Date |
Report No. |
Title |
Date Aug. 24, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-66BR |
--*__. __..-.---- ..- Arl#~st, 1!MI OCCUPATIONAL -SAFETY & HEALTH Options for Improving Safety and Health in the Workplace m--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relationa. United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources Division B-235194 August 24,199O . The Honorable Joseph Gaydos Chai... |
Date Aug. 15, 1990 |
Report No. GGD-90-92 |
--~-- IJnit,eci Offiw GAO Report to the Commissioner, I&xnal Ikwenue Service TAX ADMINISTRATION IRS Preparer Penalty Data Inaccurate and Misleading Illllll I
142015 2 ‘GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-239936 August 15,199O The Honorable Fred T. Goldberg, Jr. Commissioner Internal Revenue Service Dear Mr... |
Date Aug. 3, 1990 |
Report No. NSIAD-90-152 |
~-- ~ I All~llst l!b!W RESERVE FORCES Opportunity to Reduce Pension Costs ._ .._ - ---_.. ~..“.._ “.__.- ..__._-_. ._._._._ ,..._” -___.-. __.I ..^._ .._- .._- .__... -.__-_. ___ --_ (;A()./ NHIAl)-!wl52 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-239047 August 3,199O The Honorable Richard B. Cheney The Secreta... |
Date July 26, 1990 |
Report No. IMTEC-90-53 |
-. --d States Getwral Accotttttittg Office GiO
.Jttly i9YO Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services. Education, and Related Agencies, Comtiittee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate ‘1 ’
I - ADP SYSTEMS HCFA’s Failure to Follow Guidelines Makes System Effectiveness Uncertain _- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Information T... |
Date July 17, 1990 |
Report No. T-PEMD-90-10 |
I . United States General Accounting Oftice / iiA0
For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:OO a.m . EDT Tuesday, July 17, 1990 Testimony 141794 Medical A Case Device Problem Reporting: Study of a Home Apnea Monitor Statement of Director Carl E. W isler, and Reporting Program Evaluation and for Planning Division Methodology Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Energy and... |
Date July 12, 1990 |
Report No. T-AFMD-90-24 |
United States General Accounting OfRce / $/ 77/ ‘ G.0 Testimony %.. 1~ For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:00 a.m. EDT Thursday July 12, 1990 'The Congressional Award Program Statement of Jerry E. Walker Legislative Director, Special Audits Before the Subcommittee on Select Committee on Education House of Representatives and Education and Labor T-AFMD-90-24 -.
GAO Form 160 (12/87) Mr. Chairman... |
Date July 9, 1990 |
Report No. RCED-90-173 |
-- NUCLEAR WASTE DOE Needs to Ensure Nevada’s Conformance With Grant Requirements / fl llllllllllllll ll
.. 141843 to be released outside the General Accounting Of&e unless spemcal,ly approved by the Office of Congressional
lWltiOns. Jt.ESTRICTED --Not 5ecm5 RELEASED Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-202377 July 9, 1990 The Honorable J. Bennett Johnston Chairman, Committe... |
Date June 28, 1990 |
Report No. T-NSIAD-90-51 |
I States General Accounting OfKce Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EDST Thursday June 28, 1990 Department Hazardous of Defense Materials Management of Statement of Norman J. Rabkin Associate Director, National Security Affairs Division Air Force Issues and International Before the Subcommittee on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Committee on Government Operat... |
Date June 5, 1990 |
Report No. T-GGD-90-48 |
United States General Accounting Office /WAJ3 +iSA0
For Release On Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EDT Tuesday June 5, 1990 Testimony 141524 Office of Government Ethics' Oversight Role Statement of Bernard L. Ungar Director, Federal Human Resource Issues General Government Division Before the Subcommittee on Oversight Management Committee on Governmental United States Senate Management of Governmen... |
Date May 31, 1990 |
Report No. PEMD-90-17 |
United States General Accounting Office ;, . w . Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, Committee on Energy and Comrkerce, House of Representatives ‘* -r May 1990 MEDICAL DEVICES Underreporting of Serious Problems With a Home Apnea Monitor GAO United States
