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GAO Reports by subject "Inspection"

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Date Report No. Title
Date May 3, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-43 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: How Can Workplace Injuries Be Prevented? The Answers May Be in OSHA Files

1 ,t IQvqg BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL L .I * Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES How Can Workplace Injuries Be Prevented? The Answers May Be In OSHA Files workers are Each year several thousand killed and many others are seriously injured in workplace accidents. Why do these accidents happen?Could they be prevented if Federal or State occupational safety and health standards are complied with? ...
Date April 9, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-48 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: How Effective Are OSHA's Complaint Procedures?

BY THE&h’i’TROLLER Gi!f-JERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES / orolct;3,i., Report To The Congress How Effective Are OSHA’s Complaint Procedures? Virtually every complaint the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and States receive alleging workplace hazards results in an inspection. However, inspectors find that most of these a,lleged hazards do not violate safety or health standards and invol...
Date March 30, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-51 Title

Health: Operations of the National Cancer Institute's Carcinogenesis Programs

I a ho+ to be rs?ll@ased outside the aeneril I]NlTED STATES GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, b.C. HUMAN RCSOURCSS DIVISION 20545 RELEASED MARCH 30, 1979 B-164031( 2) The Honorable Henry A. Waxman House of Representatives Dear Mr. Waxman: you asked us to review In your May 2, 1977, letter certain aspects of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) to In our July 26, 1978, report carcinogenesi...
Date March 8, 1979 Report No. CED-79-30 Title

Natural Resources: Improving the Safety of Our Nation's Dams--Progress and Issues

BY THE COMPTROLLER’ GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Report ToThe Congress I improving The Safety Of Our Nation’s Dams--Progress And Issues Repeated failures of large dams, more than 100 since 1930, have caused the Federal Government concern over dam safety throughout the country. Since 1977 progress has been made in --inspecting many potentially hazardous dams which the executive branch considers...
Date Jan. 23, 1979 Report No. CED-78-180 Title

Environmental Protection: Better Enforcement of Car Emission Standards--A Way To Improve Air Quality

REPORTBY THE . I Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES SW Improve Air Qualify According to the Environmental Protection Agency, about 80 percent of an estimated 100 million cars on the road are not meeting the Federal air quality emission standards. This is largely because of maladjustments, tampering, deterioration, and insufficient maintenance of car emission control systems by owners and car ...
Date Jan. 17, 1979 Report No. GGD-78-93 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: FBI Can Improve Its Management Control Over Operations by Providing Effective Internal Audit

OF THE UNITEDSTATES The FBICan improve Its Management Control Over Operations By Providing Effective Internal Audit The FBI could strengthen operations by its internal audit -increasing the qualifications, independence, and permanence of its internal audit staff and --improving ordination the scope, planning, of audits. and co- Ac?ions should be taken to improve these areas. In the past, the FBI h...
Date Dec. 6, 1978 Report No. ID-78-19 Title

Financial Management: State Department's Office of Inspector General, Foreign Service, Needs To Improve Its Internal Evaluation Process

DOCUMENT RESUME 07984 - [C34285361 State Departmentes Office of Inspector General, Foreign Service, Needs To Improve Its Internal Evaluation Process. ID-78-19; B-134192. December 6, 1978. 29 pp. + 5 appendices (29 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptrcller General. Issue Area: Internal Auditing Systems: Sufficiency of Federal Auditors and Coverage (201); Internal Auditing System...
Date Sept. 7, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-79 Title

Customs' Cargo Processing: Fewer but More Intensive Inspections Are in Order

DOCUMENT RESOME 07132 - (B2547569] Customs' Cargo Processing: Fewer but More Intensive Inspections Are in Order. GGD-78-79; B-114898. September 7, 1978. 25 pp. + 2 appendices (6 ppo.) Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Ccntact: General Government Div. Budget Function: General Government: Other General Government (906); Law Enforcement and Justice: Federal Law Enforcem...
Date Sept. 7, 1978 Report No. EMD-78-80 Title

Energy: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission Needs To Aggressively Monitor and Independently Evaluate Nuclear Power Plant Construction

DOCUMENT RESOME 07097 - [B2547567] Nleeds To Aggressively ,onitor The Nuclear Regulatory Commissi and Independently Evaluate Nuclear Poverplant Construction. EMD-78-80; B-16410E. September 7, 1978. 34 pp. * 2 appendices (5 pp.) . Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. I.sue Area: Energy: MakiD- Nuclear Fission a Substantial Energy Source (1608). Contact: Energy and Minera...
Date Aug. 4, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-82 Title

The Danbury Prison Fire: What Happened? What Has Been Done To Prevent Recurrence?

