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GAO Reports by subject "Contract oversight"

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Date Report No. Title
Date March 17, 1994 Report No. T-RCED-94-128 Title

Energy Management: Inadequate DOE Monitoring of Contractors' Acquisitions From Affiliates

Udted States General Accounting Ofike B GAO ForRelease Delivery on Expected a! 930 a.m., EST Tlmday March 17.1994 Testimony Before the Committee on GovernmentalAffairs United StatesSenate ENERGY MANAGEMENT Inadequate DOE Monitoring of Contractors’Acquisitions From Affiliates Statementof Victor S. Rezendes, Director, Energy and ScienceIssues, Resources, Community, and Economic DevelopmentDivision...
Date March 1, 1994 Report No. RCED-94-77 Title

Department of Energy: The Property Management System at the Rocky Flats Plant Is Inadequate

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 /Sd?OZ Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-255689 March 1,1994 The Honorable Mike Synar Chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives The Honorable David E. Skaggs House of Representatives The Honorable Ben Nighthorse Campbell Uni...
Date Feb. 11, 1994 Report No. RCED-94-83 Title

Energy Management: Inadequate DOE Monitoring of Contractors' Acquisitions From Affiliates

‘1: ,_ ‘I.. (. Q&f-J $$$ii!&i;tzF 1 .’ Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-255787 February 11,1994 The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: As you requested, this report presents the results of our work examining the Department of Energy’s (DOE) requirements for management and operating contractors...
Date Jan. 31, 1994 Report No. RCED-94-31 Title

Federal Contracting: Weaknesses Exist in NSF's Process for Awarding Contracts

I.. I, January 1994 y ‘, .: :, ,,,I ,: ’ United States General Accounting Office Wahington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Communi~, and /.57w3 Economic Development Division B-264395 Januaty 31,1994 The Honorable Jimmy Hayes Chairman, Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight Committee on Science, Space, and Technology House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: The National Science Foundation (NSF)...
Date Jan. 19, 1994 Report No. NSIAD-94-61 Title

Eastern Europe: AID's Indefinite Contracts Assist Privatization Efforts but Lack Adequate Oversight

United States General Accounting Office GAO January 1994 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives EASTERN EUROPE AID’ Indefinite s Contracts Assist Privatization Efforts but Lack Adequate Oversight United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and Int...
Date Dec. 22, 1993 Report No. GGD-94-41 Title

Resolution Trust Corporation: Better Information Could Enhance Controls Over Loan Servicing Costs

United States General Accounting Office GAO : : Report to the President and Chief Executive Officer, Resolution Trust Ckporation : j ‘ . ; ,, : RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION Better Information .Could Enhance Controls Over Loan Servicing Costs ,’ GAO United States General Accounting Office D.C. 20548 Division General Government Washington, B-254282 December 22,1993 The Honorable Roger C. Altman ...
Date Dec. 1, 1993 Report No. T-RCED-94-86 Title

DOE Management: Implementing the Environmental Restoration Management Contractor Concept

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 1OAHI EST am. Wednesday Dec. 1.1993 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives DOE MANAGEMENT Implementing the Environmental Restoration Management Contractor Concept Statementof Victor S. Rezendes, Director, Energy and Science Issues, Resou...
Date Nov. 30, 1993 Report No. GGD-94-5 Title

Resolution Trust Corporation: Oversight of SAMDA Property Management Contractors Needs Improvement

United States GenerhI Accounting Office GAO November 1998 , Report to the President and Chief’ Executive Officer, ,Resolutioti Trust Corporation RES~OL=UTION TRUST CORPORATION .’ .Ove,rsight of SMOA ,‘1Propert-y .. M~agement ,. s, ., . : ‘ ,‘Contractors Needs ,. : Zmprokement GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-254817 November ...
Date Oct. 29, 1993 Report No. T-RCED-94-67 Title

