at lo:30 am. EDT June 20, 1995 StatementSubmitted June30,1995 Testimony Before the Subcommitteeon Commerce,Trade, and HazardousMaterials, Committee on Commerce, House of Representatives SUPERFUND Statusof Natural Resource DamageClaims Statementfor the record by PeterF. Guerrero, Director, Environmental Protection Issues, Resources,Community,...
Date Feb. 21, 1995 Report No. RCED-95-93R Title

Agriculture and Food: Farm Bill Issues

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-260185 February 21, 1995 The Honorable Richard G. Lugar Chairman The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy Ranking Minority Member Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry United States Senate To determine what changes the food and agriculture sector would like to see incorpor...
Date Sept. 20, 1994 Report No. T-RCED-94-308 Title

Ecosystem Management: Additional Actions Needed to Adequately Test a Promising Approach

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Relase on Delivery Expectedat 930 am., EDT Tuesday September 1994 20, Testimony Before the Subc. on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Natural Resources; the Subc. on Environment and Natural Resources, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; and the Subc. on Specialty Crops and Natural Resources, Committee on Agriculture, House of Represe...
Date Aug. 16, 1994 Report No. RCED-94-111 Title

Ecosystem Management: Additional Actions Needed to Adequately Test a Promising Approach

., . :, : ^’ (. : .(,.., ,, _‘ 1,’ 1, .’ ,: ., ,.. ,, ..I,. ., . ,‘ i ., .’ ._ ,, ., ‘ . ,I “. ..’ Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-256275 August 16,1994 Congressional Requesters As agreed with your offices, this report addresses (1) the status of federal initiatives to implement ecosystem management, (2) additional actions required to implement this app...
Date June 29, 1994 Report No. T-NSIAD-94-227 Title

Natural Resources: Lessons Learned Regarding Public Land Withdrawn for Military Use

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Rclcase on Dciivcry Expcu~cd at 9:30 a.m., EDT Wednesday June 29. 1994 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Military Installations and Facilities, Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives . NATURAL RESOURCES Lessons Learned Regarding Public Land Withdrawn for Military Use Statement of Donna M. Heivilin, Director, Defense Management and NA...
Date June 15, 1994 Report No. RCED-94-149 Title

Federal Lands: Land Acquisitions Involving Nonprofit Conservation Organizations

bited States Gents’ Accounting ral Offme GAO June 1994 Report to Congressional Requesters FEDEkIL I$WDS :hd Acquisitions ~InvolvingNonprofit AConservation. Organizations ‘ .. ,^,‘ , -.-~-. .~-_~ United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 GAL) .Resources, Community, Economic Development ~- ~.“_l and Division B-256400 June 15,1994 The Honorable Bob Packwood United States ...
Date June 1, 1994 Report No. RCED-94-215R Title

Energy: Conservation Demonstration Program

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-257313 June 1, 1994 The Honorable Dale L. Bumpers Chairman The Honorable Thad Cochran Ranking Minority Member Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural and Related Agencies Development, Committee on Appropriations United States Senate The Honorable Richard J. Durbin Chairman The Ho...
Date April 26, 1994 Report No. NSIAD-94-87 Title

Natural Resources: Defense and Interior Can Better Manage Land Withdrawn for Military Use

United States General Accounting Offke Report to Congressional Requesters RESOURCES Defense and Interior Can Better Manage Land Withdrawn for Military Use United States General Accounting OfTfice Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affkirs Division B-254 114 April 26,1994 The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, Subcommittee on Military Readiness and Defense Infrastructure Committ...
Date Jan. 3, 1994 Report No. RCED-94-59 Title

National Park Service: Activities Outside Park Borders Have Caused Damage to Resources and Will Likely Cause More

G*o’ : 1 : I : : United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-255460 January 3,1994 The Honorable Bruce F. Vent0 Chairman, Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Committee on Natural Resources House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: America’ national parks are rich in natural, cultural, and histo...
Date Sept. 23, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-151 Title