REPORT BY THE Comptroller General OF THE UNITED STATES ' The Danbury Prison FireWhat Happened? What Has Been Done To Prevent Recurrence? GAO reconstructs the events of the morning of July 7, 1977, when a fire at the Danbury Federal Correctional Institution in Connecticut took the lives of five inmates and injured many others. The report discusses the fire's origin, the activities of correctional s...
Date July 11, 1978 Report No. 106509 Title

Environmental Protection: The Environmental Protection Agency's Water Pollution Control Construction Grants Program

DCCUMENT BESUME o6509 - r B1946972.1 The environmental Protecticn Agency's Water Pollution Control construction Grants Program. July 11, 1S78. 16 pp. + 9 enclosures (35 pp.). Testimony before the House Committee on Putlic Works and Transportation: Investigations and Review Subccmmittee; by Rlmer d. Staats, Comptroller General. Contact: Office of the Comptroller Genaeal. Organization Concerned: Env...
Date July 7, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-124 Title

Government Operations: Alleged Contractor Deficiencies in Modifying Minuteman Missile System

DOCUMENT RESCtE 0664b B19269531 IAlleqgd Contractor Deficiencies in Codifying Minuteman iassile Systeml. PSAD-78-12'4; e-146876. July 7, 1578. Beleased July 14, 1978. 5 pp. * enclosure (12 pp.). Report to Rep. Ge;ieral. Ron Marlenee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Nctifving the Congress of Status of Iepcrtant Frccurement krograms ( '05). Cont...
Date June 29, 1978 Report No. FGMSD-78-42 Title

Financial Management: Is the Air Force Inspection System Effective? GAO Was Denied Access to Pertinent Records

Date May 2, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-48 Title

Government Operations: Customs' Efforts To Develop a System for Assigning Inspectors Need Top Management Support

DOCUMENT RESUIE 05738 - r[B1286230 Customs' Efforts To Develop a System for Assigning nspectors ay 2, 1978. Need Top Management Support. GGD-78-48; B-11E4SE. 36 PP. * 2 appendices (3 pp.;, Report to Secretary, Department of the reasury; by illism J. Anderson (for Victor L. Love, Director, General Governmert Div.). Contact: Genural Government Div. Budqet Function: (neral Government: Executive Direc...
Date April 19, 1978 Report No. 105730 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Federal Efforts To Stem the Flow of Drugs Across the U.S. Mexican Border

DCCUNMENT RESUSL 05730 - [ B1226188 Federal Efforts To Stem the Flow of Drug, Mexican Border. April 19, 1978. 12 pp. Across the U.S. Testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary: Juvenile Delinquency Subcommittee: by william J. Anderson, Deputy Director, General Government Div. Contact: 3eneral GovernL,>-t Div. Orqanization Concerned: Drug Enforcsveet Administration; Immiqration and Natu...
Date March 15, 1978 Report No. CED-78-80 Title

Transportation: Commuter Railroad Safety Activities on Conrail's Lines in New York Should Be Improved

DOURPSNT RESURE 05618 - [B07656911 to ZA Com,:ter ailroad Safety Activities on Conrail's Lies in ew York Should Be Iproved. CD-78-80; B-164497(5). arch 15, 1978. Released arch 15, 19780 27 pp. + 5 appendices (12 pp.). Report to Rsp. Fred B. Rooey, Chairman, ouse Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce: Transportation and Commerce Subcommittee; by obert F. Keller, cting Comptroller General. Is...
Date Feb. 27, 1978 Report No. 105076 Title

