05/08/12 Location : 2141 RHOB.
Full Committee. Markup of H.R. 4970 – Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2012, H.R. 4377 – Responsibility and Professionally Invigorating Development Act of 2012, and H.R. ___ - Divisional Realignment Act of 2012.
05/08/12 1:00 PMLocation : 1324 LHOB.
Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs Subc. On H.R. 3210 – Retailers and Entertainers Lacey Implementation and Enforcement Fairness Act, and H.R. 4171 – Freedom from Over-Criminalization and Unjust Seizures Act of 2012.
05/08/12 11:00 AMLocation : 1300 LHOB.
Nutrition and Horticulture Subc. On specialty crop and nutrition programs in the 2012 Farm Bill.
05/08/12 10:00 AMLocation : H-140 Capitol.
Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subc. Markup of H.R. ___ - Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act for FY 2013.
Location : 2128 RHOB.
Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subc. On examining legislation that would overhaul the Federal Reserve System. MC's and public witnesses.
Location : 311 CHOB.
Transportation Security Subc. On building secure partnerships in travel, commerce, and trade with the Asia-Pacific region. Dept. and public witnesses.