Federal Land Management: Status and Uses of Wilderness Study Areas

I .-ll..l .“..l..““l.--..- I. _.^.___” _^.__.._._ - ._____.-.-.. ------ ___- FEDERAL LAND M.ANAGEMENT Status and Uses of Wilderness Study Areas 150156 I RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Wice unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. ssBO4’8 ------. L - RELEASED (;Ao/li:( ‘I:I)-!L~-l~~l GAO United States General Accounting OfTice...
Date Feb. 2, 1993 Report No. T-RCED-93-5 Title

Natural Resources Management: Issues to Be Considered by the Congress and Administration

\ q&w ‘Q ,4 5 I ;i United States General Accounting Of&e GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 9:45 a.m. EST Tuesday February 2, 1993 . Testimony ._ Before the Subcommitteeon Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Natural Resources,House of Representatives NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Issuesto Be Consideredby the Congressand Administration Statementof J. Dexter Peach,Assistant Comptroller Ge...
Date Dec. 1, 1992 Report No. OCG-93-17TR Title

Natural Resources: Natural Resources Management Issues

United States General Accounting Office ” GAO Transition Series December 1992 Natural Resources Management Issues II II lIIllllllll 148261 I GAO/OCG-93-17TR PmJ6/ .’ .:. : , 7. 4 A ,. .,. ‘ _ ‘ ,I . . .. .,’ : ;: ,i _:. ., . : ,” Sk,,< GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 206443 Comptroller General of the United States I,. ‘ , ..:i ,, ‘ I,” .,‘ “a ,’...
Date Sept. 16, 1992 Report No. RCED-92-233 Title

Sustainable Agriculture: Program Management Accomplishments and Opportunities

llnitctd General Accounting Officci GAO - Report to Congressional Requesters ----- ~. SUSTAIINABLE AGRICULTURE Program Management, Accomplishments, and Opportunities II llllllll Ill II 147626 GAO Untted States General Accounting Office WeeNngton, D.C. 20648 Beeourcee, Commuuity, and Economic Development Division B-249128 September 16,1992 The Honorable Mike Synar Chairman, Environment, Ene...
Date Feb. 24, 1992 Report No. RCED-92-51 Title

Rangeland Management: Interior's Monitoring Has Fallen Short of Agency Requirements

I Of’ icv f’ -.-_-._ I______._._--IniWcl Statt~s Gt~nvrnl ,YIL-~I,“W_I_I--,------~.------ ..._...-.l_ll_l_--_--_-__- I_--” Awormthg -.. ._.__._. .-... ______....___. -........ GAO L._ -l_“-..-l-_~““n”.-~--- I~cport to t,lw Chirman, Sulmrnmitl,cc on Natic ma1 Parks and Public Lands, Comnittcc on Interior and Insular Afl’ airs, Ilouse of I2cprcscntativcs I I;‘ ttlmary 1992 RANGEL...
Date Nov. 26, 1991 Report No. RCED-92-12 Title

Rangeland Management: BLM's Hot Desert Grazing Program Merits Reconsideration

United States General Accounting Office GAO November 1991 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee cm National Parks and Public Lands, (~XTEI&R~ on: Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives GAO,‘ RCED82-12 . GAO ~;Z,i,ktht~cce t .. Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division JW9’ 87 B-245031 November 26, 1991 The Honorable Bruce Vento Chairman, Subcommittee on National Pa...
Date May 16, 1991 Report No. RCED-91-148 Title

Rangeland Management: Forest Service Not Performing Needed Monitoring of Grazing Allotments

t -_I~.--.--.-- Jni tvi SL;tt~w (;cnt~r;tl .I.- ..----_-_--._l_-l__---l_. I._..- t _-,I__-- Office GAO Report, to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Nat,ional Parks and Public Lands, Ch )mrni t,tec t In I ntctrior and Insular Al’ ai r’ House 01’ f’ s, Representatives --I- - ___._.. ..__._---.._- --.l-..-_”.____ --_---- ....._...-.-__I---__-- ._... __. ..___-_ -..._ Ma s’ 1!I!)...
Date March 12, 1991 Report No. T-RCED-91-20 Title

