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GAO Reports by subject "Policy evaluation"

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Date Sept. 27, 1983 Report No. HRD-83-83 Title

Health: Opportunities To Reduce Fee-Basis Pharmacy Costs

. . UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTIN&FFICE c WASHINGTON, D C. 20548 HUMAN RESOURW DlVlSION SeotemDer 27, 1983 B-207930 The Honorable Administrator Harry N. Walters of Veterans Affairs Dear Xr. Walters: Sublect: Opportunltles to Xeduce Fee-Basis Pharmacy Costs (GAO/HRD-83-83) We have completed a review of the Veterans Adminxtratlon's (VA's1 efforts to reduce the number and cost of prescriptions fille...
Date Sept. 22, 1983 Report No. PAD-83-1 Title

Budget and Spending: Pros and Cons of a Separate Capital Budget for the Federal Government

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Committee On Environment And Public Works United States Senate OF THE UNITEDSTATES Pros And Cons Of A Separate The Federal Government Despite billions of dollars”spent each year for investment in capital facilities, the Federal Government has neither an overall policymaking process nor a governmentwide analysis of information to support capital investment...
Date Sept. 6, 1983 Report No. NSIAD-83-41 Title

International Affairs: Uncertainties Surround Future of U.S. Ocean Mining

BY THECOMPTi70iLER GENERAL OF THEUNITED STATES Uncertainties Surround U.S. Ocean Mining In this report, GAO reviews Federal Government, private sector, and foreign competitor Involvement In ocean mmmg and exammes whether there IS a need to develoa U S ocean mining policy The Congress has Identified mrmng of the deep seabeds as a desirable alternative to foreign markets However, uncertalntressurrou...
Date Aug. 31, 1983 Report No. OCG-83-1 Title

Government Operations: Effect of Requiring New Federal Employees To Be Temporarily Covered by Both Social Security and Civil Service Retirement

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE UNITED D.C. 20548 STATES B-211757 AUGUST 31.1983 The Honorable William D. Ford Committee on Post Office Chairman, Civil Service House of Representatives The Honorable William V. Roth, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Subject: and Effect Of Requiring New Federal Employees To Be Temporarily Covered By Both Social Security And ...
Date Aug. 26, 1983 Report No. NSIAD-83-45 Title

International Affairs: Analysis of Selected Operations of the Office of the U.S. Coordinator for Refugee Affairs

, 122c1y6 UNITEDSTATESCENERALACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, OS, 20548 OFFICE NATIONAL INT,~~NATIONAL SLCUlllTY AfCAlR6 *ND DIVISION ktSTRiCTgD - Not to be released outside the Accwnting Office except on the basis of specific by the Office of Congressional Relations General approval B-207719 AU6 26 1983 RELEASED The Honorable Peter W. Rodino, Jr. Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary House of Representative...
Date Aug. 26, 1983 Report No. GGD-83-75 Title

Financial Management: The Department of the Interior Should Improve Its Policies and Practices on Grant-Related Income

BY THEU.S.GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of The Interior The Department Of The Interior Should I:mprove Its Policies And Practices On Grant-Related Income Many Department of the Interior grantees generate income under programs financed i whole or in part with Federal assistance. his income is a potential source of revenue f r either increasing the size of Interior 5 rograms or re...
Date July 29, 1983 Report No. 122025 Title

Environmental Protection: GAO Work Related to the Toxic Substances Control Act and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act

Date July 8, 1983 Report No. GGD-83-46 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Potential Benefits of Federal Magistrates System Can Be Better Realized

. ” ; /a Km I 7u.t?’ 1. v BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL :&port To The Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES ,PotentiaI Benefits Of Federal Magistrates System Can Be Better Realized The magistrates system has become an important and integral part of the Federal judicial system and has helped to reduce the workload on Federal judges. However, actions could be taken to better utilize magistrates which would fu...
Date June 24, 1983 Report No. ID-83-51 Title

International Affairs: U.S. Assistance to the State of Israel

REPORT BY THE Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES U.S. Assistance To The State Of Israel The major objectives of U.S. assistance to Israel include demonstrating U.S. political support for an ally and providing for the defense of Israel. Israel receives more U.S. security assistance and also more liberal terms and concessions than other countries. liowever, it continues to seek additional help ...
Date June 23, 1983 Report No. MASAD-83-27 Title