General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Program Evaluation and Methodology Division B-237533 May 31,19... |
Date April 27, 1990 |
Report No. NSIAD-90-138 |
I;ni t cvf Statwi (;cbnraral Awount.ilg Offiw GAO Report t,o the Cornrnander, U.S. Air Force, Ogden Air Logistics Center SPARE PARTS PROCUREMENT Contractor Qualification Requirements 141236 GAO United States General Accounting Office Denver Regional Office Suite 800 1244 Speer Boulevard Denver, CO 80204 B-220528 April 27, 1990 Major General James W. Hopp Commander, US, Air Force Ogden Air Logistic... |
Date April 19, 1990 |
Report No. T-GGD-90-32 |
United States General Accounting OfPice Testimony - For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EDT Thursday April 19, 1990 IRS Can Use Tax for Gap Data to Improve Its Programs Reducing Noncompliance Statement of Paul L. Posner, Tax Policy and Associate Administration Director Issues Before the Subcommittee on Oversight Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives a-m3c*
GAO/T-GGD-90-32 ... |
Date April 4, 1990 |
Report No. GGD-90-53BR |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
April1990 Briefing Report to the Chairman, = Subcommittee on Oversight, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives TM ADMINISTRATION Profiles of Major Components of the Tax Gap RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside General Accounting Offke unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. the c .: . linited States General... |
Date March 29, 1990 |
Report No. IMTEC-90-7 |
Information Technology Management Division and B-237417 March 29,199O The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman, Legislation and National Security Subcommittee Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives The Honorable Frank Horton Ranking Minority Member, Legislation and National Security Subcommittee Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives In response to your r... |
Date March 28, 1990 |
Report No. NSIAD-90-88 |
HAZARDOUS WASTE Fort BenjaYnin Harrison’s Compliance With Environmental Laws 141280 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-213706 March 28,199O The Honorable Dan Burton House of Representatives Dear Mr. Burton: On August 9, 1989, you asked us to determine if the Army is complying with federal and state environmental l... |
Date March 16, 1990 |
Report No. T-HRD-90-18 |
. Unite d S ta tes G e n e r a l A c c o u n tin g O f& e / v/ c3 (3 L / GAO T e s tim o n y ( * For R e l e a s e o n Delivery E xpecte d a t 9 :3 0 a .m . E S T March 16, 1990 Child L a b o r V iolations S w e a tshops in th e U .S . and S ta te m e n t o f Franklin Frazier, Director of E d u c a tio n a n d E m p l o y m e n t Issues H u m a n Resources Division B e fo r e th e S u b c o m m i ... |
Date March 2, 1990 |
Report No. IMTEC-90-1 |
I’nited States General Accounting Office . GAO
March 1990 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House of Representatives SPACEOPERATIONS
NASA Is Not Properly ! Safeguarding Valuable i Data From Past : Missions ---GAO/IMTEC-YO1 “c, L Information Technology Management Division and B-237585 March 2. 1990 The Honorable Robert A. Roe Chairman, Committee on Science, Sp... |
Date Feb. 16, 1990 |
Report No. NSIAD-90-61 |
IJniteci States General Accounting Office GAO
I+twuary lW0 Report to Congressional Committees U.S. INFORMATION AGENCY Inappropriate Uses of Educational and Cultural Exchange Visas National Security and International Affairs Division B-234667 February 16,199O The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate The Honorable Edward M. Kennedy Chairman, Subcommitte... |
Date Feb. 16, 1990 |
Report No. RCED-90-94 |
United States General Accounting Office Report to the Chairmen, Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Subcommittee on Aviation, Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives AVIATION SAFETY Management Improvement Needed in FAA’ s Airworthiness Directive Program ‘ , s
United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic ... |
Date Feb. 9, 1990 |
Report No. AFMD-90-36 |
T United States General Accounting Office GAO
