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GAO Reports by subject "Cost analysis"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 6, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-55 Title

Health: Contract for Comprehensive Mental Health Care Services for Cuban Entrants at Fort Chaffee, AK

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 HUM+N RLUMJRCU plvlsloN February 6, 1981 B-202069 The Honorable John Paul Hammerschmidt House of Representatives Dear Mr. Hammerschmidt: II IIIIll llllll 114343 Assessment of Circumstances Leading to the Contract for Comprehensive Mental Health Care Services for Cuban Entrants at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas -. FHRD-81-55) I' - I. raised sev...
Date Feb. 6, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-47 Title

Information Management: Social Security Needs To Better Plan, Develop, and Implement Its Major ADP Systems Redesign Projects

BY THE US GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Health And Human Services Social Security Needs To Better Plan, Develop, And Implement Its Major ADP Systems Redesign Projects The Social Security Administration undertook a major project to redesign the computerized system it uses in administering the Retirement, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance programs. Although substanti...
Date Jan. 21, 1981 Report No. CED-81-51 Title

Environmental Protection: Chicago's Tunnel and Reservoir Plan--Costs Continue To Rise and Completion of Phase I Is Unlikely

B-201801 January 21, 1981 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Charles Senate Percy: H. Percy Tunnel and Reservoir Plan-Continue To Rise and Completion of Phase I Is Unlikely 3 (CED-81-51) In response quent agreements cost information (TARP). This is to your October 9, 1980, request and subsewe are providing updated with your office, on Chicago's Tunnel and Reservoir Plan the fourth in a serie...
Date Jan. 14, 1981 Report No. LCD-81-17 Title

National Defense: Why Actual Costs of Military Construction Projects Vary From Their Estimates

s r‘ ‘c U-SC\rr ‘* t 1 rY Pp - BY THE COiv’lPTROLLERGENERAL / Report ToThe Chairman, Committee On Appropriations, House Of Representatives OF THE UNITEDSTATES RELEASED Why Actual Costs Of Military Coristkction Projects Vary From Their Estimates Many military construction projects require additional funding above the original appropriation. GAO found that many of the factors responsible for...
Date Jan. 1, 1981 Report No. 116145 Title

Special Publications: The GAO Review, Vol. 16, Issue 3, Summer 1981

Charles A. Bowsher Sixth Comptroller General of the United States President Ronald Reagan nominated Charles A. Bowsher, a partner in Arthur Andersen & Company, as Comptroller General of the United States. Since 1971, Mr. Bowsher supervised Arthur Andersen’s work for such Federal entities a s the Departments of Interior and Treasury, the Agency for International Development, the Federal Energy O...
Date Jan. 1, 1981 Report No. 117382 Title

Special Publications: The GAO Review, Vol. 16, Issue 4, Fall 1981

. COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE U N I T E D STATES WASHINGTON D . C . 20548 - 1 I a g r e a t l y honored by t h e e x p r e s s i o n s of c o n f i d e n c e of t h e m P r e s i d e n t and t h e Congress i n nominating and c o n f i r m i n g m e a s C o m p t r o l l e r General of t h e United S t a t e s . Undertaking t h i s new p o s i t i o n i s a c h a l l e n g e w i t h o u t p r e c e...
Date Dec. 23, 1980 Report No. HRD-81-20 Title

Income Security: Reissuing Tamper-Resistant Cards Will Not Eliminate Misuse of Social Security Numbers

co eneral OF THE UNITEDSTATES Reissuing Tamper-Resistant Cards Will Not Eliminate isuse Of Social Security Numbers The social security number has become a wldespread means of ldentlflcatton in the United States As Its use as an identifier has grown, so has the opportunity for Its misuse often to fraudulently obtain employment or monetary benefits However, relssu mg tamper resistant social security...
Date Dec. 22, 1980 Report No. EMD-81-10 Title