National Defense: Better Management of Threat Simulators and Aerial Targets Is Crucial to Effective Weapon Systems Performance

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress. OF THEUNITED STATES Better Planmning’And Management Of Threat Simulators ,And Aerial Targets Is Crucial To Effective Weapon Systems Performance Operational test and evaluation is the most effective way, under peacetime conditions, to determine a weapon system’s combat worth. Realistic testing, however, requires test resources, such as threat simu...
Date June 10, 1983 Report No. ID-83-37 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the Export-Import Bank's Statements of Financial Condition as of September 30, 1982 and 1981

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE 20648 UNITED STATES WASHINGTON~0.C. B-197710 To the Board Export-Import of Directors Bank of the United June 10, 1983 States We have examined the statements of financial condition of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (the Bank) as of September 30, 1982 and 1981, and the related statements of income (loss) and' analysis of reserve for contingencies and defaults,...
Date May 31, 1983 Report No. PLRD-83-70 Title

National Defense: Questionable Practices in the Selection of Transportation Services for Small Lots of Hazardous or Sensitive Cargo

. I r. , 1 I2 151_7 BYTHEU.S.GENERALA&OUNTlNG Report To The Secretary Of Defense OFFICE Questionable Practices In The Selection Of Transportation Services For Small Lots Of Hazardous Or Sensitive Cargo The Department of Defense spends several million dollars a year to transport small lots of hazardous or sensitive cargo. Truck and air taxi operators actively compete for this cargo. Despite the sim...
Date May 20, 1983 Report No. HRD-83-58 Title

Health: VA Is Making Efforts To Improve Its Nursing Home Construction Planning Process

U~~EDSTATE!~GENERALACCOUNTINGO~CE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20346 HUMAN RNURQg DtVfSlON May 20, 1983 B-211565 The Honorable Jake Garn Chairman, Subcommittee on HUD-Independent Agencies Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: 121478 -..._., Subject: VA Is Making Efforts to Improve Its Nursing Home Construction Planning Process r(GAO/HRD-83-58) You asked us to analyze the Veterans...
Date April 6, 1983 Report No. PAD-83-3 Title

Budget and Spending: Congress Should Consider Revising Basic Corporate Control Laws

. . l 9 + l Gw775 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES Congress Should Consider Revising Basic Corporate Control Laws The Congress has established corporations to carry out certain business-type functions of the Federal Government because of the perceived need for a high degree of operating flexibility and independence. In 1945, the Congress adopted the Government C...
Date March 24, 1983 Report No. 120889 Title

National Defense: The Functions and Activities of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

Date Feb. 3, 1983 Report No. RCED-83-13 Title

Energy: An Analysis of Natural Gas Pricing Policy Alternatives

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Subcommittee On Environment, Energy And Natural Resources, House Committee On Government Operations OF THE UNITEDSTATES An Analysis Of Natural Gas Pricing Policy Alternatives Volume I Of 2 Volumes (Analysis And Conclusions) Several alternatives have been proposed to the Natural Gas Policy Act, which established a schedule for decontrol of natural gas prices...
Date Jan. 28, 1983 Report No. PAD-83-7 Title

Employment: Minimum Wage Policy Questions Persist

BY THE US GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Committee And Human Resources United States Senate On Labor Minimum Wage Policy Questions Persist GAOexammedtheeffectsofthemm~mumwage and found that while economrc analysts generally agree that It reduces total employment, they do not agree by how much Although the mmrmum wage IS generally believed to help the poor, after GAO revrewed avallable sta...
Date Jan. 12, 1983 Report No. RCED-83-24 Title

Transportation: Applying DOT Rail Policy to Washington, D.C.'s Metrorail System Could Save Federal Funds

l . aw * . * r . BY THEU.S.GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Transportation Applying DOT’s Rail Policy To Washington, D.C.‘s Metrorail System Could Save Federal Funds The Department of Transportation’s policy crf requiring full funding--setting a ceiling on the level of Federal funding--and a modified Version of its incremental construction policy for rapid-rail systems sho...
Date Nov. 1, 1982 Report No. CED-82-122B Title

