Date |
Report No. |
Title |
Date March 29, 1993 |
Report No. T-RCED-93-26 |
United States (.&era1 Accounting Office 3,
I I. Testimony
Before the Legislation and National Security Subcommitteeand the Environment, Energy and Natural ResourcesSubcommittee, Committee on Government Operations U.S. House of Representatives
For Rttleilstt on Delivery Expestell ill I:00 PM EST MOII&I~ Mwh 29 I 19)oJ . Management Issues Facing the Environmental Protection Agency
Statementof... |
Date March 1, 1993 |
Report No. B-247155.2 |
rK nLA Comptroller General of the United Sbates Waski.on, D.C. 208 DO NOT MAKE AVAILABLE TO PUBUC REACNG
B-247155 .2 March 1, 1993 FOR 30 DAYS The Honorable John D. Dingell Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This responds to your February 1, 1993, request that we review the December 28, 1992, response ... |
Date Feb. 18, 1993 |
Report No. T-RCED-93-6 |
United States General Accounting-Offke ‘&$J + Testimony
Committee on GovernmentalAffairs United StatesSenate For Relcssc on Dclivcry Wdwkiy February IX. 1993 Creation of a Department of the Environment III I
148520 Statementfor the Record of Richard L. Hembra Director, EnvironmentalProtection Issues Resources, Community, and Economic DevelopmentDivision . GAO lhrm 160 (12191) OPR:OIMC/PCC I... |
Date Feb. 18, 1993 |
Report No. RCED-93-74FS |
“,” _. ..” _.” _.I.. .,“, .._._ ..“..“. ,......._ GAO t irrilcxi St.atc:s ..----...-_--- Accounting Gcnc*ral _... .__. ._.._. _ Office ---- _~---- ‘ ~hc*t,Shwt, for t,he Chairrntm, Ccmrr~xi ttec on Agriculture, Nutrition, anti I+mtst~-y, U.S. Senate
._.... _ ---_-I _-__---~- . ..-. --.-. ..” ..-... 1111---” --.--_... _ -... I...““-.“...-.--.” _..-..I-X. I’ c~ltnrary I... |
Date Feb. 8, 1993 |
Report No. RCED-93-77R |
’ GAO UnitedStates
General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-251445 February8,1993 The Honorable John D. Dingell Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: llllllllll llllll
148671 In response to your request, we reviewed the public release by ... |
Date Feb. 3, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-111FS |
--.----- MILITARY BASES Transfer of Pease Air Force Base Slowed by Environmental Concerns
--- 111 ll~lllll 1111
i 1486187 I / RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional ~ Relations. S56375 RELEASED GAO United States General Accaunting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Divis... |
Date Jan. 15, 1993 |
Report No. OP-93-1B |
United States General Accountinp! Offlce P-t8385 - brJc GAO
January I.993 Annual Report to the Chairmen, House and Senate Committees on Appropriations ~~~~~~l~~~ ~Mwms STATUS OF OPEN RECOMMENDATIONS Part B: Improving Resources, Community, and Economic Development Programs GAO/OP-93-B Comptroller General of the United States B-205879 January l&l993 The Honorable William H. Natcher Chairman, Committ... |
Date Jan. 8, 1993 |
Report No. RCED-93-62R |
united states GAO
B-251122 Jan~8,1998 General AccoantingOfTlce Waohin#ton,D.C,20548 Besonrces,Commnnity,and EconomicDevelopment Division The Honorable John D. Dingell Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear
Mr. Chairman: The Montreal Protocol of 1987--an international agreement-calls for reductions in worldwide productio... |
Date Dec. 9, 1992 |
Report No. PEMD-93-6 |
---*--l^-,ll*cI.-I- I inil tvl Slat,cs General Account,ing Office GAO
Ikcc~tlrbc~r 1992 ICq>ort t.,othe Chairman, Subcommittee on Super-fund, Ocean and Water I’ rotJttc:tion, Committee on Environment and Public: Works, U.S. Senate GROUNDWATER PROTECTION Validity and Feasibility of EPA’ Differential s Protection Strategy MI llllllllllllll
148291 RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the Genera... |
Date Dec. 1, 1992 |
Report No. OCG-93-16TR |
United States General Accounting Office . i 1 ,: :. 1. i ‘! i ,‘j~ ..’‘, . *+,’ ‘i GAO Transition Series b’: r /’ 1 (1‘, ,, ,; ’ ,,.“,’ 1.,, .’ ,“. ,..,.!’ ;.s. December 1992 Environmental Protection Issues !: . ir llllllllllll llll
. ‘,’ .;,, 4“ I “,.. ‘1’i + , ,. !. ‘_ “n.! 8 $ :. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. ... |
Date Dec. 1, 1992 |
Report No. OCG-93-9TR |
United States General Accounting Office . . GAO Transition Series December 1992 National Security lssues
: ,_’ ‘, V’,,,!“, .$,+.‘; .’ ,’ :. IIIlll II Ill
.: ., ., ‘,, ,:” .(. ,:,. . ,.