Government Operations: The Effectiveness of the Federal Pipeline Safety Program

DOCOUEWT RBSU!E 05076 -- [B0665552] The Effectiveness of the Federal Pipeline Safety PLogramo February 27. 1978. 12 pp. Testimopy before the Senate Committee cn Commerce, Science, and Director, Community and Transportation; by IHerry Eschveg, Economic Development Div. Contact: Community and Economic Development Div. Organization Concerned: Department of Transportation. Congressional Relevance: Sen...
Date Feb. 23, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-65 Title

Linking the Americas: Progress and Problems of the Darien Gap Highway

-. REPGRT. TO THE CONGRESS BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Linking The AmericasProgress And Problems Of The Darien Gap l-!ighway Progress toward building a road through the Darien rip, the final link in the Pan Amer. ican Highway, is behind schedule and exceeding cost estimates,after more than 6% years of work. The 1981 completion date has been delayed until 1985, and completion by...
Date Jan. 31, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-73 Title

Government Operations: Review of Contract for Painting at Marine Corps Air Stations

D 3CUMENT 04932 - RESUME [ B0325199 ] tRevieu of Contract for Painting at sarine Corps Air Stations]. rSAD-78-73; B-146842, January 3', 1978. 6 pp. Report to fiep. Charles R; Comptroller General. Wilson; by Elmer B. Staa+s, Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods ard Services: Reasonableness of Prices Under Negotiated Contracts and Subcontracts (19O4) . .rocurement and Systems Acquisition Div. Co...
Date Dec. 20, 1977 Report No. CED-78-18 Title

Transportation: Effectiveness of Vehicle Safety Inspections Neither Proven Nor Unproven

DCCUNENT 04529 [B3554809] ESUME Effectiveness of Vehicle Safety Inspections Neither Proven Nor Unproven. CED-78-18; B-164497(3) . ecember 20, 1977. 22 pp. + 4 appendices (5 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Transportation Systems and Policies: Motor Vehicle-highway Transportation System (2408). Contact: Community and Economic Development Div. Budget...
Date Sept. 21, 1977 Report No. CED-77-82 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Actions Needed to Improve the Safety of Coal Mine Waste Disposal Sites

REPORT TO THE HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND POWER, COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE i i.2 I BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Actions Needed To Improve The Safety Of Coal Mine Waste Disposa I Sites The Department of the Interior and the States of Kentucky and West Virginia need to do more to correct hazards of coal waste disposal sites. interior should --interpret more...
Date Aug. 4, 1977 Report No. 088993 Title

Government Operations: Problem Areas Identified in the Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Program to the States for Outdoor Recreation Purposes

* UNITEDSTATES " WASHINGTON, c D C 20548 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC DIWSION o%%--~~~ GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE AUG 4 1977 The Honorable Robert L. Herbst Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wlldllfe and Parks Department of the Interior Dear Mr. and Water Herbst We recently completed a survey of certain aspects of the Land Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant program to the States Our work was perfor...
Date July 27, 1977 Report No. ID-77-46 Title

Financial Management: Payment of Special Allowances, Not Specifically Authorized by Statute, to Inspectors of the Office of the Inspector General, Foreign Service, Department of State

DOCUMENT 02806 - [A2093197] EESUME [Payment of Special Allowances, Not Specifically Authorized by Statute, to Inspectors of the Office of the Inspector General, Foreign Service, Department of State]. ID-77-46; B-134192. Jujy 27, 1977. 4 pp. Report to Secretary, Department of State; by Charles D. Hylander (for J. K. Fasick, Director, International Div.). Issue Area: Internal Auditing Systems: Suffi...
Date July 5, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-72 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Food and Drug Administration's Program for Regulating Imported Products Needs Improving

r lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM102757 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Food And or Department Department Adm inistr Import eds Improving of Health,’ Education, and Welfare /q.&@@b of the Treasury &x@~~ Lack of information on products entering the United States limits the effectiveness of the Food and Drug Administration’s efforts to regulate imported products before the...
Date June 30, 1977 Report No. 102515 Title

Environmental Protection: Actions Needed to Increase the Safety of Dams

DOCUMENT RESUME C?515 - [A1872911] Actions Needed to Increase the Safety of Dams. June 30, 1977. 12 PP. Testimony before the House Committee on Government Operations: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcoamittee; by Henry Eschwege, Director, Community and Economic Development Div. Issue Area: ater and Water Related Programs (2500). Contact: Community and Economic Development Div. Budget...
Date June 29, 1977 Report No. CED-77-94 Title

