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GAO Reports by subject "Auditing procedures"

Full-text search of 52,075 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Nov. 20, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-93-79 Title

Contract Pricing: Unallowable Costs Charged to Defense Contracts

Novc?r111mr 1 !I’ 32 CONTRACT PRICING Unallowable Costs Charged to Defense Contracts RESTR.ICTED--Not to be released qutside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 5'=5&3 ._ -RELEASED : 1 I ~-_- .I- --._-- GAO United States General Accounting Off’ ice Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-2610...
Date Nov. 1, 1992 Report No. 148659 Title

Special Publications: General Policies/Procedures Manual

\ ’ 7. GAO Assistant Comptroller of the United States Washington, Office D.C. 20548 General I111111 Ill1 -’ -d 11111 IIll+ llllllllll Ill11 lllll 148659 of Policy General Policies/Procedures Manual - Transmittal Sheet No. 1, November 1992 Introduction Attached for insertion in the new General PoliciesIProcedures Manual CGPPM) binder is the consolidated manual that GAO will use to communicate s...
Date Oct. 29, 1992 Report No. RCED-93-3 Title

Royalty Compliance: Improvements Made in Interior's Audit Strategy, But More Are Needed

Improvements Made in Interior’ Audit s Strategy, but More Are Needed I RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically ~ approved by the Office of Congressional Rslations.. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Berourcee, Community, and Economic Development Division B-248626 October 29, 1992 The Honorable GeorgeMiller Chairman...
Date Oct. 1, 1992 Report No. 150212 Title

Special Publications: Internationale Zeitschrift fur Staatliche Finanzkontrolle, Oktober 1992, Vol. 19, No. 4

Finanzkontrolle Vierteljahresheft Oktober 1992 Jahrgang 19, Nr. 4 l 0 1992 Intemational Journal of GovernmentAuditing, Inc. Die Itiernationnle Zeirschrift fdr sttxt&% Finanzfwn~rolle wire vierteljlhrlicb (im Januar, April, Juli und Oktober) im Auftrag de Internationalen Organisation der Obersten Rechnungskontrollbeh6r den (INTOSAI) herausgegeben und erscheint in Arabisch, Deutsch Englisch, Franzi...
Date Oct. 1, 1992 Report No. 148209 Title

Special Publications: International Journal of Government Auditing, October 1992, Vol. 19, No. 4

& 0 e 1 . . nternational Journal of Government Auditing Quarterly October 1992 Vol. 19,No. 4 l 01992 Intematioml Journal of Govemnmt Auditing. Inc. Board of Edltors Franz Fiedler, President, Court of Audit, Austria L. Denis Desautels, Auditor General, Canada Hassine Cherif. Premier President, Court of Accounts, Tunisia Charles A. Bowsher, Comptroller General, United States Jose Ramon Medina, Compt...
Date Oct. 1, 1992 Report No. 150211 Title

Special Publications: International Journal of Government Auditing, October 1992, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Arabic Version)

7 2.. >.._r .. . . “:.:.:.:~.:~.~.~~~.:.~.~,:, y,,,: ,:,‘ :.: ::, : : :::.:,:,:,): .:,: :.,.:,.,.,,., ~,~,.i :,:,,, ~ ,,,, ~:~~::‘“.::~.~n ‘ . ..V....... . ,.. ,.... . . . . .,..............n .: i::.,.:...;:.:.:.:.,.: L.C..7 .,.. . ..v >,.~.$g~ >:.::;w.:: .‘ ‘ .-,., :‘,.,.. >:‘“.‘.X:,..:,, ::...:.:.~ ,, ‘“.‘.‘.“‘:.:.:.‘.:.:.:f.‘(L : ..: %‘ A’ y. :.‘” ...
Date Oct. 1, 1992 Report No. 151517 Title