Housing: Countercyclical Stimulus Proposals for Multifamily Housing

Date Nov. 1, 1982 Report No. CED-82-122A Title

Housing: Countercyclical Stimulus Proposals for Single-Family Housing

. ,,, ,- Symposium On Countercyclical Stimulus Ffroposals For Single-Family Housing Ill11111 II Ill1 III 119909 l 40 ~tedStates General Accounting Office 1982 * t Request for copies of this publication (GAO/ CED-8%122A) should be sent to: U.S. General Accounting Office Document Handling and Information Services Facility P.O. Box 6015 Gaithersburg, Md. 20760 Telephone (202) 278-6241 The first five ...
Date Oct. 28, 1982 Report No. FPCD-83-7 Title

National Defense: Losses of Air Force Women in Nontraditional Occupations

c UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, ‘D.C. 20548 FEDERAL f CRSONNLL AND COMPKNSATION DIVISION B-209523 The Honorable The'Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Secretary: Losses of Occupations Air Verne Orr of the Air Assistant 0cT0BER28.1982 Force Auditor General Subject: Force Women in Nontraditional (GAO/FPCD-83-7) a policy of Before October 1, 1981, the Air Force followed trying td ob...
Date Oct. 28, 1982 Report No. PLRD-83-11 Title

National Defense: The Army Has Not Effectively Used Vertical Inventory Management Techniques

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 pRDcUIILMENT. AND RCADINUS LoelsTlc8. DIVISION OCTOBER 28,1982 General Donald Ri' Keith Commanding General, Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command l Dear General Subject: Keith: The Army Has Not Effectively Used Vertical WInventory Management Techniques;(GAO/PLRD-83-11) We have surveyed vertical inventory management techniques...
Date Oct. 27, 1982 Report No. GGD-83-11 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Greater Oversight and Uniformity Needed in U.S. Attorneys' Prosecutive Policies

* l a outslde the F =,wy-u ~t!kT’RlCtEb i.. Not to 6e rdebscd AccountTr p Office except on the basis of specific appi ti . “1 ’ by the Office of Congressional Relationlr, T-- BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Honorable United States Senate Max Baucus OF THE UNITEDSTATES Greater Oversight And Uniformity Needed In U.S. Attorneys’ Prosecutive Policies U.S. attorneys’ policies for acc...
Date Oct. 25, 1982 Report No. CED-82-121S Title

Housing: Analysis of Options for Aiding the Homebuilding and Forest Products Industries

StiPPLEMENTTOAREPORTBYTHE Comptroller General A OF THE UNITEDSTATES i Analysis Of Options For Aiding i The Homebuilbing And ! Forest Products Industries : This supplement presents the detailed results of modeling work performed under contract to GAO by Data Resources, Incorporated; Chase Econometrics/Regional Data Associates; and William B. Brueggeman of Southern Methodist University. IIIIlllllU 1...
Date Oct. 18, 1982 Report No. ID-83-10 Title

International Affairs: Problems Hamper Foreign Commercial Service's Progress

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Problems Hamper Foreign Commercial Service’s Progress On April 1,1980, the President transferred primary responsibility for overseas commercial work from the Department of State to the Department of Commerce, which resulted in the creation of the Foreign Commercial Service. GAO found that serious resource problems hindered the Se...
Date Oct. 14, 1982 Report No. FPCD-83-9 Title

Federal Civilian Personnel: A Work Force Undergoing Change

STUDY THESTAFF THEU.S. BY OF General Accounting Office Federal Civilian Personnel: AiWork Force Undergoing Change In f&al year 1982, about 2.8 million Federal civilian employees will be paid about SSd billion in salaries and benefits, and Fed(sral retirees and their survivors will ret ive another $20 billion. These expenditur s represent about 20 percent of the Fed, ral budget. t Thi study provide...
Date Sept. 20, 1982 Report No. EMD-82-102 Title

