Date |
Report No. |
Title |
Date March 23, 1993 |
Report No. T-NSIAD-93-10 |
l*u--s .I‘ United States Generd Accduntha OMce I GAO
For Release Delivery on Expectedat 390 p.m. EST Tuesday, March 23.1993 Testimony
Beforethe Subcommittee Western on Hemisphere Affairs, Committeeon ForeignAffairs, Houseof Representatives EL SALVADOR Statusof Reconstruction Activities One Year After the PeaceAgreement
Statement HaroldJ. Johnson, of Director,InternationalAffairs Issues, National... |
Date March 15, 1993 |
Report No. T-GGD-93-7 |
Unfted States General Accounting OMce I~@ r#bu Testimony
Before the Subcommitteeon Economic Policy, Trade and Environment, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 290 p.m., EST Monday, March lS,lW3 EXPORT PROMOTION GovernmentwideStrategy Neededfor FederalPrograms
Statementof Allan I. Mendelowitz, Director Financial Institutions and International Tra... |
Date Feb. 22, 1993 |
Report No. T-HRD-93-5 |
United StatesGenerd kmmtinp Office GAO
For Release D&very on Eqwedat 1050 am., EST
Mai&ly Testimony
Before the Subcommitteeon Health and the Environment; Committee on Energy and Commerce, _ House of Representatives PRESCRIPTIONDRUGS CompaniesTypically Charge More in the United States Than in Canada
Statementof Janet L. SWes, Director, Health Financing and Policy Issues, Human ResourcesDivision Fcb... |
Date Feb. 18, 1993 |
Report No. T-PEMD-93-1 |
United States General Accounting Offtice - - ’ GAO
For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 1O:OO a.m. Thursday February 18,1993 Testimony
Before the Subcommitteeon Elementary, Secondary,and Vocational Education Committee on Education and Labor House of Representatives StudentAchievement Standardsand Testing 148528 Statementof Eleanor Chelimsky Assistant Comptroller General Program Evaluation and Metho... |
Date Feb. 17, 1993 |
Report No. HRD-93-51 |
PRESCRIPTION DRUG PRICES i 48527 Ill RESTRICTED-Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. I 5Sb’ f58 RELEASED GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-247942 February 17, 1993 The Honorable David Pryor Chairman, Special Committee on Aging United States Senate... |
Date Jan. 25, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-57 |
--~J;~Iirr:i t*y I !)!KJ AID TO KENYA Accountability for Economic and Military Assistance Can Be Improved
,- RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless, specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. s5631s RELEASED ---~-,1----1- -I~ --- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Af%irs Di... |
Date Jan. 21, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-109 |
Report; to Congressional Requesters .Jattu;wy l!J!JS FOREIGN ASSISTANCE Meeting the Training Needs of Police in New Democracies 148413 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 NationaJ Security and International Affairs Division B-251670 January 21, 1993 The Honorable Richard Lugar The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan The Honorable Thomas A. Daschle United States Senate ... |
Date Jan. 6, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-120R |
’ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Af’ f”s Division B-251538 January6,1993 The Honorable Earl Hutto Subcommittee on Readiness Chairman, Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: we reviewed the grant of U.S. In response to your request, excess defense articles from Subic Bay Naval Base to the ... |
Date Jan. 1, 1993 |
Report No. 150665 |
Internationale Zeitschrift fiir staatliche Finanz kontrolle
Januar 1993 It&v-national Journal of Government Auditing, Inc. Die Intemationale Zeitschrif?flirstaatliche Fikan&ontrolle wird viertel jtilich (im Januar, April, Juli turd Oktober) im Auftrag der Intemationalet Organisation der Obersten Rechnungskontrollbehijrden (INTOSAI) herausge geben und erscheint in Arabisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Fran... |
Date Jan. 1, 1993 |
Report No. 149880 |
’ lllll lliliIll1 11111 Ill11 II11
149880 International Journal of Government
January 1993-Vol. 20, No. 1
01993 Intermtionul Journal of Government Auditing, Inc. Board of Editors
Franz Fiedler, President, Court of Audit, Austria L. Denis Desautels, Auditor General, Canada Dali Jazi, Premier President, Court of Accounts, Tunisia Charles A. Bowsher, Comptroller General, United States Jose... |