Ginnie Mae: Greater Staffing Flexibility Needed to Improve Management

United States General Accounting Office P GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 10 a.m., EDT Friday October 29. 19w Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Housing and Community Development, Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs, House of Representatives GINNIEMAE Greater Staffing Flexibility Neededto Improve Management 1 Statement of Jacquelyn L. Williams-Bridgers, Associate Director, Hou...
Date Oct. 27, 1993 Report No. T-OSI-94-9 Title

Foreign Military Aid to Israel: Diversion of U.S. Funds and Circumvention of U.S. Program Restrictions

United States General Accounting Office GAO. \ Release on ivery Expected k30 a.m., EDT :dnesday tober 27, 1993 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives FOREIGN MILITARY AID TO ISRAEL Diversion of U.S. Funds and Circumvention of U.S. Program Restrictions Statement by Richard C. Stiener, Director Office of Special Inv...
Date Oct. 27, 1993 Report No. RCED-94-49R Title

Energy: ERMC Follow-up

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-249446 October 27, 1993 The Honorable John D. Dingell Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: You requested that we determine how the Department of Energy (DOE) has implemented our re...
Date Sept. 30, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-29 Title

Financial Management: Energy's Material Financial Management Weaknesses Require Corrective Action

Energy’s Material Financial Management Weaknesses Require Corrective Action .I ~-I .-..l.-___l.---_l.“-.~ _.._ .- ..-. - .--. - .._ _..- ~ _... . ..- --._.-- - ! Accounting and Information Management Division B-247002 September 30,1993 The Honorable Hazel R. O’Leary The Secretary of Energy Dear Madam Secretary: This report presents the results of the financial management portion of our gener...
Date Sept. 14, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-177 Title

Federal Lands: Improvements Needed in Managing Short-Term Concessioners

Q! c Improvenxmts Needed in Managing Short-Term (loncessioners RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 558 I 002 RELEASED GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-253668 September 14, 1993 The Honorable Mike Synar Ch...
Date Sept. 13, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-107 Title

Resolution Trust Corporation: Additional Monitoring of Basic Ordering Agreements Needed

SPl,l ~~IIIIM~I 1!I!)3 RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION Additional Monitoring of Basic Ordering Agreements Needed , ,- llIlllI# Ill 150107 RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 558133 (;holGGI)-!f:3- 107 j I I* l”..“l ---_..._ I --... -lu _-_~----l_-l~.l-------” ----- -- GAO United States Genera...
Date Aug. 31, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-72 Title

Department of Energy: Management Problems Require a Long-Term Commitment to Change

. IJnited States Gcr~eral Accounting Office GAO August 19933 Report to the Secretary of Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Management Problems Require a Long-Term Commitment to Change United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-251352 August 31,1993 The Honorable Hazel R. O’ Leary The Secretary of Energy Dear Madam Secretary: ...
Date Aug. 23, 1993 Report No. NSIAD-93-254 Title

U.S.-Israel Arrow/Aces Program: Cost, Technical, Proliferation, and Management Concerns

IJnited States General Accounting Office GAO August 1993 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate U.S.-ISRAEL ARROW/ ACES PROGRAM Cost, Technical, Proliferation, and Management Concerns - GAWNSIAII-93-264 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washingtbn, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-248377 August 23,1993 The Honorable Robert C. Byr...
Date July 12, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-167 Title

DOE Management: Consistent Cleanup Indemnification Policy Is Needed

litrittxl SI.:tt,w Gc:ttwaJ Accwttttl.ittg Ollic~~ -- GAO .July 1!J!H -* Itrtport to t,he Chairman, Subwmmittee on Oversight and Investigations, Colm-nittee on Energy and Commerce, Iiouse of Representatives DOE MANAG.EMENT Consistent Cleanup Indemnification Policy Is Needed RESTRICTED--Not to ‘be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congres...
Date July 7, 1993 Report No. NSIAD-93-184 Title

