12/13/17 12:21 PM
Committee on Ethics - Pursuant to clause 5(a)(4)(A) of rule X, and the order of the House of December 13, 2017, the Speaker appointed the following members of the House to the Committee on Ethics: Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Walorski, Mrs. Handel, Mrs. Mimi Walters of California and Mr. Paulsen.
12/13/17 12:21 PM
Investigative Subcommittees to be established by the Committee on Ethics - Pursuant to clause 5(a)(4)(A) of rule X, and the order of the House of December 13, 2017, the Speaker appointed the following members of the House to the Investigative Subcommittees to be established by the Committee on Ethics: Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Walorski, Mrs. Handel, Mrs. Mimi Walters of California and Mr. Paulsen.
12/13/17 12:20 PM
ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CHAIR - Without objection, The Chair announced the Speaker or a designee and the Minority Leader or a designee shall each name a total of 15 Members, Delegates, or the Resident Commissioner from the respective party of such individual who are not members of the Committee on Ethics to be available to serve on investigative subcommittees of that committee during the 115th Congress pursuant to clause 5(a)(4) of rule 10.
12/13/17 12:01 PM
ONE MINUTE SPEECHES - The House proceeded with one minute speeches which by direction of the Chair, would be limited to 15 per side of the aisle.
12/13/17 12:01 PM
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Chair designated Mrs. Lawrence to lead the Members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
12/13/17 12:01 PM
The Speaker announced approval of the Journal. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Journal stands approved.
12/13/17 12:00 PM
Today's prayer was offered by the House Chaplain, Rev. Patrick J. Conroy.
12/13/17 12:00 PM
The House convened, returning from a recess continuing the legislative day of December 13.
12/13/17 10:40 AM
The Speaker announced that the House do now recess. The next meeting is scheduled for 12:00 P.M. today.
12/13/17 10:00 AM
MORNING-HOUR DEBATE - The House proceeded with Morning-Hour Debate. At the conclusion of Morning-Hour, the House will recess until 12:00 p.m. for the start of legislative business.