Natural Resources: Slow Progress in Developing and Implementing a National Dam Safety Program

-- l REPORT TO THE CONGRESS BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES A National Dam Safety Program Department of the Army Corps of Engineers (Civil Functions) The National Dam Inspection Act of 1972 provided, among other things, for the Corps of Engineers to inventory and inspect dam structures throughout the United States. The purpose of the act was to protect life and property and provide...
Date June 2, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-115 Title

Government Operations: Accountability and Control of Warheads in the Custody of the Department of Defense and the Energy Research and Development Administration

lsllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlllllllllll LM102333 REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Accountability And Control Of Warheads In The Custody Of The Department Of Defense And The Energy Research And Development Administration The record systems the Defense Nuclear Agency and Energy Research and Development Administration use for accountability and control of nuclear weapons were found to be functioning properl...
Date June 2, 1977 Report No. EMD-77-30 Title

Energy: Allegations of Poor Construction Practices on the North Anna Nuclear Powerplants

DOCUMENT RESUME 0245' - [A1672675] Allegations of Poor Construction Practices on the North Anna Nuclear Powerplants. END-71-30; B-164105. June 2, 1977. 15 pp. + 2 appendices (5 pp.). Report to Rep. John C. Dirgell, Chairman, House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Conmerce: Energy and Power Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Energy: aking Nuclear Fission a Substan...
Date April 11, 1977 Report No. CED-77-46 Title

Environmental Protection: Continuing Need for Improved Operation and Maintenance of Municipal Waste Treatment Plants

CONTINUING NEED FOR IMPROVED OPERATION ANDIMAINTENANCE OF MUNICIPAL WASTE TREATMENT PLANTS/ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY/ CED-77-46 &-26i549s 4-11-77 To assist States and municipalities in meeting water pollution abatement requirements, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act authorizes grants for constructing publicly owned waste treatment facilities to prevent the discharge of untreated or in...
Date April 8, 1977 Report No. GGD-76-91 Title

Alcohol and Tobacco Excise Taxes: Laws and Audits Need Modernizing

Date April 7, 1977 Report No. EMD-77-32 Title

Energy: Security at Nuclear Power Plants, at Best, Inadequate

DCUMENT FESURE 01908 A1052052] Security at Nuclear owerplants, at Best, Inadequate. ED-77-32; B-127945. April 7, 177. 25 pp. Report to the Congress; by Robert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Issue Area: Energy 1600). Contact: Energy and inerals Div. Budget Functicn: Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy: Energy (305). Organizaticn Concerned: Nuclear Regulatory Ccumission. Congressional...
Date Feb. 2, 1977 Report No. CED-77-31 Title

Improving and Maintaining Federal-Aid Roads: Department of Transportation Action Needed

- IIllllllllllilIlIllllllllllllllllll LMl01770 The backbone of the Nat-ion’s highway transportation network--the Federal-aid nighway systems, representing an investment of about $76 billion--is deteriorating. The States should be encouraged to use Feaera! highway funds on improverncnt projec;s to protect these systems. . Although responsible fo; making sure States properly maintain Federal highw...
Date Jan. 12, 1977 Report No. CED-77-21 Title

Railcar Compliance and Enforcement: An Update

REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES RELEASED LM101777 llllill~llllill~illlllllll1ll1 Efficient Wailcar Use: An Update Of The Interstate Commerce Commission’s Corn pliance And Enforcement Program The Interstate Commerce Commission periodically inspects railroads to make sure they comply with Commission rules and railroad procedures which promote efficient handling of railcars. ...
Date Aug. 26, 1976 Report No. PSAD-76-171 Title

Government Operations: Defense Supply Agency Management of Wood Products

WRY):I 4 ~ UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ct5u1/1 07803 PROCUREMENT AND SYSTEMS M$\ ACOQUISITION DIVISION lAA AUG 261976 A 2Jl 17 B-178457 B-178686 The Honorable The Secretary of Defense Dear Mr. Secretary: A survey was made of the Defense Supply Agency's (DSA) management of wood products (Federal Supply Classification 5510, lumber, and 5330, plywood.) procurement b...
Date July 26, 1976 Report No. HRD-76-148 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Better Enforcement of Safety Requirements Needed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission

