03/27/14 1:30 PMLocation : 2359 Rayburn
Hearing: Budget Hearing - Veterans Affairs
03/27/14 11:00 AMLocation : 1324 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515
Hearing: Legislative Haring on H.R. 4002 and H.R. 3822
03/27/14 10:00 AMLocation : 2362-A Rayburn
Hearing: Budget Hearing - Food and Drug Administration
Location : 311 Canon HOB
Markup: H.R. 3283 To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to modernize and implement the national integrated public alert and warning system to disseminate homeland security information and other information and for other purposes. The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Modernization Act of 2013. H.R. 4263 Mrs. Brooks of Indiana To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to authorize the Department of Homeland Security to establish
Location : H-140 Capitol
Hearing: Budget Hearing - United States Army
Location : H-309 Capitol
Hearing: Budget Hearing - National Science Foundation
03/27/14 9:30 AMLocation : 2359 Rayburn
Hearing: Budget Hearing - Environment Protection Agency
Location : 1334 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515
Hearing: Oversight Hearing on "Advances in Earthquake Science: 50th Anniversary of the Great Alaskan Quake"
Location : 2237 Rayburn HOB
Hearing: Over-Criminalization Task Force: Over-federalization
03/27/14 9:00 AMLocation : 2318 Rayburn HOB
Hearing: A Review of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Budget for Fiscal Year 2015