GAO/OCG-93-9TR Iem ” 4 .,,,.. ,’ .: ., _’ ;’ ,1 .’ ;, ,” ../. >,,a I‘ ,..,+, ,’ / “., _., ,‘, :’ .’ ’ .I’; ,. : ..:.~,;‘L~,,. ,,..‘,) .:: ,’ ,,! .p9 ... |
Date Oct. 21, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-93-2 |
lJnil,cd St;ates Gcnctral Accounting Office Report to the Honorable Alan Cranston, U.S. Senate 1 oc~l,oI,ct?r I!)!);! =I I’ I I/j ‘ , I 1 Y 1 ;I Y 1, WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT Many Issues Unresolved in Yellowstone Bison-Cattle Brucellosis Conflict RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office upless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. - sss ,36. REL... |
Date Oct. 14, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-93-45R |
GAO United Statee General Accounting OtTice Washington, D.C. 20541) Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division * B-249970 III I llllllll
147991 October 14, 1992 3 &Jh spi 0 /p luii $9 * 3 -it v "0 "8 SW8 2 3 43 b B & 2 iii v1# ya !!I B gf KS p ezi 4" The Honorable John D. Dingell Chairman, Committee on Energy House of Representatives The Honorable Ron Wyden House of Representatives an... |
Date Oct. 13, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-93-4 |
GAO Report; to the Honorable Henry 13.Gonzalez, House of Repesentatives DRINKING WATER Projects That May Damage Sole Source Aquifers Are Not Always Identified RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional D m nh I I:, GAO United States General Accounting OfTice Washington, D.C. 20548 B-248674 October 13, 1992 The Ho... |
Date Oct. 7, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-93-48R |
#.GAO GenemlAccountingOilke Washingtan, D.C.201548 Resourcee,Community,and EconomicDevelopmentDivSsion unked
stat4?s B-250229 October 7, 1992 The Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes Chairman, Joint Economic Committee United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: and subsequent In response to your March 16, 1992, letter discussions with your office, we examined research on the extent to which existing farm commod... |
Date Sept. 25, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-288 |
r 1Jnited States General Accounting Office GAO
Sept4?111bcr1992 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives AIR POLLUTION Unresolved Issues May Hamper Success of EPA’ Proposed s Emissions Program
/ llllllllllllll ll
147825 RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically a... |
Date Sept. 18, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-282R |
GAO l’nited States General Accounting Offwe Washington, D.C. 20518 /s-i3 5Q 7 ResourcesI Community, Economic Development and Division B-249056 September 18, 1992 The Honorable Ron Marlenee House of Representatives Dear Mr. Marlenee: YOU requested that we provide information on the contracts between the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes and the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian ... |
Date Aug. 21, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-256R |
e, Y, GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-249636 August 21, 1992
147883 The Honorable Barbara Boxer House of Representatives Dear Mrs. Boxer: This letter responds to your request that we review the scientific adequacy of documentation compiled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in support of its decisio... |
Date Aug. 20, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-109FS |
GAO NUCLEAR MXYTERIALS I” %‘actSheet for the Chairman, I Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on j Government Operations, House of Representatives -. ._. .--.-.-.--- -.-.-.--.....__.-.._ ._.- .__ .-.-. -..--..-^. ..--...._ _... __..-- ...- .___I_ -,_ ...._-_.. .-. tJniteci Stats t’; |
Date Aug. 17, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-99 |
( ..“I .__ ,_. .._.._.l.lll..- .._-. ._.. _.... . .I ..-.__ -.. I -...__ II. ._ ..__-~ NATURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION Reelfoot Lake Lease Terms Met, but Lake Continues to Deteriorate
147360 I RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless suecificallv approved by the Office of Relations. Y SED GAO United States General Accounting Off’ ice Wahb@on, D.C. 20548 Resource... |
Date Aug. 4, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-84 |
United States General Accounting Office Testimony
Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight Committee on Public Works and Transportation House of Representatives For Release on Delivery Expectedat 10:00a.m. EDT Tuesday August 4, 1992 WATER POLLUTION Alternative Strategies Needed to Reduce WastewaterTreatment Costs
Statement for the Record by Richard L. Hembra, Director 6 Environmental Protectio... |
Date Aug. 3, 1992 |
Report No. GGD-92-113 |
IJnited Statm General ____._..-. ._.IOff&e,, ,, ,I Accourltirlg _ . _ _ I_.,... _- ._____ Report to the Chairman, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, U.S. Senate
~.-___-.. .- .._____-. ~_ -.-_ -.--..-- U.S.-MEXICO TRADE Assessment of Mexico’ s Environmental Controls for New Companies llllllll II llll
147364 .._... _. &om;I)-!)2-ii3 .._..__ ____. _.______-.-.---___ GAS3 Unitad Stat... |
Date Aug. 3, 1992 |
Report No. GGD-92-113SV |
Evaluacih de 10s controles ambientales de Mexico para las nuevas empresas 147555 -- %/(;(;I)-!J2-1 13SV GAO United States General Accounting Ofllce Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-249192 3 de ago&o de 1992 Al Honorable Ernest E. Hollings Presidente de1 Comitk de Comercio, Ciencia y Transporte Senado de 10s E&ados Unidos Honorable Presidente: De acuerdo con su solicitud, analiz... |
Date July 28, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-82 |
United Statw GeneralAccountingOffice Testimony
Before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives For Release on Dclivcry Expected at 1O:oO EDT a.m. Tuesday July 28, 1992 FEDERAL FACILITIES Issues Involved in Cleaning Up Hazardous Waste
Statement of Richard L. Hembra, Director Environmental Protection Issues, Resources,Co... |
Date July 21, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-81 |
United States General Accounting Offke Testimony
Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate For Release on Delivery Expectedat 10:00a.m., EDT Tuesday July 21, 1992 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Comments on S. 2632, the ‘ National Environmental Technologies Agency Act’
Statement of Victor S. Rezendes,Director, Energy Issues, Resources,Community, and Economic Development Divisi... |
Date July 13, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-173BR |
“I~ II 11 11 -__” ‘ / I ...-..-.--_..---.-_‘Citates .___.__l__..__l___..~..~.~.-..- ._..... .._.._ United ~_-_---~. General ._ I _.... 11 “1’ G#,/(J /, Accounting ~----- Office - - - -- ;’ ‘ 1 1 Briefing Report to Congressional Requesters _l__-_.“.. . I.. ._.- _ . .- _._ -..---... ..__ _.-.----.____- ------“-.-~-_~___ --_.~ ; July 1992 ENDANGERED SPECIES Past Actions Taken to A... |
Date July 9, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-62 |
United States General Accounting OflIce GAO
For Release on Delivery Expectedat 9:30 a.m. EST Thursday July 9, 1992 Testimony
Before the Committee on Agriculture, U.S. House of Representatives PESTICIDES Differences in U.S. and Mexican Pesticide Standards and Enforcement
Statementof Peter F. Guerrero, Associate Director, Environmental Protection Issues, Resources,Community, and Economic Development... |
Date July 8, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-78 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
For Release on Delivery Expectedat 1090 a.m. EDT Wednesday July 8, 1992 Testimony
Before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives SUPERFUND Actions Needed to Correct Long-Standing Contract ManagementProblems
Statement of J. Dexter Peach, Assistant Comptroller General Resources,Community,... |
Date July 6, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-184 |
1Jnited States General Accounting Office !GAO
II Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives
. . ..-_-_.- ..-_ -.____ DRINKING WATER - Widening Gap Between Needs and Available Resources Threatens Vital EPA Program
-_ 147247 ,___,__-. """ .._.....__." ---.-I;AO/RCED-92-184 I?&T@ICTEILNO~ to be released outsidkthe Geq... |
Date June 30, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-78 |
IJnited ._.____.... General...._._..._-.._ ,.. _. StatesI-__._ . Accounting -Office.. .. .._. -...-._._- . -...-. - .___............ - . .._.... .. . - Report to Congressional Requesters _. ^...i . ..__ . _ - ._- ..-.” -..- ----.--_ -- ,Junc 1992 HAZARDOUS WASTE A North Carolina Incinerator’ s Noncompliance With EPA and OSHA Requirements II 146983 - -_-.-.. ...-..-.~ .--. GAO/RCED-92-78 ..--..... |
Date June 30, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-229R |