Special Publications: Revista Internacional de Auditoria Gubernamental, Octubre 1992, Vol. 19, No. 4

xernamona ‘ Auditori? 7e %?llbernamenta: ‘ _ ._ ‘ -. , ‘ ..I . .: .’ . . ;:, Trimestrd’ Octubre 199 * ._ ., ... .-. -...I .‘ .;..‘ . . _:, ‘ : ..‘ . : -. i:. :- La Rev&a Itrtcrnacional de Auditoria Guben~amental, que se pu- blica trimestralmente(enero, abril, julio y octubre) en ediciones separadas alemsn, arabe, esptiol, franc& e inglts es una puen blicaci6n oficial de INTOSAI...
Date Aug. 31, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-57 Title

Financial Management: Army Conventional Ammunition Production Not Effectively Accounted for or Controlled

1Juited States General Accounting Ofke GAO August 1992 Report to the Secretary of the Army FINAMXAL IYLANAGEMENT Army Conventional Ammunition Production Not Effectively Accounted for or Controlled 147441 GA0IAFMI.b92-5’7 United States General Accounting OfTice Washington, D.C. 20548 Acconnting and Financial Management Division B-246626 August 31, 1992 The Honorable Michael P. W. Stone The Secret...
Date July 16, 1992 Report No. GGD-92-17R Title

Government Operations: Asset Valuation Reviews and Cost Test

B-248699 July 16, 1992 The Honorable Bruce F. Vento House of Representatives Dear Mr. Vento: This letter review the of the cost asked us to whether the is a valid responds to your February 12, 1991 request that we Resolution Trust Corporation's (RTC) implementation test used in making resolution decisions. You look at a sample of transactions to determine cost test is being applied properly and wh...
Date July 1, 1992 Report No. 150971 Title

Special Publications: Internationale Zeitschrift fur Staatliche Finanzkontrolle, Juli 1992, Vol. 19, No. 3

. I Internationale Zeitschrift fiir staatliche Finanzkontrolle Vierteljahreshefi l Juli 1992 Jahrgang 19, Nr. 3 0 1992 In~errudonal Journal of GovemmenI Auditing, Inc. Redaktionsbeirat Die Internationak Zeitschriftfilr staatliche Finanzkmtrolk wird vierteljiihrlich (im Januar, April, Juli und Oktober) im A&rag der Internationalen Organisation der Obersten Rechnungskontrollbehlirden (INTOSAI) herau...
Date July 1, 1992 Report No. 150970 Title

Special Publications: International Journal of Government Auditing, July 1992, Vol. 19, No. 3

Government Auditing Quarterly July 1992 Vol. 19, No. 3 l 01992 International Journal of Government Auditing, Inc. The International Journal of Government Auditing is publishecfl quarterly (January, April, July, October) in Arabic, English, Frencl 1, German, and Spanish editions on behalf of INTOSAI (Intemationa ll Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions). The Journai, whicl h is the official o...
Date July 1, 1992 Report No. 150972 Title

Special Publications: International Journal of Government Auditing, July 1992, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Arabic Version)

i .. i i;-~- . ,I;i . I
Date July 1, 1992 Report No. 150958 Title

Special Publications: Revista Internacional de Auditoria Gubernamental, Julio 1992, Vol. 19, No. 3

Eubernamen Trimestral l Julio 1992 I - _, ’ -d I Revista International de Auditoria Gubernamental Trimestral La Revista Iuteruacioual de Auditoria Guberuamental que se publica trimestralmente (enero, abril, julio y octubre) en ediciones separadas en aleman, brabe, espafiol, franc& e ingles es una publicaci6n oficial de INTOSAI (Organization Intemacional de Entidades Fiscaliiadoras Superiores). L...
Date June 30, 1992 Report No. T-AFMD-92-11 Title

Condition of the Bank Insurance Fund: Outlook Affected by Economic, Accounting, and Regulatory Issues

U.S General GAO Accounting Office Testimony Before the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs House of Representatives CONDITION OF THE BANK INSURANCE FUND Outlook Affected by Economic, Accounting, Regulatory Issues and For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m., EDT Tuesday June 30, 1992 Statement Comptroller of Charles A. Bowsher General of the United States GAO/T-AFMD-92-11 CONDITI...
Date June 18, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-38 Title