Energy: Management Problems Impede Success of DOE's Solar Energy Projects

Irwl? m EIc1 “I, BY THECOMPkCiLLER GENERAL Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES. Management Problems impede Success Of DOE’s Solar Energy Projects Despite Department of Energy efforts to improve management of its solar energy research and development projects, GAO found that these projects are continuing to experience cost increases, schedule slippages, and scope reductions. Stronger cont...
Date Dec. 18, 1980 Report No. GGD-81-11 Title

Government Operations: Better Planning Needed by Postal Service in Relocating Mail Processing Operations

l . , REPORTBY THE’ Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Better Planning Needed By Postal Service In Relocating Mail Processing Operations The Postal Service’s relocation of its mail processing operations from York to Lancaster, reflected inefficiency in the Pennsylvania, transfer, poor handling of personnel actions, and poor communication between management officials and employees. GAO rec...
Date Dec. 4, 1980 Report No. PSAD-81-4 Title

Government Operations: Contracting Out of Selected In-House Commercial and Industrial-Type Activities at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York

03SV31311 ~B-200614 DECEMBER 4,198O RELEASED 113936 The Honorable Herbert E. Harris II Chairman, Subcommittee on Human Resources Committee on Post Office and Civil Service House of Hepresentatives The Honorable Benjamin A. Gilman tlouse of Representatives J Subject: Contracting Out of Selected In-House Commercial and Industrial-Type Activities at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New YorkI (P...
Date Dec. 4, 1980 Report No. CED-81-33 Title

Transportation: West Side Highway Project Cost Estimate

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 +OMMUNlTY AND DEVUOCMLNT CCONOMIC DIVISION DECEMBER 4,198O B-201354 The Honorable Ted Weiss Member, [Jnited States House of Representatives 37 West 65th Street 10023 New York, New York Dear Mr. Weiss: Subject: L-West 113911 Ill I s On October 18, 1980, you requested that we investigate the cost of the West Side Hiyhway Project (Westway...
Date Nov. 21, 1980 Report No. AFMD-81-2 Title

Financial Management: Millions in Stock Funds Mismanaged at Defense Personnel Support Center

A, , -w Q BY THEC0MP.r %3LLERGENERAL mrt To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Mi/lions In Stock Funds Mismanaged At IDefense Personnel Support Center The Defense Personnel Support Center, a major Depaiitment of Defense supply center, lost control o!f hundreds of millions of dollars in stock fund4 The Center made adjustments of about $566imillion in an attempt to correct its financial records but the...
Date Nov. 13, 1980 Report No. PSAD-81-10 Title

Government Operations: Expanded Use of an Improved Defense Automated Small Purchase System Would Yield Big Savings

BY THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Reljort To The Secretary I , Of Defense , Exppnded Use Of An Improved DefBnse Automated Small Purchase System Would Yield Big Savings The defense Logistics Agency has about half of its small purocurements using the Standard Small Purchase System. most of the remaining proat the hardware centers is with system modifications and ve at least 8 4.5 million annually...
Date Nov. 10, 1980 Report No. PSAD-81-9 Title

Government Operations: Civil Agencies Can Improve the Performance of Technical Evaluations

Date Nov. 7, 1980 Report No. EMD-81-3 Title

Energy: Economic Impact of Closing the Indian Point Nuclear Facility

3 ” \13’iw REJ’O~TBY'IHE ’ (lwnptroller General RELE*~~~ OF THE UNITEDSTATES Economic Impact OfClosing The Indian Point Nuclear Facility T e close proximity of the Indian Point nucl ar plant to the heavily populated New Y :, rk City area has raised questions about the safety of its continued operations. What could be the economic impact on the utility owners and consumers if the nuclear pl...
Date Nov. 6, 1980 Report No. HRD-81-17 Title

Information Management: The Veterans Administration's Plans To Convert the Automated Hospital Information System at the Washington, D.C., Medical Center

