Organization's Own Description:
Our democracy was founded on the principle that it was the people, all people, who determined the outcome of our elections. It is clear that Congress must act swiftly to restore the confidence in our democracy that was lost in the most recent string of harmful Supreme Court decisions. All Americans must be able to equally shape an election, and no one should be able to buy a spot in office. We must reduce the role of money in our politics. In doing so, we know we can break the grip of the special interests and elect more women, minorities, young people, and public servants dedicated to the common good. From Seneca Falls, New York to Selma, Alabama, Americans have always stood up against status quos that did not live up to the promises of our Founders. Today’s generation must do the same. We must D.A.R.E. to reclaim our politics:
Disclose the sources of money in our campaigns,
Amend the Constitution to reverse the grievous error of the Citizens United decision,
Reform our campaign finance system, and
Empower citizens everywhere to exercise their right to vote.
Democrats are committed to taking action to empower the voices of the American people. That’s why we introduced the Government by the People Act, a straightforward piece of legislation that would:
Encourage everyday Americans to participate in the funding of campaigns through tax credits,
Incentivize candidates to focus on small-dollar contributions, and
Give additional support to citizen-backed candidates in the homestretch of a campaign.
These common-sense reforms, funded by closing tax loopholes enshrined by powerful special interests, would go a long way towards taking back our politics. Together, we can build a government that answers to the people – and we can reassert the promise of our democracy.
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