Organization's Own Description:
Congressional Coronavirus Task Force will marshal the collective experience and expertise of Members of Congress and Congressional Committees to produce an action plan and provide input into health policy and legislative efforts, be a vehicle for receiving and disseminating information on a regular basis to the entire Congress and the general public, to advocate for needed resources, and to work with the Administration to act promptly on all matters related to combatting the coronavirus.
It has been a little over a month since the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of a “public health emergency” from the outbreak of the Coronavirus. This virus
continues to infect populations around the world including right here in the United States. As Members of Congress, we maintain open and active lines of communication with our constituents, which will be an invaluable resource as the nation combats this virus.
The trust and bonds that Members share with their constituents will allow task force members to develop broad-based strategies that can benefit all our districts.
The task force will enable Members to provide a credible and effective response on matters that must be addressed immediately, to find common ground for solutions that address the needs of federal, state, and local public health
and disaster response agencies, and address the quarantine challenge in rural communities and densely populated areas.
This is not a time for panic, but rather a time for preparation based on facts.
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