Military Sales to Israel and Egypt: DOD Needs Stronger Controls Over U.S.-Financed Procurements

IJnitxd States General Accounting Office GAO July 1993 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on F’ oreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives MILITARY SALES TO ISRAEL AND EGYPT DOD Needs Stronger Controls Over U.S.-Financed Procurements GAO United States General Accounting OfTice Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and Inte...
Date June 30, 1993 Report No. NSIAD-93-63 Title

Defense Procurement: Programs for Considering Vendor's Past Performance in Awarding Contracts

Date June 10, 1993 Report No. T-RCED-93-53 Title

Technology Transfer: Implementation of CRADAs at NIST, Army, and DOE

United States General Accounting Office I \yq@3Y-s - Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Energy Committee on Science, Space, and Technology House of Representatives For Releaseon Delivery Expccredat 1:30 p.m. EDT Thursday June 10. 1993 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Implementation of CRADAs at NIST, Army, and DOE Statement by Jim Wells, Associate Director, Energy and Science Issues, Resources, Community, an...
Date June 7, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-136 Title

Superfund: EPA Action Could Have Minimized Program Management Costs

.lrlrlc~ I!)!):$ SUPERFUND EPA Action Could Have Minimized Program Management costs I . . . . ..I . ..,., ,I” ,.” ,..,., I ..-.. 11” . .._. -. ._.. -.---- ..--..- - ..--.... ._I”.,. ___..- __” .,I . _ ._..“.I__ .” .,..1 __I____,I_..-~~ __ --.. “l--ll---.--.----l GAO United States General Accouutiug Of’ fke Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Divi...
Date May 27, 1993 Report No. T-RCED-93-42 Title

Federal Land: Little Progress Made in Improving Oversight of Concessioners

United States General Accounting Office \4qzco - *** GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EDT ThlllXday May 27.1993 Testimony Before the Environment, Energy, and Natural ResourcesSubcommittee,Committee on Government Operations,House of Representatives FEDERALLAND Little Progress Made in Improving Oversight of Concessioners Statementof Keith 0. Fultz, Director, Planning and Reporting, R...
Date May 17, 1993 Report No. IMTEC-93-24 Title

High Performance Computing: Advanced Research Projects Agency Should Do More to Foster Program Goals

-- May. 1!I!):) HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING Advanced Research Projects Agency Should Do More -to Foster Program Goals i-“-’ --... IIllllllmi 148923 .._.- GAO United States General Accounting Of&e Washington, D.C. 20548 Information Management and Technology Divieion B-262639 May 17,1993 The Honorable Ronald V. Dellums Chairman, Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairm...
Date May 17, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-85 Title

Safety and Health: Key Independent Oversight Program at DOE Needs Strengthening

GAO Report to the Chairman, Committee on Govwnmental Affairs, U.S. Senate SAF’ ETY AND HEALTH Key Independent Oversight Program at DOE Needs Strengthening -_____._” -.-_ _ -._-_.... .____ ___. _. .l_l _l_. “,I. ._ I. . . _“_I._ “_.. .-.. l--.--l---.----“--_--.---- ---..a- -. Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-261639 May 17,1993 The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, ...
Date April 7, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-111 Title

Energy Management: DOE Has Improved Oversight of Its Work for Others Program

April i i)!U ENERGY MANAGEMENT DOE Has Improved Oversight of Its Work for Others Program GAO United States General Accounting OfYice Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-252012 April 7, 1993 The Honorable James A. Hayes Chairman, Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight Committee on Science, Space, and Technology House of Representatives Dear Mr. Cha...
Date March 4, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-71 Title

Nuclear Waste: Hanford's Well-Drilling Costs Can Be Reduced

I Ilkit ccl St.;tt.w Gerleral Awonnt,ing Offiw * GAO Kwt, I!W~ Report t;o the Chairman, Cornmit;t;et? on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate NUCLEAR WASTE Hanford’s Well-Drilling Costs Can Be Reduced II ll. lllllllllll 148866 RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. ’ 556565 RELEASED United States ...
Date Feb. 22, 1993 Report No. NSIAD-93-108 Title

