09/21/20 12:35 PM H.R. 4957
Ms. Haaland moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. H.R. 4957 — "To amend the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act."
09/21/20 12:35 PM H.R. 3465
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
09/21/20 12:35 PM H.R. 3465
On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.
09/21/20 12:31 PM H.R. 3465
DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 3465.
09/21/20 12:31 PM H.R. 3465
Considered under suspension of the rules.
09/21/20 12:30 PM H.R. 3465
Ms. Haaland moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. H.R. 3465 — "To authorize the Fallen Journalists Memorial Foundation to establish a commemorative work in the District of Columbia and its environs, and for other purposes."
09/21/20 12:30 PM H.R. 3349
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
09/21/20 12:30 PM H.R. 3349
On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.
09/21/20 12:21 PM H.R. 3349
DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 3349.
09/21/20 12:21 PM H.R. 3349
Considered under suspension of the rules.