09/10/08 2:30 PMLocation : 2212 RHOB
Oversight and Investigations Subc. On transforming the U.S. military's foreign language, cultural awareness, and regional expertise capabilities. Dept. witnesses.
09/10/08 2:00 PMLocation : H-405 Capitol
Intelligence Community Management Subc. On the Defense Department's Personnel Security and Research Center.
Location : 2128 RHOB
Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and Technology Subc. On examining investments by sovereign wealth funds, and the roles that these funds play in global markets and politics. Public witnesses.
09/10/08 10:15 AMLocation : 2141 RHOB
Full Committee. On a report recommending to the House of Representatives that Attorney General Michael Mukasey be cited for contempt of Congress, and markup of a bill to reauthorize the Antitrust Taskforce and other pending legislation.
09/10/08 10:00 AMLocation : 311 CHOB
Full Committee. On examining why the U.S. Border Patrol's virtual fence to protect the U.S.-Mexico border is behind schedule. Dept. witnesses.
Location : 1324 LHOB
Fisheries, Wildlife, and Oceans Subc. On H.R. 6479 - To provide for the establishment of the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex. Dept. and public witnesses.
Location : 2118 RHOB
Full Committee. On security and stability in Afghanistan and Iraq focusing on developments in U.S. strategy and operations. Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense; Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Eric Edelman, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Department of Defense; James Winnefeld, Director of Strategic Plans and Policy, Joint Chiefs of Staff.