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GAO Report Search

Full-text search of 52,075 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 11, 1973 Report No. B-178474 Title

Special Publications: Bid Rejection Protest

Reports and Testimonies

Date Sept. 10, 1973 Report No. B-159219 Title

Education: Military and Educational Problems at the Air Force Academy

Reports and Testimonies

-’ --L-w I-* f COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHI~~GTON. OF I-HE UNIT D.C. B-159219 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Birch Senate Bayh: Bayh - CL 1 ’ t \ / Your letter of March 19, 1973, requested that we investigate certain military and educational.p-ro_b_lems at the- Air j’/o m6”B”i’g ~ s-.bF’ --1. Force Academy. your interest were cadet.’ attri tiX?ii-- policies on drug abuse, administrative ...

Date Sept. 10, 1973 Report No. 089511 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts

Reports and Testimonies

UNlTEr f S’ATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE 70l4 FEDERAL BUILDING ~S~SST~IJT STREET DENVER,~OLORADO 80202 September 10, 1973 Comma der Space Tnd kssiLe Systems Organ1 -1tr0n (SAMSO) P. 0. Box 92960 Worldway Yostal Center Los Angeles, Caltiorrua 90009 Dear SIX: We are pleased to report that our audLt of travel vouchers and e contract payments) paid by commercial vouchers (other than ...

Date Sept. 10, 1973 Report No. 089512 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts

Reports and Testimonies

Date Sept. 10, 1973 Report No. 089519 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts at Denver Air Force Accounting and Finance Center

Reports and Testimonies

UN~=FED STATES 7014 FEDERAL GENERAL REGIONAL BUILDING ACCOUNTING OFFICE I961 STOUT STREET OFFICE DENVER,COLORADO 80202 September 10, 1973 Commander AU Force Accountq and Fvlance Center 3800 York Street 80205 Denver, Colorado Dear Sir : We are pleased to (other than cost-type accountq and finance perz.od April 1 through report that our audz,t of travel and commercial contract payments) vouchers ...

Date Sept. 7, 1973 Report No. 089521 Title

Energy: Potential for Energy Conservation in Federal Office Buildings

Reports and Testimonies

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WAE;HINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE FIflH Fi.OOR 809 WEST BROAD STREET FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA 22046 Mr. Frank Wille, Chairman Federal Deposit Insurance Washington, D.C. 20429 Dear Mr. Wille. Corporation The General Accounting Office has been reviewing the potential for energy conservation in Federal office buildings. We had begun to study the energy consumption at ...

Date Sept. 6, 1973 Report No. 089510 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts

Reports and Testimonies

Date Sept. 6, 1973 Report No. 089520 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave Statement

Reports and Testimonies

Date Sept. 4, 1973 Report No. 089522 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions

Reports and Testimonies

&//I// 1/;1/1/!,,:~111/:1 i/i’ ,/l/l,:i# ://I i .- - -- -. - 1

Date Sept. 4, 1973 Report No. 089523 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave System

Reports and Testimonies

Date Sept. 4, 1973 Report No. B-179255 Title

International Affairs: Foreign Purchases Made To Fulfill Contract Result in Losses

Reports and Testimonies

Date Sept. 3, 1973 Report No. 089509 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave System

Reports and Testimonies

UNITEG S~ATESGENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 7014 FEDERAL BUILDING OFFICE 1961S~our STREET DENVER, COLQRADO 80202 September 6, 1973 COFXr,ziXldW El&n&on kr Force Base Texas 77030 Dear SUWe have examined certain transactions affecting the JUMPS Intervn Leave System at the Air Force Accountrng and FnancePk(&abqq Center (AFAFC) to determine how well the accountq and finance offxcs:r (AFO) at your ...

Date Aug. 31, 1973 Report No. B-178697 Title

Government Operations: Answer to Questions Concerning the Possible Violation by the Department of Defense of the Anti-Deficiency Act

Reports and Testimonies

RELEASED B-178697 Al& 3 1 1973 / Cd? House The Honorable Les Aspin of Representatives Aspin: P Dear Mr. In accordance with your request of May 5 9 1973) and subsequent discussions with our representatives, we are enclosing information concerning your five questions on the 1 possible violation by the Department of Defense of the Antideficiency Act (31 U.S.C. 665(a)). We do not plan to distribute ...

