H.R. 7340 would require federal agencies to publish a plan on their websites 30 days prior to reopening a facility during the COVID-19 public health emergency. The plan would contain details of the personal protective equipment available to employees, contingencies for employees who are at risk of contracting coronavirus, and other information as specified in the bill. The bill also would require the Inspector General (IG) of each agency to provide to the Congress, within six months of enactment, a review of the agency’s policies for reopening facilities. Although federal agencies are currently developing plans similar to those required by the bill, CBO does not anticipate that those plans will be posted online, or reviewed by the agency’s IG. CBO does not expect the cost of those additional activities to be significant in any one agency, but we estimate that, across the government, implementing the bill would cost roughly $3 million over the 2021-2025 period; any spending would be subject to the availability of appropriated funds.