February 1990 Report to the Congress * 3 FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Housing Administration Fund’s 1988 Financial Statements GAO/AFMD-90-36 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-206207 February 9,199O To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This... |
Date Feb. 6, 1990 |
Report No. GGD-90-51 |
February 1990 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Federal Services, Post Office, and Civil Service, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate GOVERNMENT ETHICS HUD Financial Disclosure Reports Missing or Not Reviewed GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-234672 February 6, 1990 The Honorable David H. Pryor Chairman, Subcommitt... |
Date Jan. 25, 1990 |
Report No. AFMD-90-37 |
c .,I United States Genera1 Accounting, Office. Report to the Secretary of Agrkulture u Juuuary 1990 FINANCIAL AUDIT Farmers Home Administration’s Fhancial Statements for 1988 and 1987 . United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-226249 January 25,199O The Honorable Clayton K. Yeutter The Secretary of Agriculture Dear Mr. Secreta... |
Date Jan. 18, 1990 |
Report No. GGD-90-20 |
January 1990 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives DEPARTMENTOF THEINTERIOR
Bureau of Reclamation Aircraft Should Be Centrally Managed Like Other Interior Aircraft GAO/M;D-90-N . . United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-231245.6 Januar... |
Date Dec. 20, 1989 |
Report No. RCED-90-53 |
----_.- 1 -... .._.....^-..._....I I..-.*,., - .-... __..._-. .._l”“.ll__.-.l --.---..-ll. ---..Jrritcd (h~nr~ral Accounting -___ Office GAO IZqmrt to C.kmgrtssional Rcquest,ers NUCLEAR HEALTH AND SAFETY Savannah River’s Unusual Occurrence Reporting Program Has Been Ineffective United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Developme... |
Date Dec. 15, 1989 |
Report No. NSIAD-90-41 |
--..._ _.,, l.*ll,l*._.“_. . ..._ I_._ .._._.._ . -_-._. llll.” _...... .._ _ I h’Wl1 IIwr- I !lN!j AID-FINANCED PROCUREMENT Allegations of Irregularities in the Procurement of an Oil Drilling Chemical (;/it 1 /NSIAI)-!W4 1 G&O United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-233223 December 16,1989 The Honorable Richar... |
Date Dec. 1, 1989 |
Report No. OP-4.1.2 |
Applicable Laws and Regulations GAO/OP-4.1.2 Reface There is much concern about illegal acts and abuse occurring in the public and private sectors. The media frequently report instances of illegal acts and circumstances in which those in positions of authority and trust have failed to effectively fulfill t,heir responsibilities. There is also an increasing expectation that the audit/evaluation com... |
Date Nov. 27, 1989 |
Report No. HRD-90-40 |
VA HEALTH CARE Efforts to Assure Quality of Care in State Homes United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources Division i B-237502 November 27,1989 The Honorable Alan Cranston Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: In your May 25, 1988, letter and subsequent meetings with your staff, you asked us to determine how the Depar... |
Date Nov. 20, 1989 |
Report No. IMTEC-90-3 |
__-....~... I.___......__.. .-.-_ ADP BUDGET Potential Reductions to Army Automation Initiatives GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Information Technology Management Division and B-236967 November 20,1989 The Honorable John P. Murtha Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Chairman: On October 19,1988, your predece... |
Date Nov. 16, 1989 |
Report No. T-HRD-90-8 |
United States General Accounting Oface Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at IO:00 a.m. EST Thursday November 16, 1989 Bow Well Does OSRA Protect Workers From Reprisal: Inspector Opinions Statement of William J. Gainer, Director of Education and EmDloyment. Issues Human Resources Division Before the on Labor-Manaqement on Education and Labor Representatives Relations
Subcommittee Committee... |
Date Nov. 16, 1989 |
Report No. T-NSIAD-90-12 |
1 , United States General Accounting Oface /“/ 0 3 3 c2 I ‘ GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at
9:30a.m. EST Testimony #llIIMlll llll
140032 Thursday November 16, 1989 Status Report on GAO's Reviews of the Targeted Export Assistance Program, the Export Enhancement Program, and the GSM-102/103 Export Credit Guarantee Programs Statemeut of Director Allan 1. Mendelowitz, Trade, Energy, and Fi... |
