09/17/15 3:00 PMLocation : 2123 Rayburn HOB
Hearing: Protecting Infants: Ending Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Providers Who Violate the Law
09/17/15 2:00 PMLocation : 311 Canon HOB
Hearing: Safeguarding Our Nations Surface Transportation Systems Against Evolving Terrorist Threats.
Location : 2200 Rayburn HOB
Hearing: Challenges to Religious Freedom in the Americas
Location : 2172 Rayburn HOB
Hearing: Major Beneficiaries of the Iran Deal: IRGC and Hezbollah
Location : 2154 Rayburn HOB
Hearing: Full Committee Hearing Federal Air Marshal Service: Oversight
09/17/15 1:45 PMLocation : 2172 Rayburn HOB
Markup: Markup: H. Res. 277 and H. Res. 293
09/17/15 1:00 PMLocation :
Hearing: Financing Main Street: How Dodd-Frank is Crippling Small Lenders and Access to Capital
Location : 311 Canon HOB
Markup: Markup of H.R. 3350 the Know the CBRN Terrorism Threats to Transportation Act.H.R. 3361 the Department of Homeland Security Insider Threat and Mitigation Act of 2015.H.R. 3505 the Department of Homeland Security Support to Fusion Centers Act of 2015Committee Print entitled the "Fusion Center Enhancement Act of 2015".H.R. 3505 the "Department of Homeland Security Clearance Management and Administration Act"
09/17/15 10:30 AMLocation : 2141 Rayburn HOB
Markup: H.R. 1428 the Judicial Redress Act of 2015; H.R. 1755 To amend title 36 United States Code to make certain improvements in the congressional charter of the Disabled American Veterans; and H.R. 3449 To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to extend honorary citizenship to otherwise qualified noncitizens who enlisted in the Philippines and died while serving on active duty with the United States Armed Forces during certain periods of hostilities and for other purposes
Location : 334 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515
Markup: Markup of H.R. 3106, as amended; H.R. 3016; H.R. 677; H.R. 1338; H.R. 1384; H.R. 2360, as amended; and H.R. 2915