Date Jan. 1, 1993 |
Report No. 150210 |
r- I ._-. r. h “I 34 - 1 - 593 - 3894:
( $l+Yl&,>I - k;UI - +.d$lI &UI ) - ;4@b’ I 3 - 2 - 1 Kasumigaseki, Chyoda - ku Tokyo 100 Japan 813- 3581- 8125 = 18 - 3 - 3592 - 1807 &I1611
( ;4&Yl I Av. More N 82 Col Juarez Mexico D.F. CP 06600 , Mexico 34 - 1 - 447 8701 Ext 209 = 34-l-593-3894:
&Lhll (+Ll+UI ) Eric Williams Finance Building 2 Podium Floor , P .O.Box 340 . Port of Spain , Trinidad To... |
Date Jan. 1, 1993 |
Report No. 151515 |
Revista International de Auditoria Gubernamental Enero 1993 - Vol. 20,
La Revvista Intemacional de Audtorzia Gubemamental, qut se publica trimestralmente (enero, abril, julio y octubre) en ediciones separadss en alem&, drabe, espafiol, franc& e inglkk, es una publicacibn oficial de la INTOSAI (Orgsnizaci6n Intemacional de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superior&. La Revista que es el brgano oficial de ... |
Date Jan. 1, 1993 |
Report No. 149879 |
evue internationale de la v6rification des comptes publics
Revuetrimestrielie l janvier 1993 Vol. 20, no 1
0 1993 International Journal ofGovernmentAuditing Inc. Lu Revueintemationale de la v4rification descomptespublics est publieetous les trimestres Qanvier,avril, juillet et octobre) pour le compte de I’ INTOSAI (Organisation intemationale des Institutions superieuresde controle des finances ... |
Date Dec. 30, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-101 |
..“” ..“-..I_~ - .^_. --._._ _...___ __--. -_--.~__ ‘ --.. ---._.I OOLLI( * * I)~~(*(~IIlI~1~I' FORMER SOVIET UNION Assistance by the United States and Other Donors / -. / llllllllli’ w l~ll I
148169 _. .._l-” ..-.-.-- l.“l”.-.l.ll . ..-- “- _. -_-----~---~ ~r~\~I~/NsI~\I~-!~:~-Io1 ” - .~ .__ . .._ -.-.-_-__--._I__- -__-- - . ..-. ---I”---------- __I. .-.... ..II GAO United M... |
Date Dec. 23, 1992 |
Report No. GGD-93-39 |
l.Jnit.cxl Gcmctral Amounting Ol‘ liw w-m- GAO Report to Chairwoman, Subconmittee on Internat,ional Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy, Conu-nittee on Banking, Finance and T..Jrban Affairs, House of Representatives EXPORT FINANCE The Role of the U.S. Export-Import Bank GAO United States General Accounting Of’ flce Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-261662... |
Date Dec. 11, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-55 |
Report to the Chairman, Committ,ee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives AID’ Private-Sector s Assistance Program at a Crossroads United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-249938 December 11, 1992 The Honorable Dante B. Fascell Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This... |
Date Dec. 1, 1992 |
Report No. OCG-93-8TR |
United States General Accounting Of&e Transition Series December 1992 Health Care Reform Ill llRllUlllU
148252 b’
GAO/OCG-93-8TR I@ %“a% ./ .., .,,; ,‘,, ,.” ,’ ,, ,. :. I (, ‘>,,;: ,.‘.’ ,:’ , ., i “, ,,., ,“.r: .’ ,‘? ‘;‘. ,,‘,,\ ,,. . ‘, ‘, _” ‘. .‘i /;. .; > -, ;’ , .: ;‘.: c _, ‘,. ‘y!L ” ;, /’ ‘, ,’ .’ .s GAO United States General A... |
Date Nov. 20, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-93-42 |
linitcttl Statcts Gcnc:r:d Accounting Office GAO Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives AllATION SAI?ETY Increased Oversight of Foreign Carriers Needed /-” llllllllllll HR
148187 YRESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of C... |
Date Nov. 20, 1992 |
Report No. GGD-93-16 |
--_--_---. llttit,wi Sl.irt.cs (;cbttc:ral Accortttt,ittg Office NIGERIAN OIL Issues Affecting U.S. Investment in the Petroleum Sector RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unleik‘ specifically approved by the Office of Con Relations. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-260806 November 20, 1992 The Honora... |
Date Nov. 18, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-58 |
IJnited States Gcmeral Accountmg Office: I GAO
November 1992 Report to the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member, Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives FOREIGN ASSISTANCE Cost Reductions Possible From Improved Cash Transfer Management GAO/NSIAD-93-58 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.... |