... 1 I” OOMFTROLLCR ORNLRAL WmHINOTDN. OF THE touI UNITED WA- D.C. ~-199666 NOVEMBER 6,198O The Honorable Richardson Preyer Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Information and Individual Rights Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman; llllllll llllllll 113689 Subject! @e Veterans Administration's Plans to Convert the Automated Hospital Information System a...
Date Oct. 20, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-81-4 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: IRS Can Expand and Improve Computer Processing of Information Returns

r R E P O R TB Y T H E C o m p troller G e n e ral O F T H E U N !TE DS T A T E S /Is- -i--a IRSC a n E x---a n d A n d Im p rove C o m p u te r p P rocessing O f lnformath R e tu rns T h e Internal R e v e n u e Service h a s m a d e conside r a b l e progress in m a tching tax returns with information returns (such as W - 2 s a n d 1 0 9 9 s ) filed by employers a n d organizations that p a y di...
Date Oct. 2, 1980 Report No. HRD-81-10 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Review To Determine Whether Davis-Bacon Act Has an Inflationary Impact and Increases Costs on METRO Construction

Not to bo releared outside the Qeneraf RtSTRlCTRb Aeoountfrcg Office except on the bacir of specific approval by the Ottice of Congrass:onal Rclatiom. l 1,’ (J ., rL2-k RELEASED 1 ','-/l,ii UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 October HUMAN REsOURCES D’IVISION 2, 1980 B-146842 1/ The Honorable John M. Ashbrook Ranking Minority Member Committee on Education and Labor H...
Date Oct. 2, 1980 Report No. HRD-81-11 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Review To Determine Whether the Davis-Bacon Act Has an Inflationary Impact and Increases Costs on METRO Construction

-. 1 1 8, I ‘,. j” 881 I, ‘I .’ (Lj - ““h” ,,.. &N4 ml UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, October 2, 1980 D.C. 20548 ~E&lSED WJhlAN ~ESOURCBS DIVISION B-146842 The Honorable Robert E. Bauman House of Representatives ,Dear Mr. Bauman: llllllllllllll I i 3889 Subject: to Determine Whether the Davis-Bacon ct Has an Inflationary Impact and Increases Costs on METRO Constr...
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-95 Title

Government Operations: Approval of the Social Security Administration Administrative Accounting System

r i I I i ,./' ! The Honorable Patricia Roberts Harris The Secretary of Health and Human Services Dear Mrs. Harris: Subject: fipproval of the Social Security Administration Administrative Accounting Syste (FGPISD-80-95) 3 i It is my pleasure t o approve the design of the Social Security Administration's Administrative Accounting System as you requested on September 25, 1980. The design is adequate...
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-128 Title

Conduct of DOE's Gasohol Study Group: Issues and Observations

, . . I w REPORTBY THE ,. Comptroller General Study Group: Issues And Observations GAO reviewed a number of allegations concerning the conduct of the Department of Energy’s Energy Research Advisory Board Gasohol Study Group and found them of mixed validity. The most serious deficiencies GAO found were that --the Study Group was not operated in accordance with the requirements governing Federal a...
Date Sept. 24, 1980 Report No. 113384 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Review of Five Contracts Awarded by the Veterans Administration at the End of Fiscal Year 1979 for ADP Services and/or Software

Date Sept. 23, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-80 Title

National Defense: Department of Defense Should Resolve Major Issues Regarding Reengining the KC-135 Aircraft Before Continuing the Program

Date Sept. 19, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-79 Title

Government Operations: Army's Contracting Out of Installation Support Functions at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mt. Clemens, Michigan

PROCUREMENT ACOUISITION AND SYSTKMS DIVISION B-200369 SEPTEMBER 19,198O The Honorable Carl M. Levin Subcommittee on Chairman, Oversight of Government Management Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: - I IIIII 113501 Subject: LArmy's Contracting Out of Installation Support Functions at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mt. Clemens, Michigan7(PSAD-80-79) J This i...
Date Sept. 19, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-72 Title

Health: Rising Hospital Costs Can Be Restrained by Regulating Payments and Improving Management

BY THECOMPTROLLER GEiEl-iAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITED STATES Rising Hospital Costs Can Be Restrained By Regulating Payments And Improving Management Cost-based retrospective payment for hospital services is inherently inflationary. Yet, because retrospective payment is the prevalent reimbursement method used by third-party payers, both government and private, most hospital payments today ...
Date Sept. 4, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-69 Title

