04/29/15 7:13 PM H.R. 2029
An amendment, offered by Mr. Ratcliffe, to prohibit use of funds in the bill for a new round of Base Realignment and Closures (BRAC).
04/29/15 7:12 PM H.R. 2029
POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Pocan amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Pocan demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.
04/29/15 7:03 PM H.R. 2029
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 223, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Pocan amendment.
04/29/15 7:03 PM H.R. 2029
An amendment, offered by Mr. Pocan, to prohibit use of funds to enter into a contract with any person whose disclosures of a proceeding with a disposition listed in the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System include the term "Fair Labor Standards Act".
04/29/15 7:03 PM H.R. 2029
Amendment offered by Mr. Pocan.
04/29/15 7:02 PM H.R. 2029
On agreeing to the Noem amendment; Agreed to by voice vote.
04/29/15 6:59 PM H.R. 2029
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 223, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Noem amendment.
04/29/15 6:59 PM H.R. 2029
An amendment, offered by Mrs. Noem, to prohibit use of funds to end, suspend, or relocate, hospital-based services with respect to a VA health care facility that is the subject of an environmental impact statement, designated as a National Historic Landmark, or located in a highly rural area.
04/29/15 6:59 PM H.R. 2029
Amendment offered by Mrs. Noem.
04/29/15 6:58 PM H.R. 2029
Mr. Dent raised a point of order against the Pocan amendment. Mr. Dent stated that the provisions of the Pocan amendment sought to change existing law by imposing new duties and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.