As ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 30, 2014
S. 1948 would amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (commonly referred to as No Child Left Behind) to create a grant program that supports schools that use Native American languages as the primary language of instruction. The bill would authorize the appropriation of $5 million for fiscal year 2015 and such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2016 through 2019. That authorization would automatically be extended for one additional year by the General Education Provisions Act.
As shown in the following table, CBO estimates that S. 1948 would authorize the appropriation of about $25 million over the 2015-2019 period and that implementing the bill would cost $20 million over the same period, assuming the appropriation of the necessary amounts. For this estimate, CBO assumes that spending will follow historical patterns. The costs of the legislation fall within budget function 500 (education, training, employment, and social services).
Enacting the bill would have no effect on direct spending or revenues; therefore, pay-as-you-go procedures do not apply.