Financial Management: BIA Has Made Limited Progress in Reconciling Trust Accounts and Developing a Strategic Plan

~--. Jww 1 w2 -. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BIA Has Made Limited Progress in Reconciling Trust Accounts and Developing a Strategic Plan 146989 1111111 ll RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 554693 - GAOlAFMD-92-38 GAO United States General Accounting OfTice Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Financ...
Date June 9, 1992 Report No. T-AFMD-92-10 Title

Condition of the Bank Insurance Fund: Outlook Affected by Economic, Accounting, and Regulatory Issues

1 United St&s General Accounting Office GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at Testimony Before the Committeeon Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs United StatesSenate IO:00 a.m.. EDT Tuesday June 9. 1992 CONDITION OF THE BANKINSURANCEFUND Outlook Affected by Economic, Accounting, and RegulatoryIssues Statementof CharlesA. Bowsher Comptroller Generalof the United States i ,’ CONDITION OF THE BAN...
Date June 1, 1992 Report No. AFMD-12.19.5A Title

Special Publications: Financial Audit Manual, Volume 1

United States General Accounting OfLt: GAO Accounting and Financial Management Division Financial Audit Manual GAWAFMD-12.19.5A [This page intentionally left blank.] [This page intentionally left blank.] GAO Financial PREFACE Audit Manual Among the most important reforms ushered in by the 1990 Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act were requirements for annual financial audits of many government opera...
Date May 28, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-131 Title

Contract Pricing: Subcontracts Are Significant in Prime Contract Defective Pricing

:, IJnittd ._I--vve--“---- Statts General Accounting Office GAO May 1992 Iicport to the Chairman, Co&ttee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate CONTRACT PRICING Subcontracts Are Significant in Prime Contract Defective Pricing 146780 GAO/NSlAD-X&131. United States : ’ General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Afl’ aira Division B-242869 May 28,1992 Th...
Date May 6, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-188 Title

Contract Pricing: Issues Related to the Defense Contract Audit Agency

GAO hl;1y 1!)!U CONTRACT PRICING Issues Related to the Defense Contract Audit (;AO/NSIAI)-X2-1EIE) ---- GAO United States General Accounting Of&e Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International AfYah Division B-248229 May 6,1992 The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman, Legislation and National Security Subcommittee Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Ch...
Date May 6, 1992 Report No. T-NSIAD-92-34 Title

Contract Pricing: Recurring Issues and the Role of the Defense Contract Audit Agency

United States General Accounting Offke GAO For Release On Delivery Expectedat 9:30 a.m. EDT Wednesday May 6, 1992 Testimony Before the Legislation and National Security Subcommittee, Committee on GovernmentOperations,House of Representatives CONTRACT PRICING Recurring Issuesand the Role of the DefenseContract Audit Agency Statementof Paul F. Math, Director, Research,Development, Acquisition, and P...
Date April 9, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-14 Title

Employee Benefits: Improved Plan Reporting and CPA Audits Can Increase Protection Under ERISA

April 1!)!)B EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Improved Plan Reporting and CPA Audits Can Increase Protection Under 146289 -__.l_--.-“l._-l.---. ---- : GAO/AFMI)-!U-14 I.,“” “.I ““1 1,111 “. ,. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-246064 April 9,1992 The Honorable J. J. Pickle Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight Committee on Wa...
Date April 1, 1992 Report No. 150956 Title

Special Publications: Internationale Zeitschrift fur Staatliche Finanzkontrolle, April 1992, Vol. 19, No. 2

,” , ftir staatliche Finanzkontrolle Vierteljahresheft l April 1992 Jahrgang 19, Nr. 2 0 1992 Intemdod Journal of Government Auditing, Inc. Redaktionsbeirat Dr. Tassilo Broesigke, Prbident, Rechnungshof, dsterreich L. Denis Desautels, Auditor General, Kanada Hassine Cherif, Erster Prasidenf Rechnungshof,Tunesien Charles A. Bowsher, Comptroller General, Vereinigte Staaten Jose Ramon Medina, Contr...
Date April 1, 1992 Report No. 150950 Title

