12/07/17 3:39 PM H.R. 477
On agreeing to the Sherman amendment; Agreed to by voice vote.
12/07/17 3:39 PM H.R. 477
The previous question was ordered on the amendment and the bill without objection
12/07/17 3:34 PM H.R. 477
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 647, the House proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Sherman amendment No. 1.
12/07/17 3:33 PM H.R. 477
An amendment, offered by Mr. Sherman, numbered 1 printed in Part A of House Report 115-443 to make several changes that provide additional protections for investors and small businesses. Specifically the amendment includes provisions that would prohibit passive buyers in the M&A transaction, prohibit M&A brokers from binding a party to a transfer of ownership, prohibit M&A brokers from providing financing for the transfer, and require M&A brokers that represent both the buyer and seller to disclose that to both parties and receive written consent.
12/07/17 3:22 PM H.R. 477
DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on H.R. 477.
12/07/17 3:21 PM H.R. 477
Provides for consideration of H.R. 477 and H.R. 3971 under structured rules with one hour of debate, one motion to recommit with or without instructions on each measure. Also provides for consideration of H.J. Res. 123 under a closed rule, with one hour of debate and one motion
12/07/17 3:21 PM H.R. 477
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 647. H.R. 477 — "To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to exempt from registration brokers performing services in connection with the transfer of ownership of smaller privately held companies."
12/07/17 3:20 PM H.J. Res. 123
POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on H.J. Res. 123, the Chair put the question on passage of the bill, and announced by voice vote that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Frelinghuysen demanded the yeas and nays, and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of passage until later in the legislative day.
12/07/17 3:19 PM H.J. Res. 123
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
12/07/17 2:28 PM H.J. Res. 123
DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on H.J. Res. 123.