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GAO Reports by subject "NIH Biotechnology Resources Program"

Full-text search of 52,075 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date March 28, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-70 Title

Health: Alternatives to Use of Animals in Research

f ?ELEASED Rl%WRCCTED FFPII-r.United States Washingron, General AccoUnting rel-smi Rccortnftis~ Ofhe Not to Y"@ the bsis outside the Qeneral CXCtpt on of specitic I by the Office ot canOre office Human Division f?eSOUrceS - DC20548 . Pashayan, Jr. B-198010 MARCH 28.1980 The Honorable Charles House of Representatives Dear Mr. Pashayan: Subject: ,&ternatives (HRD-80-70) to Use of Animals in Research...
Date March 28, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-69 Title

Health: Proposed Legislation for Federal Funding To Develop Nonanimal Alternatives for Research

B-198011 . MARCH 28,198O &he Honorable Norman F. Lent House of Representatives 112169 Dear ?lr. Lent: Proposed Legislation II--Develop Non-animal (HRD-80-69) for Federal Alternatives Funding to for Research7 Subject: requested our comments on the Your June 15, 1979, letter feasibility and advisability of a-legislative proposal to redirect 50 percent of Federal research funding for developing In di...