03/06/13 3:30 PMLocation : 2118 RHOB.
Strategic Forces Subc. On discussing the effects of sequestration on the U.S. nuclear deterrent. Dept. and public witnesses.
03/06/13 2:00 PMLocation : 2359 RHOB.
Financial Services and General Government Subc. On oversight of the Small Business Administration. Dept. witnesses.
Location : 2212 RHOB.
Military Personnel Subc. On an update on military suicide prevention. Dept. witnesses.
Location : 2318 RHOB.
Full Committee. On reviewing U.S. government efforts to track and mitigate asteroids and meteors. Dept. witnesses.
03/06/13 1:30 PMLocation : 334 CHOB.
Oversight and Investigations Subc. On examining patient wait times at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Dept. and public witnesses.
03/06/13 1:00 PMLocation : 2360 RHOB.
Full Committee. On examining the concerns of small businesses as implementation of the health care law moves forward. Public witnesses.
03/06/13 11:00 AMLocation : H-309 Capitol.
Commerce, Justice, and Science Subc. On oversight of the National Science Foundation. Dept. witnesses.
03/06/13 10:30 AMLocation : 1310 LHOB.
Full Committee. On committee funding for the 113th Congress.
Location : 311 CHOB.
Full Committee. On examining current cyber threats facing the U.S. and exploring how Congress can build upon the Department of Homeland Securitys efforts to prevent cyber attacks in a way that promotes commerce. Dept. and public witnesses.
03/06/13 10:15 AMLocation : 2322 RHOB.
Health Subc. On discussing ways to save seniors and the most vulnerable citizens from an entitlement crisis. Public witnesses.