05/18/22 12:48 PM H.R. 6961
Considered under suspension of the rules.
05/18/22 12:48 PM H.R. 6961
Mr. Takano moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. H.R. 6961 — "To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve hearings before the Board of Veterans' Appeals regarding claims involving military sexual trauma."
05/18/22 12:47 PM H.R. 7335
At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.
05/18/22 12:40 PM H.R. 7335
DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 7335.
05/18/22 12:40 PM H.R. 7335
Considered under suspension of the rules.
05/18/22 12:39 PM H.R. 7335
Mr. Takano moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill. H.R. 7335 — "To improve coordination between the Veterans Health Administration and the Veterans Benefits Administration with respect to claims for compensation arising from military sexual trauma, and for other purposes."
05/18/22 12:39 PM H.R. 5738
At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.
05/18/22 12:32 PM H.R. 5738
DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 5738.
05/18/22 12:32 PM H.R. 5738
Considered under suspension of the rules.
05/18/22 12:32 PM H.R. 5738
Mr. Takano moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. H.R. 5738 — "To amend title 38, United States Code, to require a lactation space in each medical center of the Department of Veterans Affairs."