Special Publications: International Journal of Government Auditing, April 1992, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Arabic Version)

Jls UL,l‘ &Id, i-&u Office, &$I$ pL .u, L.91; p,& : $&AI ,JL lbWl ‘ ad y/I ‘ Lutil , D.C. ul+ Lj, --;pj & 241 U.S.A. ,LL U.S. General Accounting (202 -275-4021 :&kll Room 7806,441 G Street, N.W. Washington 20548, < 202 - 275 -4707:La;wI) University Microfilms International , Ann Arbor, Michigan , U.S.A. 2 3 5 7 8 Auditor General of the Bahamas, National Audit Office, P.O. Box N3027, Nassau,...
Date April 1, 1992 Report No. 150957 Title

Special Publications: Revue Internationale de la Verification des Comptes Publics, Avril 1992, Vol. 19, No. 2

4 6 r, ublies Revue trimestrielle l avrill992 Vol. 19, no 2 0 1992 International Journal of Government Auditing Inc. Lo Revue intemationale de la vhfication des cornptes publics est publike tous les trimestres (janvier, avril, juillet et octobre) pour le compte de I’ INTOSAI (Organisation intemationale des Institutions supkrieures de contriYe des finances publiques) en allemand, en anglais, en a...
Date March 4, 1992 Report No. RCED-92-53 Title

Mass Transit Grants: Risk of Misspent and Ineffectively Used Funds in FTA's Chicago Region

Report to Selected Members of Congress MASS TRANSIT GRANTS Risk of Misspent and Ineffectively Used Funds in FYI?% Chicago Region GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-246069 March 4,1992 Congressional Recipients In January 1990 GAO began a special audit effort to help ensure that areas vulnerable to fraud, waste...
Date Feb. 18, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-17 Title

Financial Audit: U.S. Senate Health Promotion Revolving Fund's Financial Statements for 1990

GAO _l_,..” I I .“._ ..-__I. ...-.... I:ck”ltary ._I .__I_-...-..-..-.-.” .--. ~---I--.-..-. ...-...~~-. ---e-P 1 !N:! FINANCIAL-AUDIT U.S. Senate Health Promotion Revolving Fund’s Financial Statements for 1990 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-246090 February 18,1992 The Honorable Martha S. Pope Sergeant at Arms...
Date Jan. 1, 1992 Report No. 146971 Title

Special Publications: A Guide for Roles and Responsibilities in Subrecipient Audits

A Guide for Roles and Responsibilities in Subrecipient Audits Mid-America Intergovernmental Audit Forum January 1992 A GUIDE FOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN SUBRECIPIENT AUDITS MID-AMERICA INTERGOVERNMENTAL AUDIT FORUM January 1992 CONTENTS Paqe I. II. INTRODUCTION ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Management of Programs OF THE RECIPIENT 1 4 4 4 5 6 8 9 11 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 21 23 2.5 25 ...
Date Jan. 1, 1992 Report No. 150954 Title

Special Publications: Internationale Zeitschrift fur Staatliche Finanzkontrolle, Janner 1992, Vol. 19, No. 1

Internationale Zeitschrift fiir staatliche Finanzkontrolle Vierteljahresheft l JLnner 1992 Jahrgang 19, Nr. 1 0 1992 International Journal of GovernmentAuditing, Inc. Die Intemationale Zeitschtij f?r staatliche Finanzkontrolle wird vierteljlhrlich (im Januar, April, Juli und Oktober) im Auftrag der Internationalen Organisation der Obersten Rechnungskontrollbeh6rden (INTOSAI) herausgegeben und ers...
Date Jan. 1, 1992 Report No. 150966 Title

Special Publications: International Journal of Government Auditing, January 1992, Vol. 19, No. 1