Date Aug. 31, 1973 Report No. B-165868 Title

Government Operations: Site Acquisition for the Federal Courthouse Annex at Foley Square, New York City

Reports and Testimonies

.’ . c -m 2 u m COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE Ui’diTED 2BWIB FTBIPES B-165868 The Honorable John M. Murphy House of Representatives Dear Mr. Murphy: -a2 I On April 3, 1973, you asked us to investigate the a~~~l~.~~~~t~-~;,~-or~~.-_Eoley Square ,Court~e.p+roj ect in New York City and to make an oral report of our findings to you. At a meeting in your office on June 21, our ...

Date Aug. 31, 1973 Report No. B-178979 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Issues Resulting From Supreme Court Ruling

Reports and Testimonies

Date Aug. 31, 1973 Report No. B-178365 Title

National Defense: Need To Advertise the Navy and the Cost To Produce and Distribute to Radio Stations a Radio Program Entitled "Travel the World in Song"

Reports and Testimonies

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF D.C. THE UNI-I’ED SI-A- uw18 B-178365 The Honorable Lester L. Wolff ! House of Representatives Dear Mr. Wolff: v ! 4’ In response to your letter of March 28, 1973, we have examined the information Mrs. S. H.;Moss sent to you concerning the n~~~Q~~‘~,d~~~.tii.s,,e,,,,~h~t.n~~a~.y and the cost to produce and d.i.str,i.bute to. .rt,a.dia,,,.~~,a,t.i~~s .,,._ ...

Date Aug. 30, 1973 Report No. B-178547 Title

National Defense: Navy's Bombing Practices at the Pinecastle Electronic Warfare Range in the Ocala National Forest, Florida

Reports and Testimonies

B-178547 The Honorable Bill Chappell )! -House of Representatives k Dear Mr. Chappell : / In response to your June 22, 1973, letter we have lookc~d into the Nav ~oI>ombi.n,~ctices at the Pinecastle Elcctr0la.i r, I Warfare Range in the Ocala Ns’t’idnal Forest, Florida. You requested that we obtain information on the frequency of bomb- We reviewed pertinent records and interviewed Navy ofit< cials ...

Date Aug. 30, 1973 Report No. B-178819 Title

Energy: GAO Views on Senate Joint Resolution 115 Requesting the President To Require Federal Agencies To Use Economy Cars

Reports and Testimonies

‘I WASHINGTON. D.C. 20541) RELEASED B-178819 Cl )C.' The Honorable Sam J. Ervin, .Chairman, Committee on Government Operations United States Senate Dear Mr, Chairman: Jr. ~ 1 i!. Your letter of July 19, 1973, requested us to have an appropriate witness present to offer our views at hearings to be held on Senate Joint Resolution 115 requesting ,^/ the ?rqsident .-Iwo: +a * > _*,_*I* ',4,hCR.",I ...

Date Aug. 29, 1973 Report No. B-173815 Title

Government Operations: Method of Computation of Post Differential Allowance

Reports and Testimonies

Date Aug. 29, 1973 Report No. B-178334 Title

International Affairs: Summary of European Views on Dependency of the Free World on Middle East Oil

Reports and Testimonies


Date Aug. 28, 1973 Report No. 088979 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts at Korat Air Force Base

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING REG [ONAL 7614 FEDERAL BUMXNG OFFICE OFFICE 1961 STOUT STREET DENVER, C~LORALX~ 80202 Auwst 28, 1973 Commander Department of the Air Force APO San Francisco 96288 J Dear Szr: We are pleased tzo report that our audit of travel, commercial (other than cost-type contract payments) and temporary lodging allowance vouchers paid by the accounting and finance officer (AI ...

