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GAO Reports by subject "Labor legislation"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date May 13, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-86 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Corrective Action Promised by the Department of Defense and the General Services Administration on Enforcement of the Davis-Bacon Act Labor Standards in Carpet Laying Contracts in Colorado

Date April 27, 1977 Report No. 102263 Title

Government Operations: Review of Administration and Enforcement of Minimum Wage Rate Determinations Under the Davis-Bacon Act

DOCUMINT RESUME 02263 - [A1392386] (Restricted) [Review of Administration and Enforcement of Minisun Wage Rate Determinations under the Davis-Bacon Act]. 20144. April 27, 1977. 7 pp. Report to Col. Jimmy Williams, Wing Commander, Department of the Air Force: Castle AFBe CA; by William N. Conrardy, Regional Manager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (San Francisco). Issue Area: Federal Procure...
Date April 26, 1977 Report No. 102261 Title

Government Operations: Review of Administration and Enforcement of Minimum Wage Rate Determinations Under the Davis-Bacon Act

DOCUBENT BBSUME 02261 - [A1392387] (Restricted) [Review of Administration and Enforcement of Minimums age Rate Determinations under the Davis-Bacon Act]. 20114. April 26, 1977. 7 pp. Report to Peter Clute, Acting Regional Administrator, Department of Housing anl, Urban Developsent: San Francisco, CA; by William N. Conrardy, Regional Ranager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (San Francisco). ...
Date March 11, 1977 Report No. FPCD-77-41 Title

Government Operations: Strike Prevention and Contingency Planning of Selected Federal Agencies

DOCUMENT RESUHME 00660 - [A1051671] [Strike Prevention and Contingency Planning of Selected Federal Agenciesj. FPCD-77-41; B-185589. March 11, 1977. 5 pp. + enclosure (6 pp.). Report to Chairman, Civil Service Commission; by H. L. Krieger, Directcr, Federal Personnel and Compensatitcn Div. Issue Area: Personnel Management and Coapensation (R00). Contact: Federal Personnel and Compensation Div. Bud...
Date March 8, 1977 Report No. 102535 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Administration of Minimum Wage Rate Determinations Subject to Provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act

DCCUMENT RESUME 02535 - [A1732733] (Restricted) [Administration of Minimum wage Rate Determinations Subject to Provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act]. March 8, 1977. 5 pp. Report to John Kane, Area Director, Department of Housing and Urban Development: Milwaukee Area Office, WI; by G. F. Stromvall, Regional Manager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (Chicago). izsue Area: Consumer and Worker Prot...
Date Feb. 25, 1977 Report No. 089068 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Review of Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL FEDERAL 280 BUILDING SOUTH DEAR8ORN OFFICE 16~14 FLOOR STREET WEST CHICAGO, ILLJNOJS 60604 I Mr. George R Holland, Acting RegIonal Director Department of Health, Educatzon, and Welfare Regron V 300 South Wackex Drive Ghlcago, Illlnols 60606 Dear Mr. Holland: 7z 2 The General Accountrng Offxe 1s making a review of the Department of Labor's (DOL) and F...
Date Feb. 22, 1977 Report No. HRD-76-169 Title

The Employment Service: Problems and Opportunities for Improvement

DOCUMENT RESUME 00592 - [A0751397] The Employment Service: Problems and Opportunities for Improvemeit. HRD-76-169; B-133182. February 22, 1977. 44 pp. + appendices (!- pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Arca: Education, Training, and Employment Programs (1100); Education, Training, and Employment Programs: Programs for Matching Unemployed or Underemployed ...
Date April 20, 1976 Report No. OCR-76-1001 Title

Government Operations: Summary of Open GAO Recommendations for Legislative Action

ope?~ REPORT $0 THE CONGRESS r‘;e-‘d -,o -42, 6 . . p! _.‘,3% .__,.: y%: 3 ’y-... 5 -k ‘I\’ Cl,1 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES 094365 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM099365 Summary Of Open GAO Recommendations For Legislative Action .c . _. ’ “j&&Y-- APRIL20J.976 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED 20548 STATES D.C. B-185993 To the President Speaker ...
Date Jan. 12, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-56 Title

Employment: Improvements Needed in Administration of Benefits Program for Injured Workers Under the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act

io Department of Labor =t The 1972 amendments to the program greatly increased Labor’s claims workload and backlog. Labor has not provided sufficient resources to meet the increased workload. This affected Labor’s ability to effectively oversee the claims to assure that injured employees received the compensation and other benefits under the act. -- r- COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF DC. TH...
Date June 3, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-75 Title

Employment: Data Available To Measure Impact of Minimum and Overtime Wage Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act on Working Parents Employing Domestic Service Workers as Babysitters

.I B-114873 ,.’ , , Y : J I The Honorable L. B. Fountain Chairman, Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations and Human Resources Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr a Chairman: As your office requested in an August 14, 1974, letter, we have examined the availability of data on the potential impact of -the extension of minimum wage and overtime requirements to do...
Date April 29, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-63 Title

Employment: Equal Employment Opportunity Program for Federal Nonconstruction Constractors Can Be Improved

1IllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllll LM097044 The Equal Employment Opportunity Program For Federal Nonconstruction Contractors Can Be Improved Department of Labor BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES MWD-75-63 PCilLZ9,1975 COMFTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE D.C. UNITED 205l8 STATES B-167015 To the Honorable Richard Bollinq Chairman, Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy Joint Economic Committee...
Date July 25, 1974 Report No. 089466 Title

Government Operations: Employment Standards Administration Compliance and Enforcement Activities Under the Fair Labor Standards Act

MIANPOWERANDWELFARE DlVISlON Yr. Fred 6, Clark Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management Department of Labor Dear Mr. Clark: The General Accounting Office has mad‘e a limited survey of the Employment Standards Administration's (ESA) enforcement activities under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) as amended, and related acts. Our work was performed primarily at the ESA region...
Date Nov. 30, 1973 Report No. B-151261 Title

Employment: Propriety of Minimum Wage Determinations for Clerical and Other Office Employees Under the Service Contract Act

mploye ontract Act 5-757267 Department of Labor UNITED STATES GENERAL Mc~UNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 Ch-mcE MANPOWER AND DIVISION WELFARE B-151261 The Honorable ,~’ The Secretary Dear Mr. of Labor 9 Secretary: This report deals with the administration of the S~r.ontrart~Acto~f.-,19_65 (41 U.S.C. 351), specifically the propriety of the Department’s presc~~‘~~,.~~-~m~~wage ~~,~~.~;,,-~~~d~~....
Date Oct. 31, 1973 Report No. 094526 Title

Environmental Protection: Department of the Interior Activities Under the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969