H.R. 504 would direct the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to improve the training and preparation of department personnel assigned to fusion centers, which facilitate information sharing among federal, state, and local authorities and are supported by DHS. The act also would require the department to enhance a network for sharing information available to its personnel and to certain other federal and nonfederal employees. Most of the cost would stem from upgrading and maintaining the information network including enhanced document sharing and search capabilities. (We expect most upgrades to occur during the first year after enactment.) That information network is used by about 100,000 personnel at federal, state, local, and nongovernmental agencies that are involved in homeland security activities. Using information from DHS and assuming appropriation of the necessary amounts, CBO estimates that implementing H.R. 504 would cost $15 million over the 2019-2024 period. The costs of the legislation fall within budget function 750 (administration of justice).