03/11/08 4:00 PMLocation : B-308 RHOB
Interior and Environment Subc. On the National Endowment for the Humanities. Bruce Cole, Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities.
03/11/08 2:30 PMLocation : 2128 RHOB
Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology Subc. On the Coin Modernization and Taxpayer Savings Act.
03/11/08 2:00 PMLocation : 210 CHOB
Middle East and South Asia Subc and International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight Subc. On the U.S. response to the Iraqi refugee crisis. James Foley, Senior Coordinator, Iraqi Refugee Issues, U.S. Department of State.
Location : 2362-B RHOB
Homeland Security Subc. On Homeland Security Department grants. David Paulison, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Location : 2141 RHOB
Antitrust Task Force Subc. On net neutrality and free speech on the Internet.
Location : 2118 RHOB
Readiness Subc. On what is the proper role of the government. Dept. witnesses.
Location : 2359 RHOB
Commerce, Justice, Science Subc. On the FY 2009 Commerce Department budget. Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce.
03/11/08 1:30 PMLocation : H-143 Capitol
Military Construction, Veterans Affairs Subc. On the FY 2009 Navy budget. Gary Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations; James Conway, Commandant, U.S. Marines Corps.
03/11/08 12:00 PMLocation : 2212 RHOB
Oversight and Investigations Subc. On the impact of the presidential signing statement on the Department of Defense's implementation of the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act. Dept. and public witnesses.
03/11/08 10:30 AMLocation : 2141 RHOB
Commercial and Administrative Law Subc. On whether c orporate settlement agreements should be without guidelines. John Ashcroft, Former Attorney General.