Government Operations: Air Force C-130 Contract Price Is Overstated and Proper Action Has Not Been Taken To Improve Lockheed's Cost Accounting and Estimating Systems

etary Of Defense Air Force C-l 30 Contract Price Is Overstated roper Action Has Not Been Taken To Improve Lockheed’s Cost Accounting And Estimating Systems l-he price of a contract the Air Force awarded !o Lxkheec: for C-l 30 airplanes is overstated :~y abou! $4.2 tnillion. Fcrce personnel have not adequately to contract audit reports of weakwssfs III l.ockhef?d’s accounting and estimatin
Date Aug. 19, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-74 Title

National Defense: Cost Estimates for U.S. and Canadian F/A-18 Strike Fighters

WASHINGTON, IX. 20548 PROCUMMUVT ACPUISIl’1ON AND SYSTEMS DIVISION AUGUST 19,198O B-196883 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: This information currently report to is John C. Danforth Senate Danforth: E--oat Estimates F/A-18 Strike for U.S. and Canadian Fighters (PSAD-80-74) 113188 J in response to your April 30, 1980, request for We are on the cost of the F/A-18 strike fighter. re...
Date Aug. 19, 1980 Report No. ID-80-46 Title

Indochinese Refugees: Protection, Care, and Processing Can Be Improved

II ..1 BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES ++i+&#;; Report ToThe Congreeks Indochinese Refugees: Protection, Care, And Processing Can Be Improved The continuous exodus of refugees from Communist Indochina in 1979 strained the willingness and the ability of Asian asylum countries to accept refugees and to assist in providing protection and temporary care. GAO reported in 1979 that because o...
Date Aug. 18, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-66 Title

Government Operations: Need For and Plans To Strengthen Procurement and Property Management Controls at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Laboratories

1. II*. II”-,/ 1Q m I BY THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFIC’E Report To The Secretciry Of Commerce ~~___ _ - Need ForAnd PlansTo Strengthen Procurement And Property Management Controls At National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration Laboratories GAO found that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has weaknesses in its local laboratory procurement operations. Procurement officia...
Date Aug. 11, 1980 Report No. CED-80-95 Title

Agriculture and Food: Problems Plagued Department of Agriculture's Grasshopper Control Program in 1979

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe HonorableJames Abdnor House of Representatives OF THE UNITED STATES Problemsllagued Department Of Agriculture’s Grasshopper Control Program In 1979 The 1979 grasshopper infestation in 17 Western States was the worst since the 1930s. The Department of Agriculture’s program to control the grasshoppers was not effective because --it was badly managed, --it ...
Date Aug. 8, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-107a Title

Dispute Regarding the Operation of DOE's OTEC-1: Brief Background and Status

. C’ . UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ENERGY AND MINERALS DIVISION AUGUST 8,198O B-199778 The Honorable Robert K. Dornan House of Representatives Dear Mr. Dornan: Subject: Dispute Regarding the Operation of DO 's c OTEC-1eBrief Background and Status 3 (EMD-80-107a) 112974 This is in response to your request of June 5, 1980, which was in support of a prior request ...
Date Aug. 8, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-91 Title

Government Operations: Federal Agency Roles and Responsibilities for Emergency Communications Need Clarification

BY THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Director Of The Office Of Management And Budget Federal Agency Roles And Responsibilities For Emergency Communications Need Clarification The Interagency Committee on Search and Rescue developed its Emergency Response Communications Program without establishing the need for a satellite system or considering alternatives. The program, which could c...
Date July 23, 1980 Report No. ID-80-15 Title

International Affairs: Administration of the Steel Trigger Price Mechanism

.. f%%@ll2q60 ,+ BY THE CWTR&iR OF THE UNITEDSTATES GENERAL Report To The Congress Administration Of The Steel Trigger Price Mechanism The steel trigger price mechanism lished to speed up antidumping tions. was estabinvestiga- If imports were priced below preestablished trigger prices, the Treasury Department, which originally administered the program with the Customs Service, and later the Depart...
Date July 18, 1980 Report No. GGD-80-60 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Special Agents Should Be Phased Out as FBI Crime Laboratory Examiners