Energy: Clear Federal Policy Guidelines Needed for Future Canadian Power Imports

.’ mYrA7 , BYTHECbMPTROLLER GENERAL . Report ToThe Congress OF THE UNITED STATES Clear Federal Policy Guidelines Needed For Future Canadian Power Imports United States imports of Canadian electricity have been rapidly increasing for the last 10 years and are expected to continue for the next decade. Canadian utilities will have excess capacity equivalent to the output OF 10 to 20 large nuclear p...
Date Sept. 17, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-113 Title

National Defense: Opportunities for Improved Oil Recycling Still Exist

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ;;-2ui3825 T'l-ie Honorable ',":~t! Secretary :Jttention: 3ear Xr. SEPTEMBER IT,1982 Caspar W. Weinberqer of Defense Director, GAO Affairs Secretary: Opportunities for Improved Exist (GAO/PLRD-82-113) Oil Recycling Still Suuject: de have performed a followup review of how Department of Dezt3nse (DOD) activities collect and dispose of us...
Date Sept. 3, 1982 Report No. ID-82-38 Title

Natural Resources: Federal Encouragement of Mining Investment in Developing Countries Has Been Only Marginally Effective

BYTHEUS GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of The Interior Federal Encouragement Of Mining Investment In Developing Countries. For Strategic And Critical Minerals Has Been Only Marginally,Effective During the last 5 years, the United States has supported several multilateral and bilateral initiatives to encourage mining investment in developing countries as a means of both increasing...
Date Sept. 2, 1982 Report No. GGD-82-89 Title

Replacing Post Offices With Alternative Services: A Debated but Unresolved Issue

c !/9%4 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Chairman, Post Office And Civil Service House Of Representatives Committee OF Tt-iEUNITEDSTATES Replacing Post Offices With Alternative Services: A Debated But Unresolved Issue The Postal Service could save between ~$125 and $150 million annually by 1990 if it replaced about 7,000 limited mail service post offices with publicly acceptable alternativ...
Date Sept. 2, 1982 Report No. PAD-82-23 Title

Budget and Spending: Including User Charges in the General Revenue Sharing Formulas Could Broaden the Measure of Revenue Effort

@PORT BYTHEU.S. ’ , General Accounting Office lrkluding User Charges In The General Revenue Sharing Formulas Could Broaden The Measure Of Revenue Effort ited and uneven measure of the burden llllllllll llll ll 119605 GAO/PAD-82-23 SEPTEMBER 2,1982 Request for copies of GAO reports should be sent to: U.S. General Accounting Office Document Handling and Information Services Facility P.O. Box 6015 ...
Date Aug. 31, 1982 Report No. CED-82-121 Title

Housing: Analysis of Options for Aiding the Homebuilding and Forest Products Industries

BV!THECOMPTROLLER GENERAL R:LEASE~ Report To The Chairman Committee On Appropriations House Of eepresentatives OF THE UNITEDSTATES alysis Of Options For ing The Homebuilding ducts Industries Con&n over the continuing economic fecesthe downturn in the housing has prompted 8 wide variety of s to aid housing finance and homeAlthough none of these proposals ing about a long-lived recovery unless overa...
Date Aug. 31, 1982 Report No. PAD-82-45 Title

Budget and Spending: An Analysis of Fiscal and Monetary Policies

I’ RELEASED - mmtICT~p Mot bdi + - txctp* *II” =hWQd the A-@nf%m%2b ** 011 r- outs;& fienerat Aw l = =::km WT .# yy’J--HE COMPTROLLER ~@33?/4Lqeport To The Chairman zommittee On Appropriations J.S. House Of Representatives OVRf 3F THE~UNITED STATES An Analysis Of Fiscal And Monetary Policies The U.S. economy is in its eighth recession since the Second World War. GAO analyzes iscal and moneta...
Date Aug. 20, 1982 Report No. EMD-82-127 Title

Energy: Response to OMB Comments on GAO's August 2, 1982, Report Entitled "Analysis of Energy Reorganization Savings Estimates and Plans"

