Klamath River Basin Issues and Activities: An Overview (CRS Report for Congress)
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Release Date |
Sept. 22, 2005 |
Report Number |
RL33098 |
Report Type |
Report |
Authors |
Kyna Powers, Eugene H. Buck, and Betsy A. Cody, Resources, Science, and Industry Division; and Pamela Baldwin, American Law Division |
Source Agency |
Congressional Research Service |
The Klamath River Basin, an area on the California-Oregon border, has become a focal point
local and national discussions on water management and water scarcity. Water and species
management issues were brought to the forefront when severe drought in 2001 exacerbated
competition for scarce water resources and generated conflict among several interests -- farmers,
Indian tribes, commercial and sport fishermen, other recreationists, federal wildlife refuge managers,
environmental groups, and state, local, and tribal governments. The conflicts over water distribution
and allocation are physically and legally complex, reflecting the varied and sometimes competing
uses of limited water supplies in the Basin. For management purposes, the Basin is divided at Iron
Gate Dam into the Upper and Lower Basins.
As is true in many regions in the West, the federal government plays a prominent role in the
Klamath Basin's water management. This role stems from three primary activities: (1) the operation
and management of the Bureau of Reclamation's Klamath Water Project and Central Valley Project
(e.g., Trinity River dams); (2) management of federal lands in the Basin, including five national
wildlife refuges, several national forests, and public lands; and (3) implementation of federal laws,
such as the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Clean Water Act (CWA), and National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA).
Conflict was sparked in April of 2001 when the Bureau of Reclamation, which has supplied
water to farms in the Upper Basin for nearly 100 years, announced that "no water [would] be
available" for farms normally receiving water from the Upper Klamath Lake to avoid jeopardizing
the existence of three fish species listed as endangered or threatened under the ESA. While some
water was subsequently made available to some farmers from other sources (e.g., wells and other
Bureau sources), many farmers faced serious hardships.
During Reclamation's operations in September of 2002, warm water temperatures and atypically
low flows in the lower Klamath contributed to the death of at least 33,000 adult salmonids. This
die-off damaged fish stocks and the tribes, commercial fishermen, and recreational anglers that catch
Klamath fish.
There have been many studies, Biological Opinions, and operating plans over recent years, all
of which have been controversial. The events of 2001 and 2002 prompted renewed efforts to resolve
water conflicts in the Klamath Basin. Congress has responded to the controversy in a number of
ways, including holding oversight hearings and appropriating funds for activities in the area. This
report provides an overview of recent conflict in the Klamath Basin, with an emphasis on activities
in the Upper Basin, and summarizes some of the activities taking place to improve water supply
reliability and fish survival. This report will be updated as events warrant.