Date Aug. 28, 1973 Report No. B-178135 Title

Special Publications: Bid Rejection Protests

Reports and Testimonies

Date Aug. 23, 1973 Report No. 088980 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave System

Reports and Testimonies

Date Aug. 23, 1973 Report No. B-178996 Title

Special Publications: Bid Rejection Protest

Reports and Testimonies

Date Aug. 23, 1973 Report No. B-132740 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Problems of Small Business in Government Procurement

Reports and Testimonies

The Honorable James C. Corman Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Select Committee on Small Business c-l+ House of Representatives 1 P Dear Mr. Corman: Procurement \A 6161 Your letter of November 1, 1972, requested that we implement the recommendations on pages 83 and 84 of House Report No. 92-1609, “The Position and[ nes s in Gov~,rJlmen.;t,I~c~~~~.nt~ ‘I Your i%Ei???h~~ we analyze the reporting ...

Date Aug. 21, 1973 Report No. 088977 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts at L. G. Hanscom Field

Reports and Testimonies

-- UNITEDSTATES GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 7014 FEDERAL BUILDING, OFFICE 1961 STOUT STREES DENVER, COLORADO 80202 August 21, 1973 Commander L. G. Hanscom Field 3edford, Massachusetts Dear Szr: 01730 We are pleased to report that our audit of travel, commerczal (other than cost-type contract payments) and temporary lodgi allpwante vouchers paid by the accounting and finance officer (AFO at ...

Date Aug. 21, 1973 Report No. 088981 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE 2006 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BUILDING 234 STATE STREET DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 LM088981 Commanding Officer U. S. Naval Facility Grand Turk, T.W.I. Dear Sir: As part of our continuing review of the Navy's financial management system, we examined selected transactions in your disbursing officer's accounts for the 6 months ended December 31, 1972. ...

Date Aug. 21, 1973 Report No. 088985 Title

Financial Management: Patrick AFB Audit of Accounts

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUMT~NG OFFICE REGIONAL 7014 FEDERAL BUILDING OFFICE 1961 Sx-ou~ STREET DENVER,COLORADO 80202 August 21, 1973 Commander PatrIck tir Force Base FlorIda 32925 Dear Sir: Our audit of travel, commercial (other than cost-type contract payments) ati temporary lodging al.lowance (TU) vouchers paid by the accounting and finance officer (APO) at your Lnstellation for the period ...

Date Aug. 21, 1973 Report No. B-146916 Title

National Defense: Refurbishing of a C-135 Aircraft

Reports and Testimonies

WASHINGTON. O.C.‘ 20448 B-146916 The Ilonorable CC United States Dear Senator William Senate Proxmire: Proxmire In your letter of May 7, 1973, you asked us to determine the accuracy of seve allegations and to answer thrce_./ques-I T;rwuh :- * tions concerning the (tail -- “, ircraftj number 60-03761, We reviewed the project justification, examined tcchnical orders and regulations, observed the ...

Date Aug. 21, 1973 Report No. B-176519 Title

Financial Management: DOD's Policies and Practices in the Philippines For Paying Severance Allowances to Local National (Filipino) Employees

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DlVlSION GENERAL OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND STUDIES B-176519 The Honorable Ls' 1 The Secretary of Defense ' / Dear Mr. Secretary: GAO has reviewed DOD's policies and practices inthe Philippines for ~~~~~~-~~~~,~~~~~~",~~.,l_o_cal national We examined the allowances DOD paid to FilipiygVemployees who had participated in the U.S. civil ...

Date Aug. 20, 1973 Report No. B-178451 Title

National Defense: Investigation of the Alleged Discrimination by Rank in the Enforcement and Administration of Justice at Fort Campbell, Kentucky

Reports and Testimonies

. B-178451 AUG20V3; L ‘1 .+ r- The Honorable Henry S. Reuss House of Representatives Dear Mr. Reuss: *1 .“1 ,’ _ ! i 1 2 This is in response to your letter of April 5, 1973, requesting us to investigate certain allegations regarding-giscrimination by rank-in t~tand~~~~~i~,~~~~;~~~e at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.. we obtained information on the operation In conducting our investigation, the magnitude ...

