As ordered reported by the House Committee on Small Business on March 5, 2014
H.R. 2452 would broaden the range of contracts that could be awarded to small businesses owned and controlled by women to include sole-source contracts (which are not available to this group under current law) if certain conditions are met. The bill also would require the Small Business Administration (SBA) to certify the ownership status of each small business seeking to participate in programs that provide contracting preferences to businesses owned and controlled by women.
CBO estimates that implementing H.R. 2452 would cost $30 million over the 2015-2019 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary amounts. The bill could affect direct spending by agencies not funded through annual appropriations; therefore, pay-as-you-go procedures apply. CBO estimates, however, that any net change in spending by those agencies would not be significant. Enacting H.R. 2452 would not affect revenues.
H.R. 2452 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act and would impose no costs on state, local, or tribal governments.