,, BY THECOblP-T-ROLLER GENERAL ngress OFTHEUNITEDSTATES Special Agents Should Be Phased Out As FBICrime Laboratory Examiners The FBI is the only Federal crime laboratory which employs special agents as lab examiners. This is a costly practice, because special agents are higher graded than civilian personnel and receive special retirement benefits. The benefits the FBI claims from using special ag...
Date July 17, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-63 Title

Information Management: The Senate Should Explore Other Word Processing Alternatives To Improve Cost Effectiveness and Productivity

. I . a BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Chairman, Committee On Appropriations United States Senate OF THE UNITED STATES Processing Alternatives To Improve Cost Effectiveness And Productivity Word processing systems are essential to the offices of U.S. Senators who respond annually to over 11 million letters from their constituents. The annual cost for equipment and personnel to develop an...
Date July 16, 1980 Report No. B-199563 Title

Government Operations: GAO Study Required by Reconciliation Act of 1980

' B-199563 We understand the need for the study required by section 554(b)(2) to resolve the longstanding issue of the appropriate basis for payments to hospitals for the costs of providing routine nursing care to Medicare beneficiaries. We wish to call to your attention, however, factors that will affect our ability to carry out the study or to fully meet the study's stated requirements in the al...
Date July 8, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-85 Title

National Defense: Comparison of Air Force and Navy Aircraft Engine Parts Reparability Coding

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 LOGISTICS AN0 COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION JULY 8,198O B-199357 The Honorable The Secretary Harold Brown of Defense Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject:bmparison of Air Force and Navy Aircraft Engine Parts Reparability Coding (LCD-80-85) 3 We have completed a survey of depot overhaul and repair procedures for aircraft engines and their associated cos...
Date July 3, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-76 Title

National Defense: Retention of FRAM Destroyers May Be Impractical

Comptroller General OF THE UNITED STATES Retention Of FRAM Destroyers May Be Impractical This report addresses the reasons cited by the Navy for retiring 20 destroyers in the Naval Reserve Force. The Senate and House Committees on Appropriations agreed in conference that the Navy should retain 12 of the destroyers while a careful review of the practicality of retaining the remaining ships was bein...
Date June 24, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-70 Title

Effects in Washington, D.C., Area of 1979 Gasoline Shortage: Supplies Less Than National Average; Price Increases Comparable

C., Area Of plies Less ; Price Increases During May and June 1979 the Washington, D. G., metropolitan area received, respectively, 6 and 10 percent less gasoline than the national average. Although the price of gasoline in the Washington, 0, C., area increased significantly during the first 7 months of 1979, it was comparable with the national average. The Department of Energy has not developed ov...
Date June 20, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-61 Title

Government Operations: General Services Administration's Lease Versus Construction Present-Value Cost Analyses Submitted to the Congress Were Inaccurate

General Services Administration’s Lease Versus Construction Present-Value Cost Analyses Submitted To The Congress Were Inaccurate The Committee is concerned over the substantial increase in leased space in recent years with no appreciable increase in Government-owned space. The Committee requested GAO to review the General Services Administration’s use of Office of Management and Budget Circul...
Date June 20, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-88 Title

Employer Stock Ownership Plans: Who Benefits Most in Closely Held Companies?

rt To The Committee On Finance United--. ,/-‘\ “y”~ States Senate -- / \ I-. I r--- UWED STATES L.-l’ -. Employer Stock Ownership Plans: Who Benefits Most In Closely Held Companies? This report highlights problems in Employee Stock Ownership Plans of closely held companies which favor the company and adversely affect participants. These problems relate to the valuation, marketability, and ...
Date June 12, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-93 Title

Health: Questions About the Cost-Benefit Analyses of the Professional Standards Review Organization Program