Date Aug. 17, 1973 Report No. B-1644971(1) Title

Government Operations: Cost of Complying With FAA Requirements

Reports and Testimonies

Date Aug. 16, 1973 Report No. 088982 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts at Robins Air Force Base

Reports and Testimonies

Date Aug. 16, 1973 Report No. B-178203 Title

Government Operations: Review of Transportation and Claims Division Settlement

Reports and Testimonies

Date Aug. 16, 1973 Report No. B-179260 Title

Government Operations: Delays in Loading and Unloading Ships Cost Government Millions of Dollars Annually

Reports and Testimonies

1lllllllIlllllllllIllllllllllllllllllll LM096096 Delays In Loading And Unloading Ships Cost Government Millions Of Dollars Annually Department of Defense B-179260 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE iUG.16,1973 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, DC 20548 LOGlsTlCS AND COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION B-179260 The Honorable The Secretary of Defense c- Dear Mr. Secretary: This is our ...

Date Aug. 15, 1973 Report No. B-176095 Title

International Affairs: Cut-Off of Foreign Aid and Loans to Nations Involved in Narcotics Trafficking

Reports and Testimonies

-1 (.s h. ,I RELEASED B-176095 tr 4 The Honorable Charles B. Range1 House of Representatives -P Dear Mr. Rangel: Your letter dated May 29, 1973, requested that the General Accounting Office update its July 14, 1972, response to you concerning/cut-off I,.,l,y‘ll of '-'""" r%':.~ilwt foreign , ,.*.*,",Y~lljn..l>~LZ.l ,Il.?" ,.A I*I1, c--"'l _ * in,,,,narco,tics.trafftcking. You -,A*.*- aid and loans ...

Date Aug. 15, 1973 Report No. B-174839 Title

National Defense: Build and Charter Program for Nine Tanker Ships

Reports and Testimonies

Build And Ch r Program 6-174839 Military Sealift Command Department of the Navy BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES 701eso AUG.15, 1973 COMPTROLLER GENERAL, WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20248 STATES B- 174839 To the President Speaker of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives to build Command, and charter Department nine of This is our report on the program tankers for use ...

Date Aug. 14, 1973 Report No. B-177011 Title

Environmental Protection: Federal and State Efforts To Control Water Pollution Caused by Acid Drainage From Mines

Reports and Testimonies

- i. COMPTROLLER GENERAL WA5HII4GTON. OF D.C. TUE UNlTED 2osia STATES L The IIonorable c\ Subcomnittee / e Natural Committee House of Dear Mr. !-lenry S. Reuss 9 Chairman on Conservation and /- this process. Costs range from $0.70 to $1. SO per t?:ou sand gallons of water treated. Reverse osmosis produces, as a waste product, a concentrated acid (brine) which must be treated before it can be ...

Date Aug. 14, 1973 Report No. B-176418 Title

Government Operations: Use of Formal Advertising for Government Procurement Can, and Should, Be Improved

Reports and Testimonies

I1111111111111 Ill Ill11 1111111111 llllllllllllllllll LM096103 \., B-176418 Department of Defense General Services Administration Tennessee Valley Authority COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES B-176418 To th/e President Speaker of the This Government of the Senate and the House of Representatives entitled Can, “Use of Formal Advertising and Should, Be Improved.@’ for ...

Date Aug. 13, 1973 Report No. B-146743 Title

Government Operations: Ways To Improve Records Management Practices in the Federal Government

Reports and Testimonies

Date Aug. 10, 1973 Report No. B-179225 Title

Veterans Affairs: Unclaimed Savings Bonds Should Be Returned to Veterans and Other Individuals

Reports and Testimonies

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS -05*3 9 LMG96106 ~IRIIlll~Illlllllllllll~ll~liilllu Unclaimed Savings Bonds Should Be Returned To Veterans And Other Individuals Department of the Treasury B-179225 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE LiNlTED 20548 STATES D.C. B-179225 L To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This ...