BY THE COMPTROLL OF THE UNITED STATES Better Enforcement Of Safety Corn missi Safety requirements are issued by the Consumer Product Safety Commission to protect consumers ‘from hazardous products. The Commission must insure that these requirements are followed and enforced. The Commission (1) does not know whether safety requirements have been effectively implemented and (2) has not been timely...
Date June 8, 1976 Report No. RED-76-113 Title

Transportation: Quality of Amtrak Rail Passenger Service Still Hampered by Inadequate Maintenance of Equipment

REPORT TON GEIETI5OUVVNVRESS JUN U 1976 OqgIsV ENERAL BY THE COMPTROL4W,, OF THE UNITED STATES Quality Of Amtrak Rail Passenger Service Still Hampered By Inadequate Maintenance Of Equipment The National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) After 4-1/2 years of effort, U.S. rail passengers cannot consistently expect ontime service in clean and comfortable cars. If the public is to be provided wi...
Date Jan. 16, 1976 Report No. GGD-75-111 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Occupational Taxes on the Alcohol Industry Should Be Repealed

-- Ocwpational T‘ axes On The Alcohol Industry Should Be i?epealed . Ourcau of Alco!-~ol, Tobacco and Firearms Department of the Tww~ry GGD-75- I1 1 ~-137762 To the Chairman and Vice Chairman Joint Ccmmitte: on Internal Revenue Taxation Congresg of th: IJ.lited States asl,ed us :o study ~11 facets Your J\Ine 18, 1973, le:ter of Governmen’ regulation of the al~hol and tobacco report ...
Date Nov. 21, 1975 Report No. RED-76-48 Title

Natural Resources: Follow-Up on Recommendations of Report on Outer Continental Shelf Oil Operations

covering partial. inspectfor of drflliq operations cn the Quter r-‘itfnentnl Shelf did. not sdequst@ly fc?sr fo,‘th tie? Orders gavernfng inspections praserrbed inspection stews. SL remedial operations had .“.~t &en isaced, inspections of abandonment operations were nor regularly scneduled, and Pnspcc tars did nr3t always prepare reports on inspection results. fde seco;Pl;zend& to the Secret...
Date Oct. 31, 1975 Report No. 089393 Title

Government Operations: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms' Practices and Procedures for Implementing Title I of the Gun Control Act of 1968

4 X’ . . , * . UI”:I’l-ED STATES GENERAL WASI-IINGTON, /\CCOW’TING U.C. 20548 OFFICE L .- - . -4- -G- UMTE~ STATES GENERAL AccOuPd~ii~~ D.C. 20548 OFFICE WASHINGTON, GENERAL GOVERNMEWT DlVISlON On March 13, 1975, we met with you and your staff al;d discussed the results of our survey. At that time \‘;e were concerned tlut ATF had not adequately studied the gun control problem and develop...
Date Sept. 8, 1975 Report No. GGD-76-5 Title

International Affairs: Aliens Are Illegally Entering the U.S. Mainland Through Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands

GENERAL AQXWNTING OFFICE *" UNITED STATES SEP819JACCOUNTING &'FKE G LIBRARY mSTEM lllllll~llllllllllllllllIlll ..w.1...... .. LM096826 m hen re Illegally U.S. Mainland r-to Rico And in Islands and Naturalization of Justice Service Immigration Department Many aliens illegally enter the U.S. mainland through Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Immigration and Naturalization Service is aware...
Date July 2, 1975 Report No. RED-75-385 Title

Transportation: Unsafe Bridges on Federal-Aid Highways Need More Attention

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS \l\\\\ill\\ii\\l\\llll~~~ LM096982 Unsafe Bridges On Federal-Aid Highways Need More Attention Federal Highway Administration Department of Transportation BYTHECOMPTROLLERGENERAL 331156ilBmm3~~~T~~ STATES RED-75-385 JULY Z1975 .’ . . - . COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINOTON. OF THE UNITED STA?ES D.C. 20548 B-164497(3) . To the President of the Senate and the r 1 Speaker of the Ho...
Date June 9, 1975 Report No. 089058 Title