Date Nov. 16, 1992 |
Report No. PEMD-93-10R |
GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Program Evaluation and Methodology Division November 16, 1992 The Honorable Robert J. Mrazek House of Representatives
House 147988 The Honorable Thomas J. Ridge of Representatives In your request letters of October 11, 1991, and April 21, 1992, you expressed your belief that it was an appropriate and useful time to assess the progr... |
Date Nov. 16, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-20BR |
-.-.-._ __--.~..-._ II ._._ _I_~ ._.__- Nowmh~~r I!)!)2 EL SALVADOR Role of Nongovernment Organizations in Postwar Recons true :tion 148059 - RESTRICTED--Not’ to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 5559/)’ RELEASED (;AO/NSIAI)-!):3-%OI3It GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Natio... |
Date Nov. 4, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-27 |
-__---. United States General Accounting Office ~ GAO
November 1992 Report to the Chairman, Committcoe on Energy and Natural Resources, L1.S.Senate j EASTEUROPEAN ENERGY
Prospects for Improvement in Albania’ Energy Sector s 148104 . RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. i%/NSIAD-93-27 GAO United... |
Date Oct. 30, 1992 |
Report No. GGD-93-15 |
I Jnitctd States General Acconntin~ ’jff: ,Y GAO
O(4 olwr 1 ow *. Report; to the Honorable Mil;ch McConnell, U.S. Senate INTERNATIONAL TRADE
Restrictions on U.S. Racehorses in Foreign Country Races
.__- llllIll
148054 . .. .- RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. ’ 55s SOS - GAO United States ... |
Date Oct. 1, 1992 |
Report No. 150212 |
Vierteljahresheft Oktober 1992 Jahrgang 19, Nr. 4
l 0 1992 Intemational Journal of GovernmentAuditing, Inc. Die Itiernationnle Zeirschrift fdr sttxt&% Finanzfwn~rolle wire
vierteljlhrlicb (im Januar, April, Juli und Oktober) im Auftrag de Internationalen Organisation der Obersten Rechnungskontrollbeh6r den (INTOSAI) herausgegeben und erscheint in Arabisch, Deutsch Englisch, Franzi... |
Date Oct. 1, 1992 |
Report No. 148209 |
& 0
e 1 . . nternational Journal of Government Auditing
Quarterly October 1992 Vol. 19,No. 4
l 01992 Intematioml Journal of Govemnmt Auditing. Inc. Board of Edltors
Franz Fiedler, President, Court of Audit, Austria L. Denis Desautels, Auditor General, Canada Hassine Cherif. Premier President, Court of Accounts, Tunisia Charles A. Bowsher, Comptroller General, United States Jose Ramon Medina, Compt... |
Date Oct. 1, 1992 |
Report No. 150211 |
7 2.. >.._r .. . . “:.:.:.:~.:~.~.~~~.:.~.~,:, y,,,: ,:,‘ :.: ::, : : :::.:,:,:,): .:,: :.,.:,.,.,,., ~,~,.i :,:,,, ~ ,,,, ~:~~::‘“.::~.~n ‘ . ..V....... . ,.. ,.... . . . . .,..............n .: i::.,.:...;:.:.:.:.,.: L.C..7 .,.. . ..v >,.~.$g~ >:.::;w.:: .‘ ‘ .-,., :‘,.,.. >:‘“.‘.X:,..:,, ::...:.:.~ ,, ‘“.‘.‘.“‘:.:.:.‘.:.:.:f.‘(L : ..: %‘ A’ y. :.‘” ... |
Date Oct. 1, 1992 |
Report No. 151517 |
xernamona ‘ Auditori? 7e %?llbernamenta:
‘ _ ._ ‘ -. , ‘ ..I . .: .’ . . ;:, Trimestrd’ Octubre 199 * ._ ., ... .-. -...I .‘ .;..‘ . . _:, ‘ : ..‘ . : -. i:. :- La Rev&a Itrtcrnacional de Auditoria Guben~amental, que se pu- blica trimestralmente(enero, abril, julio y octubre) en ediciones separadas alemsn, arabe, esptiol, franc& e inglts es una puen blicaci6n oficial de INTOSAI... |
Date Sept. 30, 1992 |
Report No. HRD-92-110 |
lJnited States General Accounting Office GAO
September 1992 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, Committee on Energy and Commerce; House of Representatives PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Companies Q-pieally Charge More in the United States Than in Canada
,- aESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Offke unless specifically approved by the Office of Congres... |
Date Sept. 24, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-92-269 |
FOREIGN ASSISTANCE Promising Approach to Judicial Reform in Colombia I GAO United States General Accounting Office ‘Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-249318 September 24, 1992 The Honorable Alan Cranston The Honorable Richard Lugar The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan The Honorable Brock Adams The Honorable Thomas A. Daschle United States Senate This ... |