Date Aug. 9, 1973 Report No. B-137762 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Collection of Taxpayer Delinquent Accounts

Reports and Testimonies

B-137762 The Honorable Russell B. Long Vice Chairman, Joint Committee Internal Revenue Taxation Congress of the United States Dear Mr. Vice Chairman: on Today I transmitted to you our report to the Joint Committee on the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS’s) ,c*olBecause the lection ‘.,-i’zhrr:13* .~,W3Ll w.Wrni.‘i~ ,&*,el”“-, of_( >mI\UII,,IU,,,Y’ delinquent~~~~~~~~~~~~~s. NMbbw%WC,,,,. *~taxpayer ...

Date Aug. 9, 1973 Report No. B-157905 Title

National Defense: Greater Use of Flight Simulators in Military Pilot Training Can Lower Costs and Increase Pilot Proficiency

Reports and Testimonies

t I AUG. 9J9-72 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WUHINGTON. OF O.C. THE ZO!Ul UNITED STATES B-157905 To the President of the Senate and the 6 Speaker of the House of Representatives / c This Simulators Increase our report entitled “Greater Use of Flight in Military Pilot Training Can Lower Costs Pilot Proficiency.” is and We made our review pursuant to the Budget and Accounting and the Accounting and Auditing ...

Date Aug. 8, 1973 Report No. B-179001 Title

International Affairs: Summary of United States Assistance to Jordan

Reports and Testimonies

Summary Of United States Assistance To Jordan B-17poo7 Department of State Agency for International Development BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNiTED D.C. 20648 STATE6 B-179001 .“’ i To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This Jordan. We made our review pursuant to the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921 ( ...

Date Aug. 6, 1973 Report No. 093958 Title

Government Operations: Survey of Economic Analyses

Reports and Testimonies

Date Aug. 6, 1973 Report No. 088983 Title

National Defense: Review of Civilian Pay and Allowances

Reports and Testimonies

4 3 Y ///!/II IIIII ,,,, llllll~ 1//1/il ,,,, Ill11 III/ii1 ll11~:11~ :~lll,, :1/l/,, ~ii1iu ~ii//!i~ lwl//I1~ ~il’th(i/il/: 1111111111111111111 /lllllllll

Date Aug. 6, 1973 Report No. B-167196 Title

International Affairs: Procurement of Commercial Trucks in Australia for Cambodia

Reports and Testimonies

WASHINGTON. B.C. 20548 - ” RELEASEiI I c1 J p The Honorable Henry S. Reuss House of Representatives Dear Mr. Reuss : GAO to In your letter of May 3, 1973, you requested investigate and report on the accuracy and objectivity of the judgments made concerning the 1 rocurement of commercial L~w~hm~;;;-‘-&;f f , trucks in Australia ” forcambodia.! ,d*“‘.*“.r.. ,’ ~~~.,~~~““‘&~~““~~~~~~~~~.~.w-rw.wai-,* ...

Date Aug. 6, 1973 Report No. B-169972 Title

Transportation: Should Appropriated Funds Be Used for Transportation Procured Specifically for Armed Forces Exchange Goods?

Reports and Testimonies

B-169972 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF 0 THE C. UNITED SIATEB 20548 B-169972 , , L To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of th e House of Representatives This is our report Be Used for Transportation Forces Exchange Goods?” ing ing . entitled “Should Appropriated Procured Specifically for Funds Armed We made our review pursuant to the Budget Act, 1921 (31 U.S.C. 53), and the ...

Date Aug. 3, 1973 Report No. B-141025 Title

Financial Management: Issuance of Composite Military Pay Checks

Reports and Testimonies

Date Aug. 3, 1973 Report No. B-178971 Title

Transportation: Transfer of Functions of the Department of Transportation From Washington, D.C., to Cambridge, Massachusetts

Reports and Testimonies

The Honorable Walter E. Fauntroy House of Representatives Dear Mr. Fauntroy: I / This is in reply to your request of June 21, 1973, regarding a transfer of functions of the.j.Ntl.._ LYI.,F.-i--=--~l-"- T.ran~p.or,t~fion,(DOT) De_partment of from -I-__" -,-.-.--^..,--.,. _... . Washj~~toa,,~S)..C,*,..~0..C~b"rjdge,,~assachusetts. , .