As ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on June 18, 2013
S. 28 would require the Secretary of Agriculture to sell, for fair market value, about 80 acres of federal land located in Utah to Brigham Young University. Based on information about the value of similar lands in northern Utah, CBO estimates that enacting the legislation would increase offsetting receipts, which are treated as reductions in direct spending, by less than $500,000 in 2014; therefore, pay-as-you-go procedures apply. Because the bill would require the university to cover any administrative costs associated with the conveyance, CBO estimates that implementing the bill would not affect discretionary spending. Enacting S. 28 would not affect revenues.
S. 28 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act and would not affect the budgets of state, local or tribal governments.
On May 6, 2013, CBO transmitted a cost estimate for H.R. 253, the Y Mountain Access Enhancement Act, as ordered reported by the House Committee on National Resources on April 24, 2013. The two bills are similar, and the CBO cost estimates are the same.