05/18/16 8:45 PM H.R. 5243
Ms. Castor (FL) appealed the ruling of the chair. The question was then put on sustaining the ruling of the chair.
05/18/16 8:42 PM H.R. 5243
Mr. Rogers (KY) raised a point of order against the motion to recommit with instructions. Mr. Rogers (KY) stated that the provisions of the motion sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. Sustained by the Chair.
05/18/16 8:42 PM H.R. 5243
Point of order sustained against the motion to recommit with instructions.
05/18/16 8:42 PM H.R. 5243
Mr. Rogers (KY) raised a point of order against the motion to recommit with instructions. Mr. Rogers (KY) stated that the motion seeks to change existing law and constitutes legislation in an appropriations bill Sustained by the Chair.
05/18/16 8:37 PM H.R. 5243
DEBATE - The House proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Castor (FL) motion to recommit with instructions, pending a reservation of a point of order. The instructions contained in the motion seek to require the bill to be reported back to the House with an amendment to strike all after the enacting clause and insert a new text to the bill.
05/18/16 8:37 PM H.R. 5243
Ms. Castor (FL) moved to recommit with instructions to the Committee on Appropriations.
05/18/16 8:36 PM H.R. 5243
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
05/18/16 7:28 PM H.R. 5243
DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on H.R. 5243.
05/18/16 7:27 PM H.R. 5243
Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 4974 and H.R. 5243.
05/18/16 7:27 PM H.R. 5243
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 736. H.R. 5243 — "Making appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, to strengthen public health activities in response to the Zika virus, and for other purposes."