Quarterly- January 199 Auditing Quarterly January 1992 Vol. 19, No. 1 l 01992 international Journal of GovernmentAuditing, Inc. The International Journal of GovernmentAuditing is published quarterly (January, April, July, October) in Arabic, English, French, German, andSpanisheditionsonbehalfofINTOSAI(Intemational Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions). The Journal, which is the official orga...
Date Jan. 1, 1992 Report No. 150968 Title

Special Publications: International Journal of Government Auditing, January 1992, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Arabic Version)

U.S. General 20548, Accounting Office , Room 7806 , 441 G Street (202 , N.W. Washington GI;JI , D.C. U.S.A. - 275 - 402 ‘ 202 - 275 - 4707 :c;i;WI) Anbar Management Microfilms Services , Wembley , England. International , Ann Arbor , Michigan , U.S.A. University f 1992 4 v;Ld ,+;Is )& - i.&LLl i&t’ Lb;u .+A iiLl 1991-1990 &LJI 2dI JAA! AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE GPO BOX 707, CANBERRA AC...
Date Jan. 1, 1992 Report No. OP-23-OH Title

Policy Guidance 1963-1986: Interview With Donald J. Horan, Eugene L. Pahl, and Allen R. Voss

United States General Accounting Office GAO January 1992 HistoryProgram Policy Guidance 19634986 Interview With Donald J. Horan, Eugene L. Pahl, and Allen R. Voss United States General Accounting Office GAO January 1992 History Program Policy Guidance 19634986 Interview With Donald J. Horan, Eugene L. Pahl, and Allen R. Voss Published by the United States General Accounting Washington, D.C., 1992 ...
Date Jan. 1, 1992 Report No. OP-24-OH Title

Transportation Activities 1946-1975: Interview with Joseph P. Normile, Fred J. Shafer, and Thomas E. Sullivan

United States General A&ounting Office s; A0 History Program anuary 1992 Transportation Aetivlties 1946-1975 Interview With JosephP. Normile, Fred J. Shtier, and ThomasEAdlivm - Published by the United States General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C., 1992 Page ii GAO/OP-24-OH GAO January1992 History Progrm r t t 4m5Y Transportation Activities 1946-1975 Interview With Joseph P. Normile, F’red ...
Date Dec. 10, 1991 Report No. T-GGD-92-9 Title

Tax Administration: IRS' Implementation of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights

United States General Accounting OfIke GAO Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EST Tuesday December 10, 1991 TAX ADMINISTRATION: of the Taxpayer Bill IRS' Implementation of Rights Statement of Jennie S. Stathis, Director, Tax Policy and Administration General Government Division Before the Subcommittee on Private and Oversight of the Revenue Service Committee on Finance United...
Date Oct. 30, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-92-16 Title

Contract Pricing: Economy and Efficiency Audits Can Help Reduce Overhead Costs

-.-.._-..-----7. -I ._.__lll.__l_.l..__l_.. I... ___ I ._-__._____._ ..__._.. -._-________ ._..._ ---__^---- --.----I --- o(*lotwr I!)!)1 CONTR&CT PRICING Economy and Efficiency Audits Can Help Reduce Over costs --l__-_-ll~___ _---_- ___ .._-._.--_. -.- ---.-- - ----.. - (;A() NSIAIb!U-14; GAO L General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National !3ecurity aud International Affairs Division ...
Date Oct. 1, 1991 Report No. 150949 Title

Special Publications: Revue Internationale de la Verification des Comptes Publics, Octobre 1991, Vol. 18, No. 4

es c Revue trimestrielle 0 1991 IntcmationalJournal La Revue internation& ofGovernmentAud&g Inc. l octobre 1991 Vol. 18, no 4 Conseil de kdaction Tassilo Broesigke, prbident de la Cour des comptes de 1’ Autriche L. Denis Desautels, v&ificateur g&&al du Canada Hassme Cherif, premier pr&sident, Cour des Fmptes de la Tunisie Charles A. Bowsher, contrbleur g&&al des Etats-Ums Jose Ramon Medina, con...
Date Sept. 1, 1991 Report No. OP-20-OH Title