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF D.C. THE CJNITED STATES 20548 B-208247 The Honorable Joseph Deputy Director Office of Management Dear Mr..Wright: Subject: R. Wright, and Budget JX. August 20, 1982 'Response to OMB Comments on GAO's August 2, 1982, report entitled "Analysis of Energy Reorganization Savings Estimates and Plans" ,,I (GAO/EMD-82-127) In response to requests from several congressiona...
Date Aug. 19, 1982 Report No. 119342 Title

Environmental Protection: GAO's Work on the Acid Rain Issue

4 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY August 19, 1982, 1O:OO a.m. Statement of Donald 2. Forcier Senior Group Director Energy and Minerals Division Before the Committee on Energy and Natural the rain. opportunity to be here me are who have acid rain Ford *a, IV3 . Senate We appreciate GAO's work and Mr. responsible are doing is Resources e today D...
Date Aug. 18, 1982 Report No. EMD-82-99 Title

Natural Resources: Problems and Progress During Current Forest Service Planning

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ENERGY AND MINERALS DIVISION B-125053 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. John R. Block of Agriculture AUGUST18,1982 Secretary: Problems and Progress During Current Forest Service Planning (GAO/EMD-82-99) illlllllllll I ll 119246 Subject: On December 12, 1978, we issued a report 1/ to the Congress critiquing 11 studies dealing with var...
Date Aug. 16, 1982 Report No. EMD-82-115 Title

Energy: Data Compiled for Shut-In Oil and Gas Wells on Onshore Federal Lands Are Inaccurate and Probably Unnecessary

$18 ” Q,,/ ,; ” . limo STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ENERGY AND DlVl5lON MINERALS B-208517 Mllllll IllIll 119196 -- AUGUST16,1982 The Honorable James G. Watt Secretary of the Interior Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: Data Compiled for Shut-In Oil and Gas Wells on Onshore Federal Lands Is Inaccurate and Probably Unnecessary (GAO/EMD-82-115) We recently completed an evaluat...
Date Aug. 6, 1982 Report No. GGD-82-68 Title

Financial Management: Improved Billing and Collection Activities Would Increase District of Columbia's Revenues

BY THEU.S.GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report ToThe Mayor Of The DistrictOf Columbia ,$.\m Improved BillingAnd Collection Activities Would Increase District Of Columbia’s Revenues 0 Three agencies--Departments of Human Services, Transportation, and Environmental Services-need to take timely, forceful, and persistent action to collect $75 million in delinquent accounts. The District reported that acc...
Date Aug. 4, 1982 Report No. FPCD-82-39 Title

Government Operations: Updating Interest Rates Charged on Outstanding Civil Service Retirement Contributions Would Save Millions

i3YTtiE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITED STATES Updating’ Interest Rates Charged On Outstanding Civil Service Retirement Contributions Would Save Millions Federal employees covered by the civil service retirement system are required to contribute toward meeting the system’s costs. However, many retiring employees owe the retirement fund for periods of prior civilian servi...
Date Aug. 2, 1982 Report No. FPCD-82-43 Title

Delegated Personnel Management Authorities: Better Monitoring and Oversight Needed

BYTHEU.S.GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report ToThe Director Off ice Of Personnel Management Delegated Personnel Management Authorities: Better Monitoring And Oversight Needed Encouraged by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, the Office of Personnel Management delegated many personnel authorities to Federal agencies. The act requires that the Office maintain an oversight program to protect merit syst...
Date July 30, 1982 Report No. EMD-82-105 Title

Energy: BPA and REA Actions and Activities Affecting Utility Participation in Washington Public Power Supply System Plants 4 and 5

r I *-. REPORT THEUS. BY General Accounting Office Bonneville Power Administration ‘And Rural Electrification Administration Actions And Activiti’es Affecting Utility Participation In Washington Public Power Supply System Plants 4 And 5 Congressman George Hansen asked GAO to examine the roles of the Bonneville Power Administration and the Rural Electrification Administration in development and...
Date July 30, 1982 Report No. FPCD-82-26 Title

Employment: Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures Should Be Reviewed and Revised