Date Nov. 6, 1989 |
Report No. NSIAD-90-11 |
- ..-...._” .___. -..--l_ll-.ll._l._.. --II--..-.._I”-l---.-Noctm twr 1!N!) HAZARDOUS WASTE Attention to DOD Inventories of Hazardous Materials Needed -- --- :;Ao,/NSIAI)-!~o-1 1 -GA!!0 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-213706 November 6,1989 The Honorable Vie Fazio Chairman, Subcommittee on Legislative Committ... |
Date Nov. 6, 1989 |
Report No. T-PEMD-90-2 |
United States General Accounting OlBce GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:45 a.m. Monday, Nov. 6, 1989 Testimony Medical Devices: The Public Health at Risk Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives GAO/T-PEMD-90-2 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: It is a ple... |
Date Nov. 6, 1989 |
Report No. T-PEMD-90-3 |
United States General Accounting Office -GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:45 a.m. Monday, Nov. 6, 1989 Testimony Medical Problems, and Devices: Underreporting Backlogged Systems, Support of Weak Statutory Statement of Eleanor Chelimsky Assistant Comptroller General Program Evaluation and Methodology Division Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Energy and Com... |
Date Oct. 31, 1989 |
Report No. T-RCED-90-9 |
United States General Accounting Office Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 A.M. EDT Tuesday, October 31, 1989 Abilit-y to Comply of Underground With Federal Petroleum Financial Storage Tank Owners Responsibility Requirements Statement of Associate Director Peter F. Gucrrero, Environmental Proccction Issues Resources, Community, and Economic Development Divisicn Before the Subcommit... |
Date Sept. 29, 1989 |
Report No. GGD-89-80 |
RESTRICTED-- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-235059 September 29,1989 The Honorable Dennis DeConcini Chairman, Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: On August 2,1989, we briefed your representative as part of our ongoing review of agency dr... |
Date Sept. 15, 1989 |
Report No. AFMD-89-69 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
September Report to the Congress 1989 FINANCIAL AUDIT Veterans Administration’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1987 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-226801 September 15,1989 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report ... |
Date Sept. 13, 1989 |
Report No. PEMD-89-16 |
c United States General Accounting Office I GAO
; September 1989 Report to the Commissioner of the Administration for Children, Youth and Families FOSTER CARE Delayed Follow-Up of Noncomplying States May Reduce Incentive for Reform United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Program Evaluation and Methodology Division B-2005 18 September 13, 1989 The Honorable Dodie Truman Borup... |
Date Sept. 13, 1989 |
Report No. T-AFMD-89-14 |
_.. For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, September 13, 1989 GAO Audits Management Housing of Accounting and Financial Systems at the Federal Administration Statement Dennis J. Director, of Duquette Agency Financial Audits Before the Subcommittee on Housin Committee on Banking, House of Representatives and Communit Developmen' 9.lnance and Ur ;! an Affairs GAO/T-AFMD-89-14 ',‘... |
Date Sept. 13, 1989 |
Report No. NSIAD-89-221 |
t.irii t _I_ ..-. ;rt.._ _.II ..--.-..... --.-.-----.- At*twar~t.ilrg --.-._I”.. __. ._._...._.- .._.-__....- __ _.” .“_.,___ “_.ll.I ““” . “^.wt St _.... t’s C;t~rrvr;ll .-...-. - I,-. ..“...l ...” Of‘l‘iw -.-_-..” -^.- *-.--.___-~-- -. GAO
styt t”Itl t>thr 1989 Ikqwrt I,0 (I.:( qgptssional Iteyucst,ers II i DOD REVOLVING DOOR Processes Have Improved but PostDOD Empl... |
Date Sept. 8, 1989 |
Report No. GGD-89-103 |
._,,,.” -_-.-..-_.-_. .-._..-.._.._I. ..__^ .__ GAO
..__. _ .l"."._. .., I!bn!r - ..__...._ - __-. --..-.._ _._-__.. -..---..-... _ , ---_.. I _. __ ._.-_.---. ..__ -..--..-... -. ..-..- -.---..-.- -.-. --.---..--111-11Sv~rlt~ttlh'l~ FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE Legislative Branch Systems Improved But Can Be Further Strengthened :’ 1 1~ 18 ;,I i .“. ..I .-I‘.. ..^ .._.. “^ ..” .. . .._l”.l..... |