Division B-199164 JUNE 12,198O ’ i/The Honorable George M. O'Brien House of Representatives Dear Mr. O'Brien: uestions About ssional the Cost-Benefit Analyses of Standards Review Organization Subject: Your to the Review .sid tHuman i these of the enclosed. :A May 20, 1980, letter, asked four questions related cost -benefit analyses of the Professional Standards (y 4 d'Cc Organization (PSRO) prog...
Date June 9, 1980 Report No. GGD-80-67 Title

Financial Management: Improvements Needed in the Management of Federal Prison Industries' Factories

UNITED STATS GENERALACCOUNTING0mcE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 JUNE 9,198O Mr. Norman A. Carlson Federal Commissioner, Industries, Inc. Department of Justice Dear Mr. Carlson: Prison Subject: Needed in the r Improvements Federal Prison Industries' tGGD-80-67) Management Factories J of During our recent examination of the fiscal year 1979 financial statements of Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (FPI), we...
Date June 6, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-65 Title

National Defense: Operational and Support Costs of the Navy's F/A-18 Can Be Substantially Reduced

B’r’THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Operational And Support Costs Of The Navy’s VA-18 Can Be Substantially Reduced The Navy’s logistics support planning for the F/A-18 aircraft is comprehensive; however, its operational and support costs could be substantially reduced if the Navy would adopt the following alternative concepts: --Use multiport --Consolidate av...
Date June 6, 1980 Report No. CED-80-59 Title

Housing: Section 8 Subsidized Housing--Some Observations on Its High Rents, Costs, and Inequities

. .. BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Section 8 Subsidized HousingSome Observations On Its High r Rents, Costs, And Inequities Like the subsidized housing programs which preceded it, the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Section 8 Rental Assistance Program is costly and serves only a fraction of the millions of households in need. Since its inception ...
Date May 29, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-57 Title

Government Operations: OMB's Study of Decentralization of Federal Governmental Functions

REPORTBY THE k-6'. a General Accounting Office RELEASED OMB’s Study Of Decentralization Of Federal Governmental Functions This report to Senator Charles McC. Mathias, Jr., and Representative John P. Murtha discusses the results of GAO’s review of the Office of Management and Budget’s recent study on decentralization. The OMB study, while lacking in precision, provides some indication of the ...
Date May 20, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-55 Title

National Defense: The Direct Commissary Support System Should Be Expanded To Include More Army Commissaries in Europe

BY THE US. GENEr?Ai ,4CCOUNTING OFFICE t 123yt Report To The Secretary Of The Army The Direct Commissary Support System Should Be Expanded To Include More Army Commissaries In Europe The Defense logistics Agency’s Direct Commissary Support System has proven to be an effective and efficient means of providing nonperishable, brand-name, resale subsistence items to Army and Air Force commissaries o...
Date May 9, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-54 Title

National Defense: Consolidation of American Forces Radio and Television Service--Washington and Los Angeles Broadcasting Facilities

.. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 Logistics and Communications Division B-168700 MAY 9,198O The Honorable Joseph L. Fisher House of Representatives Dear Mr. Fisher: (I HI II lllllllllll 112266 Subject: of American Forces rConsolidation and Television Service--Washington Los Angeles Broadcasting Facilities (LCD-80-54) Radio and -J asked us to review the Your July 1...
Date May 7, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-58 Title

Financial Management: Improvements Needed in Accounting for Foreign Student Participation in Defense Training Programs

MAY 7,1980 0-198250 The Honorable Frank Church Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: Improvements Needed in Accounting L-- oreign Student Participation in Training Programs (FGMSD-80-58) for Defense III)(( I III I 112279 Subject: In your letter of January 15, 1980, and during subsequent discussions with your office, concerns were expressed that increases ...
Date May 6, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-17 Title

Health: Health Maintenance Organizations Can Help Control Health Care Costs

BY THECOMPTROLLERGEmRAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES Jr2291 ’ Report To The Congress Health Maintenance Organizations Can Help Control Health Care Costs GAO’s analysis of the economic performance of federally qualified group practice and staff model health maintenance organizations (HMOs) indicated that: --They were taking into consideration the relative costs of providing services when deciding whether...