# * GAO UnitedStake
General Accounting OlYlce J Waehington,D.C. 20548 Resources,Community,and Economic Development Dfvision B-249056 June 30, 1992 The Honorable Pat Williams House of Representatives Dear Mr. Williams: II 11111 II
147882 You requested that we provide information on two contracts between the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes and the Department of the Interior's Bureau of India... |
Date June 26, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-92-253FS |
United States General Accounting Office Fact Sheet for Congressional Requesters
‘ .. ix i*, i.-, ‘ . ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP Information on Contractor Cleanup Costs and DOD Reimbursements
r. ,,-: GAO United States
General Accounting OfTice Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International AfTaIrs Division B-246822 June 26,1992 The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Gover... |
Date June 25, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-135 |
. . I _l.”“,“1 “._I . ..” IJnited _ States General Accounting .-.___._---.--.-.-.-.. Offke GAO
June 1992 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Superfund, Ocean, and Water Protection, Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate - -.-----;I* DRINKINGWATER
Consumers Often Not Well-informed of Potentially Serious Violations . RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Ac... |
Date June 23, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-170BR |
.l\ll1(! I!)!)2 Il3Y’ icfing Report to the Honorable T\lorman D. Ilicks, House of Representatives AGRICULTURAL MARKETING Status of the Forest Products Industry
. II ll lllllllllll
146908 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-248184 June23,1992 The Honorable Norman D. Dicks House of Representatives Dear Mr.... |
Date June 17, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-140 |
__ @ ited __.__.. _General . .._._-___ ..__ Office _..- ---- .___-_--__States _..___. Accounting _ ___..._._ __ ..-__ ____^ .., - ” ‘ ,. L ‘ GAO
_._ .^.. ..___. Report to the Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives __~.---._.._...^I..... ..___._ _“._. _^-__.-__-_--I_.- _.--.---.--. J&w 1992 PESTICIDES Comparison of U.S. and Mexican Pesticide Standards and Enforcement ,... |
Date June 10, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-54 |
United States General Accounting Office Testimony
Before the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Navigation, House of Representatives
For Release on Delivery Expected at 2 p.m. EDT Wednesday June lo,1992 COAST GUARD
Abandoned Vessels Are Polluting the Waterways Statement of John H. Anderson, Jr., Associate Director Transportation Issues, Resources, Community... |
Date May 15, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-186 |
GAO Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on He&h and the Environment, Committee on Energy and Commerce, I-Iouse of Representatives
__.._ _ _ ___._.. .._.. ..-. _II .” _.._ “.. . _...I “.l”l I-ii 1^11(1”111 TOXIC SUBSTANCES Federal Programs Do Not Fully Address Some Lead Exposure Issues
146863 \ RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically appro... |
Date May 14, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-92-219R |
GAO United States General Accounting Of’ flce Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-245108 May 14, 1992 111ll lllIlllllll
The Honorable Mike Synar Chairman, Subcommittee on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: As you requested, we are reviewing the Army's progress in obtai... |
Date May 12, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-60 |
United States General Accounting OfTIce *GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EDT Tuesday May li. 1992 Testimony
Before the Subcommitteeon National Parks and Public Lands, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives RANGELAND MANAGEMENT Resultsof RecentWork Addressingthe Performance of Land Management Agencies
Statementof J. Dexter Peach, Assistant Comptroller... |
Date May 8, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-131BR |
ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT es n?P and Number of Implementing Actions llllllll llllll ll
146775 RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically amroved bs the Office of Conmessional deiations. ”
_I ,. ““, ..._” I,._ ..___....^ ._,... RELEASED ‘JA~,)/KC:I1:1)-92-131BH, “ GAO United States General Accounting OfTice Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Com... |