Date Sept. 8, 1989 |
Report No. GGD-89-110 |
z 0 ‘3 c+ 0 _ * Gi!!o * united states
General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20548 General Government Division B-229469 September 8,198Q The Honorable Doug Barnard, Jr. Chairman, Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This report responds to your January 1988 request that we determine whether Inte... |
Date Sept. 6, 1989 |
Report No. RCED-89-194 |
-dr h c Y -. z z Z
Z 0
I ,.., .“.“““-” -.... * GAO General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division united states B-223430 September 6,198Q .+’ The Honorable Morris K. Udall Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs House of Representatives The Honorable Nick J. Rahall, II Chairman, Subcommittee on Mining and Natural Res... |
Date Aug. 29, 1989 |
Report No. HRD-89-83 |
~~riltvl_..-... .,....... (;twtbr;rl Actwaltbt ing Ol’f’iw ”-... l.“ll.l-“““.....*_”..._.. ..._ ._I_. .- ._-.._..I__......._. St,ail.t.t~s l-ll.“_. _-.. . .-... l..-._” I.._l-” *___-.“__--“_----.-~--II_- .---.l.-.--__----~.- GAO
iu~rlsz. I !#!I DESEGREGATION ACTIVITIES Administration of Education Grant Funds at the Cleveland School District - 1 _-_I ,I I_..-...... -.., . ... |
Date Aug. 11, 1989 |
Report No. NSIAD-89-137 |
l.l_ ..-.. ““* . l.l”“..^ ““_.l_ I_ .” .._-. l ^_l__.__.._ _,.. * . . . . ^. _, -.- . ...“_ -... .._..^ ..111-. ._..__ “.-.“- ..__-..- ---- -- Allgust l!ew ELECTRONIC WARFARE Reliable Equipment Needed to Test Air Force’s Electronic Warfare Systems ._.....-I-._-..“I -..I ..-.- .-.. -_-- __..__^...__.I..._. __--. .._--. --. -. ^.“..._ -.--______l_-.__ GAO United States Gene... |
Date Aug. 4, 1989 |
Report No. AFMD-89-83 |
-_._ - ..- ..-... “. -. GAO
--._-.--_. “_““_..““_,_. ..__.-____ _.._-1-1_-I -.l.-__-_ --..--.--- Arl~llst 1W!) FINANCIAL AUDIT Commodity Credit Corporation’s Financial Statements for 1988 and 1987 -- (;AO,/‘AI’MI)-E(!)-H:) .,,_ ._... - _.. . .._ ,.‘ .““. ..”._..___. ‘. ._--__-.- ._...__---_____ , GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D... |
Date Aug. 1, 1989 |
Report No. T-AFMD-89-13 |
United States General Accounting Oleace / 3 4 2 / 0 Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 10-00 a.m. Tuesday August 1, 1989 GAO Audits of Accounting and Financial Management Systems at the Federal Housing Administration Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States Before the Subcommittee on Housing and Urban TiFfairs Housing and Urban Affairs Committee on Bankin... |
Date July 26, 1989 |
Report No. RCED-89-144 |
L t I Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-220184 July 26, 1989 The Honorable John D. Dingell Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: As you requested, we examined the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) use of pollution concentration estimates obtained from air quality dispersion... |
Date July 26, 1989 |
Report No. AFMD-89-88 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
July 1989 Report to the Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs and Coinage, Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, House of Representatives FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT The U.S. Mint’s Accounting and Control Problems Need Management Attention GAO/AFMD-?39-$9 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-230374 July 26. 1989 The Honorable Richard H. Lehman... |
Date July 25, 1989 |
Report No. AFMD-89-94 |
GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-197710 July 26, 1989 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents our adverse opinion on the financial statements of the Export-Import Bank of the United States for the years ended September 30,1988 and 1987, and our reports on the ba... |
Date July 5, 1989 |
Report No. RCED-89-158BR |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
July 1989 Briefing Report to the Chairman, Committee on Small Business, U.S. Senate SMALL BUSINESS Information on Cosponsorship Program Activities GAO/RCED439458BR i . GAO United States General Accounting OfRce Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-235671 July 5,1989 The Honorable Dale Bumpers Committee on Small... |