Public Land Management: Issues Related to the Reauthorization of the Bureau of Land Management

t United States General Accounting OfTice /g 3 3 3 D ‘ GAO + For Release on DeliveT Expected nt IO.40 a.m. EST Tuesday March 12, 1991 Testimony 143770 PUBLIC LAND MANAGEMENT Issues Related to the Reauthorization of the Bureau of Land Management Statement for the Record by James Duffus III, Director Natural Resources Management Issues Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division Before...
Date March 7, 1991 Report No. RCED-91-64 Title

Public Land Management: Attention to Wildlife Is Limited

C 0 _--- . . ..-..-.- _---,. -.----..___------ .-__ --- ..--____ -___-~ ~,* l”-“l,.,- ,_* I”,, . ,” .” “lll-----.-“lll --..” -1_1_---~-----~ Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division 13-241613 March 7,199l The Honorable Alan Cranston IJnited States Senate Dear Senator Cranston: This report responds to your request that we review the management of wildlife on the publi...
Date Dec. 7, 1990 Report No. RCED-91-17 Title

Rangeland Management: BLM Efforts to Prevent Unauthorized Livestock Grazing Need Strengthening

~hv’ 4~llltM~I’ I!)!10 RANGELAND MANAGEMENT BLM Efforts to Prevent Unauthorized Livestock Grazing Need Strengthening 142904 II EESTRICTED-- Not to be release outside the General Accounting Offlce unless specifically approved by the OffIce of Congressional Relations. ., ., __ ,.,.,_..--., --. _.-----, _I-..---.-. ,- RELEdSED ---1 -- (;Ao/ac’ I;:r)-!,1-17 _______II_. ____” ._. .._ -.. ._.--....
Date Nov. 14, 1990 Report No. RCED-91-25 Title

Solid Waste: Trade-offs Involved in Beverage Container Deposit Legislation

GAO ~--~ ?r’oE~~‘illtwI’ t000 *. SOLID WASTE Trade-offs Involved in Beverage Container Deposit Legislation 142685 ,” ., .,, “. I. . . . . . .._.___ . . .._________.._. -.- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-240986 November 14,199O The Honorable Mark 0. Hatfield United States Senate The Honorable Jam...
Date Sept. 28, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-241 Title

Scenic Byways: A National Program, if Created, Should Be Small Scale

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-241024 September 281990 The Honorable John D. Rockefeller, IV Chairman, Subcommittee on Foreign Commerce and Tourism Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: As the Congress dehberates reauthorization of the federal-aid high...
Date Sept. 27, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-225 Title

Public Lands: Limited Progress in Resource Management Planning

PUBLIC LANDS Limited Progress in Resource Management Planning 142564 RELEASED RESTRICTED --Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless epedfically approved by the OfTice of Congressional Relations. GAO/M :EI)-!m-225 -.. . 54% I’- - -_..__ ___ ,.-.I.._ .. ,“_._ I.. I...“. ._.__ _, _-_“.. ._.- .._... ._.._.._-__. _. _.. ---__----~~I - -- GA!!0 General Accounting OfPice Wa...
Date Aug. 22, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-163 Title

National Forests: Administration of Outfitter and Guide Policies at the Gallatin Forest

IYnit,ed States General Accounting Office Report to t,he Honorable Conrad ISurns, U.S. Senate -__I. Au~nst. I!)90 NATIONAL FORESTS Administration of Outfitter and Guide Policies at the Gallatin Forest iti ill ll l~llllllll 142268 m--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. f -... ._“-- ____” ll_l ...l---l”...
Date Feb. 5, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-27 Title

National Forests: Special Recreation Areas Not Meeting Established Objectives

United States General Accounting Of’fice GAO i i . r Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives Fehuuy1990 NATIONAL FORESTS Special Recreation Areas Not Meeting Established Objectives Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division R-238089 February 5,199O The Honorable Bruce F. Vento Chairm...
Date June 21, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-142 Title

