H.R. 2907 would require the Secretary of the Interior, every four years, to prepare an onshore energy production strategy for developing resources owned by the federal government. As part of that strategy, the Secretary would be directed to establish production objectives for oil, natural gas, coal, oil shale, and certain other minerals, as well as energy from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, and geothermal resources. Based on an analysis of information provided by the Department of the Interior about the cost of similar reports, CBO estimates that developing the initial four-year strategy and commencing work on the subsequent strategy would cost $7 million over the 2018-2022 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary amounts.
Enacting H.R. 2907 would not affect direct spending or revenues; therefore, pay-as-you-go procedures do not apply.
CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 2907 would not increase net direct spending or on-budget deficits in any of the four consecutive 10-year periods beginning in 2028.
H.R. 2907 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.