The San Francisco Regional Office, 1954-1987: Interview With Harold J. D'Ambrogia, Kenneth A. Pollock, Richard A. Sheldon, and Charles F. Vincent

United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1991 History Program The San Francisco Regional Office, 1954 - 1987 Interview With Harold J. D’Ambrogia, Kenneth A. Pollock,Richard A. Sheldon, and CharlesF. Vincent United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1991 History Program The San Francisco Regional Office, 1954 - 1987 Interview With Harold J. D’Ambrogia, Kenneth A. Polloc...
Date July 29, 1991 Report No. AFMD-91-15 Title

Federal Asset Disposition Association: No Economic Basis for Reported Fee Income Under 1988 Letter Agreement

FEDERAL ASSET DISPOSITION ASSOCIATION No Economic Basis for Reported Fee Income Under 1988 Letter Agreement GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-231275 July 29,199l The Honorable Donald W. Riegle Chairman The Honorable Jake Garn Ranking Minority Member Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs United States Senate T...
Date July 1, 1991 Report No. 150953 Title

Special Publications: Internationale Zeitschrift fur Staatliche Finanzkontrolle, Juli 1991, Vol. 18, No. 3

Internationale Zeitschrift fiir staatliche Finanzkontrolle Vierteljahresheft Juli 1991 Jahrgang 18, Nr. 3 l rr 0 1991 International Journal of Governmmf Auditing, Inc. Die Internationale Zeitschrifr ftir staatliche Finmzkmfrolle wkci vierteljahrlich (im Januar, April, Juli und Oktober) im Auftrag der Internationalen Orgsnisation der Obersten RechnungskontrolIbehZjrden (INTOSAT) herausgegeben und ...
Date July 1, 1991 Report No. 144581 Title

Special Publications: International Journal of Government Auditing, July 1991, Vol. 18, No. 3

Illllll lllll lllllIll1 1111111111 lllll Ill1 Intk-national Journal of Government Auditing Quarterly July 1991 Vol. 18, No. 3 l 01991 international Journal of GovernmentAuditing, Inc. The Internatiod Journal of Government Auditing is publishe? quarterly (January, April, July, October) in Arabic, English, French German,andSpanisheditionsonbehalfofINTOSAI(Intemationa Organization of Supreme Audit In...
Date July 1, 1991 Report No. 150946 Title

Special Publications: International Journal of Government Auditing, July 1991, Vol. 18, No. 3 (Arabic Version)

International Journal of Government Auditing c/o U.S.General Accounting Office 4-41G Street.N.W. Room 7806 Washington,D.C. 20548 1992 &psjyf 3 1 cp i+[l LJ ~~I i&u q.dl 4-1 &I &I& Jddl3 I obcl fti Jr dl I;E M &H cjc &AmJl &idI .1991 J,Il &S Revueintemationale de la verification descomptespublics Revista Intemacionalde Auditoria GubemamentaI 3 4 5 International Journal of Government Auditing c/o U...
Date July 1, 1991 Report No. 150951 Title

Special Publications: Revista Internacional de Auditoria Gubernamental, Julio 1991, Vol. 18, No. 3

‘ ulaernament Revista Interticional de Auditoria Gubernamental La Revista lnternacional de Auditoria Gubernamental que se publica trimestralmente (enero, abrii, julio y octubre) en ediciones se !paradas en alemk?, kabe, espadol, franc& e ingk es una publica ‘ ci6n oficial de INTOSAI (Organizaci6n international de Entidade.S L Fiscalizadoras Superiores). La Revista que es el 6rgano otkial de Il...
Date July 1, 1991 Report No. PEMD-10.1.5 Title

Special Publications: Using Structured Interviewing Techniques

United States General Accounting Office GAO Program Evaluation and Methodology Division June 1991 Using Structured Interviewing Techniques GAO/PEMD-10.1.5 Preface GAO assists congressional decisionmakers in their deliberative process by furnishing analytical information on issues and options under consideration. Many diverse methodologies are needed to develop sound and timely answers to the quest...
Date June 17, 1991 Report No. T-GGD-91-47 Title