United Nations: U.S. Participation in the Environment Program

United States General Accounting Office GAO :-June 1989 Report to Congressional Requesters UNITED NATIONS U.S. Participation in the Environment Program 1. 1-.. ‘! ., I i .i ‘I .;.GAO/NW9-142 .: f -. ‘s*_ :, ,.i ,‘,, I : National Security and International Affairs Division B-232768 June 21,1989 The Honorable Dante Fascell Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives The H...
Date Nov. 1, 1988 Report No. OCG-89-24TR Title

Transition Series: Interior Issues

GAO Transition Series November 1988 Interior Issues GAO/OCG-89s24TR GAO united states General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-158195 November 1988 The President of the Senate The Speaker of the House of Representatives The Secretary-designate of the Interior This report is one of a series that summarizes major policy, management, and program issu...
Date June 30, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-105 Title

Public Rangelands: Some Riparian Areas Restored but Widespread Improvement Will Be Slow

United States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Requesters June 1988 PUBLIC RANGELANDS Some Riparim Areas Restored but Widespread Improvement Will Be Slow GAO/RCEDS&1OS - Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-230548 June 30.1988 The Honorable Morris K. Udall Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs The Honorable Bruce Vento Chairman, Subcommittee on X...
Date June 10, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-80 Title

Rangeland Management: More Emphasis Needed on Declining and Overstocked Grazing Allotments

United States General Accounting Office GAO1 ’ Report to CongressionalRequesters > June 1988 RANGELAND MANAGEMENT More Emphasis Needed on Declining and Overstocked Grazing Allotments Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-204997 June 10, 1988 The Honorable Morris K. Udall Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs The Honorable Bruce F. Vento Chairman, Subcommittee on...
Date May 11, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-85 Title

Land Exchange: New Appraisals of Interior's Collier Proposal Would Not Resolve Issues

# United States General Accounting Office GAO “.k... Ma!Y:lfl88 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives LAND EXCHANGE ‘ 8 New Appraisals of Interior’ Collier s Proposal Would Not Resolve Issues Y 4XrD-88-85 I General Government Divbion B-230986 May 11, 1988 The Honorable Morris K, Udall Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs Ho...
Date Feb. 9, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-36 Title

Parks and Recreation: Limited Progress Made in Documenting and Mitigating Threats to the Parks

gr.a-.+->‘, *., .Y$ February 1987 PARKSAND I'. . RECREATION: . e GAO united states General Accounting Offlce Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-223669 February 9,1987 The Honorable Bruce F. Vento Chairman, Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This report re...
Date Dec. 30, 1986 Report No. RCED-87-55FS Title

Canadian Timber: Cost and Pricing Data for Timber Harvested in British Columbia

,I ” United Mates General Accounting Office 1, 1 Cha:ntian, PA\ Fact Sheet for the Vice Joint EconomicComrnj.ttee, U.S. Congress CANADIAN TIMBER Cost and Pricing,Data for Timber Harvested in British Columbia IllIll Ylllll 132141 . - GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development B-225881 and Division December 30, 1986 l’he Honorabl...
Date Nov. 12, 1986 Report No. RCED-87-41FS Title

Federal Land Acquisition: An Update on Federal Agencies' Progress Under the Alaska Lands Act

I e a United States General Accounting Office 31c; aLJ; ,,,, - GAO November 1986 Fact Sheet for Congressional Requesters ’ ’ FEDERAL LAND ACQUISITION Federal Update Agencies’ Progress Under the Alaska Lands Act II 131684 SCrnD-approval Not to be released outsfcle Ehs Generlil RELEASED ccounting Offica except on the I;asis of specific by t&e Office of Congressional Relations. GAO/RCED-87-4lFS...
Date July 18, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-194FS Title

Resource Protection: Expenditures on International Activities by Selected Agencies

. m United States General Accounting OffIce GAO July 1986 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Subcomlmittee on Public Lands, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs House of Representatives - . RESO-UIZCE PROTECTION Expenditures on International Activities by Selected Agencies . . . . UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING D.C. 20648 OFFICE WASHINGTON, HESOURCES COMMUNITY, ANO FCONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION J...
Date Dec. 17, 1985 Report No. RCED-86-7 Title