Date Sept. 22, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-92-338 |
GAO IZcp0r-t to Congressional Rcquwkrs AID TO EL SALVADOR Slow Progress in Developing a National Civilian Police 147695 - _- I’ , GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-260336 September 22,1992 The Honorable Robert G. Torricelli Chairman, Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs Committee on Foreign Affairs Hous... |
Date Aug. 4, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-92-257 |
” .. ~I. I l”i- ., ._...I-._~.. .I...~ ..___----. -._-- -.___.. -----I____-____ Allg’rlst I!)!)2 EAST EUROPEAN ENERGY Romania’s Enera Needs Persist 111 , Ill UllllllII
147510 ItESTRICTED-Not General Accounting approved by the Relations. to 0 5 released outside the unless specifically -mm ----_-- -.-_ -- ..- ---- -_____ --” --- ---I GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, ... |
Date July 20, 1992 |
Report No. GGD-92-114 |
I.Jnitd Stwtcs Gcnoral Accounting OMicct R&&t t&he Chairman, Committee on ’ . Finance, U.S. Senate INTERNATIO%kL TRADE Romanian Trade Data __.._. _- .I ~. ^. --- ._.. __ ._ ---~ .__ ____---------_--.- __._.--....-----. -.-.-..-_- ---------. ---. GAO/C;GLHW114 1 - GAO United States General Accounting OfTIce Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division El-249288 July 20,1992 The HonorableLlo... |
Date July 1, 1992 |
Report No. 150971 |
. I Internationale Zeitschrift fiir staatliche Finanzkontrolle
Vierteljahreshefi l Juli 1992 Jahrgang 19, Nr. 3
0 1992 In~errudonal Journal of GovemmenI Auditing, Inc. Redaktionsbeirat Die Internationak Zeitschriftfilr staatliche Finanzkmtrolk wird vierteljiihrlich (im Januar, April, Juli und Oktober) im A&rag der Internationalen Organisation der Obersten Rechnungskontrollbehlirden (INTOSAI) herau... |
Date July 1, 1992 |
Report No. 150970 |
Government Auditing
Quarterly July 1992 Vol. 19, No. 3
l 01992 International Journal of Government Auditing, Inc. The International Journal of Government Auditing is publishecfl quarterly (January, April, July, October) in Arabic, English, Frencl 1, German, and Spanish editions on behalf of INTOSAI (Intemationa ll Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions). The Journai, whicl h is the official o... |
Date July 1, 1992 |
Report No. 150972 |
i .. i i;-~- . ,I;i . I |
Date July 1, 1992 |
Report No. 150958 |
l Julio 1992 I - _, ’ -d I Revista International de Auditoria Gubernamental
La Revista Iuteruacioual de Auditoria Guberuamental que se publica trimestralmente (enero, abril, julio y octubre) en ediciones separadas en aleman, brabe, espafiol, franc& e ingles es una publicaci6n oficial de INTOSAI (Organization Intemacional de Entidades Fiscaliiadoras Superiores). L... |
Date June 25, 1992 |
Report No. T-NSIAD-92-45 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
For Releaseon Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m., EDT, Thursday, June 25, 1992 Testimony
Before the Subcommitteeon Investigations, Committee on Armed Services,House of Representatives DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL SECURITY Issuesin the Proposed Acquisition of LTV Corporation Missiles Division by Thomson-CSF
Statementof JosephE. Kelley, Director, Security and Internati... |
Date June 22, 1992 |
Report No. GGD-92-97 |
HJrrited States General -. -.-----.-Accouuting .~ ^. Oflkf: Report to Congressional Requesters J&m 1992 EXPORT PROMOTION A Comparison of Programs in Five Industrialized Nations 4, ;~ ?! : GAS3 United Statea General Accounting Of&e
Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division
B-208003 June 22, 1992 The Honorable Doug Barnard, Jr. Chalrman, Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee... |
Date June 16, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-92-227 |
_ .._. _-.. -.. .._-.....-- ~-I .- -. ..-. ____. ~lllll(~ I !)!Q -- -_.---_.._-- SOUTH AMERICAN OIL Marginal Producers Not a Likely Source for Increased U.S. Imports
.., IIII00 I HI
147 ,RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically e I. m; approved by the Office of Cm Relations. - .- .-I-__ -._.-__
(;AO/NSJAJ,-!~z-zz’ ~ 55f.i 76 3 ___-_- ----- GAO Unit... |
Date June 10, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-92-129 |