Resolution Trust Corporation: Update on Funding and Performance

United States General Accounting O ffice / z/y 4 99 * GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 2:00 p.m. EDT June 17, 1991 Testimony 144489 Resolution Update on Trust Funding Corporation: and Performance Statement Richard Assistant General of Fogel Comptroller Government L. General Programs Before the RTC Oversight Task Force Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Insura...
Date June 11, 1991 Report No. T-GGD-91-43 Title

Resolution Trust Corporation: Update on Funding and Performance

United St&a General Accounting Ofl!ice / ‘ /q/i s’ Testimony lllllllllllllll 144118 For Release on Deliverj Expected at 1O:OO a.m. EDT Tuesday June 11, 1991 Resolution Update on Trust Funding Corporation: and Performance Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General Before the Committee on United States Banking, Senate of the United and States Urban Affairs Housing GAO/T-GGD-91-43 GAO Fo...
Date June 1, 1991 Report No. OP-91-2 Title

Special Publications: Automated Policy Guidance System Users' Guide

United States General Arcounting Office /Y$JY/< GAO Office of Policy .June 1991 Automated Policy Guidance System User’s Guide GAO/OP-91-02 Preface The Office of Policy (OP) has developed an Automated Policy Guidance System to help staff more easily access and use GAO’s audit and evaluation policies and procedures. The system provides userfriendly access to a searchable data base containing the...
Date May 30, 1991 Report No. T-AFMD-91-6 Title

Financial Institutions: Disclosures About Market Value of Financial Instruments

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EDT May 30, 1991 Testimony Disclosures About Market Value of Financial Instruments Statement of. Donald H. Chapin Assistant Comptroller General Accounting and Financial Management Division Before the Financial Accounting Standards Board GAO-T-AFMD- 91 - 6 GAO Form 160 (12/87) Mr. Chairman and Members of the ...
Date May 1, 1991 Report No. PEMD-10.1.4 Title

Special Publications: Designing Evaluations

Urrlted Saw33 Qcntnl Accauntlnfg Office GAO I%-= -.. . Evaluation and Methodology GAO/-10.1.4 Preface GAO assists congressional decisionmakers in their deliberative process by furnishing analytical information on issues and options under consideration. Many diverse methodologies are needed to develop sound and timely answers to the questions that are posed by the Congress. To provide GAO evaluator...
Date April 24, 1991 Report No. 087801 Title

Special Publications: International Journal of Government Auditing, 1990 Annual Report

Government Auditing International Journal o f Government Auditing c/o US. General Accounting Off ice 441 G Street, N.W Room 7806 Washington. D.C. 20548 April 24,1991 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF INTOSAI We are pleased to issue the Annual Report of the International Journal of Government Auditing, Inc. for the year ending December 31, 1990. The report contains information about the Jour...
Date April 22, 1991 Report No. AFMD-91-43 Title

Failed Banks: Accounting and Auditing Reforms Urgently Needed

Report to Congressional Cornmittees Accounting and Auditing Reforms Urgently Needed 1 143697 GAO/AFMD-9 l-43 I .I. “I _I ....I.“” _..--- .._I. -.I ..- -_ -....- --... ._... _ _ ._ ____.. ._ _ ,.. _, .” ,“-..,“l”._l lll..“.l.--_“.- ..-.. I__ --~ _-_---~“l”l~ --_.._I - .-.-_ -~-. ..-.- ..“~-----_-~. - - =- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Com...
Date April 3, 1991 Report No. AFMD-91-14 Title

Defense Contract Audits: Current Organizational Relationships and Responsibilities

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-241812 April 3,199l The Honorable Nicholas Mavroules Chairman, Subcommittee on Investigations Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This report responds to your December 13, 1989, letter requesting information on the Department of Defense’ (DOD) organiz...