Acid Rain: Federal Research Into Effects on Waters and Forests

united statea Merkl &COMting ofnce Report to the c’hairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Hose of Representatives December 1985 ACID RAIN Federal Research Into Effects on Waters and \ Forests About Our New Look This GAO report was produced using a new design and printing process to help you get the information you need more easily. GAO will phase...
Date Oct. 31, 1985 Report No. RCED-86-16 Title

Natural Resources: New Rules for Protecting Land in the National Park System--Consistent Compliance Needed

,BYTHE US, GENE RAL ACCOUNTING Report To The Secretary Of The Interior OFFICE New Rules For Protecting Land In The National Park System-Consistent Compliance Needed In May 1982 the Department of the Interior implemented a policy that requires the National Park Service to prepare land protection plans. These plans both identify the land and degrees of title to that land needed by the federal govern...
Date Feb. 14, 1984 Report No. RCED-84-99 Title

Natural Resources: Information on the Forest Service Road Construction Program

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED D.C. 2064 STATES WASHINGTON R-213750 February 27, 1984 The Honorable G. V. Montgomery Chairman, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs The Honorable Alan K. Simpson Chairman, Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs Subject: The Congress Could Consider Changing the Effective Date Provision for VA Disability Pension Awards (GAO/HRD-84-15) As part of our oversight of the...
Date Oct. 14, 1982 Report No. RCED-83-23 Title

Public Rangeland Improvement: A Slow, Costly Process in Need of Alternate Funding

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report To The Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES Public Rangeland ImprovementlA Slow, Costly Process In Need Of Alternate Funding Assessments by the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management indicate that most of the public rangelands it manages are in an unsatisfactory condition and are producing less than their potential. Although the Bureau has made some progre...
Date April 19, 1982 Report No. CED-82-74 Title

Natural Resources: Status of Federal Agencies' Implementation of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act

I # I rwm7 q ’ REPORTBY THE U.S. General Accounting Office Status Of Federal Agencies’ Implementation Of The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act This report presents (1) information on land ownership and management in Alaska, (2) a summary and status of the implementation of the various provisions in the act as of December 31, 1981, and (3) budget estimates of Federal land managing...
Date April 16, 1982 Report No. FPCD-82-37 Title

Government Operations: The Geological Survey's Financial Disclosure System Is Adequate but Further Refinements Are Needed

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFJCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 FEDERAL PERSONNEL AND COM~LNSATION 01vtsto~ The Honorable Edward J. Markey Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: RELEASED I ii8235 The Geological Survey's Financial Disclosure System is Adequate But Further Refinements Are Ne...
Date Dec. 4, 1981 Report No. CED-82-7 Title

Agriculture and Food: Better Collection and Maintenance Procedures Needed To Help Protect Agriculture's Germplasm Resources

BY THE US GENERAL ACCOUNTING GFFICE rtToT riculture Better Collection And Maint nance Procedures__Needed --To Help Protect -Agriculture’s Germplasm Resources The Department of Aqrlculture IS responsible for preserving the base stock of domestic and wild food plants This stock contains the genetic material, germplasm, necessary for U S crop development Yet, a number of serious problems In collect...
Date Sept. 11, 1981 Report No. EMD-81-131 Title

The Debate Over Acid Precipitation: Opposing Views and Status of Research

OF THE UNITEDSTATES .- The Debate Over Acid Precipitation: --Opposing Views --Status Of Research The use of coal as a substitute for imported oil is raising concern over the possible impact of acid precipitation on the environment and human health. Precipitation can become acidified when sulfur and nitrogen oxides emitted by fossil-fueled powerplants, vehicles, and other manmade or natural sources...
Date Aug. 11, 1981 Report No. CED-81-120 Title

Natural Resources: Continuation of the Resource Conservation and Development Program Raises Questions

House And Senate On Appropriations Committees OF THE UNITED STATES Continuation Of The Resource Conservation And Development Program Raises Questions The Resource Conservation and Development Program is a rural devetopment program initiated in the early 1960’s to improve the conservation and use of natural resources and the economic well-being of local communities. GAO found that program objecti...
Date Aug. 5, 1981 Report No. CED-81-145 Title