Army Acquisition: Effective Subcontractor Oversight Needed Before Longbow Apache Production

ARMY ACQUISITION Effective Subcontractor Oversight Needed Before Longbow Apache Production 148844 RESTRICTED--Not to be released General Accounting Office unkss approved by the Offxce of Co Relations. SSd w -- outside the mecificalls (;A(‘,/NSIAI)-!):3-108 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-261849 February 22,...
Date Feb. 17, 1993 Report No. T-RCED-93-7 Title

Energy Management: High Risk Area Requires Fundamental Change

United States General Accounting Office I 4 5c GAO For Rehase Testimony Befe'. the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. Cor, rittee on Energy and Commerce, Hol of Reprm sentatives on Dclivery E Expe,, P li:(1) i.m. EST Wedlrc:,,lay February 17, 1993 E." RY MANAGEMENT 4 R( I '--I J M ANA-] -- - 1- - High Risk Area Requires Fundamental Change Statement of Victor S. Rezendes, Director, Energ...
Date Feb. 12, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-87 Title

Federal Research: Super Collider Is Over Budget and Behind Schedule

lJuitec1*s Gctned Accounting Office GAO 1~‘ el,r11ary 1 993 Report to Congressional Requesters i 48550 III FEDERALRESEARCH Super Collider Is Over Budget and Behind Schedule RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Con essional Relations. +,3y EELEASED GAO United States General Accounting Of‘ flce Washington, D.C....
Date Jan. 11, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-34 Title

General Services Administration: Actions Needed to Stop Buying Supplies From Poor-Performing Vendors

.l;rllrl;lI~,r I!)!):~ GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Actions Needed to Stop Buying Supplies From Poor-Performing . Vendors I RESTRICTED--Not to bt- released outside the General Accounting Of&w unless specifically approved by the Offlce of Congressional Relations. 556/# (;A( )/(;(;I)-!~:~-34 RELEASED 1 GA!!!!!! United States General Accounting Offlce Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Divi...
Date Dec. 23, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-93-99R Title

National Defense: IR&D/B&P Cost Principle Revisions

4 ~4enqC United States General Accounting O ftlce Washington, D.C. 20848 National Security and International Affbirs Division ; GAO B-224782 December 23, 1992 111H Mlllll l 148196 The Honorable Sam Nunn Chairman, Committee on Armed Services United States Senate The Honorable John G lenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate The Honorable Les Aspin Chairman, Committee on ...
Date Dec. 4, 1992 Report No. GGD-93-8R Title

Government Operations: RTC Western Storm Follow-up

unitadstatm GenemlAcconntin# ornce W~a.D.C.20648 GeneralGovernment Dtvi&n B-254081 December 4, 1992 The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: You asked for an update on the results of our work on the Western Storm project since the March 3, 1992, hearing before your Committee. Specifically, you asked that we provide an overall asse...
Date Dec. 3, 1992 Report No. T-RCED-93-2 Title

Federal Contracting: Cost-effective Contract Management Requires Sustained Commitment

United States General Accounting Offke GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 10 a.m. EST Thumlay, December 3, 1992 Testimony Before the Subcommitteeon Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives FEDERAL CONTRACTING Cost-effective Contract ManagementRequires SustainedCommitment Statementof J. Dexter Peach, Assistant Comptroller General, Resources,Commu...
Date Dec. 1, 1992 Report No. HR-93-9 Title

Energy: Department of Energy Contract Management

,, . .,,~,\,.I,“‘. I, / j, 148227 ~,.\o:ll?i !):I !) I / GA!! Washington, D.C. 20548 E:::PkznntI, mflce Comptroller General of the United States December 1992 The President of the Senate The Speaker of the House of Representatives In January 1990,in the aftermath of scandals at the Departments of Defense and Housing and Urban Development, the General Accounting Office began a special effort to...
Date Dec. 1, 1992 Report No. HR-93-11 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: NASA Contract Management