Date April 14, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-107 |
-._ -... ..-.__._. ._ -_.-.-_. ~- ENVIRONMENT‘ AL ENFORCEMENT Alternative Enforcement Organizations for EPA RES!lYRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. P ._ .-I _ _^_._.. __.._ . ..I. _ .._ .“._ .-.. .__-.._.-. ___-.-__- .-._._._,-- ..__._... _-_-_--_-_ __._.__----~ -__- l-l_“l...------ -...... |
Date April 7, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-46 |
United States General Accounting Office /ctb3V3 r, * Testimony
Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate 146343 For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Tuesday April 7, 1992 IllI WATER POLLUTION EPA Budget Needs to Place GreaterEmphasison Controlling Nonpoint Source Pollution
Statement for the Record by Richard L. Hembra, Director Environmental Protection Issues Resources,Co... |
Date April 3, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-42 |
United StatesGeneralAccounting Office /4L?3fly ” , GAO Testimony
Before the Subcommittee on Transportation and Hazardous Materials, Committee on Energy &d Commerce, House of Representatives . For Rcleasc on Delivery Expectedat 2&O p.m. EST Friday April 3,1992 SOLID WASTE 146344 Progressin Implementing the FederalProgram to Buy ProductsContaining RecoveredMaterials
Statement for the Record by Ric... |
Date April 1, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-49 |
United States General Accounting Off’ke GAO
For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 9:30 a.m. EST Wednesday April I,1992 Testimony
Before the Department of Energy DefenseNuclear Facilities Panel Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives NUCLEAR WEAPONS COMPLEX GAO’s Views on Reconfiguring the Complex
Statementof Victor S. Rezendes, Director, Energy Issues Resources,Community, and Economic... |
Date March 30, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-43 |
United StatesGeneralAccounting Office / /&db / GAO
For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat I:00 p.m., EST Monday March 30, 1992 Testimony
Before the Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities Panel Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives Ill II llwllll
146265 NUCLEAR WEAPONS COMPLEX Improving DOE’ s Managementof the Environmental Cleanup
Statement of Victor S. Rezendes,Director, Ener... |
Date March 24, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-162 |
-- -- March 1!)!U NUCLEAR HEALTH AND SAFETY Increased Rating Results in Awaxd Fee to Rocky Flats Contractor
. -, : i.--“-.-- ’ (;Aolfil(:I:I)-!)2-162
, -‘ a United Statee General Accounting Odlice Washington, D.C. 20648 Besources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-234139 March 24,1992 The Honorable Timothy E. Wirth United States Senate The Honorable David I$. Skaggs House of Rep... |
Date March 23, 1992 |
Report No. PEMD-92-16 |
.---.“*l.-llll GAO
March 1.992 WMTE MINIMIZATION Major Problems of Data Reliability and Validity Identified ‘GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Program Evaluation and Methodology Division B-235931 March 23,1992 The Honorable Quentin N. Burdick Chairman, Committee on Environment and Public Works United States Senate The Honorable Max Baucus Chairman, Subcommittee... |
Date March 11, 1992 |
Report No. T-RCED-92-38 |
United States General Accounting OfIke Testimony
Before the Subcommitteeon Department Operations,Research,and Foreign Agriculture, House of Representatives For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 9:30 a.m., EST Wednesday March 11, 1992 PESTICIDES USDA’s Pesticides ResidueResearchProject
Statementof John W. Harman, Director, Food and Agriculture Issues, Resources,Community, and Economic DevelopmentDivi... |
Date Feb. 27, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-102 |
I-- _-____ ,_-__ ___-_-_ ..-.-..” ..^.I. .“_““.__-. - .._.I ..------““--..- _.-.I-~.- -.-- ..-_ -.-..---.-..-I lnit,vci SCatcw G~*nc~rttI Acmwnting Office - -- GAO Rqwrt t,o the Chairman, Environment, E ncrgy , and Natural Resources Subcommittc!c, Committee on Government Operations, House of Rcprcscntatives HAZAI3DOUSWMTE Management of Maquiladoras’ Waste Hampered by Lack of Informat... |
Date Jan. 27, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-43 |
INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT International Agreements Are Not Well Monitored lllllllll llllllll
145711 --(;A() |