Natural Resources: Comments on Interior's Surface Mining Regulations

LINED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE COMMUNITY DEVSLOPMEM AND ECONOMIC OlVtSlON B-203769 AUGUST $1981 The Honorable The Secretary James G. Watt of the Interior Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: Comments on Interior's (CEO-81-145) Surface Mining Regulations The General Accounting Office has been reviewing the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), Department...
Date July 30, 1981 Report No. 090894 Title

Natural Resources: The Nation's Unused Wood Resources

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUIJTING OFFICE 20548 WASHIF?GTON, D.C. Mr . Chairman and members tne of the SuDcomnittee: tie agf)reciate opportunity to testify an 02r rec?nt report, "Tne Nation's Benefits" of Unused Wood Offers issued Vast sotential Energy and Product year. gratifying, fron the ilur whicn .that (EMD-81-61, the those Caucus. on March report support 3rd of tnis has Deen most recei,?eJ d ...
Date June 15, 1981 Report No. EMD-81-91 Title

Natural Resources: Continuing Need for a National Helium Conservation Policy

UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTING WASH1f’jGTON, DC. 20548 OFFICE : : 1 ENERGY AND MINERALS DIVISIDN B-114812 iTune 15, 1981 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. James G, Watt of the Interior Secretary: Need for Helium Conservation a National Policy (EMU-81-91) Subject: J On March 7, 1979, we issued a reprt to the Congress entitled "Unique Helium Resources Are Wasting: A New Conservation Policy Is ...
Date Aug. 8, 1980 Report No. CED-80-112 Title

Environmental Protection: Information on Questions About the Brush Creek (PA) Sewage Project

RElEASED Hdnorable Eugene V. Atkinson House Of Representatives ‘/), ~~~~ Information On Questions About The Brush Creek (PA) Sewage Project GAO reviewed questions raised by a citizens group about the Brush Creek Sewage Project in Marshall Township, Pennsylvania. The questions primarily involved the (1) need for the system, (2) approval process, and (3) economic burden on residents. It is questio...
Date July 16, 1980 Report No. CED-80-82A Title

Natural Resources: Changes in Public Land Management Required To Achieve Congressional Expectations

BY THEC~MPTR~LLER'~~NERAL ~42.7F Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Changes In Public Land Management Required To Achieve Congressional Expectations Public land managers in the Departments of Agriculture and the Interior are having difficulty achieving congressional expectations of producing the natural resources the Nation needs--timber, grazing forage, minerals, energy, etc.--while protec...
Date July 16, 1980 Report No. CED-80-82 Title

Natural Resources: Changes in Public Land Management Required To Achieve Congressional Expectations

, BY THECOMPTROLLERGtNERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES )+@Qt( a- I Report To The Congress Changes In Public Land Management Required To Achieve Congressional Expectations Public land managers in the Departments of Agriculture and the Interior are having difficulty achieving congressional expectations of producing the natural resources the Nation needs--timber, grazing forage, minerals, energy, etc.--while ...
Date June 27, 1980 Report No. CED-80-108 Title

Natural Resources: Land Use Issues

frxgw i ? ul\;/u”“h I’ STUD' BYTHESTAFF&THE US, I Accounti Land Use Issues The Federal Government olavs a maior role in land-use planning even though no national land-use planning program exists. The Federal involvement in land use results from its large land haldings and from programs such as housing, highways, airports, mass transit, flood insurance, agriculture subsidies, water resource p...
Date June 18, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-73 Title

National Defense: Status of the Navy's and Air Force's Implementation of the Guam Land Use Plan

United States General Accounting Wshin@on, DC 20543 Office /I./” ‘., > Logistics and Communications Division B-198779 The Honorable Antonio House of Representatives Dear Mr. Won Pat: B. Won Pat JUNE18,1980 ululuu1lu II 117763 tatus of the Navy's and Air Force's mplementation of the Guam Land Use Plan ,7 (mz2m!mz.7~ "._' In response t~yc&?ctober 5, 1979, request, we reviewed the Navy's and Air ...