,, ./ II _ . . “l”“l.l-l-^ l._--“-_-“-.-----------“- GAO United States General Accounting Oface Washington, D.C. 2054g Comptroller General of the United States ” .. G ’ ,’ I, : :_-_: ,i ‘ I ;,’ @i ,‘ .., ‘ . ,. I_ 9 i ‘ I ‘ .. , ,. ., ,‘ . ,‘ . ’ I. .: ,,i ;. ‘ , .’ i;, ‘ . Related GAO Products Financial Management: NASA'SFinancial Reports Are Basedon Un...
Date Nov. 20, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-93-79 Title

Contract Pricing: Unallowable Costs Charged to Defense Contracts

Novc?r111mr 1 !I’ 32 CONTRACT PRICING Unallowable Costs Charged to Defense Contracts RESTR.ICTED--Not to be released qutside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 5'=5&3 ._ -RELEASED : 1 I ~-_- .I- --._-- GAO United States General Accounting Off’ ice Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-2610...
Date Nov. 19, 1992 Report No. RCED-93-67R Title

Transportation: DOT Contract Oversight

* * GAO General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20!548 unitedstates I B-251196 November 19, 1992 1 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division The Honorable William Lehman Chairman, Subcommittee on Transportation and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: for your Subcommittee Earlier this year, we began reviewing the centralized ove...
Date Nov. 16, 1992 Report No. RCED-93-10 Title

Nuclear Security: Improving Correction of Security Deficiencies at DOE's Weapons Facilities

*‘ I, “# 1 I Jnitoci States General 2 Accounting Office A0 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, I-louse of Representatives NUCLEAR SECURITY Improving Correction of Security Deficiencies at DO Weapons Facilities 148435 ” RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Of...
Date Oct. 23, 1992 Report No. IMTEC-93-2 Title

Johnson Space Center Procurement: Controls Over Payments to Contractors Should Be Strengthened

United States General Accounting Office ,*f‘ . \ GAO : October 1992 Report to the Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration JOHNSON SPACE CENTER PROCUREMENT Controls Over Payments to Contractors Should Be Strengthened 147779 GAOfiMTEC-93-2 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Information Management and Technology Division B-249741 October 23, 1992...
Date Sept. 24, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-265 Title

Government Contracting: Proposed Regulation Would Limit DOD's Ability to Review IR&D/B&P Program

StLpl~l~lllIwr 1 !)!I;! GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING Proposed Regulation Would Limit DOD’s Ability to Review IR&D/B&P Program 111 Ill II 111111 147586 -- GAC)/NSIAI)-9%26R GAO United States General Accounting OfTice Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-207974 September 24, 1992 The Honorable Ronald V. Dellums Chairman, Subcommittee on Research and Development C...
Date Sept. 10, 1992 Report No. T-HRD-92-56 Title

Health Insurance: Medicare and Private Payers Are Vulnerable to Fraud and Abuse

United States General Accounting Office I Testimony .. Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives For Release Delivery on Expected at 10:00a.m. Thursday September 10.1992 HEALTH INSURANCE Medicare and Private Payers Are Vulnerable to Fraud and Abuse Statement of Lawrence H. Thompson Assistant Comptroller General Human ResourcesDivision . os5375/ GAO/T-HRD-9246 1 u...
Date Aug. 18, 1992 Report No. IMTEC-92-70R Title

Information Management: Database Machine Procurement

Information Management and Techno@fy Divbion B-249347 August 18, 1992 147365 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Richard B. Cheney of Defense Secretary: This report describes the results of our risk assessment of the Navy and Air Force's multiagency database machine We identified potential risks to the acquisiti0n.l and ability to meet user acquisition's cost, schedule, needs, employing our recen...
Date Aug. 14, 1992 Report No. RCED-92-244 Title