, ea p0S!A0u fXl~f3aM~!A~lj pln0Y.S S0Jnpa3OJd UO!$B%l0S ear(oiduq . ug sauyap!ng wJogun TaUUOSlad auTAaa lr 30 p~euoa aDT330 8rowaxTa aTqezouoH ayi STZSOZ-8 NOISIAICI NOIIVSMdW03 1INNOEblld ONV lVYJU3d 8602 ‘3’Q ‘N013NIHSVM 33IddO 9NllNll033V lVtl3N29 SXVlS aIlINn 2 5TZSOZ-8 S3NI?3aInf) a3sImm aa amow 31\31?3B SWSI1 ANWl c13SIA3ti aNQ a3MZIIA3X 38 amoHs S3tlfla330lid NOIKWmS 3XOldW3 fi0 s3N...
Date July 22, 1982 Report No. FPCD-82-55 Title

Government Operations: Objectivity of the Defense Science Board's Task Force on Embedded Computer Resources Acquisition and Management

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF D.C. THE W UNITED STATES s The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Objectivity of the Defense Science Board's Tayk Force on Rmbedded Computer Resources Acquisltxon and Management (GAO/FPCD-82-55) Subject: This report responds to your March 23, 1982, request that we review the operations of ...
Date July 22, 1982 Report No. 119027 Title

National Defense: The Defense Science Board's Task Force on Embedded Computer Resources Acquisition and Management

Date July 20, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-93 Title

Government Operations: Improvements Needed in GSA's Role in the Real Property Utilization Survey Program

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT. AN0 REAOINESS LOGISTICS, DIVISION B-207767 JULY 20,1982 The Honorable Administrator Dear Mr. Gerald P. Carmen of General Services Carmen: Improvements Heeded in GSA’s Role in the Real Property Utilization Survey Program (GAO/PLRD-82-93) lllllNl llllli 119079 Subject: reviewed how the General Services Administration (‘;S...
Date July 20, 1982 Report No. ID-82-49 Title

Financial Management: Review of Selected Aspects of Claims Division Operations and Certain Allegations Concerning Claim Payments and First-Class Air Travel

BY THEU.S.GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Chairman Of The Export-Import Bank Of The United States Review Of Selected Aspects Of Claims Division Operations And Certain Allegations Concerning Claim Payments And First-Class Air Travel The Export-Import Bank’s Claims Division plays an important role in minimizing the expenditure of Bank funds and recovering monies due to the Bank. However, it...
Date July 19, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-96 Title

National Defense: Evaluation of the DOD Readiness Report in Response to Public Law 96-342

B-202120 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Caspar W. Weinberger of Dcafense Director, GAO Affairs JULY 19,1= Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: .,Rpaluation oh~DODFs Readiness Report in Response to Public Law 96-34,,2 i(GAO/PLRD-82-96) In an attempt to obtain a clearer understanding of the relationship between defense funding levels and military readiness, the Congress, in 1977, enacted Public Law ...
Date July 12, 1982 Report No. HRD-82-100 Title

Income Security: State Drawdowns and Use of Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Funds

UNITED STATES GENERAL WASHINGTON, ACCOUNTING D.C. 20548 OFFICE HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION July 12, 1982 B-207686 The Honorable William H. Natcher Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: ~l~lll~lll 119084 Subject: State Drawdowns and Use of Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Funds (GAO/HRD...
Date July 9, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-87 Title

Information Management: Better Information Management Could Alleviate Oversight Problems With the GSA Construction Program

OF THE UNITED STATES Better Information Management Could Alkviate 0versi:g ht Problems With GSA% Construction Program GSA’s Public Buildings S’ervice’s methods to track its construction and repairs and alterations projects ate an’ in,sdequate combination of automated and manual efforts which are not effective as a management oversight tool. This tracking system is not capable of providing ...
Date July 2, 1982 Report No. HRD-82-40 Title

Income Security: Social Security Benefit Increases for Inflation May Leave Many Retirees Worse Off Financially

* I m Bi’ TOEcdMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Honorable Daniel K. lnouye United States Senate OF THEUNITEDSTATES Social Security Benefit Increases For Inflation May Leave Many Retirees Worse Off Financially Social security recipients get annual benefit increases to protect against inflation. Many also participate in income-tested public assistance programs, such as medicaid, food stamps, and ho...