S. 317 would amend federal law to increase the amount of information about federal programs that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) provides online. The legislation would require that each program administered by a federal agency be described on OMB’s website. The bill also would require a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). S. 317 also would authorize the appropriation of $18 million for the 2018-2020 period to cover the additional costs of collecting and posting this information.
CBO estimates that implementing S. 317 would cost $18 million over the 2018-2020 period, assuming appropriation of the authorized amounts.
Enacting S. 317 could affect direct spending by some agencies not funded through annual appropriations; therefore, pay-as-you-go procedures apply. CBO estimates that any net changes in direct spending by those agencies would be negligible. Enacting the bill would not affect revenues.
CBO also estimates that enacting S. 317 would not increase net direct spending or on-budget deficits in any of the four consecutive 10-year periods beginning in 2028.
S. 317 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act and would impose no costs on state, local, or tribal governments.