Jni I __“l.l..-” t_I,l,l^_________ _._...-... -__.__.-. -___.l_^___.........**_I” t,tld St,at,cs Gc~neral Accounting - .._____-_ ..--_-. Offioc: GAO
_- Rq,ort t,o the Chairman, Subcommittee on I )( jr nestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promotion, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. scnatc -INTERNATIONAL TRADE Canada and Australia Rely Heavily on Wheat Boards to Mark... |
Date June 5, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-92-226 |
United States Genttral Accounting Office GAO
JUIW 1!)92 Report, to the Chairman, Pcrma&nt Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate THE DRUG Wm Extent of Problems in Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuela i _ 8111111 II
147145 RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Offke unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. Unite... |
Date June 5, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-92-231 |
. 1 Unit& -.- States General Account;ing Office #q ; Report to the Chairman, Committee on ’ Armed Services, House of Representatives Jww l!M2 DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY BASE Risks of Foreign Dependencies for Military Unique Critical Technologies
146998 RESTRICTED-Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. RELE,‘ H: GA... |
Date June 4, 1992 |
Report No. T-GGD-92-49 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at IO:00 a.m. EDT Thursday June 4. 1992 Testimony
Before the Subcommitteeon International Finance and Monetary Policy, Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate FOREIGN INVESTMENT Analyzing National Security-RelatedInvestments Under the Exon-Florio Provision
* Statementof Allan I. Mendelowitz Director, ... |
Date May 29, 1992 |
Report No. T-GGD-92-47 |
United States General Accounting Offke GAO
For Release on Delivery
Expected at Testimony
Before the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, House of Representatives 9:30 a.m. EDT Friday May 29, 1992 AGRICULTURE’S EXPORT CREDIT PROGRAMS Delays in Accessing Records Relating to Iraq
Statementof Allan I. Mendelowitz Director, International Trade and Finance Issues General GovernmentDivision... |
Date May 13, 1992 |
Report No. T-GGD-92-41 |
United StatesGeneralAccountingOfTice, la;6622- t , 7 GAO
For Release Delivery on Expected at 9:OO am. Wednesday May 13,1992 Testimony
Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer and Monetary Affairs Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives #I IllllllIIIII
146622 TAX ADMINISTRATION: Opportunities to Reduce the Burden of Filing and ProcessingTax Returns
Statement of Hazel E. Edw... |
Date May 12, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-92-147 |
-~--- _---_ Ilnit,cd Sl,al,cs Genttral ~-- Accounting Off’ ice GAO Ikport to the Chairman, Subcommittee on’ Foreign Operations, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate ; AID TO PANAMA Improving the Criminal Justice System
/-- Ill lllllll 1811
146678 I 1 RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. R... |
Date May 8, 1992 |
Report No. GGD-92-88BR |
lJnited States General Accounting Office __. ._ .____._ iIGAO ‘ I;
_._._, 1. .^. .-. ..I .,_. ._ ..__ __“_ .“... I.. . ._..._ - ..-_ “.. ._._........___.. Briefing Report to the Chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate --_-- May 1992 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Opportunities to Reduce Taxpaper Burden Through Return-Free Filing
i II ll llllllllIll
146593 ..___._.____... --- .-...- __.~._I-.... |
Date May 7, 1992 |
Report No. RCED-92-119 |
Un *ted States General Accounting Ofiice GAO
[May 1992 Report to the Chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives .,I _.I..I_......._._._..-. --..--.--” ~_, ..”I.. ._....._.____.-..”--__ ,.I .II _,.. -- WTERNATIVE F’ UELS Experiences of Brazil, Canada, and New Zealand in Using Alternative Motor Fuels
.I i
14... |
Date May 6, 1992 |
Report No. NSIAD-92-199 |
Costs and Compliance With Broadcast Standards and International Agreements -.
146597 1111111 IH RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Offke of Congressional Relations. lwwG- RELEASED GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-248284 May 6,1992 The Honora... |