Environmental Protection: Need To Abate Hazards Noted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration When Monitoring State Inspections

, *. UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 m OSY MANPOWER AND DIVISION WELFARE June 9, 1975 The Honorable John H. Stender Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Department of Labor Dear Mr. Stender: As you know, the General Accounting Office is making a review of OSHA's administration of the provisions in the Occupational Safety and Health Act for allowing ...
Date May 19, 1975 Report No. 090212 Title

Government Operations: Postal Service's Fourth Class Mail Activities

Richard F, Gould, Assistant Postmas%er Genesral Finance Depalctment u as. Postal. Service MK iu Illlollnllnollllllllllllllll~ollolln~ LM090212 The Gene~aS Accounting Office has examined Postal Service pr~~cedu~~es and practices for assessing and collecting fourthc3iass mail revenues in the Bostonp SPITingfield I and White River The Junction Districts of the Service's Northeast Region. firndings di...
Date April 11, 1975 Report No. 089623 Title

Transportation: Federal Aviation Administration's Regulation and Surveillance of Alterations to Light Aircraft

8 RES~URCESANDECONOMIC B~EL~~MENTOIVISION -UNITED STATES GENERAL A~JNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE I 4Pufd3 The Honorable James E. Dow Acting Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration Department of Transportation Dear Mr. Dow: c..: APR 11 197’5 We have surveyed the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) regulation of and surveillance over alterations to light aircraft. We made our s...
Date Feb. 11, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-58 Title

Veterans Affairs: Conditions at the Veterans Memorial Hospital, Quezon City, Republic of the Philippines

WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B-182297 1 R The Honorable William Proxmire Chairman I Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Development, Space, Science, and Veterans Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: ,-, 42 ..J requested that we examine Your September 19! 1974, letter and report on conditions at the Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH), In a letter to you, Republic of the Philipp...
Date Feb. 11, 1975 Report No. RED-75-324 Title

Auto Safety Program: Identifying Defects and Recalling Defective Vehicles

National Highway Traffic Safety epavtment of Transportation Administra~P:io87 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE DC. 20548 UNITED STATES B-164497(3) The Honorable Warren Chairman, Committee United States Senate R.. Dear / Mr. Chairman: G. Magnuson on Commerce ‘;, . 2 lsL-) ^ You requested that we review major activities of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This report, whic...
Date Oct. 3, 1974 Report No. B-166920 Title

Government Operations: Better Use of Manpower Possible by Reducing Source Inspections of Simple Low-Cost Commercial-Type Items

B Defense Supply Agency UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT ACOUIS~TiON AND SYSTEMS DIVISION / I B-166920 Lt. Gen. Wallace Ii. Robinson, Jr., Director, Defense Supply Agency Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 USMC Dear General Robinson: This is our report on opportunities for better use of manpower by reducing source inspections of simple low-cost, co...
Date July 30, 1974 Report No. 089465 Title

Health: FDA's Activities Involving Sanitation Conditions at Food Storage Warehouses

i’dANPOWER AND DIVISION WELFARE The Honorable Alexander M. Schmidt, M.D. Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration Qepartm'ent of Health, Education, and Welfare Dear Dr. Schmidt: We have recently completed a survey of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) sanitation program for food storage During the survey, our representatives accompanied warehouses. FDA and/or State inspectors on inspecti...
Date July 19, 1974 Report No. 088949 Title

Information Management: Survey of Selected Computer-Based Information Systems at the Food and Drug Administration

&lANPOWER AND DlVlSl’ON WELFARE The Honorable Alexander M. Schmidt, M,D. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dear Dr. Schmidt: llllll lllllIlllIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllll llllllll LM088949 We have completed a survey of computer-based information systems at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with primary emphasis on the Program Oriented Data Sy...
Date March 28, 1974 Report No. B-146782 Title

Government Operations: Some Progress in Improving Management of Government-Owned and Leased Real Property Overseas

6.146782 Department of State COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF THE D.C. UNITED STATES ~20548 B-146782 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This is our followup report on the progress in improving the management of Government owned and leased real property overseas by the Department of State. Our review was made pursuant to the Budget ing Act, 1921.(31 U.S...