DOE Management: Impediments to Environmental Restoration Management Contracting

[.nitctd General Accounting Office GAO Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives DOE MANAGEMENT Impediments to Environmental Restoration Management Contracting --_ ill111111 Ill ll 147428 ----I- _. _.~ ..___ ____ ,..,.... -., .._"_, Gfi()/Ii
Date Aug. 6, 1992 Report No. T-GGD-92-67 Title

Resolution Trust Corporation: Western Storm Investigation and Related Contracting Deficiencies

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Release on Delivery Expectedat 11:OO a.m. EDT Thursday August 6, 1992 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on General Oversight and Investigation Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs House of Representatives RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION Western Storm Investigation and Related Contracting Deficiencies Statement of Gaston L. Gianni, Jr. Associa...
Date July 21, 1992 Report No. RCED-92-242 Title

Federal Research: Implementation of the Super Collider's Cost and Schedule Control System

FEDE :ESP:LIRCH and Schedule Control System 147208 RESTRICTED-Not to be r&leased outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Offwe of Congressional Relations. _ _. .._ _._.__ United Stater Qeneral Accountirrg OEcice Wa&ingtan, D,C. 20648 Beoourceo, Community, and Economic Development Divhion B-227296 July 21,1992 The Honorable Dale L. Bumpers United StatesSenate Dear ...
Date July 9, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-230 Title

NASA Procurement: Improving Oversight of Construction Projects at the Langley Research Center

.-_., . ,_._ ..I -- -...-....” ..-._ I...._.. - ._.-. .-...-.-...--..-- ..___ ._._ -_-__- -. .I uly 1!wl -. --- --- NASA PROCUREMENT Improving Oversight of Construction Projects at the Langley Research Center --__._ __.. ._ -_ ..__-..... .., _..I.. _. __... _-.^-I -....-. .._.. l_l .__..-._.._._-___ “.l--l__l^ .___ .._------.. -__--__.----..----_-- i_l^-_-_.- .-.-.- 1- .--- (;AO/NSIAI)-!)~-~:I...
Date July 8, 1992 Report No. T-RCED-92-78 Title

Superfund: Actions Needed to Correct Long-Standing Contract Management Problems

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Release on Delivery Expectedat 1090 a.m. EDT Wednesday July 8, 1992 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives SUPERFUND Actions Needed to Correct Long-Standing Contract ManagementProblems Statement of J. Dexter Peach, Assistant Comptroller General Resources,Community,...
Date June 11, 1992 Report No. T-RCED-92-56 Title

Superfund: Current Progress and Issues Needing Further Attention

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at IO:00 a.m. EDT Thursday, June 11, 1992 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Oversight, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives SUPERFUND Current Progressand Issues Needing Further Attention Statement of Peter F. Guerrero, Associate Director, Environmental Protection Issues, Resources, Community, and Econo...
Date June 3, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-157 Title

GSA Transportation Audits: Contract Costs Can Be Reduced

United States Gcsuxal Accounting Office GAO Report to the Honorable ,Jon Kyl, House of Representatives ,; I I 1; TRANSPORTATION AUDITS Contract Costs Can Be Reduced 1111111 Ill 146651 GAO/NSIAD-92-157 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Natlcnal Security and International Affairs Division B-214149 June 3,1992 The Honorable Jon Kyl House of Representatives Dear Mr. Kyl: T...
Date May 28, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-138 Title

Contract Pricing: DOD's Audit Follow-up System Is Inaccurate and Incomplete

-~-__~ IJnitcd States Gtmeral Accounting Office 3 GAO May 19!12 Report to the Chairman, Committee on -Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate - ?i ’ CONTRACT PRICING DOD’ Audit Follow-up s System Is Inaccurate and Incomplete 146777 RESTRICTED--Not to be release& outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations,. 5q4-j~ RELEASED GAOINSIAD-92-...